Lose 5 Pounds a Month- July 2010 Challenge



  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Best wishes to everyone on the final 3 days of this challenge!!

    I love seeing all of the exclamation points in these posts, and can't wait to see more. I will probably be weighing in on Friday as Saturday is looking to start and end very busy! Keep up the great work everyone. :happy:

  • majikmeg
    majikmeg Posts: 9
    I'm in!
  • lambocj
    lambocj Posts: 27 Member
    Sounds like you all are doing great! Last couple wks I've been off track on my usual routine...wk ago my daughter and family came to visit for the week....it was great having them...had a great time, but I allowed myself one too many treats..guess I took a vacation from my normal eating plan! And still not back to the routine. Reading how great everyone is doing and setting myself a goal to try and get down 30 lbs. by Christmas.....all helps me to get back on track!! I've come this far so I know I can keep on keeping on and get another 42 lbs. off----that is my ultimate goal!! I read a quote someone had posted the other day about being better to experience the pain of discipline than the pain of regret....how true that is! I am getting back on track!! Appreciate your support!! Have a great week!!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Normally I would weigh in on Fri, but mom and I have to head to Quincy to pick up my Grandma's dogs and bring them to moms for the week while Grandma spends some much needed time with her mother and siblings in Branson. So we are out the door around 7 tomorrow morning and then we are coming home Fri afternoon. Enjoy the week all and I will see you lovely people on Saturday. XoxoxoX Bru
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Great job everyone! Robin I hope you enjoyed your bike ride! Bru - have a great trip with your mom, see you soon!

    Today I completed my 2nd NO MEAT day of this weeks challenge & I also did a new exercise - tried the Elliptical machine at the gym! Not so bad - kinda like it! Now I have to do just one more new exercise for the week....what will it be? Not sure yet.

    Had a great workout day today - Bellydanced this morning, then took 3 walks at work on breaks/lunch. Then I went to the gym & did the Elliptical & then my Zumba class. 153 total minutes today & 968 calories burnt! Yay! I'm smelly & tired! :laugh:

    Hopefully its gonna be a good end of the month for everyone! Keep up the great work! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member

    Look at everyone working so hard. I got exercise yesterday...sort of new but not exactly. I went for a 2 mile run with my husband. I was a lttle intimidated ( he ran a marathon last month) but it went great. We went over to a local college's arboretum and ran there. What a difference adding a few hills can make. It felt amazing to get out there and move. The scenery was great and it was super awesome to get out and run with my husband! We will have to do that more often!

    Quote for the day

    "Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision."

    Muhammad Ali, American Boxer

    Remember to keep your dream in your sights!

  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    I love all of these quotes, Terri! Thanks for sharing!

    Robin, you have been kicking butt this whole time. Things were bound to slow down, and I am proud of you for having a positive attitude about it!

    Have a great trip, Bru!

    dmg, 16 workout days is great! I have trouble staying consistent at the gym. I think I will start marking my calendar too in hopes that it will build momentum!

    Good job to everyone who is losing! I expect to lose this week but definitely won't reach the 5 lb goal. I will be happy with whatever I lose, though!
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    Sounds like a great group with a great challenge! I wonder if I could join your group? Too late for July, but I'd be early for August.
    SW 225
    CW 211.6
    GW 159
  • princesspurple
    Not down 5, but I am down to 136.5!
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Looks like I may just be able to pull off a Saturday weigh-in, we won't be leaving 'til later in the morning Saturday!! I've already surpassed the 5 lb goal, but want the best possible end of the month weigh-in. :happy:

    Best wishes everyone!!
  • garrbear
    garrbear Posts: 1
    I'm so confused with this struggle. I have lost weight so many times. It more than a rollercoaster it seems to be my main focus. Why can't I do it now. I'm eating correcty.. have a personal trainer and just can't drop it. This is getting really frustrating.
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Hey everyone : ) three days in a row at 169 so im doing great so far thats barely over a 3 pound loss and i have two more days and my zumba class tonight. It will be my second zumba class so far....

    3 pounds is not bad tho im not doing nearly as much as some of you. I mostly just walk and have had the one zumba class last week and the one today nothing much but im starting a free step aerobics class on next monday so wish me luck i hope i like it enough to stay : )..... then i will be doing zumba two days a week

    thats 3 days a week of real exercise! plus walking ... i plan to try and walk after i drive home from my zumba classes so that will be nice. and i will usually have to rush to work cause it wil get over at 9 and i wil have to run and drop the kids off and then leave for work by 9:30 so it will be a challenge but hopefully we will make it...

    so i wanted to ask everyone what they use to find out how many calories they burned and where to get it. im pretty interested in seeing how many i burn
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    so i wanted to ask everyone what they use to find out how many calories they burned and where to get it. im pretty interested in seeing how many i burn

    I have a Polar F6 heart rate monitor that I bought from Amazon for $85 or so. I love it!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I have a polar FT7 and I love it.

    By the way all, I posted pix. If you are interested. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/109550-progress-pics-so-far
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    55tolose--I own a Bowflex HRM that has the watch and chest strap....everyone works out at different intensity so it is nice to see exactly what you are burning.....best investment I have made yet!!!!

    Had my 2nd day this week with no meat....having a hard time getting my other 2 new workouts in... been so busy, just easier to do the same old thing....but Ihave 3 more days to try and get atleast another new one in if not 2....
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    Great pics, Robin! Keep it up - you are doing awesome & look amazing! :happy:

    Tina - I have only done one new exercise so far this week. It is hard trying to figure out something new to do! I am done with both my no-meat days. They were actually pretty easy! Surprising to me!

    I took it pretty easy today & just did some light housecleaning for a few minutes & then did my wk3/day2 C25K. Worked up quite a sweat, even though the humidity is pretty much gone today. It was gorgeous out today! Apparently it won't last however....the humidity is heading back...UGH! :grumble:

    Apparently Saturday is NATIONAL DANCE DAY according to my Zumba instructor. So the fitness center is offering a free class on Saturday. So I'm going! Hopefully I'll have a great weigh in for the end of the month! Hope everyone else does as well!

    Happy Friday to all tomorrow!
  • arailling
    arailling Posts: 6
    I can't seem to be able to make myself exercise during the week...so, i'm hoping that by reading everyone's positive comments and seeing everyone's success, I'll gain more motivation to work out. My problem is, that once i get home from work, make dinner, play with my girls (3 & 11 months), and get the kids to bed, I'm completely exhausted.

    does anyone have suggestions on how I can try to make time to work out, once I get my kids to sleep (around 8pm)?

  • susiespin
    susiespin Posts: 10
    7lb for me .. yipeee
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Kelly, thanks for the heads up....have never done Zumba before...I will look, maybe someone in town is offering a free class I could attend to try it.....

    off to work this morning.....hopeing to get my walk in at work, then head to the performance center after work.....talk to you all later!!
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    Just joined the 29th, but I looked back at my MFP weight chart and on July 1 I weighed 214. Current weight is 211.6. So that's a loss of 2.4 for the month. I've got some catching up to do, but everyone in this group is so upbeat...I think I can do it.
    SW: 225
    July 1: 214
    July 30: 211.6
    Loss: 2.4