Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Good morning!! It's still morning here for about 15 minutes or so, hope everyone is kickin *kitten* and takin names today.

    Friday fitness: I am moving my run to either later or tomorrow. I have to work in about a half hour, and I wouldn't have given myself enough time to run, shower, and have lunch. I did abs at home. I'm using the that I found on Pinterest for abs, and am behind, so doing two days in one to catch up. I ran yesterday anyway.

    This week's fitness goals
    Monday- c25k DONE
    Tuesday- strength + planks DONE
    Wednesday- c25k DONE
    Thursday- strength + planks DONE
    Friday- c25k (doing tonight or on my free day tomorrow)
    Saturday- free
    Sunday- rest (weigh-in, measurements)

    Next week's goals:
    Monday- c25k (starting week 3!), Six Pack March
    Tuesday- strength, SPM
    Wednesday- c25k, SPM
    Thursday- strength, SPM
    Friday- c25k
    Saturday- free
    Sunday- rest

    There ya have it. I'll be commenting on posts after work. Have a great day!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Kaye~The Bradford Pear tree in my front yard is starting to bud and has a few blooms. Such beautiful trees that I'm highly allergic to! :laugh:
  • Freemyskinny
    Thank Gosh Its Friday.!! hehe..
    thank you all for advice and you are right Shrinkrapt. I am startin' to see his defaults, the more I do the more I see I don't need that in my life. you all are very sweet people. (:

    So Fitness Friday.! heeeyy.. I am doin' the 30DS.! i already feel thee burn and the more I put my body, mind and soul into it I get a better burn. or soreness as most say. And I do walk every day with my beloved puppy doggy Romeo. I sure wish I could show you guys his face.! ha. he is a pit bull/ shar pei(spell check.) mix.! oh yess oh yes Saturday is my rest oh sweet glory.! lol

    Talk to you guys soon.!! have a wonderful amazin' weekend.!

    Always, Diana.<33
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    FRIDAY! I felt like it would never come this week. This weekend is going to be interesting. My boyfriends little brother is getting married tomorrow so I don't know how much work out I'll get but i can always try. I had another 2lb loss this morning. I hope when i really get into exercising it will come off a little faster. I am happy just losing weight.

    Friday fitness: Walk the puppy tonight. Saturday try to get a walk in in the morning. Sunday I will have to be home because my family will be out of town so i need to take care of all the animals there so it will probably be a treadmill walk or stationary bike ride.

    Have a great weekend.
  • FluffyCorky
    FluffyCorky Posts: 96 Member
    Hope all you losers are having a great week! Haven't checked in but have been quickly following the post. Been super busy all week at work and even have to come in and work this weekend :mad: Plus I just found out the entire month of March is going to be extra stressful. But working all this overtime really has me keeping to my calorie budget since I'm not bored at home wanting to snack. Lost 2 lbs this week. Weigh in again on Monday, but I snuck a peak at the scale today and it said I gained a pound!! I'm not sure how that's possible. But I'm feeling really bloated. Possibly TOM, maybe from slacking a little on my water intake. I have not set up any March goals for the challenge :cry: it was my own fault. So I have to take time for myself to really sit down and figure that out so I can at least get some of the month completed.

    Anywho, back to the grind. Check back in soon :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Happy Friday my friends. I hope you all are enjoying this last day of the work week and gearing up for a fun weekend. It is just to beautiful here today. We have mostly blue skies and around 55 degrees. Doesnt get much better then that in March in the lovely state of Washington. I feel like I have been going all day. I decided to go to the new trails I discovered not to far from homw on my way into town to run a couple of errands. The trails wind through a nice little ravine like area with streams and trees and meadows. It is pretty now and will probably be really pretty this summer. I upped my pace a little bit and got almost 40 min in with the route I took and boy was I feeling it at the end, lol. Then I went into town and took care of the errands and came home. Since then I have detailed the inside of my car cleaned out the filter on the shop vac (gross) and de-pooped the back yard. Seriously do they put something in dog food to make dogs go more. If I went as often as my lab I would be at least a hundred pounds skinnier.:laugh: As for Friday fitness I am just going to keep doing what I have been doing and trying out new things every once in a while. I still havent relly started any core work and I know I need to. Its my need to be perfect cause I know I am going to suck at everything I have seen before and I hate sucking. That said I also know the only way to get over sucking is to start and practice so I just have to get past his mental hurdle. Oh well off to finish washing bedding and then I still have to sweep and mop ( hate hardwood miss carpet) Thats right the fun never stops around here. Grab some water everyone and find something energetic to do:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! Feeling much better today--still congested, but I feel like I'm getting my energy back.

