A fat girl who likes being fat?1?!?



  • Michelle2W
    Michelle2W Posts: 163 Member
    I respect and honor you for seeking health rather than vanity! It's very encouraging to see women/people of different shapes and sizes loving who they are and not trying to fit into a pinhole size that may or may not be right for them. That being said, of course, always air on the side of health. I'd rather see someone that was 200 lbs that was healthy than someone that was 120 and anorexic or doing unhealthy things to maintain that weight. Of course, consume healthy foods, try to be active daily, and engage in some sort of vigorous workout at least 3 times a week. More importantly, love yourself at every stage of life and NEVER let bullies push or pull you in a direction to which you don't want to go.

    Unfortunately for you, this site probably isn't going to give you the exact response you're looking for. Like another poster said, it's more for people who are looking to lose or maintain a socially acceptable and healthy weight. However, I've found a handful of people who are motivational and loving no matter what the goal is. I happen to be one of those people, so I'd be happy to motivate you on your journey of health and happiness.

    Well don't worry, I'm an expert at tunnel vision when it comes to the internet. People feel more able to say things they would never say in person, and it's something I'm used to. I run a fat acceptance blog and use my body as a political statement, so I'm 100% accustomed to negative feedback.

    You said there's only a handful of people who might be into what I'm looking for, and that's just fine with me! I only need a handful. In my experience, anything that the majority tends to think is something I like to run in the opposite direction from. I knew when I posted what I did, on a site like this, that most people would take issue with it. I'm looking for the few who don't! And look at that, you won the prize :) Thanks for the kind reply!

    The poster (obeseandsassy) says she runs a fat and acceptance blog, works in the healthcare field, is confident and healthy. Honestly, I think we all became an experiment, she can post about on her fat acceptance blog. I'm sorry but her starting this thread doesn't make much sense at all. It's like a person who doesn't drink, attending an AA meeting...Why are you here? You're good :-)
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    I think you all were just a part of an experiment, of social response and acceptance of obese people you don't want to lose weight....I'm just saying!!!!! Set up!!!

    That's what I got out of it, especially when considering her followup posts.
  • Codename_Duchess
    Codename_Duchess Posts: 2,042 Member
    I did not read the last seven pages (I get reminded on a daily basis on this forum how much I hate people in general, especially other women). I did read the OP's first post.

    I am also a fat girl who was fine being fat. "Big, Blond, and Beautiful' and 'Fat Bottom Girls' were my theme song. I had more self-confidence in my fat little finger than most people have period. I got hit on every time I went to the grocery store when I weight 320lbs. I have never been afraid to throw my weight around. It is who I have been for most of my life.

    Simply put, being obese was the least of my problems. Until a few months ago.

    My knees hurt constantly. I have extremely high blood pressure. I had palpitations. Being fat was killing me. I didn't want to believe it, but in the end it's true. I am losing weight now because I have to. For my health. Not because I hated being fat.

    As I read in the OP's first post, she realizes that being fat is unhealthy. Hopefully, she has come to this conclusion before she got as bad as I am. I was wrong, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I should have cared more, but for the right reasons.

    I'm losing weight because I have to for my health. I still like me and will always like me even if I'm not a big girl. OP please ignore the haters and add me if you like.

    I read it because I'll admit, some things were funny.

    I was the same, though not a blond, but the sore knees/feet, beginnings of sleep apnea, & possibly a borderline diabetic. I was, & still am, happy, just now my knees hurt less & I don't find myself snoring (yay!).
  • Michelle2W
    Michelle2W Posts: 163 Member
    I think you all were just a part of an experiment, of social response and acceptance of obese people you don't want to lose weight....I'm just saying!!!!! Set up!!!

    That's what I got out of it, especially when considering her followup posts.

    Yes, indeed!
  • JohnnyCashMoney

    that's great that your levels are all healthy. for now. you look younger in your picture so i imagine some time down the road, that may not be the case anymore.
    and i hope you don't plan on wearing a bikini this summer
    good luck though with whatever your goals are

    What an absolute awful thing to say. What a snide, arrogant little b**ch you are. This woman is obviously far happier with her life than you are with yours. You're a total *kitten*. This girl will grow older and with her awesome attitude she will adapt and become healthier. You will always be a punk.

    ....and your comment makes you even a modicum better than her how, exactly? :noway:

    My comment was geared towards one goal: making the idiot who said it feel insulted. I think the girl who posted this thread is courageous, even though she will inevitably suffer health risks in the future. The *kitten* who said she shouldn't wear a bikini said it specifically to insult her, not offer any kind of advice.
    What's your problem?
  • Michelle2W
    Michelle2W Posts: 163 Member
    I think you all were just a part of an experiment, of social response and acceptance of obese people you don't want to lose weight....I'm just saying!!!!! Set up!!!

    Maybe. It doesn't bother me, though.

    Me neither, helpful in keeping my friend's list neat and tidy.

    So true! LOL!!!
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    Ok. Props to you first off on being confident enough to wear bikini because honestly, i don't have that confidence and probably never will.

    Secondly, a lot of people will judge you on here. I have been overweight all my life, and hit my heaviest 2 years ago at 243. I am now down to the upper 160's and am still fighting to get to an "acceptable" number. I know I will never be 125 like the standards say I should, but I will happy to reach 142. And most people will say that is bad, but excepting for the asthma that I have that will turn into copd (it runs in my mom's side of the family, and was a secondary cause of my mom's death, other then the massive heart attack she suffered), everything has come back fine.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Good luck.

    No-one is judging her or saying she isn't pretty. People have a problem with her coming onto a site dedicated to physical fitness and saying 'hey, I'm really fat and it's great... I don't want to change one bit....'
    erm.... being that overweight from a fitness and health point of view is not great at all and just because she is young and not feeling the negative effects of it right now doesn't mean that this will always be the case. Being as overweight as she is will have repercussions for her heart, her joints, her fertility and god knows what else.... and I just don't get the point of the post in the first place unless it was just purely for attention.... it's mental... seriously weird

    This pretty much sums it up.OP has a great attitude as far as loving herself.That's fabulous. I admire that.

    But the fact is,being obese ( as opposed to overweight) cannot be healthy in the long run.There will be health issues.

    And it would really be a shame for somebody who so obviously loves life to cut it short.

    I didn't say there wouldn't be. I have seen it happen in my own family. my one cousin who was 1200lbs at one point in his, almost died a couple of years ago when he weighed in at over 600, and mind you he is 42. He was in denial for many years. My husband is the same way, he is 5'10 and 280. He has a heart condition, do I encourage him to work out and eat better? Yes, but he has said to me "I would rather be fat and happy then thin and miserable." My mom, she was 161 before the cancer got her along with massive heart attack and copd with emphysema, and she died at the age of 57.

    Young does not always equal wise. You get that as you age (I would know). The fact of the matter is that unless people are ready for a change, people will not make the change. The OP has a great vibrant look on life, but she will not get the support she wants here on MFP, and only she can decide when and what to change and and for right now, she is happy with how she looks, who are we to judge on that? Sure it seems weird for someone to come on the site saying what they did, but again, why should we be the ones to say "well, you know what, that isn't right." Some people need to find out for themselves. Its called "self discovery."
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
  • metacognition
    metacognition Posts: 626 Member
    An intuitive eating method won't help most people who are large, especially naturally large. It's likely that a person at a high weight is going through a series of daily sugar spikes that increase hunger - it's common to see them eat a few large meals with refined carbohydrates / heavy on the fat / low on the nutrition - and as a result, their bodies have problems with both hunger and fat storage. Being intuitive did not work for me. You must consciously work against your body's biology by teaching it to respond positively to fewer calories and daily exercise.

    Since your body wants to maintain a current weight, even an unhealthy one, a person must consciously reduce what they eat until they are in a caloric deficit and cannot maintain their original mass. Reducing food is never pleasant, but minor improvements will lead to bigger changes.

    Intuitive eating may work if you are already tracking calories / macro nutrient ratios.
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    I follow the girl whose picture that is on Tumblr religiously and this REALLY doesn't sound like something she'd post.

    I sense shenanigans.


    Actually ... in reading through again ... maybe?

    Is it really Amber????

    I may cry with joy and weird internet-love.
  • enigmachik
    enigmachik Posts: 150
    OP, I love your screen name. I wish I could exude a fraction of the confidence that you do. I applaud your openness and wish you well on your journey to fitness and health, regardless of whether the path leads you to weight loss or not. I would love if you added me as a friend.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I'm not sure why everyone thinks this so out of the ordinary that it must be a social experiment. I guess being an innovative contemporary dancer, doing yoga, volunteering at sexual assault and domestic violence centers and being an atheist in the yoga community have all exposed me to many people that are quite similar to the OP (or are part of a community that is different from themselves).

    Still, it is a foreign experience to me in terms of really understanding it from a first hand basis. I don't even know what it is like to be overweight.

    Also, I read what she wrote and heard something different from what other people have come away with.

    I approach life as a social experiment, so if that is what she is doing then I am enjoying the ride.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member

    that's great that your levels are all healthy. for now. you look younger in your picture so i imagine some time down the road, that may not be the case anymore.
    and i hope you don't plan on wearing a bikini this summer
    good luck though with whatever your goals are

    What an absolute awful thing to say. What a snide, arrogant little b**ch you are. This woman is obviously far happier with her life than you are with yours. You're a total *kitten*. This girl will grow older and with her awesome attitude she will adapt and become healthier. You will always be a punk.

    ....and your comment makes you even a modicum better than her how, exactly? :noway:

    My comment was geared towards one goal: making the idiot who said it feel insulted. I think the girl who posted this thread is courageous, even though she will inevitably suffer health risks in the future. The *kitten* who said she shouldn't wear a bikini said it specifically to insult her, not offer any kind of advice.
    What's your problem?

    or so other people don't insult her while she is out. i will say it again, kudos to her for being confident with herself, and i hope that no health problems come on later on in life. and again, good for her for having her goals and wanting to feel healthier.
    and i am actually quite happy. i have great health, a roof over my head, and a job i love. and even happier knowing that i have caused some frustration, but not feeling frustrated or offended over here. still in a great mood and about to enjoy a wonderful evening. thanks for trying to insult me or make me feel like an idiot, but you will have to try harder. have a great night :drinker:

    edited again to fix a typo
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    I'm not sure why everyone thinks this so out of the ordinary that it must be a social experiment. I guess being an innovative contemporary dancer, doing yoga, volunteering at sexual assault and domestic violence centers and being an atheist in the yoga community have all exposed me to many people that are quite similar to the OP (or are part of a community that is different from themselves).

    Still, it is a foreign experience to me in terms of really understanding it from a first hand basis. I don't even know what it is like to be overweight.

    Also, I read what she wrote and heard something different from what other people have come away with.

    I approach life as a social experiment, so if that is what she is doing then I am enjoying the ride.

    :flowerforyou: This.
  • AIZZO4
    AIZZO4 Posts: 404 Member
    I'm a bit of a misnomer on this site. I'm a fat girl, heavy into body positivity, who has no intentions of not being fat. What?! Crazy, I know!

    Lately I've realized just how physically not-so-great I feel, so I'm trying to honor my body by using intuitive eating and moving more. My goal isn't weight loss or changing the way my body looks. My goal is simply feeling better. If the habits I form cause me to lose weight, so be it, but it's not my intention or my goal.

    So just from those two paragraphs alone, you can see why I stick out like a sore thumb on a site like this, something that I'm totally aware of! But I still firmly believe that you do better at reaching your goals when you have support, so I figured I'd say hello and try to make some new friends! :) Nerds are a plus, but certainly not necessary!

    You seem like a beautiful person. I support you for sure.
  • imaginec
    imaginec Posts: 18 Member
    I'm a bit of a misnomer on this site. I'm a fat girl, heavy into body positivity, who has no intentions of not being fat. What?! Crazy, I know!

    Lately I've realized just how physically not-so-great I feel, so I'm trying to honor my body by using intuitive eating and moving more. My goal isn't weight loss or changing the way my body looks. My goal is simply feeling better. If the habits I form cause me to lose weight, so be it, but it's not my intention or my goal.

    So just from those two paragraphs alone, you can see why I stick out like a sore thumb on a site like this, something that I'm totally aware of! But I still firmly believe that you do better at reaching your goals when you have support, so I figured I'd say hello and try to make some new friends! :) Nerds are a plus, but certainly not necessary!

    I read between the lines. You sound like a very sad person deep down inside.
  • BlitzClipz
    BlitzClipz Posts: 154 Member
    You can add me as a friend OP :) I think you are gorgeous inside and out. It's such shame there is so much hatred in the world. If people put half the energy into bettering themselves, both physically and mentally, that they do into trying to force their opinions on others, the world would be a much better place. True happiness is in short supply these days and those who lack it almost always attack those who have it. You're a good person, don't ever lose your spark!
  • obeseandsassy
    obeseandsassy Posts: 118
    I follow the girl whose picture that is on Tumblr religiously and this REALLY doesn't sound like something she'd post.

    I sense shenanigans.

    Which part doesn't sound like something I'd post? if you followed my tumblr you'd know i quit tumblr two months ago. Just because I used a different username on this site doesn't make it any less me! Although you're more than welcome to message me privately if you need more proof!
  • Michelle2W
    Michelle2W Posts: 163 Member
    I follow the girl whose picture that is on Tumblr religiously and this REALLY doesn't sound like something she'd post.

    I sense shenanigans.

    I'm not surprised! The thread starter has disappeared and we're arguing among ourselves....lol
  • enigmachik
    enigmachik Posts: 150
    You can add me as a friend OP :) I think you are gorgeous inside and out. It's such shame there is so much hatred in the world. If people put half the energy into bettering themselves, both physically and mentally, that they do into trying to force their opinions on others, the world would be a much better place. True happiness is in short supply these days and those who lack it almost always attack those who have it. You're a good person, don't ever lose your spark!

    this. :flowerforyou: