Things people do on the treadmill that bug you..



  • fp64
    fp64 Posts: 128 Member
    I hate when someone obviously older or more out of shape than me gets on and goes faster than I do
  • 1FitMom326
    1FitMom326 Posts: 228
    When someone gets on the treadmill next to me and wants to talk to me. I enjoy my music when I run and dont want to keep taking my headphones out to talk.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Part 2.

    Are you ******* kidding me?

    You should read through Part 1. It's great comedy.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Ok...since I'm bored...


    Exercise ball on dreadmill = Annoying


    Dancing on dreadmill = Annoying


    Drunk people on dreadmill = annoying


    Stupid guy on dreadmill = annoying


    Stupid little girls on dreadmill = annoying


    'nuff said there...


    Annoy...actually, that's kinda ****in' cool....
  • jadelyndsey
    jadelyndsey Posts: 150 Member
    Wouldn't really say anything does bother me.

    My friend hates seeing people walk slowly on it, she hates people attaching the safety chord to themselves and having to watch the excess string sway back and forth whilst they are running, she hates hearing people panting, she hates seeing people wipe sweat from their head with their hand and then touch the handle bars, she hates most things that people do on the treadmill.

    I am not fit at all, and I walk on the treadmill, but I couldn't give a toss if that annoys people. I have just as much right to be there as anyone else; I pay for my membership and I'm not causing anyone any harm. I think people need to focus on their own work out and stop watching people so much in the gym. The only place that many overweight people hope to not be judged for being "fat" is at the gym, if anything, people should be offering support not laughing at "loud running" or "pathetic panting" etc. GET A GRIP!
  • Gracerrr
    Gracerrr Posts: 141
    As long as the person on the next treadmill stays there and doesn't hop on mine I couldn't care less what they get up to. They could run naked for all I care because I'm busy minding my own business and working on my own body.

    My feelings as well :)
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    As long as the person on the next treadmill stays there and doesn't hop on mine I couldn't care less what they get up to. They could run naked for all I care because I'm busy minding my own business and working on my own body.

    My feelings as well :)

    You guys really wouldn't notice a naked person on the treadmill next to you?
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    Ive seen someone eat a sammich while standing still on a treadmill. =/
  • spetermann190
    spetermann190 Posts: 289 Member
    Cardio ... I just can't stand Cardio!! Maybe someday ....
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    PLEASE for the love of humanity! STOP cranking the treadmill to a ridiculous incline THEN HOLDING on to the bars/ handle for dear life!?!?!?! You are just CHEATING yourself!!!!!!! :devil:
    IF you or your legs cant carry the incline and or weight SLOWWWW the machine down AND DONT INCLINE IT!!!!

    ok rant over

    P.S hotttieeezz of MFP feel fre to PM ME :bigsmile:
  • farmboyphotography
    farmboyphotography Posts: 181 Member
    I find this entire thread to be negative and de-motivating.

    I feel bad for the people who just started and have lower self-esteem but are out there making an effort only to know now that they are being judged by others.


    You all must be so amazing.

    THIS. Everybody starts somewhere and for many people, just going to the gym is hard enough when the self-appointed experts are so critical of them. So a noob holds onto the bars while they incline the treadmill. SO WHAT? Its pretty ridiculous that some people here actually think that won't give a decent workout. Admittedly, it is not perfect, but if you crank that treadmill as high as it goes and walk it at a brisk pace for 30 minutes while holding the bars. I guarantee your legs will let you know that you are, in fact, working out.
  • vcancel
    vcancel Posts: 96 Member
    I really hate when people make fun of others holding the handlebars while using an incline. I used the incline for the first time the other day and yes, I held the bars.
    And you know what? I was damn proud of myself for using the incline in the first place.
    I would hate to think that there were people judging me while I was feeling so proud of myself.

    No one asked you to admit whether you held onto the bars or not.. be proud that you wasted so much time getting a poor burn by cheating. Go for the elliptical, there you can hold onto the bars, free up the treadmill at the gym and still get a great workout!

    Did you really just tell her how to work out? To free up a treadmill at the gym? Seriously? Get a frigging life.

    SERIOUS humour on the forum today!!!

    Darn right I did.. nothing worse than waiting for a treadmill and watching the majority of the users holding on the treadmill while I eagerly wait to workout properly.

    Get on an elliptical - it's low impact for those who are issues and you can still hold onto the bars. How about you learn how to reasonably disagree? You don't sound like you can take the heat so get out of the kitchen. Take your f words with you too cause you sound like you need the life more than me. :laugh: :laugh:

    You have no right to tell anybody to FRIGGING do anything. Someone else working out IS a waste of your time so why are you so focused on it? I am a runner so don't tell me to get on an elliptical when you don't even know me.

    Just so you're aware, you're not the only one in the world who knows how to work out properly and if someone is doing it wrong, it's none of your business.

    I'm done. You're a boring waste of my time.

