Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Gorilla sounds like you had a very busy weekend. I hope your muscles have recovered in time to complete today's workout.

    Robin good luck with reducing your calories and reaching for the 2 lb a week goal.

    Well, a success- my knee held up during my workout and it was a tough and new workout with my trainer tonight. Many new exercises that will push me harder than normal. I am excited to get started again and keep up the pace.

    I am looking forward to a great week ahead and getting to the gym as much as possible. Have a great week everyone.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Ok--just did something weird and lost all of the personal. :grumble: I'm just gonna say congrats to those doing well and hang in there if you're struggling! :flowerforyou:

    Monday check-in:
    I'm doing pretty good today. The scale was down another pound, so 60 lbs total loss so far. I feel like I've been eating more (and not always logging every bite :blushing: ) for the past couple of weeks. Some of that was due to being sick, some was from event where I just really didn't know calorie counts, some was me not wanting to see those red numbers at the end of the day. However, it seems the higher calories agree with me since I've been dropping steadily. As a result, I've decided to change my goal from 1 lb loss/wk to .5 lb loss/wk. Now that I have this cushion of extra calories, I'm going to be meticulous about logging each and every bite so I can get an accurate picture of the proper calorie intake for my body.

    I'm at 181 miles on my virtual Trans America trail--just moved into a new county--Albemarle, VA.

    On the Hobbit Bag End to Rivendell journey--I'm on day 10: "Continue northeast on the Road at a comfortable pace." Headed toward Weathertop.

    On the LOTR route I'm on day 11 heading toward the eastern part of Midgewater Marshes.

    Sat--gym DONE = walk gunner DONE
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + core DONE
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE (rainy) + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + core
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--walk gunner

    March challenges- In Like a lamb- out like a lion
    1. do core routine at least 3x week (wk 1 = 1/3) (wk 2 = 1/3)
    2. add upright rows and shoulder presses to my core routine (wk 1 = 3 sets of 15 reps each) (wk 2 = 3 sets of 15 reps each)
    3. increase hold time for planks (wk 1: regular forearm = 40 sec. and straight-arm side planks = 45 sec.) (wk 2: regular forearm = 60 sec. and forearm side planks = 25 sec.)
    4. increase push up reps (wk 1 = 14) (wk 2 = 15)

    Grading goals:
    1. x/16 punctuation tests
    2. x/16 writing assignments
    3. 5/10 JRPs
    4. x/11 AP analysis activities
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    Hi all!
    So, today was far too long... and I'm exhausted.
    Costco rotisserie chicken has attacked me... but no skin, very little anything else except homemade salsa....

    @Robin... birthday? me? nonononono... I'd never admit to a birthday...... :bigsmile:
  • FluffyCorky
    FluffyCorky Posts: 96 Member
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Monday Check-In: Today was a great day. Work went well and I'm loving the new job and cannot quit smiling. I had the meeting with the registrar regarding private school for my son. They have a registration fee that is a chunk of money and not refundable so I need to make sure it's the right direction. I'm going to plan a visit to the middle school where he would attend just to make sure I'm going in the right direction. I did have an AMAZING dinner with a supplier at Nobu in the Hard Rock Hotel. The food was spectacular, but the sodium HOLY COW!!!! I'll be drinking a TON of water that's for sure.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    @Susan glad you are enjoying your new job.
    @Karen I have done that before. Drives me crazy! Congrats on the weight loss.
    @Laurie That is good news that your knee held up during your workout.
    @kaye--I have a food processor but haven't use it as much as I thought I would. But many of my friends do and love it. Maybe. On one of my dayoffs I will get it out and experiment with it.
    @Helena hope you feel better soon.
    @Grammywhammy glad you had a nice visited.

    @Hope all who are not feeling well get better soon.
    @ And to all who are struggling that things will start to turn around for you.
    @to all with victories scale and nsv congrats

    The weather here in Caldwell, Idaho was lovely bit chilly but much milder then has been. Enjoy taking my dog Bella out for a walk today. Love the extra sunlight!!!

