

  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    There really are people out there who have no time to workout.

    Most of the time my husband is working 12-15 hour days 7 days a week. He has deadlines to meet and a lot of times taking a break to go to the gym for two hours means he comes back to 50+ emails and it sets him back days. The longest "break" he will sometimes take is the 15 minutes it takes to walk the dog and that's only so that he can get out of the house and get some air.

    It's not an excuse it's reality. He has customers who he services. No service = no money period. They won't take a "Oh, sorry. That's going to be late because I have to go to the gym." excuse. They'll simply stop using him, find someone else to get the job done and not recommend his services which would put his company out of business.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    To those of you with "no time" commentary, are any of you full time working moms of small kids? Because seriously. Before kids I worked out 2hrs, 4 times a week. Now Im lucky to get 3x45minutes in. I truly dont have time to get the huge results from lots of time spent in the gym before I had my twins. Sure, I can prioritize gym over doing laundry and making my kids healthy meals, but that wont really help me in the clean undies and healthy kids dept either. I dont watch TV or mundane items like that either.

    At one time I was a single mom with 2 children, one full time job and occasionally a second part time job. I never could afford a gym membership, but I found time for exercise. While the kids were sleeping, in a play pen or swing, in the stroller, etc. And later, they went with me - walking, on bikes, roller blades, etc. I exercised in front of the TV while they were playing in the house or yard. And I prepared nearly all our meals at home because I couldn't afford to eat out or buy premade food. I was doing the exercise for fitness because honestly back then I didn't have the time or money to overeat and get fat.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Wow, this is the most judgemental posting zone I've seen here in a long time! Did this turn into MyFitnessTroll?

    Perhaps it would be a little more helpful to those who are starting/struggling/not quite got their shxt together on the fitness bandwagon if people would share the myths and excuses THEY PERSONALLY relied on and HOW THEY OVERCAME THEM!

    Complaining because someone else says they "don't have the time" only makes those of us who are currently struggling feel more on the outside --- like theres a river between us and I can't find the bridge.

    Etc Etc

    You sound like me about the time thing, except I have 2x2 yr olds who need their mommy too. I feel for you. My gym also opens at at 7 etcetc and then I feel like crap for the rest of the day...

    Once got used to it, you'd feel better during the day. Just say'n. I workout from 4:30-6, work from 8-5.

    I used to work out 9 times a week from ages 14-22. If I didnt get used to it then, I wont be getting used to it at age 32!

    I was talking about the time of day! I played NCAA sports as well.
  • mag2906
    mag2906 Posts: 57 Member
    you have to die of something

    Yes, this is irritating.

    But we gonna, aren't we?
    Healthy eating and exercise is not a 100% guarantee to live long healthy life. And even if you are that lucky, you still die of old age...
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    To those of you with "no time" commentary, are any of you full time working moms of small kids? Because seriously. Before kids I worked out 2hrs, 4 times a week. Now Im lucky to get 3x45minutes in. I truly dont have time to get the huge results from lots of time spent in the gym before I had my twins. Sure, I can prioritize gym over doing laundry and making my kids healthy meals, but that wont really help me in the clean undies and healthy kids dept either. I dont watch TV or mundane items like that either.

    Single mom?

    Married, but not much help when as we speak Im on the east coast and he is on the west coast for work!

    I used to be a NCAA DIv 1 swimmer, I know how to exercise and I like it. Im not overweight, the only time in my life I was overweight I was 9 months pregnant with twins. Im really really good with my diet. Its depressing not being able to put the extra gym time in, I do get some, just not anything like I used to. I just dont like being told that I really do have time and my priorities are not straight. Im just having a sensitive female moment, all the menfolk can roll their eyes now :-)

    Wow. Now I feel bad for the snark. Hmpfff. First time for everything, I guess.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    To those of you with "no time" commentary, are any of you full time working moms of small kids? Because seriously. Before kids I worked out 2hrs, 4 times a week. Now Im lucky to get 3x45minutes in. I truly dont have time to get the huge results from lots of time spent in the gym before I had my twins. Sure, I can prioritize gym over doing laundry and making my kids healthy meals, but that wont really help me in the clean undies and healthy kids dept either. I dont watch TV or mundane items like that either.

