Lose 5 Pounds a Month- July 2010 Challenge



  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    Just curious...do we use July 31st (usually am) weight for the end of the July Challenge or do we use August 1 as both the end of July and beginning for August?
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Just curious...do we use July 31st (usually am) weight for the end of the July Challenge or do we use August 1 as both the end of July and beginning for August?

    I say use whichever one looks best!!! :laugh:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Good evening everyone....tried yoga today.....have to say the stretching was amazing but the calorie burn stinks...only 101 (with HRM) for 20 min.... I may try it again whenever I need to rest my foot (plantar fasciitis)....................I had a meatless day today ......planning on a new exercise for tomorrow, thinking pilates.......till tomorrow...talk to you all later!!!!!!!:happy:
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    Timbotina - yoga isn't a cardio exercise - its much more of a resistance/weight training exercise. What you don't see in calories burned you will see in lean muscle building which is vital to long term weight loss - don't give it up!!!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Timbotina - yoga isn't a cardio exercise - its much more of a resistance/weight training exercise. What you don't see in calories burned you will see in lean muscle building which is vital to long term weight loss - don't give it up!!!

    True, I guess I should continue it from time to time....or moreseo when I'm closer to my goal weight to tone more......
  • fixn2bhealthy
    fixn2bhealthy Posts: 9 Member
    I'm in but I only have this week until the end of July. I should be going strong in August.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Hey all, how's the no meat for 2 days challenge going for you all? I've done one day and boy was it hard to do, especially since hubby had to eat separately. And how about the try a new exercise challenge? I think everyone can do this, you pick it so why not do it? I tried pilates yesterday, gonna do them again tomorrow. My hubbys' grandparents had me clean their house today, top to bottom, took me 5 1/2 hrs and wow I was sweaty!!! They said they'd like me to come over once a week and dust, vaccum, etc. It took so long this time because it hasn't been done in awhile and they finally admitted they just can't do it anymore. For cleaning today, they bought me a new pair of sneakers (which I freaking love!) and a pair of sexy black heels to go with the lil black dress I bought yesterday. I can fit in it, but not sure I'd feel comfy wearing it out just yet...maybe in Sept or for our anniversary in Oct. Anyway, I graduated the C25K plan tonight! I posted my thoughts on it here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/BrunetteWife/view/could-you-graduate-in-9weeks-i-did-33877 . So excited I did it!!! I plan on doing it over to work on speed. I have a swimming play date with my friend Kelly and her 2yr old tomorrow, and I'm ready!! Thanks to a wonderful mfp friend (cough*Traci*cough) I have a few new swimsuits to possibly wear. Hoping to finish this month strong and start off August stronger. Have a wonderful week and see ya on Fri for my official ending month weight.

    XoxoxoX Bru
  • krinio
    krinio Posts: 138 Member
    Had a sneaky unofficial weigh in this morning just to see how I was getting on!:blushing: Friday's weight was 211.0 and this morning I was 210.8. I need 210.2 to reach 5lbs this month, so I'm working my butt off in the gym to get there! If I get under 210lbs I will cry with happiness :laugh: There could possibly be some water weight in there, but I'm not as sure on that as I have been in the past.
    I had no meat yesterday! Had a really yummy vegetable lasagne last night with a salad and made up the protein with breakfast and lunch :happy:
    I see everyone is doing pretty well! Congrats on the losses and if you're not quite there yet, the month isn't over yet!!
  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    Weighed in this morning FINALLY! I lost 1lb making me 153lbs (10st 13lbs) I've finally broken through the 11 stone barrier :happy: So this month I've lost 6 pounds in total which I'm sooo happy about! Anyway I hope everyone else has had a great July...only 3 days to go but I know everyone can do it! :flowerforyou:

    July 6th - 159lbs
    July 13th - 156lbs [-3]
    July 20th - 154lbs [-2]
    July 28th - 153lbs [-1]
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I am so amazed as I read everyone's posts. Everyone is working hard and learning so much about themselves.

    I am so impressed by how many people have joined this thread and are working hard to reach their goals. Keep up the great work!

    Do you have a reward system in place for when you reach a "mini goal"? Don't wait until you reach your final goal! Make sure you reward yourself along the journey. I love reading that some of you have it right on your ticker...new shoes, pedicure, new outfit.....ALL GREAT REWARDS. This is also about learning to take care of yourself!

    Quote of the day

    "Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence."

    Vince Lombardi

    Have and excellent day!

