Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    taking a day off exercise to rest my leg which seems to have an inflamed tendon in the front lower leg.....not happy about it
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Just stopping in quickly to say. I have a busy weekend and will be heading out soon tonight for drinks. I had a wonderful climb tonight and decided to take a rest day today to see if that makes a difference this week. Spring break has officially started so I can relax and get to the gym on a regular basis and earlier in the day.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Weekly Fitness Goals:
    Monday- c25k DONE
    Tuesday- strength and planks DONE
    Wednesday- c25k DONE
    Thursday- strength and planks DONE
    Friday- c25k DONE
    Saturday- free DONE
    Sunday- rest/weigh in

    I DID IT!!!!
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    I'm on call today, so this will be quick.

    Saturday success: I made it up AND down a flight of stairs without using my hands on the rails! Legs still hurt, so I count that a victory. I've done some extra walking around the hospital to get my muscles to warm up, which seems to have helped as well. My other success is that I'm coming in about 100 calories under target and am NOT starving. Which is really, really nice. Given that what I've been eating before this week is about 150-200% of today's total calories.

    Given how dead it is in here, everybody must be having a really great day. :smile: See you tomorrow!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @erienne--great job getting those work outs done! :drinker:

    @laurie--I'm also happy that I can get to gym "whenever" throughout the week. It will be nice to go earlier in the day during the week.

    @karenleona--Ouch! Take care of that leg. :flowerforyou:

    @mel--Yeah--it was relatively nice today--sunny and high 30's, but still not "spring-like" at all. :ohwell:

    @robin--yeah, I was watching CLTV while running at the gym and I saw all of those winter storm watches/warnings for Kansas, Nebraska, etc. and I thought of you. Your storm is headed our way tomorrow, but it's supposed to track a bit south of Chicago, so just a bit of snow here.

    @kelley--Thanks! Gunner woke me about 7:15, but he just wanted to go outside. After that, he was happy to climb back in bed with me. I managed to fall back asleep around 8:30 and didn't get out of bed until 11-ish. It was very nice. :smile:

    @kris--a hip-hop fundraiser--that sounds like a fun way to burn calories--can't wait to hear about it!

    @tlh--Yay for your "pants on the ground"! :laugh: I use an HRM. My first was a wristwatch style w/ finger-pads and the calorie counts tended to be a lot higher than MFPs. Now I have one with a chest strap, and it is either defective or I have it programmed wrong b/c the calorie counts are ridiculously low--I'm talking only 150 calories for a 4 mile run which is just crazy. I wear the chest strap to monitor my HR while on cardio machines, but I don't even wear the wristband with it while at the gym. I check the machine's count, MFPs count, and this online site:

    If they are far apart, I take the average.It seems to work for me. I won the HRM in a raffle, so I will just deal with it a bit longer and probably buy a new one this summer.

    @kaye--our HS puts on a Spring Musical every year and did "Millie" a few years ago. It always amazes me how talented the students are. I was in "Sweet Charity" when I was in HS, and I don't recall it being nearly as good as the plays our students perform.

    @sara & tammy--I'm the same way--need to see the big number. In fact, I'm tempted to adjust my goal weight down b/c maybe seeing that I truly have more than 10 lbs to go will light a fire under my butt. :laugh:

    @holly--when I was in HS I worked at a Burger King. If I'm tempted by fast food and I know I shouldn't have it, all I have to do is think about how unsanitary my friends and I were as we prepared food. Even if we were doing our jobs well, some of the procedures were just plain scary. I know it's kind of gross but thinking about all of those people handling my food usually works to keep me out of the drive-thru.

    @toots--hope the move is going well! :flowerforyou:

    @tina--hope today was a better day.

    @helena--glad you found some flattering frames!

    @gorilla--I'm not much of a beer drinker, but I'll have a Stella or Harp now and then. The micro-brewery had a really tasty Belgian Triple called Hat Trick--it was yummy. Hope you get through your busy weekend okay.

    @kris--sorry the home visit didn't work out. I'm no expert, but my sister did a lot or research when she and her husband wanted to introduce a dog into their cat's home. What she found was that you're supposed to bring the new animal into the home, but keep the animals separated for 2 weeks. I guess the idea is they can hear and smell each other and get used to the idea that the other animal is there before any face to face meeting. They would put the cat in a bedroom and have the dog out in the living room. Then they would put the dog in another bedroom and allow the cat back into the living room. It took a bit of maneuvering, but it worked for them. Their very territorial male cat accepted his new "brother" dog and they are good friends.

