Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    lauriel- i giggled when i read your goals cause i could not make head nor tales of what you were doing....with or without shopping!

    my goal is to just keep logging and keep moving
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! I spent the entire day babysitting my niece--I'm talking from 7:30 this morning until about 6 pm, so a very long day. She's adorable and just a bundle of energy. I can run 5 miles and I lift heavy, but I don't think I've ever been as sore and exhausted as I am right now. I decided to log my 10+ hours as 1 hour of walking and 1 hour of strength training (and I actually did walk gunner when I got home). I have no idea if that's over or under, but I felt I deserved SOME sort of exercise credit for today.

    I was also starving when I got home b/c most of my eating throughout the day was light snacking when I could grab a bite. I took some food to my sister's, but I still got hungry and ended up breaking into her cupboard. Didn't eat anything really bad, just too much overall in terms of calories. And guess what, it's almost 11pm and I'm still hungry. :ohwell:

    Tomorrow I will go to the gym and then do some more grading (I managed to get 6 essays graded while my niece napped!).

    Wed Wish:
    That all of you who are struggling or "stuck" find the strength and support you need to push through! I will do personals tomorrow. Good night all!

    Grading Goals:
    1. 33/57 JRPs
    2. 13/47 AP essays
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    ok, this week is just plain fired.

    Husband's uncle passed away yesterday... one of my employees at work lost her nephew today... today at work was a Complete B***h(tm) - as in today was the 4th monday this week (or at least that's what it seemed, and not in a good way).


    Hugs to all those folk who are struggling with stuff... I really understand.
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Wow, looks like I'm not the only one who missed checking in yesterday, but today made up for it. :smile:

    @Robin, I do hope that, with the help of your shrink and your loved ones, you climb back up. Agreed with whoever suggested knitting; I crochet, and find that I don't snack when I'm working on something.

    @Karen, chasing after a toddler is really hard work. Glad you had so much fun!

    @ebailey, if you haven't taken your measurements yet, do that. You may find (as Karen mentioned) that you lose inches when you're not losing pounds.

    @vicki and ebailey: so sorry to hear about your losses!

    @tlh: any verdict yet on the little guy? Seizures are no fun.

    @Wendy: happy birthday! If you haven't, check the very first post on Page 1 and you'll quickly get the hang of the (non-mandatory) daily topics. And yes, we have a culture of sharing our goals, and our progress, with each other. What's nice is that you don't get beat up here if you fall off the wagon a time or three.

    @lauriek: trainer loves burpees. They show up, in one fashion or another, almost daily so far. Amazingly enough, they're getting a bit easier. Yesterday was Pushup Tuesday and today was LOTS of core and squat jumps. I am getting my $$ worth.

    @kris, enjoy your family Easter dinner! Sounds lovely!

    @kaye, we have a Girl Scout in the family. Thin Mints are deadly! Good thing they only sell them once a year...

    AFM, my Wednesday Wish is that, as our family makes some substantial changes (hubby's last day of work is Friday, by choice), that my husband and kids (and me!) will be happier and less frenetic, even with less income.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    My goodness! Where is everyone today? I hope that the absence of posts means that everyone is busy and happy.
    I'll report more later. Kaye
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    @sara--I hope your switch to hubby staying home works well for your family. You'll probably gain quality time together which IMHO is much more valuable than money. You can always make more money--you can never make more time.

    @vickie--sorry you've had such a rough week--I don't blame you for firing it!

    @kaye--I hope eating back your exercise calories works for you. :flowerforyou: I couldn't live without eating back mine!

    @tammy--I spend quite a bit on my runners too. One good thing--once you determine which brand/style works best for you, you can look for them at discount stores or online. I bought my first pair of runners at a specialty running store for about $150, but now I buy most of mine at DSW or Nordstrom Rack, and I rarely pay over $60. I have a runner friend who usually finds her Brooks Ghost 5's on ebay for about $40 off retail.

    @toots--Glad you were able to pop in and let us know you made it--even if your computer didn't. Hope you can salvage it.

    @tracy--Yes! Every time I'm on the fence about whether to go to the gym or not, I just remind myself that I've never regretted going to the gym. Before going, I can think of 500 things I "should" do instead of go to the gym, but I've never walked out afterwards thinking "Wow, I'm really sad I just spent that hour working out." However, I've had many nights I've gone to bed wishing I had gone to the gym instead of doing x, y, or z.

    @kelley--I can't work out in the morning either, but for a different reason. I need to be awake for a few hours in order to push myself to get the most out of my workout. Going through the motions half asleep doesn't work for me.

    @holly--hope you make it through your busy OT week. :flowerforyou:

    Thurs. Truth:
    I've not been great with my food choices this week, but at least I've been working out. Today, I will walk gunner and then head to the gym. Afterward, I need to grade before hubs and I go to dinner for our anniversary--15 years today. :happy:

    Would like to finish the AP essays today and then move back to JRPs tomorrow and Sat.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 33/57 JRPs
    2. 13/47 AP essays
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Thanks for your prayers -- they worked!! My nephew is fine and it is just a soothing mechanism. EEG is okay! Whew!

    Thursday Truth: I'm having a tough second half of March. I've been over on calories just as many days as under and just can't seem to get back in the groove. I'm not getting my exercise in like I should be. Each day, I say this is the day and then each night I'm so unmotivated. I've tried morning exercise but I have to be working by 7:30 AM and to get up early enough just doesn't work for me. I normally go to the gym right after work, but Holy Week is kicking my tush. Two services on Sunday and then choir practice last night, we sing tonight at Maunday Thursday service. Good Friday service will warm my heart and then two services on Sunday again. Hopefully when I don't have very many activities next week, I can get back in the groove.

    Better get back to work. Have a great day everyone!
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    This thread is really awesome!! I just wish I could help more and offer more advice.

    I feel like there is so much I can share.

    I am always willing to help =)
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hello. Busy morning, boss is off today/tomorrow.

    @Karen~I think I’ve determined working out in the early morning doesn’t work for me either. :laugh: One deprived night of sleep has really wreaked havoc on my week – I’m just going to have to do longer cardio sessions from here on out.
    @tlh~Terrific news!

    Thursday Truth~I’m in such a funk over this injury and not being able to do what I want to do – it’s been a couple of weeks, enough already! That combined with some serious stress right now isn’t helping matters – I hope my cardio tomorrow/Sat will do me some good. I’m fine on calories, but the choices making up those calories could be better – eating above my 98g of carbs allotment.

    On another note been looking at cruises to see if there is one I can fit into my schedule this summer, so far nothing works. :cry:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kelley--sorry about your injury--it really stinks that it's not healing as quickly as you would like. I'm not a "cruise" type of person, but what are you looking for? Carribean, Scandanavian, Mexican, Mediterranean, etc.? My parents have been on a lot of cruises and my aunt and uncle went on one down the Rhine RIver last year. It's amazing to me how many different types of cruises are available.

    @tracy--great news about your nephew!

    @jules--you are welcome to join in the conversation, but please remember the MFP "no marketing" rule--Yes, I peeked at your profile. :smile:

    Thursday Truth:
    I thought of a better "truth" to confess. A former colleague of mine got married this weekend. It was her 2nd marriage--her 1st was a mess and I truly feel bad for everything she went through. However, she married the guy for the wrong reasons ($) and found out afterwards that he was a drug addict and a jerk. Anyways, I'm really happy for her that she got past that terrible situation and found someone new.

    What I need to confess, though, are the terribly catty thoughts I've been having about all of her posts about her engagement party, several bridal showers, bachelorette weekend, and wedding. Don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge her and her new guy the right to celebrate their union with a full-on wedding. I know some people are old-fashioned and would say that she isn't "allowed" a 2nd wedding, but I think it's fine. However, I feel it's pretty tasteless to expect friends and family to buy you engagement, shower, bachelorette, and wedding gifts a 2nd time around. At 1st I thought maybe it was just the groom's family throwing the parties (it's his 1st marriage), but it's clear from her posts and from mutual friends, that that isn't the case.

    It was also a very extravagant reception which puts pressure on guests to spend more to attend. I was invited to her 1st wedding, but I ended up not going, in part, b/c of the expense. It was downtown which means the added cost of parking, and (if you want to really be able to enjoy yourself) a hotel room. It was also "black tie" which meant renting a tux for DH and a fancy, expensive dress for me. Top that off with the feeling that your wedding gift should at least cover your plates (which were about $100/person at that locale--and this was 7 years ago!) and we're talking a pretty expensive event to attend.

    I wasn't invited to this wedding, but a friend who was told me it was the same deal--downtown, super swanky, and no message on the invite indicating that gifts aren't necessary this time around. I know it has ZERO impact on me, which is why I feel like a bad person for criticizing her, but I just had to voice my catty feelings someplace. :devil: Thanks for letting me vent here--it will keep me from being nasty in the real world. :wink:
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Hi! Drive-by post to let you know I'm still alive, just super crazy busy! Will try to stop back later...
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Just a goals update:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 33/57 JRPs
    2. 20/47 AP essays
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Karen~I’m addicted to cruising! :laugh: I just like the fact that I don’t have to worry about anything while on a cruise and I love the different destinations I get to cover in one vacation. I did Alaska last year and was supposed to do a Canada/New England cruise in October but it isn’t going to work out schedule wise – so we’ve postponed it a year and are tacking on a Caribbean cruise on the back-end (same ship). I have Panama Canal booked for a year from now, was just looking for a 7-day Eastern Caribbean but I can only work it into my schedule a particular week in August and the price just isn’t right. It is amazing though the cruise destinations available now.

    I go along with your thoughts on 2nd weddings and beyond, I wonder if she’s making excuses for all the extravagance because it’s his first marriage. The same holds true for baby showers, not sure why they are held when they are on their 3rd to 4th baby, figure they would have everything they need. :tongue:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Skinny - I know just how you feel about the second wedding and its OK to vent your feelings here in the forum where there's no judgement - I just wish brides would be as considerate of ALL their guests when they plan their events as they are of the bridal party - it smacks of discrimination, doesn't it!

    I had a good day yesterday. I did my grocery shopping, and got out in the sun for a while. WHen I got home, I tackled my exercise room which was full of half packed boxes from my living room painting efforts. I decided that 4 boxes of stuff would be stored in that rooms' closets and it was an emotional time for me. I was giving up seeing those nik-naks for several years and it was hard to put them away but I finally did it. I have down-sized many times over the last 5 years and I hope this is the last time I ever have to do it. But my new living room is nice, not crowded and shows of the few bits of decor to their advantage instead of a lot of pieces competing with each other. I managed to cram all four boxes into my closet with only 2 attempts at arranging the closet so that was another victory and as I look at it, a cardiac workout!

    Today I am back from my oral surgery and am sore and am heading for bed. He cut my gum and my cheek looks like a chipmunk. Plenty of painkillers (and ice cream to keep it cold (!) so I'll have a pleasant recovery and I'm sure I'll be fine by tomorrow.
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    My thursday truth: In the almost 3 months that I have been working at losing weight. I have never plateaued--until now. I have stuck at 32 pounds off for two weeks (on Monday). I am thrilled that after my birthday bash weekend, I did not gain so that was a victory. But two weeks without losing even an ounce has me bugged. It is a positive though. It is causing me to work harder. I am doing more working out. I plan to weigh in tomorrow, and am hoping for some success.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin--glad your oral surgery went ok and hope you recover quickly. :flowerforyou: Thanks for the comments about the 2nd weddings. Sadly, I know plenty of couples who aren't even considerate of their bridal attendants--I've heard so many horror stories from people who've had to spend so much money standing up for a wedding b/c the bride/groom didn't think about the cost. I'm fortunate--I don't think I've ever stood up for a wedding where the bride didn't express a desire to consider the attendants' budgets.

    @kelley--I agree about the baby showers too! I hope you find a cruise that works for you.

    I got through 17 essays and have 17 left for tomorrow. Then I still need to finish JRPs, :ohwell:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 33/57 JRPs
    2. 30/47 AP essays
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    I don't think it will ever recover. I will need to buy a new one. But hopefully I can get all my work off there. My husband thinks he can do that by slaving the hard drive to another computer. Hopefully it works because my writing is on there and since i get paid to write that's an issue.

    We are making an exercise room in our new house. I'm very excited. Can't wait to break it in.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I don't think it will ever recover. I will need to buy a new one. But hopefully I can get all my work off there. My husband thinks he can do that by slaving the hard drive to another computer. Hopefully it works because my writing is on there and since i get paid to write that's an issue.

    We are making an exercise room in our new house. I'm very excited. Can't wait to break it in.

    Toots - it - meaning your computer died? OH that's terrible - I do hope you can retrieve all you work - I know it should be possible without spending an arm and a leg.

    Your new house - and an exercise room - sounds wonderful - do you have an office too? How do the kids like it?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,141 Member
    Hello friends - back from my visit with my dad and I am so incredibly tired! I need sleep!!!!!

    Thursday truth: I am virtually incapable of making a rational decision when it comes to my father. I went with him to a doctor's appointment where he received cortisone injections in his knees. He is to the point however that he cannot express what hurts or how severe the pain is. I don't know what he's trying to say most of the time and the doctors/nurses/professionals still expect that he can tell them what's wrong or what he needs. Indeed HE CANNOT. I can tell he is very frustrated and is somewhat angry with me because I'm not finding him the help he needs but I have no idea of what is the specific problem. I just can tell he's uncomfortable. And the whole issue of selling his acreage is tearing me into shreds. The person who wants to buy the acreage cannot finance it and wants me to hold a contract. I have to look into this more. While I have the highest regard for this man and his family, I don't think we can afford to hold a contract given the level of my dad's expenses. This may not end well and if it does then I likely will not have the great help I've received from this gentleman for the past 5 years.:sad:

    Short version: my life seems to be a mess!!:angry:

    I'm sorry for everyone else's suffering and problems. We need some more happiness!!!

    Hugs to all.:heart::heart: :heart:

    I'm going to bed now...............


  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin- A very productive day. Wishing you a very speedy recovery from the surgery today.

    linder- Hope you can figure things out with your dad. It is so hard when parents can't explain what the problem and where it hurts.

    Kah- Good luck, I hope that injury heals quickly.

    Karen- I also agree about the extra bridal showers and such. I did change my hair the style and it is more red now than usual. I will try to post a picture but I need someone to take a good picture of me. I am still trying to decide if I like the color or it is to red. I am sure my students will make the call for me on Tuesday when I head back to work. Not looking forward to the end of spring break. You are doing great with your grading goals.

    Wendy- Happy birthday. You can break the stagnation just work a little harder or change one thing slightly. It may also be a natural part of your body's cycle that won't let the weight come off for a couple of weeks. I know my body gains weight a couple of weeks before that TOM and then the week before it just drops off. Good luck and welcome to the group.

    Shrink- push ups are off limits for me at least if they are on my knees. The last time I did push ups on my knees I angered the bursa and it took a couple of weeks for the swelling to go down. Now I end up doing them using a stability ball and a medicine ball. I am thinking my trainer is considering adding stairs and running back into my workouts. Right now he has thing for crunches getting easier but still challenging. I just hope those ab muscles are starting to take shape under my layers of fat. Enjoy your trainer's workouts.

    Truth- I have become very busy the last few days which is a good thing but there are times when I want to spend a quiet evening at home. Actually, I like being busy in the evenings but it tends to run in spurts on the number of nights I am out in a week. Yesterday, I went shopping in the morning, then the massage (greatly enjoyed and realized how tight my muscles are- not good), then hair then a meeting. I returned home about 9 pm. It was a productive day. I am frustrated over my lack of weight loss. I have been holding steady for over a year within a 5 lb range most days. However, last week my weight jumped up and has not gone back down. It needs to go back down and I don't want to wait for it disappear over night.

    Today, I had a great time at the gym. The Swat team was at the gym when I was there today and they were running laps. Needless to say the guys became my motivation to run more than normal. While walking I watched a few of there laps then realized that I may be able use one or two of the slower runners as a pace setter for me. I stayed a couple of steps behind him until we passed their lap counters (rest of the squad). One of them challenged/encouraged me to pass him, I did but that put me out of breath and back to walking but at least I was able to run over a lap. It was fun and it was pleasant to look at them. That also allowed me to work on the challenge from my trainer to pass people while running.