How many calories do you eat a day?



  • angelahammon
    angelahammon Posts: 114 Member
    i have been eating around 1400 cals a day loosing a pound a week, im near to my goal only a few pounds to go so im uping my calories so i loose half a pound a week until i get to my goal then prob eating 1900 which i can't see me eating now as thats a lot to eat
  • Just started counting.

    About 1800.
  • blaaaaah
    blaaaaah Posts: 11
    Today I've eaten 925. Usually it's probably a bit closer to between 750-850, though.
    Heaps of people will most likely respond with "that's unhealthy blahblah" which I know it is, but really I don't find much reason to be concerned because I don't find myself being insanely hungry throughout the day or anything.
    I just eat when I'm hungry, and I don't really eat calorie/sugar dense foods.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Around 1800 a day. Today was more like 2100 - I had a lovely hike and so upped my calories accordingly.

    Just over 350 of those calories are in the form of homemade poptarts and ice cream, which I'm going to seriously enjoy tonight :)

    Edited to add that I'm a short girl, 5'3". But, that sure doesn't mean that I can't eat lots of nummilicious food.


    I net around 1600 a day (I aim for TDEE-20% and eat back my exercise calories). But if I'm doing a big hike then I can quite easily eat and drink 4,000 calories gross (scramble up and down rock faces for six hours in the snow kids if you want to be able to indulge and drink beer!).
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Today I've eaten 925. Usually it's probably a bit closer to between 750-850, though.
    Heaps of people will most likely respond with "that's unhealthy blahblah" which I know it is, but really I don't find much reason to be concerned because I don't find myself being insanely hungry throughout the day or anything.
    I just eat when I'm hungry, and I don't really eat calorie/sugar dense foods.

    Have you considered the possibility that you may have an eating disorder? Eating at a caloric intake that low can leave serious, permanent effects on your body. There are lots of reasons to be concerned, actually.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Reported on MFP: 1400-1600 on average. Actually: more like 1600-2000 on average. I intentionally leave my calorie goal on the lower end because I don't always count the butter I sauteed my veggies in or the satay sauce in my Pho soup. I weigh about 95% of what I eat at home, but I just can't obsess about every single drop/bite.

    It may not be the "right" way to calorie count but it works for me.

    Oh, I don't know, sounds pretty sensible to me! I weigh absolutely everything at home, but that's just me. If I'm eating out it becomes a guessing game so I just try to get a run in that day to balance out any excess.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Reported on MFP: 1400-1600 on average. Actually: more like 1600-2000 on average. I intentionally leave my calorie goal on the lower end because I don't always count the butter I sauteed my veggies in or the satay sauce in my Pho soup. I weigh about 95% of what I eat at home, but I just can't obsess about every single drop/bite.

    It may not be the "right" way to calorie count but it works for me.

    Oh, I don't know, sounds pretty sensible to me! I weigh absolutely everything at home, but that's just me. If I'm eating out it becomes a guessing game so I just try to get a run in that day to balance out any excess.

    Honestly, I used to cringe at the idea of calorie counting for "the rest of my life" but if that's what it takes to keep the weight off, then I'd rather do it this way. I do my best to estimate when I eat out too, and sometimes I'll order my usual dish as takeout, and weigh it at home just to confirm my guessing.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    Today I've eaten 925. Usually it's probably a bit closer to between 750-850, though.
    Heaps of people will most likely respond with "that's unhealthy blahblah" which I know it is, but really I don't find much reason to be concerned because I don't find myself being insanely hungry throughout the day or anything.
    I just eat when I'm hungry, and I don't really eat calorie/sugar dense foods.

    The problem is, if you consistently eat way below your BMR you do stop feeling hungry but that doesn't mean that you don't need the extra food.

    Look - VLCDs will help you lose lots of weight, extremely quickly. I know; I did Lighter Life for 4 months and that's 500 calories a day GROSS. I lost nearly 60lbs in that time so if you did the curtain down at that point I guess you could say I was #winning.

    The thing is, the curtain doesn't go down the day you hit your goal weight - life goes on and you have to up your calories and eat more normally again. That's when the weight starts piling back on because your body has been slowing the metabolic rate by up to 30% whilst you've been eating that far under your BMR and now it's eeking every last drop of energy from the food you're putting in because its first priority is to fatten back up again after the 'famine' situation. There's also the fact that after a long time of extreme deprivation the temptation to fall face first into a vat of all the good things you avoided whilst doing VLCD is nearly impossible to avoid.

    The mark of a successful diet is not whether you hit your goal weight, or how fast you do it. The mark of a good diet is whether all that weight is STILL OFF a few years down the line - if it isn't, then you join the 90% of people who fail on diets.

    So guess why I'm on MFP trying to lose 100lb of weight? Dumbarse diets like VLCD that aren't sustainable in the long run and don't teach you anything about healthy eating and exercise for life...that's why.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Today I've eaten 925. Usually it's probably a bit closer to between 750-850, though.
    Heaps of people will most likely respond with "that's unhealthy blahblah" which I know it is, but really I don't find much reason to be concerned because I don't find myself being insanely hungry throughout the day or anything.
    I just eat when I'm hungry, and I don't really eat calorie/sugar dense foods.
    The problem is, if you consistently eat way below your BMR you do stop feeling hungry but that doesn't mean that you don't need the extra food.

    Look - VLCDs will help you lose lots of weight, extremely quickly. I know; I did Lighter Life for 4 months and that's 500 calories a day GROSS. I lost nearly 60lbs in that time so if you did the curtain down at that point I guess you could say I was #winning.

    The thing is, the curtain doesn't go down the day you hit your goal weight - life goes on and you have to up your calories and eat more normally again. That's when the weight starts piling back on because your body has been slowing the metabolic rate by up to 30% whilst you've been eating that far under your BMR and now it's eeking every last drop of energy from the food you're putting in because its first priority is to fatten back up again after the 'famine' situation. There's also the fact that after a long time of extreme deprivation the temptation to fall face first into a vat of all the good things you avoided whilst doing VLCD is nearly impossible to avoid.

    The mark of a successful diet is not whether you hit your goal weight, or how fast you do it. The mark of a good diet is whether all that weight is STILL OFF a few years down the line - if it isn't, then you join the 90% of people who fail on diets.

    So guess why I'm on MFP trying to lose 100lb of weight? Dumbarse diets like VLCD that aren't sustainable in the long run and don't teach you anything about healthy eating and exercise for life...that's why.

    Very well put! I have friends who lost incredible amounts of weight on LighterLife. While they were doing it they more or less stopped doing all the things they did before (exercise, drinking, going out) because they were too tired all the time. And now? Every one of them has put the weight back on - and faster than it came off.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    About 1800
  • never124get
    never124get Posts: 163
    Anywhere from 1600 to 1900 on average. Sometimes it's less on days I don't work out. I would be super hungry on just 1200 a day. But if it works for you and doesn't make you grumpy go for it lol.
  • xjckemx
    xjckemx Posts: 95 Member
    I'm 5. 2 and generally eat Around 1360 a day Maybe bit more on weekends if I've eaten less in week. I don't eat back exercise cals as its already factored in. Wish i was taller..... I want to eat more!!!!! ( without having to exercise more lol)
  • I eat less than 1000 and i always feel full. But the app says i should eat around 1200 :/
  • vertor81
    vertor81 Posts: 17
    I`m aiming at 2000 a day. Shoud be doing 1900 but then I felt hungry.
    My target is still 5-9kg lower, but as I work out at the same time I know I might not reach this. However the fat goes away in a visible way so I think it`s fine.
    Usually Ieat between 2500-3500 a day depending on the day. Sometimes I loose control and then even with exercises I can exceed my net target by up to 1000 cal.

    @DalaMutar this is because your metabolism was slowed down. try doing more cardio and you will probably feel hungry with the ammount you mentioned after 1-2 weeks. I also had a time when I was unable to reach more than 1800 andI pushed a lot of junk food to reach even that feeling full all the time. Now I feel my sugar levels drop when I don`t eat every 4-5h duing the day and as mentiond above I do eat a lot more than 2000 now without problems

    @xjckemx walking is also an exercise where you burn calories. so insteadof calling someone you can always ask the person to go for a walk to chat ;)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    1663 a day.