    I work out from 4:30-6am, get ready for work, get my 4 and 2 year old out of bed, dressed, in the car and drop them off at daycare to be at work by 8. 35-40 min commute.

    you want a cookie?
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    To those of you with "no time" commentary, are any of you full time working moms of small kids? Because seriously. Before kids I worked out 2hrs, 4 times a week. Now Im lucky to get 3x45minutes in. I truly dont have time to get the huge results from lots of time spent in the gym before I had my twins. Sure, I can prioritize gym over doing laundry and making my kids healthy meals, but that wont really help me in the clean undies and healthy kids dept either. I dont watch TV or mundane items like that either.

    I work out from 4:30-6am, get ready for work, get my 4 and 2 year old out of bed, dressed, in the car and drop them off at daycare to be at work by 8. 35-40 min commute.
    you want a cookie?


    Just showing it could be done, if they're willing to put in the time.
  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    I don't have time (but have time to sit on FaceBook for an hour or six)

    You are so lucky (eh-hem, it ain't luck if you work your *kitten* off to look a certain way)
    you have better genes (maybe, but I also work my *kitten* off)
    you must not eat/eat like a bird (I eat what my body needs, nuff said)
    I eat the same as you and I'm fat (doubtful that they eat the same, since when people 'see' what I eat it is only a meal, which I am probably splurging on cause someone else is paying!)
  • BunkyBumBum
    BunkyBumBum Posts: 157 Member

    Chronic movement chain problems often resulting from overcompensation or poor posture are almost always at the root of chronic pain.

    Cracking and popping are a sign of swelling, something isn't moving right.

    Ankle inflxibility, calf tightness, poor hip mobility, joint knocking, weak feet, and poor glute activation (many people have flat out forgotten how to use their butts due to a lifetime of sitting) are the root cause of chronic knee pain for many, even if those root causes were prompted by injury.

    With the shoulders, take this simple test. Stand up and hold a pencil/pen in each hand lightly, arms naturally by your sides. If those pencils were lasers, do the beams cross, and where? If they cross it is a sign of hunched shoulders whose root causes include poor t-spine mobility from hunched sitting all ay, overdevelopment of pressing strength relative to pulling strength, and/or poor scapular control. If these lasers would cross only a few feet in front of your body, the angle of your upper arm bone in the shoulder socket almost guarantees that any overhead work will eventually cause the snap crackle pops and pain.

    All issues that arise from posture, mobility, strength imbalances can be fixed.

    For squatting, face it, before the invention of the outhouse, full depth a2g squatting was the only way to go to the bathroom. All of our close relatives in the wild (and/or zoos) and our young children squat full depth all the time.

    I have problems with my shoulders because I carry too much boob. Blunt, but that's the fact. I've been evaluated by several physical therapists and I suspect that my shoulder problems are linked to my back problems. I've been told several times now, by several physical therapists, that my back muscles are weaker than the muscles on my chest (because of my heavy chest), so the chest muscles are essentially pulling my shoulders forward. The last PT evaluated my right shoulder blade for popping I was having, actually jumped back when it popped out, told me some medical term for it, and said that the muscle that is supposed to hold my shoulder blade down isn't doing its job because it is too weak. She also went on to say that she'd seen it before, "but never to this degree, I can actually get two fingers under your shoulder blade". I've been told the popping is bone moving against cartilage. I've been working for months to strengthen my back muscles, virtually ignoring my chest muscles because I need my back to be stronger than my chest or I'm going to get a hunch. My shoulders come forward sort of like a spoon, but my right shoulder is a full inch more forward than my left one. Months of upper back exercises haven't really given me any visible results, but I keep at it and correct my posture all throughout the day when I feel myself slouching and I do the "shoulder blade pinch" thing the physical therapists have all taught me to do on and off all day long. I don't, however, use the foam roll along my spine to let my arms hang out (I guess to "open" my chest muscles) because I don't have access to one of those right now.

