What is/are your WEIRDO habbit(s)?



  • lumstead0317
    lumstead0317 Posts: 85 Member
    peanut butter with my french toast!
  • sandynas
    sandynas Posts: 89 Member
    I have so many to list... Lol

    I say bless you if someone farts or burps
    I have a made up language (too) that consists of one word. SHNAR which can mean.anything..example: That shnar looks heavy.
    I love to combine weird foods together..think ninja turtles..how they put weird stuff on pizza
    I like to make weird faces at my friends or fiance when we workout together
    I do fart.noises randomly throughout the day
    I mess up my hair and wear mismatched outfits sometimes when i go out just so ppl can look at me weird

    Should i.go on??.. Lol
  • LemonJADE
    LemonJADE Posts: 89 Member
    OMG i just though of another one... i have workout OCD

    If I'm on a treadmill or elliptical i have to end my workout calories burned on a 0 or a 5. For example: 107 calories burned would make me continue to workout until I see 110.

    I do that too! Or if I'm doing it by time and do not know the calories being burnt at that point I have to stop on a time that is 0 or 5! :)
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    I dip my fries in mustard :blushing:

    I also like to put gravy in rice.

    Both I have done since I was really young so I don't know why I started doing it lol.
  • imakimm
    imakimm Posts: 839
    I talk and sing to my dog all day long. Dogs like to hear their humans' voices, so I'm always talking to him. Stuff like, "What should I make for dinner, Eric? Chicken or fish? Yeah...chicken. I'll make chicken." He just looks at me with his head titlted. And I'm always making up songs about him and singing them to him as I move around the house throughout the day.

    I sing to my cat all the time! When I first got him I made up a song about him and now whenever I sing it he comes running to me.
  • sandynas
    sandynas Posts: 89 Member
    I talk and sing to my dog all day long. Dogs like to hear their humans' voices, so I'm always talking to him. Stuff like, "What should I make for dinner, Eric? Chicken or fish? Yeah...chicken. I'll make chicken." He just looks at me with his head titlted. And I'm always making up songs about him and singing them to him as I move around the house throughout the day.

    I do that (did) with my dog..oh how i miss jumanji..
  • LemonJADE
    LemonJADE Posts: 89 Member
    Also, I get called weird by my housemates because every time they walk in the living room I'm always watching food programs! What can I say I study food at University and I like to cook and eat! haha :)
  • bbubble5
    bbubble5 Posts: 15 Member
    So do I! lol
  • pseudomuffin
    pseudomuffin Posts: 1,058 Member
    I brush my teeth in the closet because watching myself do it in the mirror makes me gaggy
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    Okay...here's another:

    When changing the volume on the TV, it has to be one one of three settings: 1) A multiple of 5, 2) two above a round number, or 3) two below a round number. So, I'll have it on 10, 15 or 20, usually. But if they're not just right, I'll go to 12 or 18 (because they're two above 10 and two below 20).

    I should stop there, because this list could be SO long that someone would send psychiatric help to my house.
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    Have you seen my fridge?
  • sandynas
    sandynas Posts: 89 Member
    Also, I get called weird by my housemates because every time they walk in the living room I'm always watching food programs! What can I say I study food at University and I like to cook and eat! haha :)

    That's all i watch toooo!
  • karenrace
    I have to floss right after I eat, no matter what!
  • LemonJADE
    LemonJADE Posts: 89 Member
    Have you seen my fridge?

    Your fridge looks amazing! I am very jealous!
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 768 Member
    lol - yeah there are a few. I'm right there with the shoe thing. I can't tie one without tieing the other. Dishes have to loaded in the dishwasher exactly right - if my kids do them and I do like them, I do them again. I have to start on the treadmill or bike on at the quarter of the hour - whatever it might be 15, 30, 45 or on the hour.....I could go on but
  • Reza151
    Reza151 Posts: 517 Member
    peanut butter with my french toast!

    That's not weird, just delicious!
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    My family routinely calls me "Sheldon" from Big Bang Theory... I'm slightly OCD.

    If a couch has 3 cushions - it's a 3 person couch. If it has 2, it's a two person couch. I don't care if they are the same size, or even if it has one giant cushion. ONLY that many people can sit on it. I get really nervous when more than that sit on it. I know it's stupid, but it bothers me.

    Ice is NOT for eating. It's for keeping you drinks cold. Don't chew it or eat it.

    I turn on the clicky light switches (the ones that are on lamps and such) 3 times. So it goes "on-off-on". If I mess up and do 4 swipes, then I have to finish that round of three, THEN start over to get it on... so it ends up "on-off-on-off DANG IT on - off (start over) on-off-on."

    I put on 20 swipes of deodorant after a shower. 7 swipes in the morning before I go to work, or 7 after I work out.

    I eat my food in the order that I like the least - so generally my meat gets eaten last since I like it most. Want to get the more disappointing stuff out of the way (even if it's other stuff I like, I like to save the best for last).

    I can't have anyone watch me brush my teeth or look at myself in the mirror when I brush my teeth - it makes me throw up. This one I have NO idea why... I can put cough other cough things in my mouth and be fine, but teeth brushing, oh my god no.

    If you say we are going to Walmart, and then we go to Walmart AND the post office, I get really nervous. It's not like I have anything else to do, it just bothers me that we're not sticking to the plan.

    Edit thought of a couple more - I work out until I'm at a multiple of 15. Generally it's 60 minutes.

    If I turn up the volume or the air conditioner on something that shows a number, it has to be on a 0 or 5, or I'll also accept a 2 or an 8 if I really need it.

    So in short, I'm a crazy person - but at least I acknowledge that most of those are idiotic things, which is better than some people.

    Oh and just thought of a weird food thing - I take pancakes and waffles and make sandwiches out of them. I put bacon or sausage on them, some mustard or ranch dressing, and if it's a waffle I add tomatoes and lettuce, and woo sandwich. Everyone finds it so weird but it's SO good.
  • jacque1129
    jacque1129 Posts: 113 Member
    I sniff everything...even the bad things...even when I know it will be bad. I also talk to myself...so much that my co-workers frequently comment about how I'm like an old crazy lady.

    i have to sniff everything i eat/ drink. my girlfriend thinks i'm a weirdo because i'll sniff my shot before i do it, even though it makes me gag i still have to smell it.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    I talk and sing to my dog all day long. Dogs like to hear their humans' voices, so I'm always talking to him. Stuff like, "What should I make for dinner, Eric? Chicken or fish? Yeah...chicken. I'll make chicken." He just looks at me with his head titlted. And I'm always making up songs about him and singing them to him as I move around the house throughout the day.

    I used to make up songs to sing to my kids (they really hated the "good morning" songs...which my daughter now sings.!). Now that they've moved out, I make up songs for the dogs sometimes. When I feel good, I like to sing. :)
  • Game8
    Game8 Posts: 442
    I always wear shorts. Winter/ summer snow/rain doesn't matter. I always wear shorts. Everywhere.