    @tammy--If you can, try to embrace the idea of improving the core work rather than starting out perfect. If you can get into that mindset, you will be really happy with your progress b/c you will see improvement really quickly--much more quickly than with cardio.

    @courtney--glad work is keeping you on track with the food! great loss and I bet that "gain" is just sodium or bloating.

    @helena--will there be dancing at the wedding? You can burn a lot of calories if you shake it out on the dance floor! :wink:

    @diana--I love pit bulls and shar peis--I bet Romeo is adorable!

    @bailey--great link!

    @kaye--glad you made it home safely--great job losing 3 lbs while away! That's proof that you've got this lifestyle change nailed! :drinker:

    @gorilla--great loss! Did your kids have a delay due to snow? I thought the storm had moved off the East coast--are you guys still getting hit?

    @jackie--welcome!! The first post on page 1 can give you some guidance about our daily themes and monthly challenge. However, no one is a stickler for rules here. :flowerforyou:

    @kelley--enjoy your 4-day weekend! I'm jealous!

    @jen--I love your plan to break down to 10% goals--look, only 4 lbs until you meet that 1st target! Go you!

    @robin--enjoy the dog-sitting!

    @sara--daffodils are my favorite flowers. I know mine aren't coming up yet--they are covered by a foot of snow! :laugh:

    @liz--don't worry about meeting your end goal by the reunion. Just focus on getting closer, and when June gets here, be happy that you are that much healthier!

    @laurie--such sad news about your friend--I hope the results of his tests are better than he expects.

    Friday Fitness:
    Wow--I've barely moved this week due to the flu, but the temps have warmed and I did take gunner for a nice long-ish walk after work. I also plan to do at least a short core workout tonight. Tomorrow I need to take gunner to the salon for his bath (he is stinky!) which means de-furring the house while he's out from underfoot. After I pick him up, I will hit the gym. Not sure if I will be up for a run (still have a cough), but I will do some sort of cardio for sure.

    On another note, my eating has been all over the place this week due to being sick. A few days over b/c I wanted comfort food and had no energy to cook, but Wed. was super low b/c I just wasn't hungry. I weighed Thursday morning and was down 2 lbs. I ignored it figuring it was just due to the low day Wed. Then this morning I weighed again and I was down another pound even though I was well over goal yesterday. Today I'm way over--lots of carbs at work plus Chinese food for dinner--so we'll see if any of that loss sticks before I check in and adjust my ticker.

    Sat--rest day DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + long run DONE (kind of--5k + arc trainer due to chest cold)
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + core DONE
    Tues--gym or treadmill if weather is too bad to drive NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + core NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE + core

    March challenges- In Like a lamb- out like a lion
    1. do core routine at least 3x week (wk 1 = 1/3)
    2. add upright rows and shoulder presses to my core routine (wk 1 = 3 sets of 15 reps each)
    3. increase hold time for planks (regular forearm = 40 sec. and straight-arm side planks = 45 sec.)
    4. increase push up reps (wk 1 = 14)
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    What rotten luck, I have caught some type of a cold. Started coming down with it yesterday and started my Thera flu, zicam and 2000mg of vitamin C. The good news is I'm not much worse but the bad news is that I'm not better either. Its at the point where thankfully I'm not in bed wishing for death but its bad enough that its an annoyance I can't ignore. My ears are getting all stuffy too, feels like I have been on an airplane. That being said my belated Wed wish for everyone is HEALTH!!

    Now confession time- I really really wish I didn't have to go to my daughter's music program tonight. I will go of course and be a good mom, the whole family is coming. She has memorized her part- she's in 2nd grade, but I would rather be sleeping, or at least at home in sweats with my bra off.

    Totally can relate. Tomorrow my son has pictures, parade and a baseball game. We'll probably be at the ball field from 2:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. Ugh. I love being a mom and supporting my son, but there's just some days and things you just don't want to do. Of course, we'll be there for our children, but just once in awhile. . .
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Thursday truth - not even remotely health related, but I have become addicted to Pinterest, LOL. Although there are many health related things to pin......

    Hope everyone who is feeling poorly, starts feeling better soon.

    Don't even get me started on Pinterest. I spend WAY too much time pinning. LOL!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm fairly new to the site and was browsing the Community when I happened on this thread. I too am wanting to lose 100+ lbs, so am thrilled to find such great "motivation and support". I'm still not quite sure how the Monday to Sunday posts work, but eventually it will all make sense.

    Friday fitness - I have been talking about trying Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred workout... maybe it's time I quit talking and just did it!

    Cheers to all!

    As Skinny has already mentioned, if you'll go to page 1, you'll see the basics of the thread. Also, the thread will be rolling over soon, but Robin or someone from the group will roll us to the next round. If you see BUMP, people are just using that to hold their spot until they have time to come back and read. The thread will move pretty quickly so post whenever you can. I try to log in daily, but have been super busy lately so I got a bit behind. You've found a very supportive and positive group. Enjoy!!!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Thursday Truth & Friday Fitness: I'm spiraling out of control. While I'm still logging every day, each day my calories are getting higher and higher. Fitness? What fitness. Hence, the eating and slow weight gain is coming right back. I will and have to stop NOW!!! This weekend I'm going to clean house, do laundry, plan my week (3 meals out with suppliers - oh boy), exercise (no excuse any more), spend time with my son, and clean out any junk around my house (food related). I'm so happy to finally be in this new size and I will not go back.

    In 2 months, I'm attending the National Restaurant Show in Chicago in mid-May. This is a great goal and attainable to lose 15-20 before the show. There is no reason I cannot lose this weight. FOCUS!!!!!
  • kittyx2
    kittyx2 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi, I'm not sure any of you remember me but I'm back after a few months away (I was here in the fall, October). I fell off the motivation wagon. I still have over 100 to lose. In fact I restarted my entry weight this morning by deleting my fall entries (I'm only 4 lbs less from where I started when I joined MFP anyway).

    I am going to try & conquer my carb/sugar addiction by trying the South Beach Phase 1 for the next 2 weeks. Today is day 1. I can't even put into words how hard it will be for me to give up 1) soda and 2) bread/potatoes/pasta. I'm insulin resistant so I've got to change my way of eating forever. My fasting blood glucose in late January was just 3 points away from being pre-diabetic. I have gained all my weight these past few years in my middle. I'm hoping a good loss for these first 2 weeks will help motivate me to eat only sensible carbs when I reintroduce some after 2 weeks.

    My Saturday success is I got out on my elliptical and had a good 45 minute workout. Without any carbs this morning for energy! Ok that's not much of a success I suppose but since I'm starting over, I wanted to find something positive that I've done so far.

    Hi Susan, from Las Vegas yes? I remember you from when I joined last fall. I'm sorry I've been absent all this time & wasn't here to cheer you & the others I met here on. You can stop the spiraling! You've done so well to lose over 40 lbs.

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend. Sunny here in VA after that big snowstorm on Wednesday, not a trace of it left, yay.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    saturday success. i've done pretty well this week. i lost three pounds but i didn't weigh myself at home. i did it at the doctor and i should probably do it at home before i count it. the one on here doesn't match the one at the doctor's so i've got to figure that out. but anyway, according to the doctor's scale i lost three pounds in this last week.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kitty--welcome back! a colleague at work is doing the South Beach thing with great success.

    @susan--sounds like you have a grip on what you need to do to get back on track! Planning is key--especially when you know you will have meals out. I have 2 after-school meetings this coming week which always makes food/exercise more challenging, but after a week of being sick, I really need to get back on track as well. You'll have to let me know when you're in Chicago!

    Saturday Success:
    Well, I made it through a hellish week of being sick, and even with the lack of exercise and lots of "comfort" food, I'm still down 1 lb for the week. Today, I'm still kind of congested, but my energy is back. I dropped gunner at the salon and am currently cleaning the house--washing his bed, throw rugs, and our bedding plus sweeping and vacuuming. Once I pick him up, I will head to the gym. I'm going to start out on the treadmill, but I'm doubtful I will be able to do my long run, so I scheduled that for tomorrow. Maybe just a couple of miles today plus stationary bike--going to play it by ear based on how my lungs are feeling. Later I need to do some grading as well.

