A fat girl who likes being fat?1?!?



  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    I follow the girl whose picture that is on Tumblr religiously and this REALLY doesn't sound like something she'd post.

    I sense shenanigans.

    Which part doesn't sound like something I'd post? if you followed my tumblr you'd know i quit tumblr two months ago. Just because I used a different username on this site doesn't make it any less me! Although you're more than welcome to message me privately if you need more proof!

    maybe the tumblr was hacked?
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    Quoted from op "Lately I've realized just how physically not-so-great I feel"

    I do approve of you having so much self confidence that is always an attractive trait.

    .I would be interested to know in what way you do not feel so great physically and if it is related to your weight.

    It is true that some large people are very fit but sumo wrestlers, shot putters and discus throwers all train hard under the supervision of qualified trainers and doctors, they have a lot of muscle under that outer layer of fat and probably less abdominal fat than your average obese person.

    I would be interested to know your fitness goals eg: food changes and exercise goals.

    I am personally rather concerned by the Fat Acceptance movement purely because a lot of people, and I am including myself in this, use it as an excuse to justify an unhealthy lifestyle. I used to believe that the world should accept me how I was, I felt fine, ok I couldn't run for the bus, or climb too many stairs, oh and I had a bad back as well. I couldn't find clothes to fit me that looked nice and I was sometimes scared to sit on certain chairs. There were a lot of things I couldn't do because my weight got in the way. Oh and my husband kind of went of sex as I got bigger. The list sadly is pretty endless.

    Like you I have always been self confident and happy to be me but you know what? I love myself even more now that my body slimmer. Because I know losing the weight has been the pivotal thing to better health and I feel so much better and can do so much more. I feel physically better at 56 and weighing180 than I did when I was 25 and weighed 280.

    I would really like to know if you feel that being thinner would change how you feel about yourself?
  • Dewdropps
    Dewdropps Posts: 111
    While I don't particularly agree with the way some are going nuts against you, OP, don't ignore them totally. (The quips about how you look, yes, ignore that) I think so many people are responding the way they are because they are worried. Most have gone through the "I'm ok with how I am and I don't need to change for any reason", and they know how wrong they ended up being.

    I can't say I was ever REALLY ok with how big I've gotten, but I was ok with it. For a while. The thing is, this past year has opened my eyes so much. My body, inside, is that of a 60 year old. I am 32 years old. I now have spinal muscular atrophy and muscular atrophy elsewhere, too because of not using those muscles as my body needed me to.

    I also have excellent cholesterol, sugar levels etc.

    Another thing to think about is that no matter how good you feel about yourself, when there is a lot of fat around your midsection, it compresses and pushes against your major organs, your bowels etc, making them work that much harder, and sometimes poisoning the organ with the fat, as with fatty liver disease. It's not something that you would know without a doctor providing you with a full scan of your organs.

    Ok, anyway. Back to what I originally replied for. It is super refreshing to see someone so happy with themselves, and I hope you find what you are looking for in life, I truly do. I don't think bad of you. There definitely needs to be a healthy mental state in order to be truly happy in this life, no matter what anyone else says. Just know that there really aren't many "mean" spirited people on MFP. Most of those coming across as they are is because they want to pass on the knowledge they have and save you from the heartache and rock bottom they had to crawl through to get to this point.

    Take care <3
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    WOW - This is a prime example of when we all need to apply the "Survival Of The Fittest" phenomena.

    I have a good idea of what some POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES the op may have in the future - but believe it or not...I don't care. She is not a friend of mine, she is just another human being doing what she wants to do in her own life! (Her one and only life, that only she gets to pick what she wants to get out of it)

    It is like we all take others lives so personally. Luckily, most of us are educated people and have knowledge on what is healthy and what is not. If the OP does not have that same education/knowledge then whatever!

    Im grateful for the choices that I have made, and I really don't give a damn about the choices the OP or anyone else makes.

    To each their own.
  • Jessamin
    Jessamin Posts: 338 Member
    I follow the girl whose picture that is on Tumblr religiously and this REALLY doesn't sound like something she'd post.

    I sense shenanigans.

    Which part doesn't sound like something I'd post? if you followed my tumblr you'd know i quit tumblr two months ago. Just because I used a different username on this site doesn't make it any less me! Although you're more than welcome to message me privately if you need more proof!

    Oh god I was just in the middle of editing my comment to say I'd read more posts and kind-of retracted.

    Hi. ;u;
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Hi there OP. I started off as a happily fat woman too. i was about 230lbs (and 5'2), and was pretty happy with who I was and how I looked. But as the mother of 3 young kids I decided that premature death and sitting on the sidelines as my kids played sports was not the kind of role model I wanted to be. My intention was to get fitter- getting smaller was a side effect of getting fitter.
    Roll on 2 1/2 years- I now weigh about 175lbs. I'm still obese. My weight has been stuck here for about a year, which bugs me but it isn't a major issue. What is awesome is that I have run 8 half marathons and 2 full ones. I run with my kids. I eat better because it makes me feel better when I do. My kids see activity as a normal part of life.
    And to the person that said you can't be obese and healthy- not that true and made me angry!!!!! I'm obese and can run for 6 hours without stopping. I can squat 70kgs, deadlift 50kgs, and I AM the healthiest version of me I can be at the moment. And I'm far more active than a lot of other people I know. Just because I'm not thin does not mean I'm not healthy (although I do understand the correlations between weight and illness). Thin people are not necessarily more healthy than me, and that's a crappy assumption to make.

    ETA i also didn't read all of the responses before, but i do agree that we all only have one life and need to live it as we see fit.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I'm a bit of a misnomer on this site. I'm a fat girl, heavy into body positivity, who has no intentions of not being fat. What?! Crazy, I know!