    Saturday Success:
    Well, I had a really great workout at the gym after a long walk with gunner. I did about 20 minutes of lifting and some hanging leg raises. I was a bit nervous b/c I hadn't done those in a few weeks, but the core work at home must be paying off b/c I managed to do 16 reps/set whereas in the past I was doing 12 reps/set. :smile: I then ran 2 miles (11 min/mile pace) and rode 7 miles on the stationary bike.

    I was less successful with the grading goals. I only had about an hour and half, so only got through 6 research papers. Tomorrow, I will have more time b/c I'm not going to the gym. My goal is to get through 20 tomorrow and the rest on Monday.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 23/57 JRPs
    2. x/47 AP essays
    3. 30/47 AP journals (Yeats)
    4. x/47 AP test corrections
  • libbiliou1990
    Hi guys am a 22 year old female also looking to lose about a 100 lbs :( (am 220 as of now). recently joined fitnesspal or rather started taking it seriously recently lol and am looking to make some friends . Hope you dont mind me posting this on here? :) goodluck to everyone one on their weightloss/eating habit change journeys :) x
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey friends--Groupon has a deal for the Escali Body Composition Scale for only $24.99--it's an $80 scale.

    I bought it a couple of months ago for $32 and LOVE :heart: it!! Just thought I would pass this along in case anyone's in the market for a new scale.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Welcome libbilou--If you will post often, you will find all of the encouragement and support that you need here. It is great.
    Karen--I've been hearing about all of the schools that are closing in Chicago. Will any of that effect your school?
    Not much to report today. I fixed the usual waffle breakfast for the family (10 this morning), and went shopping with a daughter. She needed new pants. Then I shortened them for her. Poor thing. She is short like her mother. Later she went for a good walk with me. I made clam chowder and rolls for dinner. I pre-logged so I knew how much I could eat. That seems to be working well for me. Hoping for a loss tomorrow. I've been trying really hard shake things up a bit.
    Good night. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Karen--I've been hearing about all of the schools that are closing in Chicago. Will any of that effect your school?

    No, it won't affect us directly, as I'm in a suburban district. However, if the CPS closings result in higher class sizes, it sets a bad example for all schools. I'm not sure if the closing will increase their class sizes--the main reason they've cited for the closings is low enrollment. I also haven't heard any complaints about that as a consequence either--the backlash is mostly related to concerns about students traveling through rival gang territories to get to their new schools or how consolidating schools will bring rivals into the same environment. Sadly, that's a big concern in some areas of Chicago.
  • NikinCilla
    NikinCilla Posts: 129 Member
    Hi can I join???
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    Today has been a good day. Went to the Y early today really enjoy the river class. Than went to get my hair done at ten didn't get done till 1. I went for a basic haircut and style. Today was a very good friends birthday party. Stay under but haven't had
    drinks in a long time. Planning on keeping my diet simple. Back to the basics.

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning. The scale finally moved in the right direction, 2.3#. Only 10# to ONEderland. More later.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Good morning!

    Welcome to the newlings! :flowerforyou: Anyone is welcome--just post and you are a member of our thread. There are some suggestions for daily posts on page 1, but we aren't strict; post whatever, whenever. :smile:

    @kaye--congrats on that scale movement!

    @liz--sounds like a great day!

    Sunday Share:
    Today is going to be completely dedicated to grading! I will walk gunner and then head to starbucks--plan to stay there until I get through 20 JRPs. It's a lot, but I know it's doable from past experience. That will leave just 14 for Monday, then I can drop them off at school and finish grading the journals while I'm there. On Wed. I'm babysitting my niece all day, so I will get started on the AP essays while she naps. If I play my cards right, I should be able to enjoy next weekend with no grading before heading back to work on Monday.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 23/57 JRPs
    2. x/47 AP essays
    3. 30/47 AP journals (Yeats)
    4. x/47 AP test corrections
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Everyone must be having a busy Sunday--such little movement on the thread.

    I walked gunner and am now at starbucks grading. I finished one class and am getting ready to start the next. They are taking longer than I would like--in part b/c many are going over the page requirement. I hope that doesn't continue to be a trend--3 1/2 to 5 pages is long enough; I don't need any more 7 page papers!

    Grading Goals:
    1. 27/57 JRPs
    2. x/47 AP essays
    3. 30/47 AP journals (Yeats)
    4. x/47 AP test corrections
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    Happy weekend, everyone.

    Saturday success - went through a tub of too small clothes and found a couple of tops to put back into my wardrobe. Most of the pants are 18s and I know I'm not there yet, but there may be some capris that will fit - if only it would warm up enough to wear them. Won't try them until its warm enough.

    Sunday share -my name is Jennifer and I live in southern Ontario, Canada. Waiting impatiently for spring to come. I've been quite productive today - meals done for the week (until Friday when we had tony parents for Easter). Plus almost 2 hours at the gym this morning - weights and elliptical. Supper is leftovers from yesterday. Now to relax the rest of the day.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Sunday share -I'm Kris, almost 40 and living in Oregon with my two very spoiled cats. I started this journey @326lbs. I'm a LOT less now.

    So, Friday I was doing some boxing and when I was done my ankle was a bit sore. Within an hour the inside of my ankle blew up and the pain was unbelievable. I called my Drs answering service and got an early morning appointment. It appears that I've damaged my posterior tibial tendon. I'm off exercise for at least a week and I'm SUPPOSED to be home from work for a few days (but I don't get sick leave so.... I'll be going to work). Did the bare neccesecities this weekend and the rest of the time I've been on the couch watching lots of Law & Order (Criminal Intent). Oh, and eating Chinese Delivery....:ohwell:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin and Karen- the storm that is or will be hitting you is making it's way to me as well. They are saying we will get 1-3 inches of snow tomorrow. I am not holding my breathe since they have been wrong with every prediction they have made this winter.

    I really want Spring to be here and the weather to be nicer.

    Karen I hope you get the grading done on Monday. The longer the papers the harder they are to grade. Hopefully, they are one topic and well written.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Sunday Share: I'm Kaye from Southwest Idaho. At 68 I seem to be the oldest member of this group. I began my current fitness journey the very end of September in preparation for knee replacement surgery. That went well and I have just continued on. I have now lost 55#, the most I have ever lost at one time. I've been on this journey many times, only to quit and gain back more than I lost. Not going to happen this time! Thanks to MFP and this wonderful group of friends, I will be logging my food and walking for the rest of my life.
    You will often hear me refer to members of my family. I have 7 children with spouses, 14 grandchildren, and a husband of nearly 48 years. They are all a big part of my life.
    I took my longest walk yet today. I walked with both of daughters that live nearby. We walked for about 3.5 miles, 70 min. It was a great workout.
    "Just keep walking, just keep walking, just keep walking."
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Hey all! Welcome to the new folks! I'll throw out a Sunday Share: I'm Sara, and I also live in Oregon with my husband and two daughters. I work as a psychiatrist in a hospital, so you may see me talk about being "on call", which means I'm working in-hospital for 24 hours (more if the following day is M-F). I get sleep on those nights when I can, but they pay me to be available for over 500 patients, so I'm grateful for sleep. My husband is quitting his job to be a stay-at-home dad, last day this Friday. So tonight will be our last night eating out for a while. Between a family agreement to focus more on eating healthy meals together and the cost involved, we'll be eating in until our planned vacations in April and May.

    Karen, good luck with the grading! Kris, I'm sorry to hear about the injury. Don't overdo it at work, and I hope it heals up soon!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey all! Well I only got through 10 essays today--half of my original goal, but I may do some more this evening. Tomorrow I'm going shopping with my sister in the afternoon and will finish grading in the evening.

    @kris--sorry to hear about your injury; that stinks! :grumble:

    @laurie--the papers are their junior research papers, so they are all on different novels the students chose to read. I actually prefer that to the same paper over and over and over. The quality varies, but overall they are decent b/c it's an honors course. I am also ready for spring--of course it's going to get warmer here next weekend, just in time to go back to work. :ohwell:

    @kaye--what a great walk!

    @jen--isn't it so fun to shop in your own closet! Great NSV that you found some tops you can wear again! :drinker:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 33/57 JRPs
    2. x/47 AP essays
    3. 30/47 AP journals (Yeats)
    4. x/47 AP test corrections