Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    @ jt - Definitely look into a new pair of shoes. It's just as important to have a good pair shoes for walking. Can't recommend a specific brand or style because everyones feet are different. Go to a sporting goods store and try a few on and see what feels right.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Did c25k w4d1 today and it about killed me. I had to stop several times to breathe and wipe my face. By the end, my leg was killing so much I had to limp to the locker room. Stretching seemed to help, must be my calves were too tight.

    Got my house cleaned, AND made it to the post office. I've been a busy bee today!

    Monday- c25k, squats DONE
    Tuesday- strength and planks, squats
    Wednesday- c25k
    Thursday- strength and planks, squats
    Friday- c25k, squats
    Saturday- free, squats
    Sunday- free, squats
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    JT definitely look into walking shoes or cross-trainers. I recommend going to a store that specializes in walking and running shoes. They have people there that are trained to help you find what you need. I got mine at New Balance. My feet are extra wide and they specialize in unusual sizes, both wide and narrow. There are other brands that do as well. Shoes are kind of like cars. There are a lot out there, because different things appeal to different people. Also there may be a brand that works better for your particular foot.
    Its been a good day, a bit on the quiet side. We went for a good walk. The weather is still a bit colder than normal, but very nice.
    As an ID potato farmer's daughter, I learned to eat homemade chicken noodle soup over mashed potatoes. That's what I made for dinner tonight. It was so good! Definitely fits in the category of comfort food for me. I am getting better at reaching my 1200 calories, but still not eating many of the exercise calories. I guess I'll see how hungry I am later.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kaye--that sounds,,,interesting?

    @tammy--what others already said--you need good shoes for walking or you will end up with injuries that could affect more than just your feet. Without the right shoes, you can damage your knees, hips, and back. <in my strictest "teacher" voice> Go buy good walking or cross-training shoes!

    Hi--just taking a break from grading essays. The last 2 took me over an hour--yes, they were that bad. :sad: I'm hoping that means I'm due a few good ones. Well, back to work.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    What a busy day for everyone! I did my cleaning today too - vacuuming the entire place, including moving chairs, dusting and the glass. Having company tomorrow and want my place to shine. Unfortunately, she is bring donuts from a shop she discovered so I have some planning to do for the rest of the day.
    I am struggling trying to keep my calories to 1200 a day. I mostly come in around 1800 instead, but I keep logging. I keep drinking my water!
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    hey, can I join this group? You all sound like a great group of ladies. I also have over 100 lbs to lose. I started in January with a family challenge to lose 5% body weight (conducted over facebook) as we neared the March 4 deadline, I was almost at 10% and knew from past failures that I would need support to keep going. I found MFP and am finding a support system here that is keeping me motivated.

    Since starting January 4, I lost 32 pounds at last weigh in about a week ago. It was my 54th birthday yesterday, so I apldmit to enjoying a couple splurge meals over the weekend and had today off. I am a little worried about tomorrow's weigh in, but if I ate least maintained, I will be happy. Looking forward to getting to know you ladies better.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    whitecapwendy - welcome! You've found a great group of ladies AND gents to support you and motivate you. You sound so positive and motivated already - and congratulations on your Birthday!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Sunday Share: I'm Kaye from Southwest Idaho. At 68 I seem to be the oldest member of this group. I began my current fitness journey the very end of September in preparation for knee replacement surgery. That went well and I have just continued on. I have now lost 55#, the most I have ever lost at one time. I've been on this journey many times, only to quit and gain back more than I lost. Not going to happen this time! Thanks to MFP and this wonderful group of friends, I will be logging my food and walking for the rest of my life.
    You will often hear me refer to members of my family. I have 7 children with spouses, 14 grandchildren, and a husband of nearly 48 years. They are all a big part of my life.
    I took my longest walk yet today. I walked with both of daughters that live nearby. We walked for about 3.5 miles, 70 min. It was a great workout.
    "Just keep walking, just keep walking, just keep walking."

