Your most humiliating "fat" experience.



  • AshleyKait
    Going in for my yearly "Lady" appointment a few years ago. My wonderfully tactful doctor waits until I'm all gowned up, strapped in, feet up and lights on with her head half a foot from my parts, to tell me that it would be a good idea for me to lose fifty pounds. What the hell kind of timing is that??

    Same thing happened to me last September! My doctor used to not do weigh-in's at the appointments and would instead just take our word for it. Well now everyone has to step on the scale. My weight had gone up so much since the last appointment (or from what I TOLD them my weight was) that she kept asking me if I had a thyroid condition and checked my glands about four times before the appointment was over.
  • mjterp
    mjterp Posts: 655 Member
    It makes me really sad that someone you love made you feel humiliated. You are so wonderful, and I love reading your posts,etc. I don't want to go on a husband-bashing tirade because I don't know the situation, but I just want to put it out there that is just plain mean and nasty. Very disrespectful.

    I have been heavy most of my life, so I have a million humiliating experiences. I think the worst was years ago when I was a junior in high school. I was prom dress shopping at a store called, 'Cache' , and the saleswoman basically asked me to leave the store because they didn't make dresses for people my size (I was an 18 then, and probably a 20-something dress size). She wouldn't even let me touch the gowns. I felt so low. So yeah, don't shop there! They're snobby and mean! hahaha

    Though, lately, I can't say that I've payed attention to anything humiliating. I'm older, and at this point in life if people have something nasty to say about my weight, it really doesn't phase me. I accidentally cut some guy off in traffic last year, and he called me a 'fat *****'. I actually laughed and clapped and then said, "Yeah, I'd be more hurt if that came from a guy who actually had all of his teeth! Way to go, stud!" and that shut him up pretty quick. Hahaha I know, totally childish, but boy did it feel awesome! :)

    My whole thought on those blasted snooty shops is "What, my money doesn't spend as good as if I were thin? What If I was here to buy a GIFT for someone? Hope you work on commission, because you just lost out BIG TIME! Oh...and just so we are clear, I have a LOT of friends with money that will also NOT be shopping here when I tell them about your snooty little attitude. OH...right...and what IS your place? I SHOP here, you WORK here to serve ME the customer. Now, What was your name so I can spell it correctly in my letter to corporate?"
  • TLCorsini
    TLCorsini Posts: 78
    I've had a few experiences that have been a bit humiliating. An old co-worker touched my stomach and said "ohhh what is this!!! When are you due" and I looked down and said "thats just my stomach". Similar to another story, this last summer when wearing a bathingsuit in public (family BBQ) my mom looks at me in front of everyone and laughs and says "what, they didn't have a bigger size?" I literally walked away holding back tears. Another one was when I was returning clothes that my mom bought me online for christmas. They were shirts that needed to be one size bigger cuz I got some D cups and they didnt fit lol Well after telling the attendant that I wanted to return them since it was already like 7pm after working a full shift I was tired and didnt want to shop. He looks at me and says "uhhhhh why don't you try other locations, they offer plus sizes". No disrespect to plus sized girls, but I don't wear plus sizes (yet). Needless to say I took down his information and complained. The worst part was that he was a MANAGER.
  • WendySPWarren
    WendySPWarren Posts: 63 Member
    All I can think is, you married this man why?

    I mean, what the hell? Really? Who in their right mind yells at their girlfriend and tells her she's "Disgusting"? And then for you to Marry that man..? D:
    He must be a really amazing person deep-down for THAT to be forgivable.
  • TLCorsini
    TLCorsini Posts: 78
    I was taking a sign language class at the local community college. We had a party at the end of it. I overheard two guys talking. One said,"My wife kept talking about this Richard guy in class (me) and I got really jealous. Then I met him and saw how fat he was & I knew there was no reason to be". I obsessed about that for a looong time.

    Some girls like bigger guys :) He should be a little more concerned with his wife's wondering eye and WHY its wondering lol
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    I feel so bad your husband said those things to you. I am so Blessed as my husband is very supportive. We have been married 28 years and over the years I have gained over 100 pounds. He tells me he loves me and just wants me to be happy. When I try to lost he is my best fan and when I failed he never made me feel like a failure. After lots of different diets this last year I had the lap band done. He is right there making what he thinks I can eat.
    This experience that sticks in my mind is when I was in the 5th grade. We lived in a small town and it was a country school with four rooms, two grades in each class. At the start of the year the weighed everyone and posted this on the wall in the main hallway. I remember I was 210 pounds. Everyday I walked by there I felt it was in big BLOCK letters. I have been heavy as long as I can remember.
    Remember you are a good person and have alot to offer.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Cruel remarks don't motivate me. They mostly make feel like cutting a *****.

    Friends or loved ones who would say those things would be out of my life so fast their heads would spin. I don't need anyone tearing me down so I can build myself back up.
  • salgalbp
    salgalbp Posts: 218 Member
    This thread is kinda depressing isn't it? I posted earlier and I'm just so sad (I know I'm a rose colored glasses kinda gal) that people can be so cruel to the people they supposedly love. What have we become.....ugh! SAD!
  • 007FatSlayer
    007FatSlayer Posts: 132 Member
    Whenever I gain weight, my mom always says "WOW, you sure are gaining weight" (mostly in my younger years when I was bigger). To this day, I always insist on her not getting me clothes because she always says, "what size should I get you? XL? 12 jeans." Even when I was in shape she'd say this.
  • DaniEdge9
    DaniEdge9 Posts: 34
    This thread is kinda depressing isn't it? I posted earlier and I'm just so sad (I know I'm a rose colored glasses kinda gal) that people can be so cruel to the people they supposedly love. What have we become.....ugh! SAD!