    Goals :
    Monday -- The River class at the Y.
    Tuesday thru Thursday the treadmill 30 minutes (the goal is a mile) on the treadmill seems to take me almost 30minutes to get there.
    Wednesday adding the circuit.
    Friday rest day.
    Saturday Y day river class and the circuit machines.
    Sunday rest day

    Plus somewhere cleaning house . I hope to get pass a mile but right now when using the treadmill I am just done after 30 minutes hopefully soon will be able to go longer.

    Well I should be asleep (darn heartburn) must be up by 5 am to get to gym and work on time.

    Wishing everyone a good Tuesday.

    Liz from Caldwell Idaho
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    Tuesday Tuesday...

    Well I did get to the gym last night for some cardio, elliptical and a bit on the treadmill. I have no idea why but my left knee starting bothering me on the treadmill.. I never have knee issues, I'll chalk it up to the crappy weather that started last night. I'll be at the gym tonight to lift... Tuesdays are a little better since i can get to the gym a little earlier and beat out the crowd.

    And I was thinking about my week schedule and I will be lifting on Saturday because I am going to a big St.Patricks party on Saturday night and will not stop drinking Guinness or Jameson until sometime late Sunday. LOL
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Tuesday-

    Tuesdays goals are the same as always. Yesterday I moved up to level 5 on the hill program at intervals of 3.0-3.2 I am actually breaking into a sweat with this hill program I love it.

    @Kaye and Grammy Whammy- Happy Birthday!
    @Robin- The dentist is horrible for me but glad you found out the root cause of the issue. Good luck with changing your calorie numbers
    @Laurie- Glad your knee was okay for your workout.
    @Skinny- Good luck with the goal changes
    @Gorilla- after all your hard work during the week a little party should be a perfect ending
    @Liz- glad you and bella got a walk in regardless of the weather
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    I'm going to be meticulous about logging each and every bite so I can get an accurate picture of the proper calorie intake for my body.
    I am going to try also. I often forget some of what I eat. I must try to log more often so my memory will be better.

    Desdemina- I get my lab results from LabCorp online with a few days of taking test. I used to have my tests at Quest and they also have online results. They are free to register for. I track mine through the Microsoft Health vault also free.

    GrammyWhammy- I just got a CT-A (CT with contrast) last week it was easy. I had never had a CT scan before and was a little worried, but it was easy and pain free. I get my results in 2 days. Good luck with yours.

    Quote of the day "It comes down to a simple question: what do you want out of life, and what are you willing to do to get it? "

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Marsha~Good luck with the ablation, my dad has had that done along with other afib remedies. I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers that everything goes well.
    @Kaye~I couldn’t live without my food processor! Enjoy.
    @Laurie~So glad to hear knee made it through your workouts, enjoy the new challenges!

    Well, back to work and back to reality today – it’s just as well, I think I spoiled Zoe by being around so much.:bigsmile: I didn’t accomplish the things I wanted to while I was off, but did spend some time with my grandmother at the nursing home – which was more important than anything.

    I ran with my trainer yesterday and I now have a strained calf, to the point that if I don’t rest it I could rupture my Achilles in that leg – truth be told we probably shouldn't have attempted it, he looked at my Achilles last week and had me icing it since my it was so inflamed, but I told him it wasn't bothering me (so my fault, really :embarassed: ). We got in about 3 miles (we were aiming for 4-5), I was limping the last ½ mile so we had to walk the rest of the way in. The interesting thing is that it doesn't bother me when I run, only when I walk. Go figure. At his suggestion, I got in the hot tub as soon as we got back to the gym and was walking better afterwards – had spasms in that calf the rest of the day, so just iced it on/off most of the evening and took Aleve. I’ll continue with the Aleve for the next several days, keeping ice on it as well. Hopefully it will improve soon. I see my massage therapist on Saturday, so maybe he can work on it some and help move things along – I’m not very patient! :laugh:

    Tuesday Goals~To stick to the new orders from my trainer. Since my calf/Achilles is giving me grief, he just wants me walking – this, of course, irritates me. I just don’t get the calorie burn and every time I walk I just want to run, so this will be a challenge. I don’t think spinning will irritate it, so plan on taking spin class tonight as originally planned – there is also a recumbent elliptical, it has moveable arms so that may work out okay too for cardio and give me the calorie burn I need. But I will clear the elliptical through my trainer before I do it.

