How to target back fat?



  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    How ironic that the final words of wisdom on this thread have to come from someone called sociopath!

    Too bad he's a guy. His hormones work way differently. That would never work for a woman.
    That is a guy? OMG!
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Disregard the op, this is now a .gifs thread.







  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    How ironic that the final words of wisdom on this thread have to come from someone called sociopath!
    In order to better understand why you made this comment, pick up a Psychology Today Magazine or Google this: "Whatever we don't own about ourselves we project onto other people. We see only that which we are".

    A quote by Einstein: "A question which sometimes drives me hazy, am I or are the others crazy?"

    You like that quote don't you?
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    How ironic that the final words of wisdom on this thread have to come from someone called sociopath!
    In order to better understand why you made this comment, pick up a Psychology Today Magazine or Google this: "Whatever we don't own about ourselves we project onto other people. We see only that which we are".

    A quote by Einstein: "A question which sometimes drives me hazy, am I or are the others crazy?"

    You like that quote don't you?
    As much as you like the word, "ironic'. You'v e used it more than I have used my quote.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    yes please. soft oatmeal raisin
    Only if Sara says you can. You must ask first since you are her follower.

    Whoa. Why are you bashing Sara? I must've missed something (or a lot of things) in this thread...Sara rocks...period the end. She's got a bunch of followers because she selflessly offers her time and knowledge to help those who don't have a clue (and those who might have one but are hesitant for whatever reason). I have the utmost respect for that woman and would you believe, I'm not even friends with her on here? Step down reason to play these games. For real. This has gotten really low. (And so what if she is/was blonde...really?!?)
    The Queen Dizzle has spoken, I must step down from the thrown and leave. Take care! It's been fun (not really).

    And you picked someone up a little while ago about *their* spelling...
    Excuse me? What is misspelled?

    they want you to spell it "throne"

    I don't care how she spells it. I just find it ironic.
    If you "didn't care" we wouldn't have had to hear you comment on it. We know you cared. Don't lie. Actions speak louder than words.

    I made the comment because of the irony, not the actual spelling. I see context misses you a lot.
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    Don't listen to these men. Hire a FEMALE personal trainer and talk to her. Men don't understand a woman's body. It's not the same. Women's bodies are even designed to hold on to fat in preparation for childbirth. It doesn't know there isn't a famine around the corner. Women even have certain days of the month they should be buffing and certain days of the month they should be boosting. It's based on hormones. Your diet and your workouts should be based on that. How many men can explain that one?

    1. Lose more weight.
    2. Start strength training
    3. If you have a back, chest, arms and shoulders, upper body strength training is probably a good idea.



    1. What in the HALE is buffing and boosting??
    2. OP if you want guidance as to why you haven't lost weight during a year of exercising, you should open your diary, providing that it is accurate.
    No one can really comment

    ^ Another vote for strength training from a woman. The basics are the same for males and females.

    Cant help without seeing your diary but I would add:

    4. Small calorie deficit

    5. Enough protein.
    I am the original poster of this comment here that said, "don't listen to men" and that "women hold more fat" I also added in the post below that I forgot to mention to LIFT WEIGHTS and suggested it. It just didn't get copied along with this quote. I am a woman too. Yes, lift weights. And yes the basics of lifting are the same. That isn't what i was referring to. I said it is harder for women to lose fat based on the fact that we are women and we have babies. I am only talking about women of childbearing age who have not gone through menopause. We hold onto fat in constant preparation for getting pregnant. I said men don't "get that". I said they lose fat easier. For one they have more muscle, two they don't have bodies which hold onto fat for the event they get pregnant. Again STRENGTH TRAIN. There are a lot of sloppy readers here so quick to post a comment without reading .

    How sexist are you? Men dont understand that women hold more fat? Are you serious? Get a female trainer? WTF?

    Yes women hold more fat than men. We also look leaner at higher BF% Win for us.

