Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Robin-congrats on the NSV! It's always great to see that pants size go down!

    Today is not a very good day for me. Today marks 7yrs since my brother was taken from us. I miss him every second of every day. It's kind of a sad, down, depressing day for me.

    I have been logging my food all week and have done pretty decent. Except one day, I was over.

    No class tonight, yay :) So I get to go home and do basically the same just in the comfort of my home.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    just popping in to say hello. still in the middle of moving. no time for chatting :)
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    You are all very inspirational and I think I'm going to be very happy to have found this thread.

    @ Robin's Egg: late night snacking gets me too. I have found that if I save my cleaning for later, at least I'm busy or I pick up something to read -- keeps my hands busy
    @Helenavee42: Love getting treats for every 10 pounds. Right now, I'm deciding what I'm going to do for myself at 30 pounds (6 pounds to go!!)
    @GrammyWhammy: It's good to listen to doctor's orders. You'll be feeling better in no time.
    @2208061cm: MP assigned me 1301 calories but I was stalled after the initial water weight. I read up on BMR and TDEE (search it and you will find some good info). I upped it to 1500 per day and have had pretty steady progress.
    @My MowMow: My bad foods (I eat anything I want, but these are the foods that I don't want to spend anymore calories on) go to my 11 year old son...he hides them from me :blushing:
    @ Lauriek70: Proud of you to just go to the gym. It's too easy on days like that to just stay on the couch (which is what I did on both Monday and Tuesday)
    @ebaily710: I struggle with water too. I was doing much better and then got out of the habit. I try to have a 16 oz cup of water and have one done by 10 AM, another done by Noon, another done by 4:00 and then an evening one. Anything after that is bonus!! :drinker:
    @susan2396: Thanks for the encouragement
    @shrinkrapt: San Francisco is awesome. I've been there twice and love Nob Hill and Alcatraz
    @trhyrh06: Sorry for your loss. Those days continue to hit hard. (hug)

    Friday plan:
    I have a pretty busy weekend. Tonight I have volunteered for my kids' school carnival (Buccaneer Bash). I have an "easy" supper planned so we can get it done before we have to go (in the past, I would have elected McDonalds).

    Saturday I am planning a long day of travel and friends. 25 years ago, I was part of the basketball team that won the ND state tournament and we are being honored during the Championship game. I'm not going to beat myself up for missing goal if it happens, but I do plan on having a salad for lunch so it leaves me a bit more room for supper that night (and any drinks that find their way into my hand :drinker: )

    We head back late (I will get home around 1 AM) and then need to be at church by 7:40. I'm part of the choir that will be singing an Easter Cantata for two services. We are having a breakfast brunch between services and will be bringing fruit as my contribution. Hopefully there will be some good choices, but if not, I will keep a protein bar in my purse.

    Those plans don't leave a lot of time for exercise, but tonight I will be working the fish pond at the carnival for an hour. I'm hoping to do some walking in the mall between ballgames at the tournament on Saturday and then maybe swimming with my kids at the Y on Sunday (after my nap :laugh: )

    Hope you all have a great weekend!!!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Friday-

    I haven't had time to read all the posts from yesterday and today personals will come later. I got my measurements done today and they didn't really change since 6 weeks ago so I am sure it is my McDonald's runs that are causing the problem. I was reminded though by the gym worker that just because the scale or numbers don't change doesn't mean my hard work is a waste there are other things like BP, Cloresterol and organ functions that my workouts are helping. I need that reminder because I instantly thought what a waste of time everyday.

    Anyways more later....Have a great day everyone!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    BUMP :smile:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 17/57 JRPs
    2. 16/16 ACT practice essays DONE
    3. x/47 AP essays
    4. 25/47 AP journals (Yeats)
    5. x/47 AP test corrections
  • DianaDuhh
    DianaDuhh Posts: 29
    Hey everyone.!! its me, Freemyskinny. deleted the other profile. and created another. sorry if there is any confusion. :/

    I hope you guys have been well this past week and are havin' nothin' but positive thoughts.!! because you guys give me nothin' but a positive outlook on my weight loss. ^-^ Let me press on by sayin' what I have been doin' fitness wise..

    Friday Fit-Day:

    I have been doin' the Jillian Michaels work out video and still walkin' my puppy doggy. But today I will be walkin' my Aunt's rat dogs. ha. So i'm goin' to go for now.

    Stay Positive everyone.! :D

    Always, Diana.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Friday Fitness: Being lazy and skipping running in lieu of bowling tonight with Rob and his work people. Running tomorrow.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Friday Fitness. Well, here was last week:
    Saturday: Rest -- DONE
    Sunday: Run half marathon -- DONE plus a good bit of walking around beforehand and afterwards too.
    Monday: Rest -- DONE (with some light walking)
    Tuesday: Rest/walk/jog -- Long swim DONE
    Wednesday: Badminton -- NOPE
    Thursday: Walk/jog -- Long swim & cycle DONE plus some walking
    Friday: Badminton -- NOPE, resting.

    OK. Back to normal now I think. Next week:

    Saturday: Parkrun
    Sunday: Walking & playing music only I think
    Monday: Morris practice
    Tuesday: Longish run
    Wednesday: Badminton
    Thursday: Speedwork -- really taking it more seriously now.
    Friday: Badminton

    Let's see how that goes. I'm *still* tired, though I did have a fairly exhausting day yesterday even not counting all the ale.

    @Kaye -- such good news about your husband! Do keep doing that followup though.
    @Karen -- I've been hungry all this week. Some of it is not 'eating clean', but a lot of it is just part of that resting and repairing my body needs to do I think. I've just eaten a bit over my target most days.
    @Susan -- one of my MFP friends is not only thinking of it as 'ten pounds at a time' but she's bought herself a Pandora bracelet and is buying one charm for each ten pounds she loses. I think that's such a clever idea!
    @Jen -- I track running at 5mph but for the shorter time, so if I run for 20 minutes at 4.5mph, I log it as 18 minutes of 5mph. That works better for me because you burn a lot more calories running than walking, even if it's slow. My spring goal is to get my steady state running speed up to 5mph or fairly close to it. I occasionally do a mile under 13 minutes, so it's not *so* much further to go.
    @Kris -- Oh, so sorry your home visit went badly.
    @ebailey -- well, that looks like it would be a fun girls' night in...

    Welcome all the newlings! This is a great thread.

    Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

    -- Alison
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    was pleasantly sore today after my gym workout yesterday so i decided to cut the lawns not so pleasantly sore......but the lawns look nice for the first time this year
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi guys. I am happy to see things seem to be going well for most folks. Welcome to the new faces I saw. I think I muxt be strange because I need to see the big number goal to stay motivated. If I think about little goals I find myself getting the mindset of being able to take breaks because it is just a little bit and easy to do, even if it isn't. That big number helps keep me focused. I have never had a problem with late night snaking my problem time is from about 2pm until dinner. It just doesnt seem to matter what I eat for lunch or when I schedule dinner right around that time I start to think I am starving. Thats when I drink the majority of my water telling my stomach to shut up:laugh: I just have to say Gorilla reading your posts is always so inspiring for getting me up and moving. I am on my third week of actual steady exercising:bigsmile: Now if I could just get some movement on the scale again life would be great. I did have to cut my walk today short. There about four different spots not to far from home that I have found that I enjoy but I think I might have to rethink one after today. We live about a half mile from a lake tht has a nice wooded walking trail that winds around it. I have been going there to walk but today my husband was tired and didnt go with me and I ended up only doing one lap of the trail instead of two. There were a couple of guys down ther and no one else but me. Normally no big deal but they were both drinking and smelled like brewerys so I decided to just cut the walk short for the day. On the upside I think I figured out my HRM but it has me burning more calories then MFP does so now I am not sure:noway: I did tweak my food I hadnt gone in and changed my weight which I did so it adjusted my calories a little lower. Hopefully I will start to see something soon.I hope you all have a great Friday nigh and I will be back tomorrow:happy:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! I caught up on posts but will do personals tomorrow as it's getting late. :yawn:

    Friday Fitness:
    I have not worked out all week. :blushing: In addition, I've been going over my calorie allowance most days this week. I made a conscious decision to forgo the gym to get through some grading, but I could have been much better with my food choices. I'm not worried b/c now I'm on spring break, so I will be able to get right back to it with extra time for the gym, grocery shopping, and preparing healthy food. I'm off for the next 9 days, so here are my goals:

    Exercise Goals--get to the gym 5-6 days, do my core work at home 3-4 times, walk gunner every day (weather permitting).

    Grading Goals:
    1. 17/57 JRPs
    2. x/47 AP essays
    3. 30/47 AP journals (Yeats)
    4. x/47 AP test corrections

    Tomorrow I'm going to sleep as late as I want b/c I can. This almost surely guarantees I will wake up before 8 am, Then I will walk gunner and go to the gym for a good, long work out. After that, I will hit starbucks to grade JRPs for a couple of hours. I would like to finish all 40 of those by Monday--it's an ambitious goal, but I think it's doable. If I manage to do that, I will take that load of papers back to work, finish the journals, and print the rubrics for my AP essays.
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Hey all, welcome to the new folks! Gorilla, that's a seriously packed schedule. I'm impressed. Jconst, I'm like you. I need to see the far horizon to keep me going at it hard.

    Well, I ate out twice today and did well with one and not so well with the other. And no exercise today because (as anticipated) my legs are so sore they won't support me easily on the stairs. So, could be better but could be worse. I just hope that my legs feel better tomorrow, because I'm on call. Hopefully I'll be up to working out Sunday.

    And now I need to pack for my shift and hit the hay, so... G'night!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Today was a bad for me to report fitness. It was so cold and windy that I just couldn't talk myself into going for a walk. It was a good day, though, and I came in right on target for my calories.
    This evening we attended the high school musical "Thoroughly Modern Millie." The kids have so much talent! And the choir teacher is an amazing director. Every other year our high school (about 500 students) produces a musical. The whole community pitches in on the set, costumes, etc., etc. It is really fun because we are on the 2nd generation. The young star is only 15 years old, and has amazing maturity. I remember when her father was in the musicals. We get to see young people that participated years ago because they come back to see the musical every year. Its a really fun tradition. It is financially self-supporting, so even though there have been some pretty severe cuts to the education budget, it is not in danger of being cancelled.
    "Just keep walking." Kaye
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Good morning all and happy weekend!! I am headed out for the day but wanted to share my NSV from this week. First, I will say that while I know that 24 pounds is a great accomplishment, so far I haven't "seen" the difference. I have measured and see some inches coming off but I thought by now I would have seen/felt more in my clothes.

    Well apparently, Thursday was the day!! I had about 3 errands to run that took me 2 1/2 hours. I had to keep pulling my pants up. YUP -- that's right, I am going to have to retire my one pair of jeans that slip too much and too often (this will have to be the pair I keep around for my "biggest loser" pose :laugh: )

    jtconst: I got a HRM about a month ago and find that MFP is different on a lot of entries. Some were higher and some were lower. When I first saw that, I went to some different calorie burned calculators on line and they were pretty close in line with my HRM.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Good morning and Happy Saturday to everyone !
    Everyone is doing a great job and i am going to commit myself to get on the board every day this next week you guys encourage me so much !
    I am excited about today i am going to 2 hour hip hop fund raiser so thats going to be alot of fun !
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning Everyone & Happy 1st day of Spring Break to Karen & Laurie! I hope you both were able to sleep in.

    I left the window in my bedroom open last night and its super chilly in here this morning, raining too - I think its going to be a dreary day around here today. Maybe its why Zoe is a complete spaz today - she started in at about 2am just using me for a jungle gym and bringing all of her toys into my bed. I've been trying to wear her out this morning, but she is just a bundle of energy today! :laugh:

    After my wine bender, I decided to do a 24-hour fast yesterday to kind of detox my liver a bit - was actually easier than I thought it would be (hardest part was no caffeine). I just drank decaf green tea and water with lemon all day - then went out to my favorite Japanese restaurant with friends after work. I'm not a huge sushi fan, but they have this Ahi tower that they are famous for and I absolutely LOVE, had some other sushi/edamame and skipped the alcohol. They have some of the best martini's but I skipped it, didn't want that fast to be for nothing. Since the running store was in the same area, I was able to stop there first for some new runners and then got my Target run done. So, except for the grocery store today my errands for the weekend are done!

    I watched a great movie last night - The Intouchables. It is a French film with subtitles and just a feel-good, inspiring and entertaining movie. I don't usually like to watch movies with subtitles but this was very easy to follow - I thoroughly enjoyed it and I highly recommend it. Looking at redbox now to see if I can find another movie for tonight.

    Next up, I need to finish this coffee and head to the gym - need to get in a good, long workout today.

    About HRM, I solely rely on mine for accurate account of calories burned during my workouts.

    Will stop by later for personals, have a great Saturday!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hi everyone - at the BFs this weekend and just heard they are predicting 4-6 inches of snow here. We are going to see 'THE CROODS" this afternoon - we are big fans of cartoons and it does look good, but I'm not thrilled with the idea of coming out of the theater and seeing a pile of snow on the car. .... ugh. Not much opportunity for exercise this w/e.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Hello :) Happy Saturday!!

    Today I'm going for a run, doing my squats and arms, and maybe cleaning house.

    Saturday Success: I'm doing all my workouts this week, even if they are on different days than expected.
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Hi everyone - at the BFs this weekend and just heard they are predicting 4-6 inches of snow here. We are going to see 'THE CROODS" this afternoon - we are big fans of cartoons and it does look good, but I'm not thrilled with the idea of coming out of the theater and seeing a pile of snow on the car. .... ugh. Not much opportunity for exercise this w/e.

    Boo to the snow, yay to the Croods. I love cartoons too. Let us know how it is, it looks quite funny.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Kaye and Drojen, yesterday, it just snowed all day, very pretty and way too cold for me! Haven't been able to get out walking as can't take the babies out in the cold. One is only 8 weeks old. today is sunny and a cold wind is blowing....getting kind of depressed about it. Where is spring????