    Workout Schedule:

    Sunday~Training DONE!
    Monday~Run with Trainer DONE!
    Thursday~Walk or recumbent elliptical
    Friday~Rest Day

    My boss is off all week and left a path of paperwork on my desk, guess I should sort through it. Have a super day!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @mymowmow that sounds like a horrible week. i hope things start evening out for you soon.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Tuesday Goals:
    I'm at that point where I feel like for every paper I grade grade, I collect 2 more--so my goal today is grade, grade, grade! I have a meeting after work, so I need to make the most of my prep periods today. Will check back with you all later tonight.

    Grading goals:
    1. 13/16 punctuation tests DONE (just waiting for 3 make ups)
    2. x/16 writing assignments
    3. 5/10 JRPs
    4. x/11 AP analysis activities
    5. 16/16 Vocab quizzes DONE
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning. My goals remain the same. Just keep logging, walking, and drinking that water. I've been kind of stuck since I got home, but I haven't changed anything, so its bound to start working again soon.
    Just to clear things up, the birthday present was really early. They got the money together and decided I just as well start enjoying it. My birthday isn't until May. I am hoping to be solidly into ONEderland by then.
    Today I will have the new baby and her big brother for a couple of hours while Mama gets her hair done. It will be interesting to see how that goes. Keith still wants to come for an hour or two everyday, but I haven't had Anya, too.
    Have a good day. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    My Avatar today is Layla the Brittany I babysat over the weekend. She was a sweet-heart, but its good to be home.

    Today I start my new calorie intake of 1200 calories a day. Since my breakfast came to 568 calories, I am kind of intimidated about keeping the rest of the day under the total. It will definitely be a challenge.

    Kaye - don't sweat an early birthday - go with it! Spread it out and enjoy!

    Kah - I hope your Achilles tendon heels fast.

    Tom - yes, get in control of writing ALL those calories down - I'm considering a food scale. I think my "estimates" might be way off, myself and I think thats part of my problem. Are you using a food scale? You've done so well so far!
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    My scale freaked me out this morning. It had me weighing 28 pounds lighter than I weighed yesterday! LOL! I stepped on a second time and it said the same thing! (I think I would have noticed a 28 pound loss in 24 hours, like a missing limb...) I went and brushed my teeth and tried again and it was the same as yesterday. Who knew brushing your teeth could make you gain 28 pounds?! LOL! I think it may need new batteries...

    I'm so excited because I'm going to an event in April where I get to dress up in formal steampunk. I'm hoping I can get into my black corset by then ( I think I will be able to, I'm only about 10-15 pounds heavier now than I was when that picture was taken, and it laces up the back, so I can lace it looser if I need to. But I have 5 weeks before the event so maybe I can lose another 10 or so before then. Talk about motivation!

    Wow, you know, I'm only about 20 pounds heavier than I was when I lost a lot of weight a couple of years ago. That doesn't seem like that much. Like I could probably lose that before summer. There's still another 40 or so to go after that point, it's not my ultimate goal, but it's sort of like undoing the damage I did the last couple of years. Feeling pretty good right now!

    Need to get back to work, but just so excited about the event and the very real possibility that I will be able to wear my costume that I had to share!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    Hello friends - Tuesday and for now the sun is out here in Iowa. Yeah!! I'm planning a trip to see my dad tomorrow. He's in a nursing home North of here so I'm hoping the day will at least be a no precipitation day!! We'll see.