    Changes nothing about how to retain LBM while losing body fat. Exactly the same process for men and women at all times of the month.
    AT the time I originally wrote this 2 hrs ago, there were two men on here saying sexist things so I told her not to listen to the men. I meant "the two men posting". YOu are very late in coming into the conversation to be commenting on a conversation which occurred hours ago. Second of all, you are 100% incorrect that a female's hormones do not play a part in what type of workout we should be doing and how many calories or carbs we should be eating at certain days of the month. 100% for a fact incorrect. There is a bucket load of information on this. Michele Berger wrote a book on it. It is called, "hormonal timing" If you want to educate yourself on it, then please do so BEFORE saying anything else about something in which you know nothing about. Once you have done your homework IF you care to do your homework I'd love to hear your comments. Otherwise give me evidence that it is exactly the same for men as it is for women regardless of what time of month it is and prove me wrong. Either way, the ball is in your court. I have done extensive research and I don't care what you chose to do from here on out.

    What sexist things....please quote them.

    How about you providing evidence that we need to train to our 'hormones' to be effective?
    This is the FOURTH time I have posted your evidence. It is in a book and all over the Internet by the name of "Hormonal Timing". You want me to do copy and pastes from websites and the book? Do you know how pointless that would be? Wouldn't you rather Google it and make your own decision. And then you want me to respond about the sexist comments I claim a man said 2 hours ago? Why do I have to explain this to you? Does this have ANYTHING to do with this subject of "back fat?" If my opinion of two men two hours ago was that they said something I took as sexist. Then that is MY business. It really is none of yours. You're only asking, bc you are looking for drama. The men are responsible for what they said. I am responsible for how I took at and you have nothing to do with that.
    Since when does book & Internet = evidence? Where's the science? Do you know what that means?
    YOu will find evidence in the before and after photos and the statements by the doctors and personal trainers and the testimonials. Go to for a start. She also has a site on Facebook. You can look at the evidence and decide for yourself. I can't help you. You can't believe everything you read. YOu have to do your own research. Ever heard this one, "everything you read on the Internet is true. They can't post anything on the Internet which isn't true. I know this bc I read it on the Internet.". If you want your science, if you want your evidence, you seek it. It isn't about having things handed to you, it is about discovery and deciding for yourself what is true and not true. Do you know what that means?
    We're you ever educated on debating skills? It should be common sense but I guess not. When you come with ideas and opinions rather than facts, but attempt to present them as a holistic truth, you're essentially bringing an unloaded gun to a shootout. Nobody respects people who do that. Nobody with an IQ that has 3 digits at least.
    The fact that you have a misspelled word as the first word of your sentence has already made me lose interest in reading the rest of what you have to say. "We're" should be "were" However, just to humor you, I did read it. You want to talk about IQ with me and begin THAT sentence with the word, "Nobody?" I really don't give a **** what you think. I don't care whether you want to educate yourself on the topic or not. I really don't care to prove anything to you. Don't believe me. Big whoopty doo! Someone from the Internet who is 25 years old and who doesn't know me doesn't respect me. That "somebody" who starts a sentence with the word, "nobody". It's YOUR problem, not mine.
    Auto correct and mis spelling are two very different things, sweetheart.

    You really have an age issue, don't you? :) I can't tell if you're 15 and jealous Mummy won't let you drink, or 60 and upset you wasted your life.... Hmm, mysteries are always fun though.

    Also, NOBODY here has any respect for your opinions. Maybe time to keep them to yourself.
    Good lord, you misspelled the word, "mis spelling". I really don't care whether you respect me or not. I really don't care whether anyone in this thread respects me. Why would I care about that? I am here to kill time, irritate phucktards like you. Toy with the dingy Sarauk2sf for being a blonde in disguise and have some laughs. Nothing else matters.

    Are you making inferences about blonds now?
    You have to ask? You can't figure what you're reading? Has comprehension always been your weak point?

    No, I was just wondering how many groups of people you were going to insult in this thread, that's all.
    Gee, and I wonder which category I fit into, because I fit one of them which you "look at as insulting". I am only responsible for that which I say, and not for HOW you interpret it.

    So, how should I interpret it?
    That's up to you.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    How ironic that the final words of wisdom on this thread have to come from someone called sociopath!
    In order to better understand why you made this comment, pick up a Psychology Today Magazine or Google this: "Whatever we don't own about ourselves we project onto other people. We see only that which we are".

    A quote by Einstein: "A question which sometimes drives me hazy, am I or are the others crazy?"

    You like that quote don't you?
    As much as you like the word, "ironic'. You'v e used it more than I have used my quote.

    I do like that word, yes.
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    yes please. soft oatmeal raisin
    Only if Sara says you can. You must ask first since you are her follower.

    Whoa. Why are you bashing Sara? I must've missed something (or a lot of things) in this thread...Sara rocks...period the end. She's got a bunch of followers because she selflessly offers her time and knowledge to help those who don't have a clue (and those who might have one but are hesitant for whatever reason). I have the utmost respect for that woman and would you believe, I'm not even friends with her on here? Step down reason to play these games. For real. This has gotten really low. (And so what if she is/was blonde...really?!?)
    The Queen Dizzle has spoken, I must step down from the thrown and leave. Take care! It's been fun (not really).

    And you picked someone up a little while ago about *their* spelling...
    Excuse me? What is misspelled?

    they want you to spell it "throne"

    I don't care how she spells it. I just find it ironic.
    If you "didn't care" we wouldn't have had to hear you comment on it. We know you cared. Don't lie. Actions speak louder than words.

    I made the comment because of the irony, not the actual spelling. I see context misses you a lot.
    Maybe it is just that you are not very good at getting your point across.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    yes please. soft oatmeal raisin
    Only if Sara says you can. You must ask first since you are her follower.

    Whoa. Why are you bashing Sara? I must've missed something (or a lot of things) in this thread...Sara rocks...period the end. She's got a bunch of followers because she selflessly offers her time and knowledge to help those who don't have a clue (and those who might have one but are hesitant for whatever reason). I have the utmost respect for that woman and would you believe, I'm not even friends with her on here? Step down reason to play these games. For real. This has gotten really low. (And so what if she is/was blonde...really?!?)
    The Queen Dizzle has spoken, I must step down from the thrown and leave. Take care! It's been fun (not really).

    And you picked someone up a little while ago about *their* spelling...
    Excuse me? What is misspelled?

    they want you to spell it "throne"

    I don't care how she spells it. I just find it ironic.
    If you "didn't care" we wouldn't have had to hear you comment on it. We know you cared. Don't lie. Actions speak louder than words.

    I made the comment because of the irony, not the actual spelling. I see context misses you a lot.
    Maybe it is just that you are not very good at getting your point across.

    It could well be that I am not good at getting my point across to you, yes. I obviously need to explain things more.
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    I like that when Sara uses ironic, it's actually relevant. Can't say the same about summer and her dribble though.
  • spiritedsaviour
    spiritedsaviour Posts: 50 Member
    Special Snowlake alert.....
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    yes please. soft oatmeal raisin
    Only if Sara says you can. You must ask first since you are her follower.

    Whoa. Why are you bashing Sara? I must've missed something (or a lot of things) in this thread...Sara rocks...period the end. She's got a bunch of followers because she selflessly offers her time and knowledge to help those who don't have a clue (and those who might have one but are hesitant for whatever reason). I have the utmost respect for that woman and would you believe, I'm not even friends with her on here? Step down reason to play these games. For real. This has gotten really low. (And so what if she is/was blonde...really?!?)
    The Queen Dizzle has spoken, I must step down from the thrown and leave. Take care! It's been fun (not really).

    And you picked someone up a little while ago about *their* spelling...
    Excuse me? What is misspelled?

    they want you to spell it "throne"

    I don't care how she spells it. I just find it ironic.
    If you "didn't care" we wouldn't have had to hear you comment on it. We know you cared. Don't lie. Actions speak louder than words.

    I made the comment because of the irony, not the actual spelling. I see context misses you a lot.
    I believe you meant "comprehension" not "context". LOL! Why am I wasting my time?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    How ironic that the final words of wisdom on this thread have to come from someone called sociopath!
    In order to better understand why you made this comment, pick up a Psychology Today Magazine or Google this: "Whatever we don't own about ourselves we project onto other people. We see only that which we are".

    A quote by Einstein: "A question which sometimes drives me hazy, am I or are the others crazy?"

    You like that quote don't you?
    As much as you like the word, "ironic'. You'v e used it more than I have used my quote.

    I do like that word, yes.
    When your vocabulary is small, you tend to use the same word over and over for lack of better words. BTW, you do know that a guy called you a "man" right?

    When the word is apropos, why change it?
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    I like that when Sara uses ironic, it's actually relevant. Can't say the same about summer and her dribble though.
    We don't care.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    yes please. soft oatmeal raisin
    Only if Sara says you can. You must ask first since you are her follower.

    Whoa. Why are you bashing Sara? I must've missed something (or a lot of things) in this thread...Sara rocks...period the end. She's got a bunch of followers because she selflessly offers her time and knowledge to help those who don't have a clue (and those who might have one but are hesitant for whatever reason). I have the utmost respect for that woman and would you believe, I'm not even friends with her on here? Step down reason to play these games. For real. This has gotten really low. (And so what if she is/was blonde...really?!?)
    The Queen Dizzle has spoken, I must step down from the thrown and leave. Take care! It's been fun (not really).

    And you picked someone up a little while ago about *their* spelling...
    Excuse me? What is misspelled?

    they want you to spell it "throne"

    I don't care how she spells it. I just find it ironic.
    If you "didn't care" we wouldn't have had to hear you comment on it. We know you cared. Don't lie. Actions speak louder than words.

    I made the comment because of the irony, not the actual spelling. I see context misses you a lot.
    I believe you meant "comprehension" not "context". LOL! Why am I wasting my time?

    No, I meant context.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
  • ashleab37
    ashleab37 Posts: 575 Member
    I believe you meant "comprehension" not "context". LOL! Why am I wasting my time?
    Are you intentionally displaying irony now?
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Don't listen to these men. Hire a FEMALE personal trainer and talk to her. Men don't understand a woman's body. It's not the same. Women's bodies are even designed to hold on to fat in preparation for childbirth. It doesn't know there isn't a famine around the corner. Women even have certain days of the month they should be buffing and certain days of the month they should be boosting. It's based on hormones. Your diet and your workouts should be based on that. How many men can explain that one?

    1. Lose more weight.
    2. Start strength training
    3. If you have a back, chest, arms and shoulders, upper body strength training is probably a good idea.



    1. What in the HALE is buffing and boosting??
    2. OP if you want guidance as to why you haven't lost weight during a year of exercising, you should open your diary, providing that it is accurate.
    No one can really comment

    ^ Another vote for strength training from a woman. The basics are the same for males and females.

    Cant help without seeing your diary but I would add:

    4. Small calorie deficit

    5. Enough protein.
    I am the original poster of this comment here that said, "don't listen to men" and that "women hold more fat" I also added in the post below that I forgot to mention to LIFT WEIGHTS and suggested it. It just didn't get copied along with this quote. I am a woman too. Yes, lift weights. And yes the basics of lifting are the same. That isn't what i was referring to. I said it is harder for women to lose fat based on the fact that we are women and we have babies. I am only talking about women of childbearing age who have not gone through menopause. We hold onto fat in constant preparation for getting pregnant. I said men don't "get that". I said they lose fat easier. For one they have more muscle, two they don't have bodies which hold onto fat for the event they get pregnant. Again STRENGTH TRAIN. There are a lot of sloppy readers here so quick to post a comment without reading .

    How sexist are you? Men dont understand that women hold more fat? Are you serious? Get a female trainer? WTF?

    Yes women hold more fat than men. We also look leaner at higher BF% Win for us.

    Changes nothing about how to retain LBM while losing body fat. Exactly the same process for men and women at all times of the month.
    AT the time I originally wrote this 2 hrs ago, there were two men on here saying sexist things so I told her not to listen to the men. I meant "the two men posting". YOu are very late in coming into the conversation to be commenting on a conversation which occurred hours ago. Second of all, you are 100% incorrect that a female's hormones do not play a part in what type of workout we should be doing and how many calories or carbs we should be eating at certain days of the month. 100% for a fact incorrect. There is a bucket load of information on this. Michele Berger wrote a book on it. It is called, "hormonal timing" If you want to educate yourself on it, then please do so BEFORE saying anything else about something in which you know nothing about. Once you have done your homework IF you care to do your homework I'd love to hear your comments. Otherwise give me evidence that it is exactly the same for men as it is for women regardless of what time of month it is and prove me wrong. Either way, the ball is in your court. I have done extensive research and I don't care what you chose to do from here on out.

    What sexist things....please quote them.

