Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    bumpity bump bump

    two bits!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Tammy- I usually only wear my HRM when I am doing the exercise to get an accurate count of calories. However, you should know that after raising your heart rate for a period of time you will continue to burn calories after you are done exercising.

    Check out these article for additional information.

    For those of you starting out here is a link that talks about how long it takes to see changes in our bodies.

    This article was very informative about things you should know about working out. It has some really good thought and suggestions for taking action. Great info for those starting out or needing a reminder.

    Hope you enjoy the articles. I have found them all to be relevant and worth the time to find and read.

    I wanted to report the articles that Laurie posted yesterday, just in case someone missed them and wanted to read them as well.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    I hope everyone had a nice weekend. I don’t know what happens, but Sunday’s just get away from me – never had a chance to stop by yesterday.

    Monday Check-in~It was a busy but good weekend, nothing new to report. My trainer and I discussed HIIT yesterday, so going to try that on the elliptical tonight since I’m still not allowed to run. :sad:

    @Karen~Great time on the 4-miles, you’ll be ready for that 8k!
    @Laurie~Thanks for posting the poem and articles!
  • paige_eloise
    paige_eloise Posts: 170 Member
    Happy Monday everyone! Realise that I've been awful and haven't posted on here for around 6 days :/
    Last week wasn't amazing, exercised little - but kept under my cals every day, so a small victory.
    Back up north for uni now, already feeling the strain - being a little lonely, wanting to eat some good old comfort food, but I've stopped myself!
    So, weighed myself this morning :) and I've lost another 2lbs! Meaning that I've lost half a stone in 2 and a bit weeks :)
    Getting back on the exercise this week, 70 minutes of walking a day anyway (to campus and back) and kicking my butt into shape.

    :) x
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    Monday check it. Feeling much more motivated recently, being relaxed, on vacation. The sun is shining and plan on going for a walk, then maybe later going to the gym. It's cold here ( Central Ontario, close to Lake Simcoe), but still nice enough to go walking. We brought snowsuits for the kiddiwinks and just bundle them up.
  • SusanCanBeThin
    SusanCanBeThin Posts: 29 Member
    Monday Check In: This morning I was oh so happy to see that I have dropped 4.6 pounds in the last week! I am feeling like I am finding my groove with choosing healthier options and exercise. I have a hard time taking a lazy day because working out makes me feel so darn good and gives me boundless energy. I know that rest is important, though, so I do try to take it easy at least 2 days a week.

    This semester is quickly coming to an end! Final exams will start two weeks from today. :) Looking forward to spending lots of time playing, swimming, etc with my grandson this summer! I

    Hi to all of the new people! I hope that you love it here as much as I do. MFP and the super awesome people here ROCK!
  • Happy Monday! I need to lose close to 100 lbs. I am new to this site. Goal today is to go walking as soon as I get off of here. Feel good about it. I have had too much stress going on in life and know walking will help that stress. I just want to feel good and look good and be as healthy as I can be.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    @kelley--thanks, I'm feeling pretty ok about the 8k. My goal is to finish it in under an hour--anything faster than 60 minutes will be a bonus.

    @paige--all that walking back and forth to campus will be great exercise! And even when you're not getting as much exercise, 80% of this battle is won or lost in the kitchen as you've seen with your 2lb loss this week.

    @mel--enjoy your vaca!

    @susancanbe--are you a student or a teacher? (sorry, I'm sure you've mentioned it, but I forget :blushing: )

    @teekay--Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Ugh! It's Monday. I guess I could look at the bright side--only 5 more to go until I'm on summer break. Need to go teach, so I'll check back later with Monday Check-in.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning, I was thankfully able to get some sleep last night. The swelling in my knee has gone down significantly. I'm still glad to have the cane, but it doesn't hurt like it did yesterday. The soonest I can get in to see the orthopedic dr is May 13. In the meantime, I may just have to walk slower and use my cane to keep some of the stress off of it.
    Down .9# this week. Just creeping toward ONEderland. I have one month to reach my goal of ONEderland by my birthday.
    It will be a busy day. I have a hair cut appt. this morning and an appt. with my sleep specialist this afternoon. I'm really hoping that I won't need the oxygen at night any more. I haven't seen him since before I began this journey so he will be surprised.
    Have a good day. Kaye
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning, I was thankfully able to get some sleep last night. The swelling in my knee has gone down significantly. I'm still glad to have the cane, but it doesn't hurt like it did yesterday. The soonest I can get in to see the orthopedic dr is May 13. In the meantime, I may just have to walk slower and use my cane to keep some of the stress off of it.
    Down .9# this week. Just creeping toward ONEderland. I have one month to reach my goal of ONEderland by my birthday.
    It will be a busy day. I have a hair cut appt. this morning and an appt. with my sleep specialist this afternoon. I'm really hoping that I won't need the oxygen at night any more. I haven't seen him since before I began this journey so he will be surprised.
    Have a good day. Kaye

