Your most humiliating "fat" experience.



  • Xhell_on_heelsX
    All I can think is, you married this man why?

    I often ask myself the same question. Too often in fact.

    First of all...I may be young, but the one thing I was taught about the opposite sex is if you really have to ask yourself that truly wasn't meant to be. I feel as though you posted this topic and this story to get opinions on this reaction from your boyfriend (now husband). girl, I'm sorry but that is down right rude of him...and that for me would have been grounds for a breakup on the spot. He should love you no matter what.

    As for an embarrassing story...I was shopping for clothes one day (this was before I even had my daughter and mind you I was PMS'ing at the time..sooo I was bloated) and the girl at the counter asked me if I was having a boy or a blood was boiling as I left the store and I could barely sign the receipt without my hand shaking uncontrollably.

    I hope you are on this weight loss journey for YOU not your husband hun....good luck to you :flowerforyou:
  • H3TR0
    H3TR0 Posts: 87
    When you look back on these things do they motivate you? Do you feel a sense of hopelessness that drives you to failure over and over?

    I was at Cedar Point (an amusement park) on a band trip in high school and wanted to ride the Dragster. I didn't have issues with any other rollercoasters in the park, but for this coaster, you didn't just have to get a lap belt to fasten, you had to fasten it and then have 6 inches of the strap left over for safety reasons according to the ride operator. Mind you, this wasn't posted anywhere and I wasn't sure of what kind of seats they were in the first place. I waited in line for an hour and a half, got in the seat, struggled to get the lap belt fastened, then the ride operator came to check everyone and told me that I couldn't ride it because of not having leftover strap. I was so mortified. I let everyone think I chickened out on riding it because it seemed less embarrassing than admitting the truth.

    Being that I weigh more now than I did then, I have to say it does make me feel hopeless sometimes. And when I think about that, I feel so embarrassed and saddened.
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    All I can think is, you married this man why?



    you married him AFTER he said this?? I divorced mine
  • buffcleb
    buffcleb Posts: 150 Member
    growing up my dad always called me fat boy... looking back I was not really that fat... a little overweight but nothing to major... but I got used to being the fat boy... it was just who I was... when I was in my 20's he apologized (un prompted on my part) about it and I am good with that... but I look back at it and think it was what made me what I was...

    when I started looking to lose weight I asked him about the site he was using (he's a pretty big guy as well) and he recommended MFP... Once I got here I never looked back...
  • pmhandlo11
    pmhandlo11 Posts: 101 Member
    I'm sorry to hear that your husband was so disrespectful to you. That's just not right. I've had my "fat moment" a couple of times. More then once I was asked when I was "due". The first time it happened i was horrified!!! The second and third time I thought, dam I better do something about still took awhile for me to take action!!!! But here I am 27lbs lighter!!! --and I would never assume someone was pregnant!! Needless to say I'm very careful about that!
  • HealthyStartsHere
    HealthyStartsHere Posts: 126 Member
    I couldn't fit into a roller coaster seat at Six Flags when I was around 15 years old. It was so humiliating because the workers tried and tried to get the seat to lock. When it didn't work, I had to get up and walk away with everyone staring at me. I was so humiliated. I remember walking to the nearest food stand and getting a large soda to drink :-/

    Last summer I went to a theme park and was able to fit into every single ride, and it was so amazing to conquer that!

    this is the same reason why I started to really lose weight. Only it was Hershey Park, and I locked myself in the bathroom crying.
  • Tannedtiffers
    Tannedtiffers Posts: 558 Member
    I've had so many.... people are cruel.