    No updated goals for me today----just need to be diligent with the ones I have. I find when I'm not feeling great I tend to slack a bit---usually on moving around rather than changing my food plan or eating more. My doctor's appointment was switched from mid-February to early April so I really really really want to work as hard as I can before hitting that scale in his office.

    Horning in on the conversation but I believe it was this group that recommended I get a food scale last year. I did and I use it everyday. When I don't weigh something, it's going to go in a measuring cup or a measuring spoon for certain. Keeps me honest. Sometimes I test myself to see if I can estimate a 1/2 cup or a cup and often I'm pretty close but I still measure everything.

    Robin if you're short on calories, a nice big green salad without dressing for lunch would be super. And if you have any lower calorie soup or broth or some lovely steamed veggies. You can get a lot of food for very few calories...........just sayin'.

    I know you know this. Sometimes it's just good to bring it to mind.

    Love the doggie pic.

    Wishing everyone a great week......


  • KSea77
    KSea77 Posts: 119 Member
    I've been gone for a while. I kinda stop even trying to loss weight. I had stop living and loving myself because I wanted to loss wieght. It seemed in my mind that I could like myelf if I was trying to change myself. I'm working through this. I have not come to terms with it all but I choose to be happy.

    So my Tuesday Goal start working out again. Take one day, and one workout at a time. Accept that its ok to love and celebrate the me I an now, fat and all.
  • ChristiSykes
    ChristiSykes Posts: 186 Member
    I'm on my journey to losing 100 lbs....I have lost 26 lbs in 8 weeks, so 1/4 of the way there :)
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Marsha~Good luck with the ablation, my dad has had that done along with other afib remedies. I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers that everything goes well.
    @Kaye~I couldn’t live without my food processor! Enjoy.
    @Laurie~So glad to hear knee made it through your workouts, enjoy the new challenges!

    Well, back to work and back to reality today – it’s just as well, I think I spoiled Zoe by being around so much.:bigsmile: I didn’t accomplish the things I wanted to while I was off, but did spend some time with my grandmother at the nursing home – which was more important than anything.

    I ran with my trainer yesterday and I now have a strained calf, to the point that if I don’t rest it I could rupture my Achilles in that leg – truth be told we probably shouldn't have attempted it, he looked at my Achilles last week and had me icing it since my it was so inflamed, but I told him it wasn't bothering me (so my fault, really :embarassed: ). We got in about 3 miles (we were aiming for 4-5), I was limping the last ½ mile so we had to walk the rest of the way in. The interesting thing is that it doesn't bother me when I run, only when I walk. Go figure. At his suggestion, I got in the hot tub as soon as we got back to the gym and was walking better afterwards – had spasms in that calf the rest of the day, so just iced it on/off most of the evening and took Aleve. I’ll continue with the Aleve for the next several days, keeping ice on it as well. Hopefully it will improve soon. I see my massage therapist on Saturday, so maybe he can work on it some and help move things along – I’m not very patient! :laugh:

    Tuesday Goals~To stick to the new orders from my trainer. Since my calf/Achilles is giving me grief, he just wants me walking – this, of course, irritates me. I just don’t get the calorie burn and every time I walk I just want to run, so this will be a challenge. I don’t think spinning will irritate it, so plan on taking spin class tonight as originally planned – there is also a recumbent elliptical, it has moveable arms so that may work out okay too for cardio and give me the calorie burn I need. But I will clear the elliptical through my trainer before I do it.

    Workout Schedule:

    Sunday~Training DONE!
    Monday~Run with Trainer DONE!
    Thursday~Walk or recumbent elliptical
    Friday~Rest Day

    My boss is off all week and left a path of paperwork on my desk, guess I should sort through it. Have a super day!

    That sounds so painful hope you heal soon...take it easy.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Ellen- Amy just got a new food scale from Pampered Chef so I'll have to check it out and see if it helps.