Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Thursday truth...I don't take any time for myself and it's showing. I am trying to change this but it's a work in progress. I haven't even weighed myself or thought about it much as I've been so busy. Tonight is a tough one, babysitting 2 sweeties who just won't go to sleep and it's late. I may take them to bed with me.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thursday truth: I'm not sure how much good it does me to eat my exercise calories if I eat them in thin mint cookies and chocolate cupcakes.:embarassed: Yesterday I ate the most calories that I have eaten since I started this in October. I still didn't eat all of my exercise calories, but the extra was all those sugars.
    Robin, hope your mouth heals quickly.
    Karen, I agree about the overdone showers, etc. Although I had to laugh when someone said that anyone with 3 or 4 kids ought to have all the stuff they need. That's when it all starts wearing out.:laugh:
    I'm sorry for those who are struggling. I agree with Lin. We need more happy stuff!
    Have a good evening. Kaye
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Sorry for the double post. I decided it was time to update my measurements. I needed a boost. Last measurements on Jan. 25. Since then I have lost 9.5".:happy:
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    Hey all, late nite for me. Getting my hair done and then had to do a bit of shopping for snack foods and breakfast stuff.

    @Karen, ITA about brides making such a big deal out of themselves. For any wedding, really. It is completely unreasonable to solicit 4 gifts and have your guests and attendants pay through the nose to watch you get married. Just my humble opinion. I appreciate your willingness to be honest here. :smile:

    @ Robin, sounds like a very satisfying day! Hope the gum heals fast. Salt water gargles taste terrible but really do help speed the healing.

    @Kaye, congrats on the inches lost! Great way to boost yourself after a Girl Scout Cookie day!

    @Melancholy, I hope you do decide that you're worth taking time for. And that eventually you'll feel the need to change your user name because it no longer describes you. :flowerforyou:

    @Laurie, you can also use a raised surface like a stair to do pushups. And I love the image of running behind the SWAT team guys! Even I might run, with that incentive! Would love to see the new 'do!

    @Lin, that's so difficult, I'm sorry you're going through it. All of it. Unfortunately, when someone starts to have difficulty expressing themselves, the best person to figure out what's wrong is usually someone who's lived full-time with that person for a while. When that's not the situation, it's certainly more of a challenge. My only advice is to pay very close attention to subtle nonverbal signs that something might be hurting, because that's a lot more reliable than speech. And if you haven't already talked to your dad's doctors about the fact that he can't reliably describe his symptoms anymore, it's time for a phone call. As for the friend who wants to buy the acreage, I will just say good luck with whatever you decide.

    Thursday Truth: I love Heath bars. Love toffee and caramel flavors with chocolate. And I just had one (willpower failure in the checkout line). And it was too sweet. Huh.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    I'm back. I didn't do anything for fitness yesterday since I was away for the funeral, but today is a new day. I packed a lunch, I'm bringing breakfast, and I am RUNNING today.

    Wednesday Wish: I wish that the speaker we had last night for our meeting wasn't so terrible.
    Thursday Truth: I had never actually seen them put someone in the ground until yesterday.
    Friday Fitness: Today I will RUN. I will, I will, I will.
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    Friday fitness right? I got a video from my sister called 2 mile walk with Leslie Sansone. the last ce ouple days I have been doing it twice a day (am and pm). Today is going to be different. Instead of getting a workout doing 250 pounds of laundry today, I will be sitting at the receptionist desk from 9am to 9pm. Not much exercise. But I did my "2 mile walk" this morning and will do it again when I get home (normally 154 calories). Other fitness I do. when I have the time, I usually take a 45 minute walk around the neighborhood which is good for about 500 or so calories. Once in a while after working in the laundry I will go upstairs at work and do the treadmill in the exercise room.

    I am slow about getting individual notes out. I am wanting to get to know you ladies. But I am loving the notes I am getting. Thank you for the birthday wishes.

    @Laurie I am blessed at 54 years old to be past the TOM, having had surgery two bears ago. I was also very blessed to breez e through any difficulties in the process. May have had some hot flashes, but they were bearable and could just as easily been from a very hot summer too. thank you for the tips.

    @grandmakaye-- woo hoo!! congrats on the inches loss. I have not done the measuring, but can feel in my clothes and drop in sizes that I am losing inches. Keep it going.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning!

    Just when I’m feeling all defeated someone lifts me back up. I received the greatest compliment from someone that works in one of the offices upstairs – came up to me this morning said I looked amazing and asked me what I was doing. She said she’s been trying to catch me in the hall for a couple of weeks but that I move to fast. :laugh: It just made me feel really good – also made me feel guilty for treating myself to a skinny macchiato at Starbucks this morning. :embarassed: But I haven’t been to Starbucks in two months, felt like I deserved the treat. I did; however, avoid the chocolate cinnamon cake they were featuring – it looked amazing!

    @Robin~Glad your oral surgery went well and that you recover quickly! It’s hard to downsize but something I’ve done every time I moved to a new place – I’ve gotten to where I don’t like clutter. If I have to dust it I don’t want it around! Now that I’m settled in my house, I don’t have much sitting around – except for a few things that I inherited from grandparents (my granny’s coo coo clock that she bought in Germany over 70 years ago being one of my faves).
    @Toots~So sorry about the computer issues. But your DH should be able to get the info off of the hard drive – I had a hard drive crash a few years ago so I took it to a PC store, they were able to get my files off of the hard drive and then installed a new one in my laptop.
    @Lin~I’m so sorry for the struggles with your dad, it so hard when the roles are reversed and we become the caretakers – I see it with my mom as she deals with her mom. I hope things work out with your dad’s acreage. Sending you virtual hugs that everything works out soon! :heart:
    @Laurie~Excellent job challenging yourself with the run! Are you still condo hunting or have you put that on the back burner for a while?
    @Kaye~Put the thin mints in the freezer, out of sight out of mind. Try not to beat yourself up about those extra calories, today is a new day just try to do better today. Awesome on the inches lost!!! :flowerforyou:
    @Wendy~Any time we start doing something different it takes our bodies a little while to wake up and realize what we are doing is actually a good thing! I would give it a couple of more weeks, if you still aren’t seeing the scale move downward take a look and see if there is something else you can change (i.e. more water, more veggies, less carbs, etc). Sometimes it can just take a while for our bodies to catch up.

    Friday Fitness~I have kept up with my fitness goals all week. I discovered working out before work isn’t going to work for me since I have to be here so early, so I’ll put in extra long workouts twice a week to make up for that. I do have a stressful weekend ahead preparing for a certification exam next week, but don’t foresee any real food challenges – I just need to stay focused.

    Fitness this week:
    Sunday~Training DONE!
    Monday~Arc Trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Elliptical at home DONE!
    Wednesday~Training DONE!
    Thursday~Rest Day
    Friday~Elliptical at Gym
    Saturday~Bike/Elliptical at Gym

    We’re at the end of March, how did everyone do with their challenges? I did increase my water intake and did my planks 3x a week, so maintained those goals. Did we make a decision on April challenges?

    Have a super day!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Just a quick drop in... despite having a horrendous week. Hardly exercised, but kept the carbs out and still dropped three pounds. So I guess somethng went well!
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm back and my back is much better today!

    I am finally caught up reading posts! Since I hurt my back I have been pretty bad at eating and no movement. I am at work but walking slow and trying to do stuff at my desk instead of in the lab. I have come to the conclusion that I would be a bad drug addict. Taking muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatory, and pain killers is taking its toll. The pain killers really do not kill the pain, but they do kill my good attitude. When I take them I do not care if I’m getting healthy or not.
    Here are some things I remember from a lot of posts I just read:
    I use a night guard every night and would hate to be without it

    I do think most food is good, but there is some that is not healthy On April 13th 2012 Guinness World Records presented the Heart Attack Grill with an official certificate proclaiming... "Most calorific burger Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas includes in its menu the 1.444kg (3lb 2.94oz) Quadruple Bypass Burger packing 9,982 calories. It's 6.91 calories per gram (195.95 calories per ounce) makes it the world's most calorific burger as verified by Guinness World Records"

    I like the “April Fools” challenge but I am struggling with some good substitions. I was going to try and snack with health in mind and I did very badly. So I’m going to start again and do it this time.