    It always amazes me how long it takes to get in to see the ortho docs. I'm glad your knee is feeling a bit better today, keep doing ice therapy for the next few days - 20 minutes on no barrier. That will really help to keep the swelling down.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    I'm not sure where the weekends go...I missed alot but only have time for a couple personals:

    @grandmaKaye -- Oh NO!! Best of luck with recovery. May 13 seems so far away. Good luck!
    @SusanCanBeThing -- Wow 4.6 pounds!!! ROCKIN'!!!

    My husband and I talked and I've asked for his help. I just really got out of the groove with exercise. Apparently the "I'm too busy" has snuck back in. He's going to take my son to Saxophone lessons tonight and feed the kids so I can get back to my Water Aerobics. I've also gone through my week and figured out my game plan. I left a couple days "free" so I don't get overwhelmed and I tried to mix it up. It seems like I just need to get my butt kicked in order to get back in the habit. I loved it when I was doing it and now its just so easy to clean the house in the late afternoon and watch tv in the evenings.

    But -- I did get a food scale this weekend from my Mom, so I'm back on track for accurate calories. My bananas weighed so much more than I thought :ohwell:

    Have a great Monday! -- I have my frozen chicken breast thawing in the fridge and my cut up vegetables ready for my salad. And my swimsuit is on the couch staring at me to make sure I get to water class tonight. :flowerforyou:
  • jack_yve
    jack_yve Posts: 35
    OK, ...uhm new to this thread and this is my first post. So...I will do the Monday check-in: Had a beautiful and sunny weekend. Got some house cleaning accomplished. The winter duldrums seem to be over and everything tastes amazing (i.e. veggies) :-) Started the Juice Reboot on Sunday, even brought my Breville Juicer into work today! Breakfast was Broccoli, Kale, Cucumber and lemon :-) a nice refreshingly tart wake-me up!
  • caramel1920
    caramel1920 Posts: 271
    Happy Monday folks!

    I have not been doing amazing lately, slacked off a bit with the workouts and definitely with my diet the last couple of weeks. I have maintained but not lost, did Combat 60 LIVE this morning for the first time and it kicked my butt. I have 3 weeks left on the program and really want to finish strong! Good news, I think my sweet tooth left the building because I was eating something naughty yesterday and it ended up being too sweet, which is my norm (thank God)! Have a fit and fabulous week!:happy:
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    Monday check in- Just your normal, blah kind of day. Hard to get going after not really sleeping alot this weekend. I kind of shared all the things that have been going on with me on the previous thread.

    MFP has now dropped me to 1420 calories, which is ok I guess. I'll try it and see. It's onl 20 less than what I'm eating now, so hopefully its not a big deal for me.

    I have to go and act like I'm working LOL

  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Kaye - Yikes, I hpe that knee feels better fast!

    Monday check in - Well, I'm down to what my ticker reads which makes me happy. I did NOT want to up my weight again in the log.

    Was great all week and Saturday night I binged big time. A nice 2700 calorie chow down (on top of my regular daily intake).... so I won't be looking for any loss next week.

    I think I've lost my walking buddy. We went out for a nice stroll yesterday and when we got home and I picked him up to carry him upstairs he hissed at me and growled all the way into the apartment. Then within MINUTES of getting back he was howling at the door to go outside. He refused most of his dinner to cry at the door and this morning at breakfast I had to keep nudging him back to his food. He'd eat a few bites and go back to the door to cry to go walkies. When I drove away (for work this morning) he was in the window crying.

    He's seriously starting to drive me crazy. I had to lock him in the bathroom with hte fan on to muffle the howls yesterday.
  • kvandeest
    kvandeest Posts: 36 Member
    Monday check-in: I am back again and have not been very good about checking in. I have seen an arthritis specialist and heard about my results today. Tapering off one medicine and starting a new one. Going to see if the joint pain improves or not. I am hoping it makes me feel better and I can have more motivation to do everything in my life.

    Kaye - sorry about the knee. I know how that feels. Hang in there with that ice until you can get into the dr.

    Lots of people are doing great exercise and losing weight. Congratulations.
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    Monday check-in- Finally recovered from messing up me back. Had a good weekend in terms of food, exercise, and spending time with the pup and my boyfriend. I took deputy to his first puppy training class and the trainer was so impressed that he already knew so much and was so attentive.

    Have a great day