    Sun--walk gunner + long run + core
    Mon--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--walk gunner + core
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner

    March challenges- In Like a lamb- out like a lion
    1. do core routine at least 3x week (wk 1 = 1/3)
    2. add upright rows and shoulder presses to my core routine (wk 1 = 3 sets of 15 reps each)
    3. increase hold time for planks (regular forearm = 40 sec. and straight-arm side planks = 45 sec.)
    4. increase push up reps (wk 1 = 14)
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:

    FOR NEWBIES ....................................PLEASE NOTE................................................................

    - PLEASE NOTE - soon, we will soon come to the end of this current thread - every 20 pages, or 500 posts - we start a new Thread - you will see at the bottom IN the last post on page 20 a sentence like this :

    (<Continued at this topic >) and the words “this topic” will be in blue.

    Click on that phrase and it will take you to the first post on our new page One.

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • LouD76
    LouD76 Posts: 39 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Can I join this thread.. I have lost 80 pounds but have another 80 pounds to go... I am from South Africa, Free State, Bothaville.. a very small farming community..

    Where are all of you from? I see some really great losses in this group. Wow you girls are really motivating....

    Louisa xxx
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Laurie - I am wishiing the best for your friend with the kidney/diabetes problems....

    Toots - great news about your weight loss!

    Susan - sounds like you need to take control when you have those business lunches - are they sampling lunches or discussion lunches? You've been doing incredibly well. Don't let this job change throw you off your stride. I hope you find a compatible gym soon.

    Kittyx - welcome back!

    Dog - sitting is going well. Layla - I will post her picture - is so well behaved, gentle, and loving, but I think I'm a little allergic to dogs too. Not so bad I'm miserable, just enough to realize my former life with dogs and cats was really a strain on my sinuses! I am walking her about 3 blocks every 3 hours and taking her to the dog park once a day, so we're both getting our exercise. HOWEVER, I did order pizza in a cave-in moment for dinner last night, and expect to have it for both lunch and dinner today in small amounts. (Not a big appetite, just wanted the taste.)
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good morning. Louisa, welcome to the group. You have already had some pretty great successes. Come around on Sunday. We'll all introduce ourselves. It certainly isn't cut and dried, but there are suggestions for each days topic on the first page of this thread.
    Saturday success--actually happened yesterday. I ate well, and was really full at the end of the day, but came in way under calories. I love when that happens. I also got a very big laundry done and put away, and shortened all of my new pants.
    Today I really have to tackle cleaning house, starting with the kitchen. I didn't get a walk in yesterday, but I will today.
    Susan, I'm glad that you have had such a good talk with yourself. I can't think of anything much sadder than putting all the work into losing weight only to gain it back. I've done that too many times!
    Congratulations to the "losers" this week. Love it!
    Have a good weekend. Kaye
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Can I join this thread.. I have lost 80 pounds but have another 80 pounds to go... I am from South Africa, Free State, Bothaville.. a very small farming community..

    Where are all of you from? I see some really great losses in this group. Wow you girls are really motivating....

    Louisa xxx

    ohh south africa sounds quite exotic to me. welcome
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @toots--awesome loss--I knew you would get back on track! :drinker:

    @kaye--that's a great success! :flowerforyou:

    @robin--nothing wrong with pizza once in awhile--and it makes sense to feed that craving when you're getting so much exercise w/ the dog. I can't imagine being allergic to dogs--I think I would just live in misery b/c I can't see myself ever being "dogless" again.

    @louisa--welcome and congrats on your success so far! :flowerforyou: I'm from Chicago, but as kaye said, you'll learn lots about everyone tomorrow when we have our Sunday Share.

    I made it to the gym and ended up running 2 miles on the treadmill. I was actually really comfortable and could have kept going, but my nose started running. :ohwell: After I found some tissue, I jumped on the stationary bike and did 20 minutes of hills + a 5 minute cool down--6 miles total. When I got home, gunner wanted a walk so we went trudging through the melting snow piles. I didn't get to any grading, so that's the priority for tomorrow. I am making turkey burgers for dinner--Yum!!

    Sat--gym DONE = walk gunner DONE
    Sun--walk gunner + core
    Mon--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--walk gunner + core
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner

    March challenges- In Like a lamb- out like a lion
    1. do core routine at least 3x week (wk 1 = 1/3)
    2. add upright rows and shoulder presses to my core routine (wk 1 = 3 sets of 15 reps each)
    3. increase hold time for planks (regular forearm = 40 sec. and straight-arm side planks = 45 sec.)
    4. increase push up reps (wk 1 = 14)