    How about you providing evidence that we need to train to our 'hormones' to be effective?
    This is the FOURTH time I have posted your evidence. It is in a book and all over the Internet by the name of "Hormonal Timing". You want me to do copy and pastes from websites and the book? Do you know how pointless that would be? Wouldn't you rather Google it and make your own decision. And then you want me to respond about the sexist comments I claim a man said 2 hours ago? Why do I have to explain this to you? Does this have ANYTHING to do with this subject of "back fat?" If my opinion of two men two hours ago was that they said something I took as sexist. Then that is MY business. It really is none of yours. You're only asking, bc you are looking for drama. The men are responsible for what they said. I am responsible for how I took at and you have nothing to do with that.
    Since when does book & Internet = evidence? Where's the science? Do you know what that means?
    YOu will find evidence in the before and after photos and the statements by the doctors and personal trainers and the testimonials. Go to for a start. She also has a site on Facebook. You can look at the evidence and decide for yourself. I can't help you. You can't believe everything you read. YOu have to do your own research. Ever heard this one, "everything you read on the Internet is true. They can't post anything on the Internet which isn't true. I know this bc I read it on the Internet.". If you want your science, if you want your evidence, you seek it. It isn't about having things handed to you, it is about discovery and deciding for yourself what is true and not true. Do you know what that means?
    We're you ever educated on debating skills? It should be common sense but I guess not. When you come with ideas and opinions rather than facts, but attempt to present them as a holistic truth, you're essentially bringing an unloaded gun to a shootout. Nobody respects people who do that. Nobody with an IQ that has 3 digits at least.
    The fact that you have a misspelled word as the first word of your sentence has already made me lose interest in reading the rest of what you have to say. "We're" should be "were" However, just to humor you, I did read it. You want to talk about IQ with me and begin THAT sentence with the word, "Nobody?" I really don't give a **** what you think. I don't care whether you want to educate yourself on the topic or not. I really don't care to prove anything to you. Don't believe me. Big whoopty doo! Someone from the Internet who is 25 years old and who doesn't know me doesn't respect me. That "somebody" who starts a sentence with the word, "nobody". It's YOUR problem, not mine.
    Auto correct and mis spelling are two very different things, sweetheart.

    You really have an age issue, don't you? :) I can't tell if you're 15 and jealous Mummy won't let you drink, or 60 and upset you wasted your life.... Hmm, mysteries are always fun though.

    Also, NOBODY here has any respect for your opinions. Maybe time to keep them to yourself.
    Good lord, you misspelled the word, "mis spelling". I really don't care whether you respect me or not. I really don't care whether anyone in this thread respects me. Why would I care about that? I am here to kill time, irritate phucktards like you. Toy with the dingy Sarauk2sf for being a blonde in disguise and have some laughs. Nothing else matters.

    Are you making inferences about blonds now?
    You have to ask? You can't figure what you're reading? Has comprehension always been your weak point?

    No, I was just wondering how many groups of people you were going to insult in this thread, that's all.
    Gee, and I wonder which category I fit into, because I fit one of them which you "look at as insulting". I am only responsible for that which I say, and not for HOW you interpret it.

    So, how should I interpret it?

    You're effing hot and people would rather be jealous than actually listen to your wisdom.
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    yes please. soft oatmeal raisin
    Only if Sara says you can. You must ask first since you are her follower.

    Whoa. Why are you bashing Sara? I must've missed something (or a lot of things) in this thread...Sara rocks...period the end. She's got a bunch of followers because she selflessly offers her time and knowledge to help those who don't have a clue (and those who might have one but are hesitant for whatever reason). I have the utmost respect for that woman and would you believe, I'm not even friends with her on here? Step down reason to play these games. For real. This has gotten really low. (And so what if she is/was blonde...really?!?)
    The Queen Dizzle has spoken, I must step down from the thrown and leave. Take care! It's been fun (not really).

    And you picked someone up a little while ago about *their* spelling...
    Excuse me? What is misspelled?

    they want you to spell it "throne"

    I don't care how she spells it. I just find it ironic.
    If you "didn't care" we wouldn't have had to hear you comment on it. We know you cared. Don't lie. Actions speak louder than words.

    I made the comment because of the irony, not the actual spelling. I see context misses you a lot.
    I believe you meant "comprehension" not "context". LOL! Why am I wasting my time?

    No, I meant context.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    For some reason this thread makes me want to buy a light sabre:
