My opinion (don't read if you're overly sensitive)



  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    I like you.

    Me too.

  • I just realised that i used to be that whiny, lazy ,unmotivated, pain in the *kitten* kind of person.. But something clicked for me 2 weeks ago. I just want to change i dont see any other way. I need to build a healthy lifestyle and im doing it and it feels AWESOME :)
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    For goodness sake, stop with the age bashing. There are plenty of older adults who would make similarly insensitive posts to this. She's 19, so? Stop with the patronising posts about how she hasn't had the life experience to understand. Just because we're young adults, doesn't mean that we haven't put up with some s*** in our lives. Why does everyone seem to think that anyone under the age of 25 is uneducated and naive?

    This particular OP seems to thrive on the idea that she vary mature for her age (see her profile). In reality, mature people don't call out things that don't directly impact themselves in some way.
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    For goodness sake, stop with the age bashing. There are plenty of older adults who would make similarly insensitive posts to this. She's 19, so? Stop with the patronising posts about how she hasn't had the life experience to understand. Just because we're young adults, doesn't mean that we haven't put up with some s*** in our lives. Why does everyone seem to think that anyone under the age of 25 is uneducated and naive?

    No one is saying young adults are uneducated and naive, but simply by virtue of life, inexperienced. You don't have the years or experiences to form judgments based on experiences. That's not to say your judgments are incorrect all the time, or correct all the time, but until certain things are lived, judgments are incomplete at best.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    I like you.

    Me too.

    Me most.

    I love you!

    :flowerforyou: :smooched:
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    No one is saying young adults are uneducated and naive

  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    Great motivational tiraid, mate! :)
    I liked it, thanks for the support!

    (Don't listen to what some others say... This site is loaded with bullies, it's pathetic really.)

    Yep, people suggesting compassion, rather than asserting that they are superior because they "don't make excuses" is totally bullying.

    Dollface, I read that bit you replied to as heavily dripping wiht sarcasm.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    One person's excuses are another person's reasons. It's hard to know how to respond. Some people need reassurance and encouragement, others need a swift kick in the motivation.

    "Excuses are tools of the incompetent." ---- Mike Tomlin, Head Coach Pittsburgh Steelers.

    Wow love stealing
  • leighann881
    leighann881 Posts: 371
    Yeah, but the rest of us would never have joined mfp at all if we weren't full of those same excuses at some point. I ate like a pig, didn't exercise, and whined about being fat. Now I'm here. We should try to remember that these excuse-filled people just aren't ready yet.

    Not true at all. I joined MFP to track calories (because I wanted to improve) and found the forum.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Great motivational tiraid, mate! :)
    I liked it, thanks for the support!

    (Don't listen to what some others say... This site is loaded with bullies, it's pathetic really.)

    Yep, people suggesting compassion, rather than asserting that they are superior because they "don't make excuses" is totally bullying.

    Dollface, I read that bit you replied to as heavily dripping wiht sarcasm.

    Me? Sarcastic? Never.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    I am so sick of hearing dumb excuses from people who "really want and need to lose the weight". If I had a dollar for everytime someone complained about something or had an excuse as to why they can't work out or eat right that day- I would have enough money for a gym membership to 17 different gyms all over the country AND enough money to fly to each one 23 times a day!

    "I can't work out. I live in an apartment and I would disturb people"
    "I can't work out. I don't have a gym membership"
    "I can't eat healthy. I don't have any food"
    "I feel so depressed. I can't work out"
    "I don't have enough money to get a gym membership"
    "I don't have any motivation"
    "What's the point?"
    "I am too busy"
    Those are only a few of the excuses and complaints that I hear on a daily basis whether it be on the site or someone in my family or a close friend? You know what I have to say to all of these? -
    "Talk to the people below you. If they don't like It, too bad"
    "Work out at home"
    "Go buy some food or make something healthy. There are plenty of healthy dishes that can be done on $10"
    "Suck it up"
    "You don't need one"
    "Find it and than give me a call"
    "The point is, you're fat"
    "I am busy too. Talk to you after I work out"

    Seriously. Everyone has their "days" but, when a friend posts how crappy their life is, how busy they are and how poor they are- I don't feel bad. You can still use your own body weight to work out and you can lose weight. Eat the crap food than but, learn portion control. If you find yourself saying "what's the point" or "I don't want to" than, you're right! You really don't want to lose the weight, you want it to accumulate, you want to get larger and you want to have health issues. If you see yourself looking in the mirror and seeing something gross, do something about it. Cut the crap, enough with the excuses and get off of your *kitten*!!!

    I am sorry if this offends someone but, if it offends you- take my advice. I am sure there will be a lot of other's who also cannot stand the daily excuses with people. What do you want us to say? Eventually, I am going to end up giving up on your dreams since you can't even reach for your dreams! Sorry if I sound "witchy" but, this is real life- you can't live a happy and healthy life if you aren't happy and healthy. YOU are the only one that can do this. Suck it up, put the donut down and do some push ups!!! :) Make today great, everyone!

    Spoken like a true 19 year old. Grow up, honey, and stop whining about other people.
    Oh, Bri. I know so many 19 year olds who are much more mature, Please don't lump.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I like you.

    Me too.

    Me most.