    My thoughts exactly...
  • darkheart
    darkheart Posts: 104 Member
    I'm 5'7" - 5'8" and weighed around 156 lbs at the time and wearing those stupid shirts that kind of flare out right under the boobs (empire waist?? Not a good combo with a pre-existing gut) Anyhoo, my boyfriend (now husband) and I were in NYC at a museum and decided to get a glass of wine at one of the eateries in there. The guy at the counter was like "waitaminute...aren't you pregnant?" I was mortified. I started to cry right there. In hindsight, I'm glad he said that, because that's when I realized I was letting myself go. That was the highest weight ever, and I gained 20lbs of it in a year or so. I changed up my lifestyle right after that!
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Sophomore year of college. In the car with my first serious boyfriend and his two nephews in the back seat. One of them just says "Lisa, you are fat." He had to be about 10 years old. I know kids don't have a filter, but it HURT. Boyfriend didn't sy anything to him. I think he was hoping I just didn't hear. I am friends with this ex bf on Facebook and sometimes see that his nephew posts things to him and I can't help but relive that awful comment and just still hate this kid (though not a kid anymore as he must be in his early 30s) a little bit. I just can't forget it even though it is certainly not the only time in my life I have been called fat by someone.

    Sad part is that I was 5'9" and about 170 which is my goal right now. I would love to be there again already! What would this kid have said if he saw me at my worst a year ago??? Ugh.
  • raiderzara
    raiderzara Posts: 55 Member
    9th grade. Waiting in the school hallway for the classroom door to be opened. David Tweed said to me (yes it was over 15 years ago but I still remember his name), really loudly, "You're the only fat chick I've ever seen who doesn't have any boobs!" I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me.
  • nomorepizza2
    nomorepizza2 Posts: 85 Member
    I don't get it. I always felt that a Woman's beauty comes from her essence, her personality. I've spent time with some gorgeous plus-sized women and it never would have crossed my mind to comment on their weight.
    My most humiliating experience happened last year, I met up with an old friend I hadn't seen in years for a few drinks. His jaw dropped when he saw me "Jesus Christ what the **** happened to you?" He shouted. I had gained a lot of weight and I knew my buddy was a tactless chump so I was expecting something like this. What I wasn't expecting was for my weight gain to become the main issue of the evening. Every time I changed the subject he would bring it back round to how huge I'd got.
    It made me feel really bad. Not long after this I discovered this site and in 6 months I've lost 70 pounds, with 30 left to lose.
    What really griped me is that back in the day when we used to hang out, I was in great shape and he was overweight. Not once did I ever comment on his weight.
    I'm hoping that, unlike my friend and The OP's husband, my experiences being overweight will have taught me humility and sensitivity.
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    the worst?

    6 years old
    (yes, 6)

    partway through grade two, the school decided I should be moved ahead early into grade three, so 1/2 way through the year I was moved ahead.
    First day, walking into grade 3 classroom, already feeling very awkward as these kids had all been together 1/2 a year already and i didn't know them, plus I was a year younger than them, teacher pointed me to a desk near front of the room.
    Even at that age i knew I was very fat so already extremely selfconscious, I sat on the chair, everyone watching the fat kid.

    Chair broke as I sat down... pieces of chair and fat kid collapse on the floor in front of entire class.
    Because school uniform was a dress, I was doubly embarassed because of course the skirt flew up showing my panties :(

    Amidst the uncontrolled laughter, at my expense, I did not even have the luxury of running from the room in tears as i knew, even at that age, everyone would laugh even harder.

    Even now, at 56, I can feel my face getting red just thinking about it as if it had just happened.

    Yup... fat all my life, from birth.

    Thank heavens for mfp helping me keep my act together FINALLY!
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    This thread is kinda depressing isn't it? I posted earlier and I'm just so sad (I know I'm a rose colored glasses kinda gal) that people can be so cruel to the people they supposedly love. What have we become.....ugh! SAD!

    Perhaps someone who is that unsupportive, rude, or insensitive person will read this stuff and maybe, JUST maybe think before they speak in the future.
  • salgalbp
    salgalbp Posts: 218 Member
    This thread is kinda depressing isn't it? I posted earlier and I'm just so sad (I know I'm a rose colored glasses kinda gal) that people can be so cruel to the people they supposedly love. What have we become.....ugh! SAD!

    Perhaps someone who is that unsupportive, rude, or insensitive person will read this stuff and maybe, JUST maybe think before they speak in the future.

    Perhaps! :)
  • BrennLinn
    BrennLinn Posts: 178 Member
    A year and a half ago and 40 pounds heavier I went to go try on a Halloween costume and I asked for a size large. The little A-hole working there said, "Are you sure? You know we carry those in plus sizes." While he laughed with his friends. I was so embarrassed!
  • bluebirdlx
    I have never liked to share how much I weigh with people around me, meaning the actual number on the scale. It's no shocker that I'm overweight, you can see it by looking at me. But for some insecure reason I keep the number private.

    In my first semester of nursing school, in a group of about 10 students, we all had to practice weighing each other. I had to stand on one of the old school scales, the kind that has the metal tabs that clank loudly when you slide them, and get weighed repeatedly by various classmates. At the time I weighed probably 80lbs more than anyone else in the class. Humiliating.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    I have never liked to share how much I weigh with people around me, meaning the actual number on the scale. It's no shocker that I'm overweight, you can see it by looking at me. But for some insecure reason I keep the number private.

    In my first semester of nursing school, in a group of about 10 students, we all had to practice weighing each other. I had to stand on one of the old school scales, the kind that has the metal tabs that clank loudly when you slide them, and get weighed repeatedly by various classmates. At the time I weighed probably 80lbs more than anyone else in the class. Humiliating.
    i hated that for the opposite reason.
    weighing in the classroom sucks bigtime.