    I had one a few months ago...while out running I got yelled at by a passing car. "Keep Running Fat *kitten*" I still feel horrible inside when I think about this situation.
  • Hi_Im_Jess
    Hi_Im_Jess Posts: 347 Member
    I've had a few.. One was my dad's gf asking how I was going to get my stomach out of the way when we took a picture (i think i was like 10 at the time) A few people over the years have asked me if I was pregnant. In high school they weighed us in gym class (in front of everyone) and yelled the weight across the gym to another teacher to calculate our BMI and lecture us about it.. When I stepped on the scale it said "error" so I was known as error that year.. Hmm another time someone threw food in my hair at lunch and asked why I didnt pick it out and eat it since i "eat everything" I could go on & on. People are so cruel and it seems that weight is the last thing that is still acceptable to make fun of.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I always try to find ways to help this man understand. He is like talking to a wall. He seems like an emotionless hole sometimes. Of course he wasn't always like that. He said that in the beginning when a guy wants sex, he will do anything he needs to do to get it on a regular basis. What?! I figured as much. In hind sight I wonder why I was ever so blind. But it is what it is now. This is what happens when we believe in our heart that someone is really good underneath and that they deserve a chance.
    I guess to answer my own question, I do find that memories such as this do hold me back at times. I don't dwell on the bad stuff, but sometimes I am reminded when I see a certain picture or read or hear a certain comment. Letting go of hurt feelings is something I need to work on in my own life. Not just for my health, but for my happiness.
  • jsimler1
    jsimler1 Posts: 168 Member
    At the water park, those rides where you semi sit in a buoy and they push you down the slide... my butt was touching the bottom of the pool and I could hardly push myself.

    Fun times.


    god that was embarassing as hell..
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I apologize but I must comment on that remark from your husband. My husband and I are both heavy. We have been married for 30 years. I was not always heavy nor was he. Never in all those years has my husband said anything like that or I to him. He has told me things maybe do not look the best, or other things like that and I to him. I would not want to hurt his feelings or he mine. We try to treat each other with respect and courtesy and always be kind to one another. You need someone like that.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    All I can think is, you married this man why?

    I often ask myself the same question. Too often in fact.

    First of all...I may be young, but the one thing I was taught about the opposite sex is if you really have to ask yourself that truly wasn't meant to be. I feel as though you posted this topic and this story to get opinions on this reaction from your boyfriend (now husband). girl, I'm sorry but that is down right rude of him...and that for me would have been grounds for a breakup on the spot. He should love you no matter what.

    As for an embarrassing story...I was shopping for clothes one day (this was before I even had my daughter and mind you I was PMS'ing at the time..sooo I was bloated) and the girl at the counter asked me if I was having a boy or a blood was boiling as I left the store and I could barely sign the receipt without my hand shaking uncontrollably.

    I hope you are on this weight loss journey for YOU not your husband hun....good luck to you :flowerforyou:

    I honestly did not post for opinion/reactions about my husband. That is just the most humiliating memory I have. It is one that sometimes makes me feel like I will never get to where I want to. But I will say, the people closest to us are important whether they realize it or not. If the ones you interact with most, or the ones who you love dearly, and want to have mutual support and consideration with, step all over you when you need them to help you rise above your own insecurities that can be very deflating. We should all make an effort to be supportive of the people in our lives.

    Reading through others who posted on this thread, it really makes me think about everyday life. I think it is a good reminder that we don't always know someones story, what pain lies beneath, what struggles someone is facing. You never know what you will find if you could only peel back the lid off of a persons heart and soul.
  • jkuhnen
    jkuhnen Posts: 14 Member
    As a guy you don't hear it nearly as much, but this to me is the worst of all. "I've gotten the run faster fat *kitten*!" before, and that one to me just sucks. You are working to make yourself better and people are going to attack you? That's just sick. I don't care how morbidly obese the person is, if they are at the gym, they should be applauded.

    You're kicking *kitten*, and you can only make yourself better than you were the day before, there is nothing we can do about the ice cream we ate 10 years ago!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    All I can think is, you married this man why?

    I often ask myself the same question. Too often in fact.

    First of all...I may be young, but the one thing I was taught about the opposite sex is if you really have to ask yourself that truly wasn't meant to be. I feel as though you posted this topic and this story to get opinions on this reaction from your boyfriend (now husband). girl, I'm sorry but that is down right rude of him...and that for me would have been grounds for a breakup on the spot. He should love you no matter what.

    As for an embarrassing story...I was shopping for clothes one day (this was before I even had my daughter and mind you I was PMS'ing at the time..sooo I was bloated) and the girl at the counter asked me if I was having a boy or a blood was boiling as I left the store and I could barely sign the receipt without my hand shaking uncontrollably.

    I hope you are on this weight loss journey for YOU not your husband hun....good luck to you :flowerforyou:

    I honestly did not post for opinion/reactions about my husband. That is just the most humiliating memory I have. It is one that sometimes makes me feel like I will never get to where I want to. But I will say, the people closest to us are important whether they realize it or not. If the ones you interact with most, or the ones who you love dearly, and want to have mutual support and consideration with, step all over you when you need them to help you rise above your own insecurities that can be very deflating. We should all make an effort to be supportive of the people in our lives.

    Reading through others who posted on this thread, it really makes me think about everyday life. I think it is a good reminder that we don't always know someones story, what pain lies beneath, what struggles someone is facing. You never know what you will find if you could only peel back the lid off of a persons heart and soul.

    Yes exactly, that's why you shouldn't surround yourself with people who don't appreciate you.

    I've had my share of comments from my dad. But it's not like it was really up to me to have him in my life or not... he was my dad. Your spouse is supposed to support you, for better or worse... when it doesn't happen, you're better off alone (yes, easier said than done, but I had a divorce so I've been there).

    Just IMO. Being fat sucks. We need support. I can understand when someone is worried for your healthy and comments about that... it's not always fun but I get it. But saying you're ugly or fat or disgusting is just mean and you don't need that kind of attitude in your life.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    As a guy you don't hear it nearly as much, but this to me is the worst of all. "I've gotten the run faster fat *kitten*!" before, and that one to me just sucks. You are working to make yourself better and people are going to attack you? That's just sick. I don't care how morbidly obese the person is, if they are at the gym, they should be applauded.

    You're kicking *kitten*, and you can only make yourself better than you were the day before, there is nothing we can do about the ice cream we ate 10 years ago!

    Exactly! There is nothing worse than skewering people at the gym! I wonder if some of these nasty people think there is some magic wand a person can wave to make the weight just fall off. I worked in a gym for a while, and I was amazed at the people who would make those comments about others. An obese or overweight person at the gym should never be criticized for being there.
  • tmccall1985
    tmccall1985 Posts: 3 Member
    Your husband sounds like a real asshat.
  • NainRouge
    NainRouge Posts: 29 Member
    When I first started to get pudgy and get some *ahem* moobs, I asked a girl out while we were all at the beach. She told me "No, your boobs are bigger than mine. You probably shouldn't cross your arms without a shirt on"
  • TallGlassOfQuirky
    TallGlassOfQuirky Posts: 282 Member
    I was around 290 pounds and was in Home Depot looking at some plumbing supplies. I took a step back and brushed against an elderly gentleman who had apparently been standing behind me.
    I apologized and he looked at me and said with disgust in his voice, "YOU'RE HUGE!!!!!!!"
    My ex husband did not defend me.
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    last year I was dieting/exercising etc. and I met my husbands aunt and uncle for the first time and she asked me when I was due :noway: I laughed it off but really if you don't know then don't ask
  • Mavrick_RN
    Mavrick_RN Posts: 439 Member
    I always try to find ways to help this man understand. He is like talking to a wall. He seems like an emotionless hole sometimes. Of course he wasn't always like that. He said that in the beginning when a guy wants sex, he will do anything he needs to do to get it on a regular basis. What?! I figured as much. In hind sight I wonder why I was ever so blind. But it is what it is now.

    Thank you for this little follow up. I was initially tempted to "defend" your husband as he "finally" had to say something which I had interpreted as you hounded it out of him. But no more.

    Gosh, I am sorry you don't get that unconditional love we so desire from our chosen mate. Makes me feel thankful yet again for the wonderful woman I have in my life. That he has to disrespect you is more a reflection of his own insecurities which are not so attractive. Your kind heart shows through your layer of insulation. I firmly believe my extra "insulation" is used to protect me from the cold and the cold shoulder. We certainly don't need any more humiliation.

    Back to the topic at hand however, my experience was having one of my young nephews ask 'Why do you sweat so much?" EEwwww I felt like a sweaty, fat pig and just wanted to crawl away and hate on myself. ick.