    wow!! excellent walking!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Happy monday all. I hope everyones week is off to a great start. I have had a pretty good day. Did some grocery shopping with my mom this morning. My daughter who is 20 decided that since it was so nice out today and her and her friend had the day off they were going to go hang out in Seattle today. So I dropped them at the ferry dock and then stopped at one of our waterfront parks and took a nice long walk. So quick question, I am noticing now that my walks are getting longer that the soles of my feet are getting really sore. I think I could go longer but they really start to hurt. Would a new pair of walking shoes fix this problem. I have never been a shoe person. I just always owned a pair of tennis shoes and a pair of dress shoes so i I dont really know much of anything about them. I have a turkey in the oven. I bought it at the Thanksgiving sales to make for my husband since he always misses that holiday and then forgot about it:laugh: So we are having my parents over tonight and having a nice dinner. Well I guess I better go finish picking up and putting the groceries away. Have a great day everyone and dont forget to grab a glass of water. I am on 8 now:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    yup, good supportive shoes will make a huge difference. They are an investment that you cannot do without
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    i was soooooo cranky yesterday that i worked really hard at they gym and today my arms and shoulders are sore :laugh: :laugh:
    so i went for a bike ride for over and hour cause it was a beautiful spring day and i did not want to do housework........wonder if it will get done while i sleep?
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi folks,

    Robin, I get my best cleaning done when I'm having company too. Stay strong with the donuts!

    Karenleona, there really should be cleaning fairies. :wink:

    Whitecapwendy: welcome! Don't fret about the weigh-in. It will likely be high but if you indulged, chances are you're carrying around some extra water. Get right back on course and it'll correct. :smile:

    Gorilla: good job reconfiguring your workout. For the sore neck, I recommend picking up one of those fabric tubes filled with rice that you can nuke for 60 seconds. I am wearing mine right now across my neck and shoulders; left trapezius is really tight.

    Monday check-in: well, I seriously indulged last night for our last restaurant dinner for a while: cheese and chocolate fondues do not make for a low-cal meal. Enjoyed it thoroughly, and this sort of thing is why I weigh in on Wednesdays. So what I'm noticing today is that, with a week of better food choices and a couple of (really hard) workout sessions under my belt, I am noticing hunger more accurately today. I was hungry an hour ago and the veggie tray sounded good, so I had some carrots. Then I popped a snack bag of popcorn for volume with low cals and will finish with peppermint tea. What I would have done 2 weeks ago, and I did not do, was have a couple slices of bread slathered with peanut butter. And honey. Or downed a handful of Ghirardelli squares, awash in a sea of carb cravings. I also noticed that the burpees were easier to do today (not easy, mind you; they still suck). Squat jumps, too. And I did a LOT of both. So this feels like forward progress, which is a good thing!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Lots of positive stuff here today. Always happy to see that. Good night.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    I need the cleaning fairies to show up at my house too. I temporarily misplaced my Fitbit charger yesterday and tore apart my living room – only to find it in my purse. Not sure how it got there!

    @whitecapwendy~Welcome to the thread, glad you found us. You found the most supportive thread on MFP!
    @Lin~Impressive mileage!
    @Tammy~I agree with what everyone else has said, you need really good shoes for walking – if you are close to a store that specializes go there as you’ll get a better fit. Otherwise, check out sporting goods stores and try several pairs – you’ll want something with good arch support and cushioning.
    @Shrinkrapt~No, that doesn’t sound like a very low-cal meal but it does sound divine! Way to go out with a bang. :laugh:

    Tuesday Goals~Well, one goal I set for myself this week I accomplished today. I need to get in some extra cardio so got up at 4:30 and got on my elliptical for 30-minutes, it wasn’t a high-energy workout though – trainer just wants me to burn an extra 200-300 calories on my “active rest days.” I’m sure I’ll hit a wall this afternoon since I’m not used to getting up early to exercise, I plan to do it again on Thursday. Only downside is that my Achilles did start bothering me at the half-way point but I pushed through, even though I did some ice massage afterwards I’m sure I’ll come to regret that.

    Exercise goals:
    Sunday~Training DONE!
    Monday~Arc Trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Short Elliptical workout at home DONE!
    Thursday~Short Elliptical workout at home
    Friday~If I’m not exhausted, elliptical at gym
    Saturday~Bike or Swim
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Good morning all!

    Tuesday Goals:
    !. walk gunner
    2. go to school to drop off/pick up stuff
    3. finish grading AP journals while at school
    4. go to gym
    5. begin grading AP essays
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Tuesday Goals:
    !. walk gunner DONE
    2. go to school to drop off/pick up stuff DONE
    3. finish grading AP journals while at school DONE
    4. go to gym
    5. begin grading AP essays
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Wow, everyone must be busy today.

    @Karen~Making excellent progress on those goals today. Have a great workout!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I am having a really hard time of it. Weighed myself today and am up 4 lbs. Determined to lose it immediately and will not change my ticker. I am having the fight of my life right now with my weight and my eating. I am just very inactive and so must keep my calories to a minimum. So I have to confess, why am I so inactive? I can blame part of it on my ill health and I am not going into a pity party about that, after all I have a swimming pool, as many of you know, at my disposal, and even with my health problems, I could be using that. No, I have some mental blocks going on that are making me almost a shut-in except when I go over to my BF for the weekend. When I'm at home, I watch TV, watch TV, watch TV endlessly. I try to reduce snacking by only having limited types of food around, but I will go back for more protein bars, or more cups of warm milk into the night.
    I have had depression from childhood and now I'm still fighting it at the age of 61. Its a royal pain in the patoot, but I have an excellent shrink, we have good rapport, and I'm on a combination of drugs that keeps me away from the depths. He does say he's not seen such a deep depression in anyone else, nor one that requires such a complexity of drugs.
    I make goals the night before for the next day, but they are simple ones, and one errand out of the house a day is quite an accomplishment. I report these to my BF and other friends who support me in my efforts to be more outgoing.
    So, I get up each morning and must have conscious discussions with myself before I can do a simple task like grocery shopping and it becomes an all day chore. That's what my life is really like. I do get it done but its a struggle. :blushing: I wish it burned more calories! Sorry for the ramble!
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    well, the long walks the last two days kept my birthday bash in check. Stepped on the scale this morning and did not lose any weight, but I did not gain any either. Now it is time to get past this plateau (I do not like plateaus), and get more weight off.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @wendy--happy belated b-day! glad you were able to maintain while enjoying your weekend.

    @robin--I'm so sorry you're going through this "funk." I've never struggled with clinical depression, so I'm not sure if anything I say will be helpful. However, when you mentioned the pool it reminded me of the VERY happy posts from you back when you were swimming regularly. Can you go back through your post history and re-read some of those posts? Maybe they will remind you of how good it felt to get into the pool and be more active. Just an idea...:flowerforyou:

    @kelley--yes, I was thinking the same thing--barely anyone posting today.

    Well, I'm doing well with my goals for today. Also, getting the bedding washed and the bathroom cleaned. Will head out to starbucks to grade a bit later.

    Tuesday Goals:
    !. walk gunner DONE
    2. go to school to drop off/pick up stuff DONE
    3. finish grading AP journals while at school DONE
    4. go to gym DONE
    5. begin grading AP essays
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    robin- i totally understand where you are. I often make goals the night before but then do not follow through on them cause i am not accountable to anyone. Great choice to tell others what you are doing and for getting out once a day. Does not matter if it makes it an all day least you are getting out. I agree that you should make one of your goals to get to the pool and just float for 10 minutes. Then you gradually build it up and enjoy it like you were doing before. Kudos to you for sharing the dark parts of your life with us....i know it is not easy dealing with depression and especially sharing. It takes soooo mcuh energy just to get through one day. Do you knit? while watching tv you could knit squares to be donated to a group making blankets for transition houses....just an idea. My knitting has saved me many times from eating mindlessly. Hugs to you:heart: