Things people do on the treadmill that bug you..



  • AnniePenny
    AnniePenny Posts: 62 Member
    There's a dude that goes to the gym to use the treadmill every night, he runs pretty fast, he looks fit.. what is weird to me is that we're on summer here.. temperatures are usually between 75F and 90F and more so at the gym with so much people sweating.. still the dude runs for his life at the treadmill wearing long gym pants and a hoodie zipped all the way up..

    It doesn't bother me i just honestly can't help noticing cuz it doesnt make sense to me to wear so many heavy/warm clothes when it's so damn hot.. i would go train in undies if i could jajaja I don't understand people that wear tons of stuff as if that was gonna make them lose more weight due to sweating more or something.. if it was me it would only just give me low blood pressure .. i dunno i don't get it

    It's a good way to train FOR the heat. I do it as well. I train in heavier clothes than I race in.

    Thanks for the clarification!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    You know what's sad more than the perceived judgment? Folks who b--- about other people griping on an online forum. Has anyone walked up to you and told you to stop holding on in real life? Did anyone add you on MFP making fun of your way of working out? Probably not so let people vent. You'd save yourselves the embarrassment by not admitting you hold on a treadmill or doing any of the other things people are complaining about... but be proud that most of your workouts will mean nothing. I actually don't care that much either way and I don't think other people here do either
    "Percieved judgement"... because clearly, there is absolutely no reason to believe that people judge other runners. Please accept my apology for answering the question in the way that I felt it applied to me. I will certainly take your advice and be proud that most of my workouts will mean nothing.
    The truth is, it's normal to wonder how you compare with other people. When I ran my first marathon, you better believe I cared about not being the last person to cross the finish line. Someone else commented that "anyone who says they don't glance is lying." The fact that you pay enough attention to other people on the treadmill to be annoyed by them only validates my point. Yes, I'm sure that to those of you that are the elite athletes, the rest of us must be really aggravating. I'm sorry if I hit my heels too hard or I get off the treadmill too soon, or pause my treadmill to refill my water, or any other number of things that could interfere with the quality of enjoyment of your workout. The fact is, the thing that bugs me the most is that I feel like I'm out of place on a treadmill. I feel like other people are going to think I'm a fool for being on there. Like there's something I'm supposed to prove, and I can't. That's what bugs me the most. Thanks for taking the time to educate me on exactly which gripes are appropriate to vent on a forum. I hope we can still be friends.


    I can't believe you are even bothering to respond to this... I like how you cut out the quote I was responding to. It was very relevant to what I originally posted and would probably help you understand. .

    What point are you making exactly? Other than trying to appear smart. Personally, I don't pay attention to other people 98% of the time - if you do, good for you. Last month, a woman got on a treadmill beside me, she grabbed onto one side of the treadmill I was on.. there was another man last week who was doing some crazy backwards crab thing on the treadmill.

    Both incidents were dangerous and distracting.. other than that, I don't take my eyes off the prize. If someone is doing something that endangers me, I will certainly take notice. I may even join a thread like this and talk about what I saw. Big whoop.. if you don't wanna be judged about holding on, DON'T SAY ANYTHING!
  • jessmart83
    jessmart83 Posts: 283 Member
    There is a guy in my apartment gym who runs for about 40 minutes at a time, that doesnt bug me. BUT his spitting on the floor and blowing snot rockets really bothers me! Bring a towel and spit into that if you need to and good lord if you want to blow snot rockets go run outside.
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    When I get on the treadmill, Im usually in my own zone . However dislike when peaple are on treadmill and are on there cell phone
    Or don't know how to spell or use they're/their/there properly. Really? "Peaple"? "PEAPLE".
    I think I love you.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Seriously, this is why I stopped going to the gym and bought a stationary bike for myself.
    I hate feeling like people are judging me, which by the lot of you, there definitely were people there doing that. Everyone is TRYING to make progress for themselves, who are you to judge if they're holding on or going too slow for you? Jesus.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    When they bring their pet hamsters in with them and set them down on the treadmill....

    what? someone has done this???
  • Alyssa__Lauren
    Alyssa__Lauren Posts: 148 Member
    I usually don't notice other people when I'm working out but every time I use a treadmill, a girl who looks exactly like how I want to look (thin, toned, and tanned!) always picks the treadmill next to mine and it makes me want to cry. But it also pushes me to run faster haha.
  • ijavagypsy
    ijavagypsy Posts: 109 Member
    Tell me! What things bug you when they are happening on the treadmill next to you?

    One thing to start: When I'm running my miles, the rest of the treadmill people hold their handlebars as if they are in a supermarkt, pushing their cart!

    That person on the treadmill next to you, hanging on for dear life, is ME.
    I have balance issues due to my MS, so I sometimes need to hang on so I don't fall off and get hurt.
    I want to be healthy in spite of my MS.

    Sorry it bothers you so much.. maybe you should be less judgemental.......

    That says it all! :smile:
  • When they decide to talk to someone on their iphone and hold a conversation in the same voice they would be talking to me. Nothing like a sudden Hey, how are you? that is not directed at you, but an imaginary person on the other end of an ear piece

    That is DEFINITELY my pet peeve!????
  • ijavagypsy
    ijavagypsy Posts: 109 Member
    When they bring their pet hamsters in with them and set them down on the treadmill....

    what? someone has done this???

    Ha! You see? You did not notice my hamster! Bwahahahaha!:bigsmile:
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    When they bring their pet hamsters in with them and set them down on the treadmill....

    what? someone has done this???

    LOL, no, the visual just made me laugh so I posted it. :)
  • bacamacho
    bacamacho Posts: 306 Member
    LOL! Ai, this topic.
  • Summer5555
    Summer5555 Posts: 104 Member
    Tell me! What things bug you when they are happening on the treadmill next to you?

    One thing to start: When I'm running my miles, the rest of the treadmill people hold their handlebars as if they are in a supermarkt, pushing their cart!

    I found when I first started using the treadmill I always had to hold on, balance was an issue for me on it. Nowadays I only need to grab them if my balance is playing up a little, or if I turn my head to look at something then I have to quickly grab hold. I'm not slacking off, I just don't want to fall over.
  • I love these threads.

    What I hate is when the other members at my gym get on the treadmill and crank up the speed to an unsafe level...and then they hang onto the handlebars and lift themselves up so their feet are just barely touching. Or they'll jump onto the siderail...and then they'll watch the mileage add up and yell how many miles they're running. I argue with them that the machine counts that time where they're just standing there watching it. Sometimes they skip. And if I catch them not wearing the safety shut-off cord, I'll yell at them and make them stop using the treadmill. It's important that people know and adhere to these rules.

    (My gym is in my basement and the other members are my children.)

    ETA: As for observing other non-family member adults in public, just pay attention to your own business. Oh, sure, someone may do something noteworthy enough to warrant a post...but I suspect most of the things posted in this thread are remarkably trivial (although admittedly, I haven't made it through all ten pages yet).

    And this made the thread all worth it for me!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    When people are paying more attention to what you are doing, than what they are doing themselves.

    ^^^^^^^^^THIS! I am super self conscious on the treadmill because I've got a little extra jiggly like....all over haha and I like to use the treadmill but then I noticed people staring at me because I'm huffing and I stop. I don't have a gym membership anymore and I'd like to get back to the gym soon but this sorta worries me.....:grumble:

    Can I just ask a question: Were they actually staring at YOU or just staring off into space? I only ask because I realized yesterday when I was running on the TM when I looked over to my right to see where my husband was it occurred to me that it looked like I was looking at the person next to me when I wasn't. Also in between my sets when my husband is working I'll some times just stare off into space and again, it could look like I'm actually staring at someone when I'm not.

    That actually happened to me at work once. I was waiting for my food to heat up in the microwave and was just staring off into space which happened to be in the direction of this other girl and she turned around and yelled "WHAT?! WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!" Oops.
  • Seriously, this is why I stopped going to the gym and bought a stationary bike for myself.
    I hate feeling like people are judging me, which by the lot of you, there definitely were people there doing that. Everyone is TRYING to make progress for themselves, who are you to judge if they're holding on or going too slow for you? Jesus.

  • fennster
    fennster Posts: 1 Member
    No Conversations while on the treadmill.
  • Pay attention to what I am doing and then post about it on the internet
  • I would say the person who wants to have social hour....I walk at a fast pace usaully 4 or 4.5 and incline of 12. I really hate to be rude but I would have to slow down incredibly to chit chat...I am normally a people person but my gym time is limitied and I need to make the most of I pretend no tot speak english....
  • StephG1130
    StephG1130 Posts: 99 Member
    i hate feeling like the person next to me is competing with me.

    i'm insanely competitive, and get really discouraged if i feel like i'm not 'winning'. not being particularly fit, i rarely 'win', so ive gone to a deliberate effort to not go to the gym with people i know, because i'll just compare myself to them and end up feeling bad.

    so when the stranger next to me is looking at my speed and incline and then bumping theirs up higher, it just makes me want to give up and go home!

    Thisss!!! Omg I hate it!