    As for squatting, I'm not saying it's unnatural (I think you're thinking of the person's original post about "who uses that anyway"). I'm just saying that it causes me pain, my lower body is pretty solid, I've got some fat on my thighs I'm working on getting rid of, but purely speaking about muscles, where my back muscles are probably the weakest of any human being, my lower body muscles are about as solid as they can be. I've always had strong legs though, and I fenced in college (lunging and fencing stance make for strong lower body), also, my "go to" machine at the gym is the arc trainer, which works my thigh and hip muscles as well as providing cardio, I love that thing. Something about the motion of a squat causes my knees problems, despite having a very strong lower body.
  • kakirkpa
    kakirkpa Posts: 9 Member
    Please note Im not saying I *DONT* work out. I do. Its people saying that "get your *kitten* off the couch" thats kind of annoying me. Not all those struggling have their *kitten* on the couch.
  • healthyskinnystrong
    When people eat processed sugary junk and their excuse is "I need the sugar", ipjewfdalojwlfjlwjhlwdclwdjciq NO.
  • ddeleonm09
    ddeleonm09 Posts: 93 Member

    And if you don't think you use it in everyday life, i'd like to know how you get on and off the toilet. :huh:

    a system of ropes and pulleys?

    The first thing I pictured was the episode of Family Guy when Peter asks to use Joe's bathroom :laugh:

    I get annoyed when I hear people say they're on birth control and they can't lose. I used to think that too but I know (and knew it at the time as well) that was just an excuse. I'm still on birth control and I've still lost 37 pounds. For some people if they have a bad reaction to it, perhaps it's the case but if you put your mind to it, workout, watch what you eat, you'll lose weight.

    Omg YES!!! This gets me so irritated! I counsel women on birth control and pregnancy for a living and a bunch always tell me, "Oh I don't want that method because it'll make me gain weight." The birth control does NOT make you gain weight. It only increases your appetite, not hunger. You have to decided what to put in your mouth.
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member

    OP HERE!!!

    I requoted what i wrote on page 5 in response to those with knee issues and squatting....

    again, my apologies for the generalization.

    aaaand then i aplogize for calling you ignorant. :flowerforyou:

    i've seen other posts from people claiming to be some sort of knee/squat specialist. i'd just like to say that there are many different kinds of knee issues. and some are not simply corrected by using proper form and/or strengthening your leg muscles.

    i'm no expert. this person just has every excuse for any move... they ask what I do and this is what happens:

    person: "you're doing good. I wish i could get those results but it's not in the cards for me"
    me: "What do you mean? There's got to be something you can do. What about running?"
    Person: "no, i hate to run."
    me: "how about strength training? free weights?"
    person: "no, i don't want to bulk up. women with muscles and abs are disgusting."
    me" you won't bulk, I promise that. and they aren't disgusting. just dedicated."
    person: "well, i just want to raise my butt up and lose this spare tire."
    me" well, try squats for the butt. and cardio for the fat. i highly recommend strength training too. what about looking into classes, or even a pt for more direction?"
    person: " i don't work out in front of people, personal trainers are too expensive, and again, i don't want to bulk by using weights."

    it went on and on.... i eventually had to walk away. I understand that these reasons are very legitimate to some people. but i find it odd that every excuse applied to them. every single one.

    If you want it to happen, you'll find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse. :ohwell:
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I literally had someone tell me.....

    Her: "I can't drink water... it makes me sick. I don't like the way it feels in my stomach, sloshing around, i get nauseous."

    Me: Walked away in silence..... :noway:

    OMG that is UNREAL!! :noway:
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Thanks but if, god forbid I ever blow my knees out in some unforeseen accident I think I'll take my sports physician/physical therapist's advice and opinion first. flowerforyou:

    Be a good idea to get a couple different opinions on the subject from different docs and not trust one guy.

    Many of them very much agree with me.

    Wow. You're really going to debate this to the very bitter end aren't you? Sorry I didn't specifically say that I would get other opinions. My point is that I would take the opinion of someone who probably knows more -- INCLUDING my good friend who knows very respected and trusted PT's -- rather than someone on the internet who's credentials are unknown to me.

    Sure. Most people DON'T get second opinions though.

    I was told by a doctor I had arthritis of the knee and shouldn't squat or do other high impact knee activities.

    A couple years later I've made a miraculous recovery and have fixed myself (reading medical journals and whatnot, articles from other doctors who didn't agree with my doctor's POV), coming to find out in the process that my doc was a lazy idiot who diagnosed arthritis because my knee hurt (protip - (O) arthitis doesn't hurt, it is secondary consequences from the arthritis that hurts). I no longer have arthritis, and never had it to begin with. I had a lot of tendon issues that arose due to other, correctable reasons.

    It comes down to never believing that you can't do something. Only in rare cases can you not solve a problem.

    Just reiterating my intial point. Most of the people who say to squat to fix knee problems have actually fixed their own knee problems by squatting. And many of these people that fixed their knee pain by squatting were told by doctors NOT to do so and were previously resigned to a lifetime of knee pain.

    If you beleive that you can't, you won't.
  • ichoose2believe
    ichoose2believe Posts: 108 Member
    None because no one else's fitness routine is my business.

    I think I like your reply the best :)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    The only time I can think of to "suck it up and deal with the pain" is when I did a really hard workout and my muscles are sore. If I feel as though ANY of my joints are going to blow apart when doing an activity I typically err on the side of caution and stop.

    When my muscles are sore from a hard workout .. I poke at them all day. I dunno. I like that pain.

    You have to analyze your pain. Feel it, experience it .. I ask my boys (14 & 16 yrs aol, hockey and lacrosse players) "Are you hurt or are you injured?" If you're not injured, then suck it up and get out there for your next shift.

    Yes, there is a big difference between muscle soreness and real pain.
  • Astacia74
    Astacia74 Posts: 166 Member
    "It's my genes" or "I have a thyroid issue". The later only bothers me when the person saying it can only name weight issues as a side effect of their "thyroid" problem. Oh, and people that don't understand how metabolism works.

    The thyroid one kills me as I have a "thyroid issue" (hypothyroid) and, with medication to control it, good diet and exercise, I have been able to lose weight even after I quit smoking.
  • she_fit
    she_fit Posts: 36
    "If you eat right, you don't need to exercise."

    "Cardio is overrated."

    Um, wrong. You can eat right all you want, but that does nothing to improve your fitness. Cardio does more than make you look good, it provides a whole host of health benefits (cardiovascular system).

    So, yeah, if you don't value your body or health, just focus on "eating right."

    Personally, I do cardio because when the Zombies come, I plan on outrunning ALL OF THEM.

    And I like to be healthy. My husband and I encourage each other all the time because cardio is good for the ticker.
  • smaihlee
    smaihlee Posts: 171 Member
    The knees/toilet thing is actually what eventually brought me to MFP.

    There is this velour track suit-wearing woman in my office that uses a cane at work, and I've seen her out shopping on a jazzy. She is a classic case of hand-mouth-foot disease. Hands only move in the direction of her mouth, and the feet don't move at all--only exception being when there's free food at work. You've never seen someone on a cane move so fast. And seconds? She's working on fourths by the time most everyone else gets into the line. So when I started feeling it in my knees when I went to squat for the john, all I could think was: "ACK! WORK LADY ON THE JAZZY! HELL, NO!".

    Had to make some serious adjustments to my attitude in terms of working out. I used to be one of those "OMG I DON'T DO MORNINGS" kind of people, but that was mostly because I was going to bed at 11. Like my momma used to always say, "nothing good happens after 9 pm" (hence my early-*kitten* curfew). Now I get my work-week exercise in the 5 am hour and on the weekends before 10. Nothing more gratifying than burning a pound cake's worth of calories before most people even enter REM sleep.

    Knees still flare up from time to time but I'm determined to get this weight off, and hopefully the knees will play nicer in return.