Am I the only one who is repulsed by fast food?



  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Ummmm. Yeah. I was repulsed by the BigMac and fries I devoured today .... And the Peanut Buster Parfait last night .... And .... But I took one for the team!!! Jack (my 10 yr old) Made Me Do It!!!! Yuck ,... He'll probably make me repulse myself again Tomorrow :(

    I love how you blame your kid :wink:
  • Marilyn2303
    Marilyn2303 Posts: 91 Member
    Me too. i used to eat it, not a lot but sometimes. Tasted good, but makes you feel bloated and lacking energy afterwards. No more ever for me. I find sodium bothers me too and all that stuff is loaded so it was easy to give up
  • treenuh_x
    treenuh_x Posts: 94 Member
    I used to eat it all the time, now I can't bring myself to waste my daily calories on something from one of those establishments. And it's cheaper for me to just cook at home, even though it takes longer to bake some chicken than it does to go through the drive-thru.
  • barkin43
    barkin43 Posts: 508 Member
    I totally agree! I'd rather go hungry than eat whatever it is that they call food. I've never been a bug burger fan, but even their salads, coffee drinks, etc. that I've had taste fake and processed. Yuk!

    Yeah, those bug burgers are pretty disgusting!
  • PeauxPeaux
    PeauxPeaux Posts: 71 Member
    If you stop eating it for a long time, and then try to eat it, it has a rotten weird smell to the meat...I can;t eat it at all now. I do like subway sandwiches still. And Fried CHicken ALWAYS smells good heh But the beef in the burgers and the oil in the fries smells like it has an undersmell of rot.
  • The only fast food place that I go to is Sonic and even that is only for very feel items. Everything else grosses me out. But I used to be a huge fan! After I changed my diet the food looks awful. It's so weird how taste buds change.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I was never into the chain fast food restaurants. I sure liked certain taquerias, though. Oh...and good pizza. Yum, pizza. :heart:
  • kat2475
    kat2475 Posts: 159 Member
    I used to eat fast food a couple times a week. Now that I've changed my diet and began exercising, I seriously feel sick and weighted down after eating fast food. It doesn't even taste the same to me anymore.
  • bekah818
    bekah818 Posts: 179 Member
    Fast food is disgusting. The only way I'll eat is if it's grilled chicken, but that would usually be at a restuarant at Friday's or Applebees. I hate mcdonalds, Arbies especially, and burger king!! To even look at those burgers will clog your arteries, lol.
  • stunningalmond
    stunningalmond Posts: 275 Member
    It repulses me too!! I took the kids to BK last night and made the mistake of getting a whopper and it was gross! Not worth the calories or the guilt!!!
  • Never have fast food.. It is disgusting and tastes so salty. To think when I was a kid
    Macdonalds was my favorite meal. I have not even had a hot dog in a year.

    Oh, forget it, hot dogs are the WORST. I used to eat fast food every now and then, but then I cut processed foods out of my diet. After a couple months of no processed food, I ate at Taco Bell with some friends and felt sooooooooo sick afterwards. On top of that, on the rare occassion that I eat red meat of any kind now, I get really nauseous. It's just not worth it to me any more. No fast food or red meat for me.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    we do not even dine out 2 times a year.
  • MzMayliza
    MzMayliza Posts: 11 Member
    I can't eat McD's anymore I get sick. The only fast food I like is poutine from a fries stand (or la banquise in Montreal) or fried chicken.
  • Its a chemical addiction to these foods. If you stay clear of eating from these places for many months or longer, when you walk by one the smell alone will make you sick and wonder how you ever ate at these places. But what I noticed was when I started every so often to go again (mainly for convince to my office and being inexpensive) the food starts to taste good again and you get the urge to go back more. Even going back at first was giving me stomach pains and discomforts are your body has to breakdown unknown chemical compounds.
  • obrientp
    obrientp Posts: 546 Member
    I go to Subway occasionally, and to McDonald's maybe twice a year. I don't mind it, but I can easily live without it.
  • Nope. In fact, finding the right things to eat at fast food places has been a big part of my weight loss so far.

    The winners so far (note that I don't get any kind of sides, etc. with these; Drink is always water):

    Burger King:
    Morningstar Veggie Burger
    Turkey Burger
    Grilled Chicken Salads

    Chick Fil A :
    Any of the Grilled Chicken Salads w/ one of the fat free dressings (used sparingly, almost never the whole packet)
    Grilled Nuggets

    Subway/Any Sub Shop:
    Anything with chicken and lots of veggies; very little sauce

    Grilled Chicken Salads

    Also Grilled Chicken Sandwiches - pretty much every fast food places have them; reduce or remove condiments. Can't really go wrong with those.

    Then I just track everything in MFP, and exercise.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Its a chemical addiction to these foods. If you stay clear of eating from these places for many months or longer, when you walk by one the smell alone will make you sick and wonder how you ever ate at these places. But what I noticed was when I started every so often to go again (mainly for convince to my office and being inexpensive) the food starts to taste good again and you get the urge to go back more. Even going back at first was giving me stomach pains and discomforts are your body has to breakdown unknown chemical compounds.

    Which chemical compounds are you referring to, exactly?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Also Grilled Chicken Sandwiches - pretty much every fast food places have them; reduce or remove condiments. Can't really go wrong with those.

    I dunno. Better watch out for the "unknown chemical compounds" that cause physical addiction and digestive pain.
  • I love wendy's Chile =)
    Also i can live without McDonalds
  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    When sober? Yes...