    I was taken to see Skyfall when it was out in the theaters by my work group for a quick team building thingy, I loved it and must go buy the DVD.

    “Susan and Robin, I can relate. I just don't know what happened to my motivation but.... it's poofed into thin air somehow. First things first. No more ice cream (ate the last of the butter pecan last night) and no more eating out (Arbies yesterday was my fond farewell). If I want something extra and just can't control myself, its fruit or NOTHING. If I go over on calories so be it, but it's going to be with HEALTHY food and NOT junk. That's where I'll start.” I am going to try that also 3M.

    @Alison way to finish the ½ marathon!

    @Shrinkrapt- The green beard is an annual tradition.


    @Lauriek70- way to pass the SWAT guy! I use the bench at my work for pushups (which I need to do more often) so if you have a sturdy counter top somewhere try doing the pushups there. The higher the bench top the easier they are to do. I do just 5 ladders and it works me pretty good. Ladders which you probably know are 1, then 1, then 2, then 2, then 3, then 3, then 4, then 4, then 5, then 5. When I do the 1 I rest for 1 second, the 2 I rest for 2 seconds, the 3 rest for 3 seconds, 4 rest for four seconds. I read this in the book You Are Your Own Gym: The Bible of Bodyweight Exercises. As soon as my back is all the way better I’ll be starting these again.

    @Robin “@ Robin, sounds like a very satisfying day! Hope the gum heals fast. Salt water gargles taste terrible but really do help speed the healing.” I do the salt water when I have dental problems which seems like all the time. I think it also helps with the pain.

    @Lin- Best wishes for you and your Dad.

    @SkrinkRapt451- “Thursday Truth: I love Heath bars. Love toffee and caramel flavors with chocolate. And I just had one (willpower failure in the checkout line). And it was too sweet. Huh.” I debated whether I should post this or not but I decided to. My brother lives in VT and I visited him and we went to the Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream factory in Waterbury. They had vanilla Hearth bar crunch which had not been frozen yet that we got to try. It was amazing. They also make a coffee Heath Bar Crunch. I know this is not the best thing to eat but sometimes I need something bad. Now they have low fat fro yo Phish food and Greek yogurt Blueberry Vanilla Graham. I am going to start trying some of these but only one scoop at a time and hopefully only once or twice a week.

    @ebailey710- Sorry for your loss.

    Happy Friday hope you all have a healthy weekend!

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Lin - I'm so sorry for the situation with your dad and his inability to communicate his pain to his care professionals.
    As to your other dilemma, my step mom was in the same situation and did sell some property via contract to farmers she depended on over 20 years ago and it has been a successful arrangement. She felt she could trust them as they were not going to pull up the land and sneak off in the night. She likes the continual influx of income. If you could consult a good lawyer and get a contract that had protections for you, I think it could work to your advantage.

    Gorilla - its good to see you back!

    Tom - its good to see you back too! Glad to hear your back is better.

    Thanks Shrink and Tom for the salt water gargle tips. I will do so immediately - my mouth is still so sore from yesterday and darned if that isn't a good idea that I forgot about. I have a call in to the dentist and I'll bet thats what he'll recommend.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. It is a beautiful day hre today. In just a little bit I am going to go out and take my first long walk with my new shoes. Hopefully it goes better with these :happy: I just had to get on here and share yesterdays NSV with you all. I woke up really hungry yesterday and by 11 in the morning I had already eaten all but about 500 of my calories for the day. Well I knew what we were having for dinner and it would come in around 600 calories so I was sitting there thinking great I am screwed. I had to go into town to exchange some shoes for my husband and as I was getting ready to go my brain started thinking that since I had already killed the day I might as well take this oppurtunity to get some fast food and some sweet treats. The whole way into town I was debating where I should stop and what I should get. I went into the mall and exchanged the shoes still thinking about this and then got back in the car to head somewhere and just kept driving till I got home. I nevr really made the conscious decision not to splurge out of control I just didnt do it. When I got home without stopping anywhere I was so proud of myself. I ended up only being over 198 calories for the day instead of the thousands I was setting myself up for. Needless to say yesterday turned out to be a pretty good day:bigsmile:
    Lin I am sorry to hear of the struggles you are having. It is one of the worst feelings when a family member hurts and we cant figure out how to help them. I hope it gets better soon.
    Robin I am happy to hear your oral surgery went well. I hope it all feels better soon. Stomachaches and tooth pain are myy personal definitions of Hell on earth.
    Tom glad to see you back and happy to hear your back is feeling better:smile:
    Wendy I totally feel your plateau pain. I have been hovering around the same number for three weeks now. It is a great motivator though for kicking the workout up a notch :)
    As for everyone else I hope you all have a great day and accomplish everything you want. Grab a glass of water and lets get started:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • FluffyCorky
    FluffyCorky Posts: 96 Member
    Happy to see the thread is finally moving along. It seemed to have been slow for the past couple of days. Weather here in Chicago is sunny and mid 50's today. Supposed to be the same all weekend. Super excited about that!! :smokin:

    Friday Fitness: Hoping to use the good weather to my advantage. I'm going to stay at a friends this weekend to work on her wedding invites. I'm hoping she'll agree to a few breaks in between tying ribbons and bows and stuffing envelopes to go on a few walks. She's been trying to cut a few pounds for her upcoming nuptials so it should work out in my favor.

    Tying into the recent wedding conversation - she is one of those brides that is absolutely budget friendly to all and if it had been any other way I don't think 1/2 of us would be able to afford to stand up next to her. I really don't get how some women can expect to have it all. I had another friend marry recently and the LEAST expensive item on her registry was $75.00. Really? And explain to me why am I going to buy you a $200 pillow? Some people fail to realize they need to be realistic about EVERYTHING wedding related to accommodate ALL persons involved. I absolutely understand what you guys are saying. (Sorry I went off on a tiny tangent).

    As usual I'll only be logging food on my phone app this weekend. (I refuse to have the internet at home - I do enough with computers @ work). Excited to see what yall have to share this weekend. Hope you find some motivation and fun to get out and enjoy the weather :happy:

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Everyone - Here's the APRIL CHALLENGE - As posed by Shrinkrapt several weeks ago......

    I nominate an "April Fool" challenge. As in, whenever you have an anxiety/comfort food craving, substitute a non-food comfort. Preferably cheap and easy to do. In essence, you fool your brain into accepting something else to manage stress. (And to be honest, it's no joke, just straight-up cognitive-behavior therapy.)

    I think this will be a great Challenge. For Newbies - it just means that you pick something out for yourself to substitute for your food cravings. You can adapt this throughout the month until you sucessfully settle on something that works! Its all about experimenting and finding out what works for you!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    @robin--I love sara's April Fool's challenge though I'm not sure what I will choose. I have a few days to figure it out, so I will think on that.

    @courtney--I know!! Isn't the weather gorgeous!!! I'm grading right now, but plan a nice long walk with gunner this afternoon, and tomorrow may very well be my 1st outdoor run of 2013! Very excited about that. :bigsmile:

    @tammy--great job passing up the fast food! :drinker:

    @tom--glad the back is feeling better! :flowerforyou:

    @gorilla--great loss!

    #kelley--I think I bleed skinny caramel macchiato! :laugh: May be something to consider for the April challenge. I have no intention of giving up my starbucks altogether, but maybe I will limit myself and substitute some zero cal drinks on days when I don't work out. I'll have to think about that.

    @wendy--sounds like you are off to a great start with the fitness. I think most of us started with walking, and I know several people in this thread are good friends with Leslie. :laugh:

    @bailey--can't wait to hear back about your run today. :wink:

    @kaye--great job with the inches lost! :drinker:

    @mel--I think the only way I make time for myself is if I actually schedule it, and then stick to the schedule.

    @laurie--I hear you on the frustration! After adjusting my weight to match my new scale, I finally had a "real" loss of several pounds over a few weeks. I was all the way down to 181, and now I've jumped back up to 185-ish and don't seem to be moving back down. :grumble: In the meantime, I've gone down a pants size, but my measurements haven't budged--I find it all very strange.

    @lin--sorry to hear about you struggles wit hyour dad--sending you hugs {{{{lin}}}}. :flowerforyou:

    I have 13 AP essays to finish, and then I am taking some "me" time to walk gunner and go to the gym. Still have 24 JRPs, but those will have to wait until later.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 33/57 JRPs
    2. 34/47 AP essays
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    Woo Hoo! finally broke that plateau. I lost 1.2 pounds this morning. Since January, that is 33.2 pounds off.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Wendy~Woo Hoo!!!

    I'm actualy packing up my desk and fixing to leave for the day - yay for a slow day at the office! :bigsmile:
  • kvandeest
    kvandeest Posts: 36 Member
    Glad it's Friday. It's been an up and down week. I keep thinking if part of me wants to lose the weight so badly what part of me is holding me back. Carbs make my weight loss much harder. I have tried to limit my carbs but that wasn't so successful yestereday. Does anyone have any good information or know of medicine for fibromylagia. I am going to a specialist but not for a couple of weeks. My family physician is pretty sure that's what I have. Pretty sore or in my pain, but trying to keep going. Everyone have a great weekend.
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    Glad it's Friday. It's been an up and down week. I keep thinking if part of me wants to lose the weight so badly what part of me is holding me back. Carbs make my weight loss much harder. I have tried to limit my carbs but that wasn't so successful yestereday. Does anyone have any good information or know of medicine for fibromylagia. I am going to a specialist but not for a couple of weeks. My family physician is pretty sure that's what I have. Pretty sore or in my pain, but trying to keep going. Everyone have a great weekend.

    My chiropractor does sessions on Fibromyalgia. Have you considered what a chiropractor can do for you?
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @wendy--congrats on the loss! :drinker:

    @kvan--I'm also terrible at limiting my carbs--so much so, that I've actually given up and instead focus on increasing my protein. It helps a bit.

    Friday Fitness:
    Well I made it to the gym and did about 20 minutes of lifting and then 30 minutes on the stationary bike. I usually only do 20, so that was new for me. Haven't done so great with the core work at home for my March challenge. However, I was able to increase my standard plank to 1 minute and switched form straight-arm to forearm side planks. Also increased my push ups from 12 to 15. I have added the shoulder press and upright row when I do the core at home (up to 3 sets of 20 reps)--I will continue this into April.

    Right now I need to finish 8 AP essays and enter some participation grades. Then I'll just have 24 JRPs to finish over the weekend.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 33/57 JRPs
    2. 39/47 AP essays
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Today has been productive. I've gotten some cleaning done, and grocery shopping in preparation for the company I will have for 5 days beginning on Sunday. Rebecca is coming with her family from Vancouver, WA during their spring break. When she comes so does everyone else. We always have a big houseful. I wish I that I had a big house.
    I got some exercise calories from housework, but didn't make it for a walk. It was a light day food wise so I don't need the calories, but it is so nice out that I really think I will go for a walk, maybe a shorter one this evening.
    kvan--I'm no help on limiting carbs. I know its not really true, but I go on the assumption that all calories are equal. I just stay under my calorie goal.
    Wendy, congrats on the loss.
    Karen, you haven't had much of a spring break. You will finish up your grading just in time to go back to school. My daughter that moved from Chicago in June is sure loving the weather here. Glad you finally have some nice weather.
    Have a good evening. Kaye