what are your goals you wanna reach by summer?



  • DrCaspianDoll
    DrCaspianDoll Posts: 87 Member
    Advantage of being short (5 foot tall) is that after I loose 4 more lbs I can wear my size 4 jeans comfortably (way to snug right now at 140lbs) I'm aiming for that by end of March.

    Before mid April I would like to be down to 132 lbs, which was my happy weight for size 4 shorts.

    And by the time I take the boards and start clinical rotations I will be at my goal weight of 125 lbs.
  • I would like to lose 28lbs by the summer..and would like to fit into a size 11-12
  • I am going to lose 15 lbs. over the next two months (by APRIL 17) and I am going to stay at 110 lbs FOREVER. :happy:
  • baldielove13
    baldielove13 Posts: 219 Member
    I'd like to be able to run a 5k, and also go down a pants size.
  • I would like to be to 145 by summer! Thats almost the weight I was before my senior year.
  • Honestly, this might sound vein, but by summer (June 28 to be specific) I want to be able to look amazing in a dress.
    I hate dresses!
    Actually, that's a lie.
    I love dresses! I hate wearing dresses.
    As a kid (when I didn't have a say in what to wear) I would wear dresses and fancy clothes and feel fine. At 3rd grade though, there was this event and I decided to wear a dress. I kid you not, the kids in my class called me "pregnant". PREGNANT! I was in third grade! Talk about scarring.
    The only other time I wore a dress after that was for this church event. But since then, I've been dress free.
    Wearing a dress is very feminine. I know its a stereotype but I feel like I should be able to feel beautiful in a dress. Why can't I feel like Cinderella?
    I didn't get to wear a dress in my high school graduation but I hope I can wear a dress in my college graduation (which is in the summer). So that's my goal (well my vein goal anyway, I think everyone deserves a chance to be vein at least once, especially if I'm putting the work in).
  • Meeperslove
    Meeperslove Posts: 118 Member
    My goal is to hopefully lose my last 16 lbs (putting me at 135). Tone up, give up soda/candy/meat (once a week)
  • rabbiter
    rabbiter Posts: 19 Member
    I would really like to lose a stone, that would get me into a healthy BMI. I want to lose a couple of inches from my waist, then I will concentrate on my strength and fitness.
  • Another 17lb lost would be ideal but I'm not sure if it's possible. I'll be happy if I drop another 10-12lbs.
  • MsDreaB
    MsDreaB Posts: 97 Member
    My goal is to lose 20 pounds and get down to 134 pounds by May 6th. I am exercise daily (and resting my body when it's needed) and changing my food habits completely. I am going to try bikini's with a couple of my friends so that is all the motivation I need :)
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    By May 11th (graduating from college... my first time graduating anything ever!) my goal is to lose about 26 pounds and be about 180. When I was sixteen I weighed 189, so I would be skinnier than my "high school" weight. But honestly, I've been taking my measurements for years, and my inches are smaller than they were the last time I was this weight (early 2007), so I think the weight number is arbitrary.
  • ChaleGirl
    ChaleGirl Posts: 270 Member
    To be in the 140's by summer would be fab!!:)
  • erinxo13
    erinxo13 Posts: 892 Member
    I want to reach a 50lb loss by my university convocation in june...so about 8lbs more :)
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    I want my ticker to say 80 lbs lost
  • isyslove
    isyslove Posts: 64 Member
    I would like to be tone but I am slowly trying to change my eating habits so it would be eating healthier.
  • I've done loosing the weight and looking thin and all. Now I want to build my body. No "Ciara" body or that of a weightlifter but I want to have toned abs legs and behind that will make some jaws drop. My body had been ok through the years but I never really had muscles tone (if u call it like that). Some even wonder if I had any muscle at all in my behind. Nothing looks fluffy either but I wanna have it toned, yet look feminine. Do I really need to eat strict and all? I'm working out 4 times a week, no lifting yet only cardio squats and abs... What do u guys recommend?
  • dawnj87
    dawnj87 Posts: 98 Member
    I would Love to reach a significant weight loss goal of at least 40lbs by June/July. I want to be able to go to the beach on vacation and not have to constantly cover up with a towel or blanket so no one sees exactly how awful I really look.
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    Id love to be able to wear my jean mini skirts without fear of my thighs looking horrid! I need to get through this Insanity, I think that may do the trick! Really I'd like to lose another 20 pounds and 2 jean sizes.
  • SJLS2013
    SJLS2013 Posts: 149 Member
    At least 13lbs. I'm going to a wedding in the summer and would love to look good in the photos!
  • bordsilly
    bordsilly Posts: 31 Member
    Really want to loose another 20lb then I will have reached my goal of 60lb total. Really hope I can do it!!! The weight loss has slowed down to only loosing about a pound every 10 days or so! Gets discourageing at times!!!!