    I love you!

    :flowerforyou: :smooched:

    :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
  • Sharyhk
    Sharyhk Posts: 2
    Wow. I don't see myself as overly sensitive, but let's face it folks - if we were all at goal weight and loved how we looked and felt we wouldn't have joined MFP. Food is fuel and oxygen is fuel. Stress demands a lot of fuel and those who work long hours often turn to food to just keep functioning. When they finally can take a break, they crash. For many of us, not only does it take great strength and determination to get and stay healthy, it takes a whole me-first outlook that we're not accustomed to. So instead of ragging on folks who are out there giving 100% to everyone else - their jobs, families, friends, others - and have made no time for themselves, let's help them see how important they are. Let's encourage their wellness instead of whining that we don't want to hear excuses. After all, nearly all of us have been there.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I am so sick of hearing dumb excuses from people who "really want and need to lose the weight". If I had a dollar for everytime someone complained about something or had an excuse as to why they can't work out or eat right that day- I would have enough money for a gym membership to 17 different gyms all over the country AND enough money to fly to each one 23 times a day!

    "I can't work out. I live in an apartment and I would disturb people"
    "I can't work out. I don't have a gym membership"
    "I can't eat healthy. I don't have any food"
    "I feel so depressed. I can't work out"
    "I don't have enough money to get a gym membership"
    "I don't have any motivation"
    "What's the point?"
    "I am too busy"
    Those are only a few of the excuses and complaints that I hear on a daily basis whether it be on the site or someone in my family or a close friend? You know what I have to say to all of these? -
    "Talk to the people below you. If they don't like It, too bad"
    "Work out at home"
    "Go buy some food or make something healthy. There are plenty of healthy dishes that can be done on $10"
    "Suck it up"
    "You don't need one"
    "Find it and than give me a call"
    "The point is, you're fat"
    "I am busy too. Talk to you after I work out"

    Seriously. Everyone has their "days" but, when a friend posts how crappy their life is, how busy they are and how poor they are- I don't feel bad. You can still use your own body weight to work out and you can lose weight. Eat the crap food than but, learn portion control. If you find yourself saying "what's the point" or "I don't want to" than, you're right! You really don't want to lose the weight, you want it to accumulate, you want to get larger and you want to have health issues. If you see yourself looking in the mirror and seeing something gross, do something about it. Cut the crap, enough with the excuses and get off of your *kitten*!!!

    I am sorry if this offends someone but, if it offends you- take my advice. I am sure there will be a lot of other's who also cannot stand the daily excuses with people. What do you want us to say? Eventually, I am going to end up giving up on your dreams since you can't even reach for your dreams! Sorry if I sound "witchy" but, this is real life- you can't live a happy and healthy life if you aren't happy and healthy. YOU are the only one that can do this. Suck it up, put the donut down and do some push ups!!! :) Make today great, everyone!

    Spoken like a true 19 year old. Grow up, honey, and stop whining about other people.
    Oh, Bri. I know so many 19 year olds who are much more mature, Please don't lump.

    I'm 19.
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    Very true! I thought I was depressed until I realized that lack of movement reduces the endorphins and dopomine that we naturally produce to keep us healthy. Anyone that is depressed, get them moving. Get them off the drugs. DO NOT ENABLE THEM!

    Anyone who has that attitude, stay way way way away from them. Do not listen to them. Listen to your doctor, who understands the difference between brain chemistry that can be altered by naturally-produced chemicals (one of which is spelled dopAmine) and brain chemistry that requires outside intervention to stabilize.

  • It's just some people have learned the difference between lifestyle and diet.

    ^^^ THIS!!!
  • Susieout
    Susieout Posts: 102 Member
    Well if it was that simple then why is there a problem with overweight / fat people!

    It's not easy, many people comfort eat etc!
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    I don't get why people are dismissing this young woman because she's only 19. I've read some of the dumbest material over the Internet from people who are much older. Just because a person is older than 30, does not make him/her wise. Legally, she's considered an adult and her opinions should be respected just as much as a person who is 40.

    I happened to agree with most of what she wrote but I wll advise her to try to be more of a role model to her excuse-making friends instead of a critic. Either that or simply try to steer clear from them if they don't respect your efforts to become fit.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Very true! I thought I was depressed until I realized that lack of movement reduces the endorphins and dopomine that we naturally produce to keep us healthy. Anyone that is depressed, get them moving. Get them off the drugs. DO NOT ENABLE THEM!

    ZOMG! Tom Cruise is on MFP!
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    Wow. I don't see myself as overly sensitive, but let's face it folks - if we were all at goal weight and loved how we looked and felt we wouldn't have joined MFP. Food is fuel and oxygen is fuel. Stress demands a lot of fuel and those who work long hours often turn to food to just keep functioning. When they finally can take a break, they crash. For many of us, not only does it take great strength and determination to get and stay healthy, it takes a whole me-first outlook that we're not accustomed to. So instead of ragging on folks who are out there giving 100% to everyone else - their jobs, families, friends, others - and have made no time for themselves, let's help them see how important they are. Let's encourage their wellness instead of whining that we don't want to hear excuses. After all, nearly all of us have been there.

    Nice first post. An ounce of kindness always beats a pound of bullying.
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