  • kelkenneally
    kelkenneally Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in :)
    July 1st -- (167.4)
    August 1st --(162)
    September 1st --(157)
    October 1st --(152)
    November 1st --(147)
    December 1st --(142)
  • ifychudy
    ifychudy Posts: 210 Member
    Congratulations to every one for trying so hard to live healthy and posting here. I enjoy reading everyone's post.Thanks dmgaloha. I am also rooting for you. You will reach your goal by the time you know it

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Morning one and all...had a great weigh in today...lost all my water weight from vacation and then some....down to 182.5# (down total 45.5#)...haven't been that low in ....well forever....I am going to be smiling ear to ear today..:bigsmile: ......good luck to everyone else...talk to you all later!!
  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    Terri – ack! You were up to workout at 4:30am? Goodness, I have a hard time convincing myself to get up at 6:30am to workout. I’d be more likely to see 4:30am because I hadn’t gone to bed yet, than because I was starting my day! :laugh: Way to go on the 6 miles!!!

    Dawnsolwick – good question re: which weigh-in day to use for the end of month... but because I weigh myself at the gym, and I am away this weekend, I will use whichever day I can get there, which will probably be Friday (July 30).

    Timbotina – I try to attend pilates or yoga classes two to three times a week to complement my couch to 5k training. It’s great for building core strength and stretching out those tight muscles and for stress relief. Keep in mind too, that there are many different styles of yoga. One of my classes has a 'relaxation' at the end, and I love it! Congrats on your loss! I am smiling for you too!

    For Bru – congrats to our very own C25k graduate!! WAY TO GO!! I’m looking forward to saying the same thing in 6 more weeks. I’m going to go read your blog as soon as I post this reply!

    Bekylouisex3 – Congrats on getting under 11st! I plan to join you sometime next month!

    Krinio – keep up the great work! That sneak peek shows you’re right on track to reach your goal!

    Welcome kelkenneally!

    I went to Pilates last night, and I completed Week 3 of Couch to 5k this morning. Today will be my first meatless day of the week. I haven't tried a new exercise yet...

    I filled in my workouts for July on my calendar, and I am quite proud of myself with 16 workout days, which works out to 4x / week, and that was with a 5-day break due to my leg-thing. With my planned workouts for this Thurs and Sat, I'll be at 18 for the month. My goal for August is 20.
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    I didn't do very good with my eating yesterday, but my day was unusually busy. Today, I got up and had a great workout and have been on track with my eating. I am also planning on going to my 1st zumba class this evening. I missed my workout yesterday so I am doubling up today. Tomorrow, will be my rest day and then weigh-in on Friday. My fingers are crossed! Hope everyone is on track for the month! I have read the posts and congratulations to everyone who has already met their July goal!
  • krinio
    krinio Posts: 138 Member
    The last 2 days have been great for me! Swim in the morning both days and a gym session in the afternoon. I can safely say that my diet has been spot-on in terms of being balanced and healthy. Just want that last 0.8lbs gone so I can make this 5lbs challenge!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    WOOHOO! Lost 2.2lbs on the scale this morning! Finally all that running is liking my body! :bigsmile: So I'm officially at 6.2 lbs lost for the month so far! YAY! However still have 3.7 lbs to meet my personal goal of being under 220. Oh well....hopefully I'll get that off this week, but It'll be a shock if I do! :laugh:

    At least I've finally lost over 25 lbs! :bigsmile:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    So things have definitely slowed down on my weight loss. granted I am really only about 18 pounds away from my goal and at my age things are going to be slow. my food is only about a half a pound a week weightloss and then my exercise. My total calories to maintain at my current weight would be 1760. I am way to unhappy when I go down to 1200 calories. since I am trying to create a lifestyle and can live with forever I will just have to settle for slow losses. I haven't been as strict lately so I haven't been losing steadily. I am getting stronger and I am maintaining and that is all good. I will not make the challenge this month but I still have high hopes of making my mini goal by 8/15/10 but I have also come to grips with the fact that they may not happen either.

    I just got my bike back from the shop. I haven't ridden it in over 5 years so I am going out for a ride now. wish me luck.
  • BillieS
    BillieS Posts: 42 Member
    I would like in on this one if it is not to late to join. My weight as of July 26 is 159.8 and I am 5'2" so I need to lose approximately 30 pounds. I need to learn how to keep myself from bingeing after doing well for several days. It seems I find myself craving everything and grabbing everything after several days of doing so well.
  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    It's so inspiring to see everyone is working hard :bigsmile: Had a good day today, did Turbo Jam Cardio Party 1 and burned just over 500 calories :noway: I can certainly say that my HRM has been a good investment!

    Keep it up everyone..we CAN do it! :wink:
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