My Online BF Dumped Me Because I'm Fat :( :( :(



  • Shellbug75
    Shellbug75 Posts: 74 Member
    I don't understand where you think he broke up with you because you're overweight. That doesn't sound like the case at all. He knew your weight and was willing to meet up with you anyway. It sounds like he has some major issues. Maybe he thought it was great that he had someone waiting for him while he was in the service and realized it wasn't the same when he met up with you. It's nothing you did wrong. I would have walked away right then and there once he started cursing at me and called security. You are better off without him. You will find someone who loves you for you. Sounds like you dodged a bullet, in my opinion.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Sounds to me like it wasn't your weight, but the fact that he humiliated himself by getting **** faced and then puking all over you.
  • Taraanne76
    Taraanne76 Posts: 111 Member
    As a general generalization, men under 5'10 are prone to short man's disease. I knew the story was going downhill when you said he was 5'5.
  • A "man" crying like that is not a man. Sounds like a flippin baby. Emotional nutcase!!!
  • Stellar76
    Stellar76 Posts: 25
    Wait - he's a soldier and he weighs 250+ at 5'5"? did anyone else stop there knowing this was all a BS story?

    I did. He would not have been cleared to deploy if he were overweight.

    This too.... I got caught up with the vodka margaritas that I forgot this very valid point.

    I brought a bottle of vodka with me when I picked him up. We talked about this before he even came here. Then we went to this mexican restaurant to have dinner which also serves bottomless margaritas. We ordered margaritas and drank the vodka I brought with me, at the same time. I'm sorry if that confused you.
  • wf73
    wf73 Posts: 5
    Sell the phone and keep the money! If he kicks off, say you don't know him and he's stalking you.
  • Stellar76
    Stellar76 Posts: 25
    It was very kind of you to be so concerned for his health considering how drunk and unstable he was that evening. But if your first time meeting in person was that big of an explosive trainwreck... well, sounds like there's a bullet to be dodged here. You can learn so much more about a person's true nature meeting in-person than from whatever cleaned-up stories / lies they can feed you online.

    N'thing that I saw nothing in your story indicating he dumped you over your weight.

    Wait - he's a soldier and he weighs 250+ at 5'5"? did anyone else stop there knowing this was all a BS story?
    Oops, yeah... fishy story the more I think about this. Oh well, thanks for the entertaining thread!

    Like you said maybe he was lying....maybe he was lying about being in the military... what would she have to gain lying about something like this to strangers?

    Thank you, Scarlet.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    P.S: The story went seriously south at the point where you described he is married but was meeting you for not-so-honorable of purposes.

    Note: bottomless margaritas and vodka = no bueno.
  • 7 pages later, the OP only came back to state that it was a Metallica song.

    I'd freak out and cry too if my SO chose a Metalica song for us. Not very romantic!! Unless you like old 80s metal songs to "cuddle" too. LMAO still
  • mrsdnl
    mrsdnl Posts: 10
    Honey, he prob did do you a favor, I am sure you dont deserve that at all! No one does...Just remember you are beutiful on the outside and the inside...pick yourself up and Love yourself!
  • What did I just read?
  • Annie83uk
    Annie83uk Posts: 128
    he difinately has issues i don't think it's you. you say his wife cheated on him, maybe the song brought back bad memories also if he's a soldier that could of messed him up a bit. whatever it is it definately isn't you, you get on with your life and concentrate on your happiness and wellbeing. :heart: :heart:
  • Shetchncn1
    Shetchncn1 Posts: 260 Member
    You have a decision to make and it is not to keep him or get rid of him. It is if you are going to be good to yourself and move on or let this have a huge bearing on your life. Love yourself enough to put you first! He obviously is not good for you. I have plenty more to say about him but none of it is fair or good. I don't really know him or what his deal is.

    Maybe go talk to someone professionally. Sometimes talking to someone that is impartial and objective helps. Not that we aren't but they could get to the root of the matter. :) Good Luck my thoughts are with you.
  • Um, the guy threw up on you. //relationship
  • Stellar76
    Stellar76 Posts: 25
    I'm sorry that happened to you. Like others, I am not sure if he was a soldier at that weight, but maybe he was lying to you about being a soldier. Might have been a contractor? Unsure if they are under the same restrictions as active service.

    Anyway, run, not walk, away from this guy. He is not worth your time.

    Yes, he is a contractor. He does electrical. He was in the US Army. He works in Afghanistan. Some people here are just so mean to think I made this all up. I wouldn't waste my time asking strangers for advice then make up a very long story. It took me a while to even do this because I wasn't sure if this was right. But I am already getting hopeless and helpless and really having a hard time accepting he did what he did to me.

    His weight that I mentioned is based on what I saw when I first saw him in person. Because he wasn't that big when I was watching him on Skype. And he looked shorter too in person, maybe because of his weight too.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Then before midnight, he asked me to request a song for the singer at the restaurant to sing. So I did, then I went to the restroom. When I came back, I saw him crying. His tears were falling unstoppably.

    What song did you request? This could be important. We need to know exactly what song it was that brought him to tears.

    It was probably 'I'll Be' by Edwin McCain.

    That song makes me want to cry too.
  • amyx593
    amyx593 Posts: 211 Member
    who knows, maybe the song and alchy brought out his emotions... then the throwing up part... he may have been really super embarrassed and can't stand to look at you again. either way, do yourself a favor and get back in the gym and do things to make yourself feel good.
  • I'm sorry that happened to you. Like others, I am not sure if he was a soldier at that weight, but maybe he was lying to you about being a soldier. Might have been a contractor? Unsure if they are under the same restrictions as active service.

    Anyway, run, not walk, away from this guy. He is not worth your time.

    Yes, he is a contractor. He does electrical. He was in the US Army. He works in Afghanistan. Some people here are just so mean to think I made this all up. I wouldn't waste my time asking strangers for advice then make up a very long story. It took me a while to even do this because I wasn't sure if this was right. But I am already getting hopeless and helpless and really having a hard time accepting he did what he did to me.

    His weight that I mentioned is based on what I saw when I first saw him in person. Because he wasn't that big when I was watching him on Skype. And he looked shorter too in person, maybe because of his weight too.

    You're calling people here mean, yet you pine for a guy who treated you like crap, ralphed on you and then said he doesn't want to see you all within the first 12 hours of being in your country. Priorities. Mis-directed anger. He is the mean one. And he sounds like a total loser to boot.

    Get your *kitten* together. Get back into shape. Learn to respect yourself, and date decent men.
  • Stellar76
    Stellar76 Posts: 25
    I think he asked her to bring vodka for the room and then they went down to the bar for the margies. The alcohol is all I really care about here. :drinker:

    Oh and if this is glad that whackanoodle is gone!

    Yes. Thank you for explaining. Some people here didn't understand my story and just assumed it was made up. I'm sorry for confusing you all. I only needed some advice.
  • rm7161
    rm7161 Posts: 505
    I'm sorry that happened to you. Like others, I am not sure if he was a soldier at that weight, but maybe he was lying to you about being a soldier. Might have been a contractor? Unsure if they are under the same restrictions as active service.

    Anyway, run, not walk, away from this guy. He is not worth your time.

    Yes, he is a contractor. He does electrical. He was in the US Army. He works in Afghanistan. Some people here are just so mean to think I made this all up. I wouldn't waste my time asking strangers for advice then make up a very long story. It took me a while to even do this because I wasn't sure if this was right. But I am already getting hopeless and helpless and really having a hard time accepting he did what he did to me.

    His weight that I mentioned is based on what I saw when I first saw him in person. Because he wasn't that big when I was watching him on Skype. And he looked shorter too in person, maybe because of his weight too.

    Thanks :)

    You should not feel hopeless over this guy. I know it hurts a lot right now, but I assure you that it will get better with time. The best thing you can do for you is go back to the gym and work out, and make a go of your own life without him. You need to love yourself, this guy would never have been able to love you in the way you need. Over time you will see that he's nothing very special, and you will find another fish in the sea that is the right one for you.
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