    Why don't you go make fun of someone at the gym. Stick with what you're good at and leave the common sense to us.
  • farmboyphotography
    farmboyphotography Posts: 181 Member
    I have just as much right to be there as anyone else; I pay for my membership and I'm not causing anyone any harm. I think people need to focus on their own work out and stop watching people so much in the gym. The only place that many overweight people hope to not be judged for being "fat" is at the gym, if anything, people should be offering support not laughing at "loud running" or "pathetic panting" etc. GET A GRIP!

    THANK YOU. This, this, this.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    PLEASE for the love of humanity! STOP cranking the treadmill to a ridiculous incline THEN HOLDING on to the bars/ handle for dear life!?!?!?! You are just CHEATING yourself!!!!!!! :devil:
    IF you or your legs cant carry the incline and or weight SLOWWWW the machine down AND DONT INCLINE IT!!!!

    ok rant over

    P.S hotttieeezz of MFP feel fre to PM ME :bigsmile:

    Thank you welll said BEERRUNNER!!! this this this:bigsmile:
  • Um. Wow.

    This is really upsetting. I recently decided to man up and get myself a gym membership, and people actually....get annoy with each other? I feel so self concious now.

    And the worst thing is, I've been doing what you guys have been complaining. When I'm on the elliptical, I hold onto the bars. I glance at the people next to me to try to motivate myself. If a healthy, good figured girl is running next to me, I'll sneak a look to see what's her incline, level, and how long she's been there. I'm not measuring her, I just...want to stay motivated. I secretly like running next to others because it pushes me. I noticed last time I did this, the girl glared at me, but I thought I was just imagining it. Am I supposed to follow some silent rule where I make no eye contact or conversation with others now? :frown: whatashame.

    When I first started lifting, I look at the older, more experienced people. Get to know their form, how to adjust the machines, etc. Then I try to copy them, except I'm holding much more lighter weights. Are people gonna judge me for being weak unable to do a full set using 5lbs? Srsly?

    OP had a solid reason to rant about the perfume lady. But I don't know. I didn't know there some kind of silent "F off" tension in the air.
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    When some of you people are saying that others annoy you when they look at what you're're looking at what they're doing to know that they're looking at you! You're just as bad!

    I usually watch TV and listen to my music. I catch these people because they KEEP LOOKING at me and I can see them from the corner of my eye, or when I look at my treadmill for water or to change my music. Sometimes they will even walk by a few times for water, paper towels, etc.

    WHO KNOWS???!!!?? Maybe they are looking at me because I walk loud. Or maybe they are looking at me because they caught me holding the handlebars to get my heart rate and they think I am a "handle bar holder". LoL

    What I don't get is I assumed this post was just for fun, like a rant and rave type of thing. If you don't like the post why do you guys take time to come in here read them quote them and complain about them.

    It's not like any of you who think we are wrong for complaining are really going to change us.
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    I hate when someone obviously older or more out of shape than me gets on and goes faster than I do

  • momslastdiet
    momslastdiet Posts: 29 Member
    Honestly.....this is ridiculous! We are all at the gym with the same goal - get/stay fit. However, some of you are the ones that make others very uncomfortable there. How sad that you have to bully in this day and age. Just a smile or an encouraging word is what we need, not the looks and attitude. What also amazes me are the "postings" that are from people who have a long way to go and expect a kind word from us.
  • fvolley
    fvolley Posts: 124
    I am actually the overweight self conscious quiet girl. I don't like being judged for who I am and what I do at the gym. That's basically what my posts said. I was just having some fun with it. Which is what I thought this post was about.

    Will it change the way I go to the gym and workout....NO I will still go and do everything on the treadmill that I have done before. BUT I won't put on any PERFUME anymore. I don't know if I am one of the "stinky people" at the gym but I don't want to be and didn't know it caused so many problems.

    Everyone at my gym knows me for the most part. I have been there since starting my weight loss journey at 330 pounds.

    I am sure I piss people off at my gym. Especially in the beginning but it didn't stop people from talking to me and telling me I was doing a good job. And people piss me off at the gym too but if I think someone is doing a good job I am sure to tell them so.

    I thought this post was for fun but apparently everyone has started taking themselves and others a little too seriously.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    An older gentleman got on the treadmill next to me once and emitted some intestinal gas that blew me clean off my treadmill. My eyes are still watering from the memory.

    :laugh: I feel so bad for you

    Thanks :) Seriously, I am only ever annoyed with what other people do at the gym when it somehow invades my space. Including my airspace. It's hard to mind my own business when I am forced to sniff some old guy's nasty farts.

    About treadmill hate in general: if you can run outside, great for you. Keep at it. Some of us live in areas where there is so much traffic outside that running is impossible--you're standing at a light half the time. Others live in an area where you're likely to be mugged or raped on a trail. And for some, running outside is impossible because the cold air sets of exercise asthma attacks (look it up). So when you wonder why some people use treadmills when they could be running outside, it's probably because their circumstances differ from yours. Mind-blowing insight, I know.