How intimidiating do you think you are?



  • Momf3boys
    Momf3boys Posts: 1,637 Member
    Not intimidating at all but have been told by some that they are scared to talk to me...not sure why...but as soon as the conversation is started they realize that there is nothing intimidating about me...
  • bellygoaway
    bellygoaway Posts: 441 Member
    People who know me, know I am not intimidating. But I have realized that based on my size and lack of facial expressions in public I can come off that way.
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    Not intimidating but I've heard that I am by lots of people recently. Probably because I give dirty looks to every guy I see. /shrug
  • Feisty_Red
    Feisty_Red Posts: 982 Member
    Not intimidating but I've heard that I am by lots of people recently. Probably because I give dirty looks to every guy I see. /shrug

    ^He scares me..:wink:
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    My friends say my hugs are intimidating :sad:

  • kinkykiddo
    I used to work security, so when I need to look intimidating, I absolutely can. Also, my personal style (not shown in photos) isn't the most 'welcoming', so I've heard. Add my tattoos to the combo and apparently I'm seen as more intimidating than not, even when I'm not trying to be.

    But then again, when I'm actually angry... I start sweating. My jaw gets taut. I bite my lip and clench my teeth. I frown. My face turns red. And that's before I even open my mouth. So I'd say yeah.. I can definitely be intimidating.

    On line, though? Nah. Not here at least. On other sites I've been openly opinionated and it's come to my attention that I seem like the kind of person you can't argue with because I have that 'no, I am right and I will have the last word' kind of attitude. Heh. Who knew.
  • kahdxoom
    kahdxoom Posts: 129
    I am a timid ninja- can't you tell?
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    I don't think I'm intimidating at all. It's the quiet ones you have to worry about.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    I was told that I intimidate people at work. Not in a physical sense, but rather in that I can apparently make people feel stupid, inept, and incompetent with a glance. And look out if I open my mouth.

    I've taken care to try to not do that since I was made aware.

    But you know, sometimes people really are stupid, inept, and incompetent.
  • Naomi81378
    Naomi81378 Posts: 681 Member
    Not intimidating at all but have been told by some that they are scared to talk to me...not sure why...but as soon as the conversation is started they realize that there is nothing intimidating about me...

    Your a sweetheart.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    I'm super intimidating, but people don't realize this and talk to me anyway....
  • Naomi81378
    Naomi81378 Posts: 681 Member
    I am Not intimidating at all. Sometimes I wish I was.
  • matt2442
    matt2442 Posts: 1,259 Member
    Excuse me while I flex and my shirt rips into two
  • Drop_it_Like_Its_Hawt
    Normally, I'm about as intimidating as a baby Koala. But mess with my kids in any way, and I start to resemble more of a rabid screaming Koala with an M-15 in paw. To say I'm protective of them would be just a slight understatement, I think.
  • mireyap21
    i am very intimidating..i am assertive, direct, and being tall does help though ;)
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    More so than I would think. My husband's boss was telling him to save a date for a company party, and husband told boss to call "my wife so she can put it on the calendar." Boss said "I'm afraid of your wife."

  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    I didn't think I was until at work a few years ago, this guy played a prank on my wife (something harmless, I don't even remember what it was) and she told him she was going to tell me (we worked at the same place) and he freaked out and asked her not to. He avoided me for a week and every time I did see him, he had 2 other guys with him.
  • IronMikeFox
    I am totally non-intimidating ... UNLESS you mess with my wife or kids. Then I can become one of the most intimidating people you could ever meet. I am guess that is probably the case with most parents. LOL Momma/Pappa Bear Syndrome
  • LuckyMiss3
    I can appear intimidating, sassy sarky cheeky. Scary Glaswegian accent.

    then u meet me and see im only 2 foot tall and you think nah!! This little pipsqueak is nothin.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    I've always been shy and reserved, but i've been told i'm intimidating. made no sense to me at first, but over the years i've seen it in action and i think i get it now.

    it's like this: i don't naturally open up and talk to people--i generally keep to myself and don't say much to ppl i don't know. right there is a reason for some (stupid) ppl to assume that there's something wrong with me, like an i have an aggro attitude or am judgy.

    add to that when i DO open my mouth, i frequenly sound like a college professor. (can't help it. you instill in a young child a lifelong love of reading and you will end up with an adult with a huge vocabulary. thanks, mom!) Frequently, (stupid) ppl will think that the only reason someone would use "big words" is to be a stuck-up b___ and try to make others feel self-conscious about their intelligence.

    thus, you see a decent-looking, skinny, quiet girl that nobody wants to talk to. for no damn reason.