    Lately I've realized just how physically not-so-great I feel, so I'm trying to honor my body by using intuitive eating and moving more. My goal isn't weight loss or changing the way my body looks. My goal is simply feeling better. If the habits I form cause me to lose weight, so be it, but it's not my intention or my goal.

    So just from those two paragraphs alone, you can see why I stick out like a sore thumb on a site like this, something that I'm totally aware of! But I still firmly believe that you do better at reaching your goals when you have support, so I figured I'd say hello and try to make some new friends! :) Nerds are a plus, but certainly not necessary!

    I read between the lines. You sound like a very sad person deep down inside.

    right??!!? omg, thank god. i thought i was the only one that got that vibe.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    WOW - This is a prime example of when we all need to apply the "Survival Of The Fittest" phenomena.

    I have a good idea of what some POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES the op may have in the future - but believe it or not...I don't care. She is not a friend of mine, she is just another human being doing what she wants to do in her own life! (Her one and only life, that only she gets to pick what she wants to get out of it)

    It is like we all take others lives so personally. Luckily, most of us are educated people and have knowledge on what is healthy and what is not. If the OP does not have that same education/knowledge then whatever!

    Im grateful for the choices that I have made, and I really don't give a damn about the choices the OP or anyone else makes.

    To each their own.

    Right, I agree. I have made the choices in my life that I am comfortable with and lead to the life I want to live. I don't feel threatened by other people making other choices. If anything, I can learn from that and allow it to help me loosen some of the reins on my own life (in a positive, inner, emotional way).
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    I didn't read everything after the OP but if you are about fitness, it is all good. Weight SHOULD be secondary, IMO, because a lot of thin people are unhealthy too.

    True, the majority of people who are working to be fit need and want to lose weight. However, like me, some people may be fit carrying a little extra weight because unhealthy weight partially depends on WHERE it is carried. Weight carried around vital organs is not the healthiest place to carry it.

    That said, you need to answer to you so carry on with your bad self!

    Add me if you plan to keep your diary open to friends.
  • M______
    M______ Posts: 288 Member
    I'm a bit of a misnomer on this site. I'm a fat girl, heavy into body positivity, who has no intentions of not being fat. What?! Crazy, I know!

    Lately I've realized just how physically not-so-great I feel, so I'm trying to honor my body by using intuitive eating and moving more. My goal isn't weight loss or changing the way my body looks. My goal is simply feeling better. If the habits I form cause me to lose weight, so be it, but it's not my intention or my goal.

    So just from those two paragraphs alone, you can see why I stick out like a sore thumb on a site like this, something that I'm totally aware of! But I still firmly believe that you do better at reaching your goals when you have support, so I figured I'd say hello and try to make some new friends! :) Nerds are a plus, but certainly not necessary!

    All of the BS this has caused in here when the OP's post basically says she is going to try and curb her eating, do more exercise but she accepts herself as she is. I skimmed the thread but not the last few pages, the only thing the OP has said that I disagree with was saying that overweight does not equal unhealthy.

    People need to chill more, its like an angry mob in here.

    Welcome to the site OP, there are more than enough good people on the site really.
  • Betty_Canada
    Betty_Canada Posts: 85 Member
    If someone thin made a post saying that they wanted to lose weight and did not care at all about how it affected their health, they'd be getting replies saying how wrong they are, that weight isn't important, it's nutrition and fitness that matter. And when a fat person makes a post saying that they don't care about their weight, they are looking to improve their nutrition and fitness, they get the opposite! It's all hypocritical!


    Hi Obese+Sassy. I applaud your solid sense of self-esteem.

    I started this journey into fitness and health mostly to prove a point to my doctor, who diagnosed me as "fat and lazy" when every health indicator I had was perfectly fine (I had better cholesterol markers than my doctor, even at 240 lbs), to prove that I was in fact eating less than eighteen hundred calories a day, walking anywhere from two to three miles a day and, oddly, still FAT. So no, for some of us, eat less and move more is not the be all and end all of health advice. It can prove to be more complicated.

    You can be terribly unhealthy and still be thin. There are thin diabetics, thin people who have heart attacks, thin people who have arthritis, and thin people who have breathing problems. Until someone can prove to me that thin people never get those diseases, I am not going to kill myself to be thin. Oh, it doesn't make you immortal either. (Thank you, Ragen Chastain,)

    Personally, I second the recommendation of Stumptuous for beginner's weight routines. If you have a pretty healthy sense of humor, she's got a great starting workout called "No Fat Chicks" (just ignore the obesity discussions). NerdFitness also has some great body weight routines you can do at home to increase strength, stamina, and flexibility. And Steve is a total nerd, which is awesome. Someday I hope to be fit enough to try the "Konami Code" workout. *lol*

    I've been put on Metformin to manage my insulin resistance and I've managed to lose 50+ lbs, mostly because my body finally reacts to food the way it was designed to do. But, I am still considered obese, and people who look at me, do not think: "Wow, she's lost a lot of weight, she looks fantastic", they still think "wow, look at the fat chick buying Greek yogurt, no wonder she's a tub".

    That's not about me, that's about them. That's about a culture that has declared a war on me as the last acceptable bastion of bigotry, since the law now says that it is not acceptable to be racist, misogynist, or homophobic.

    Weight is a number on a scale. Health is a series of markers that measure a great many other things; strength, stamina, flexibility, oxygen carrying capacity, mental acuity, stress response, and so on.

    Your decision to make healthy lifestyle changes may lead to weight loss. It may not; there is no guarantee there either - if there was, the diet industry wouldn't be making sixty billion dollars a year by blaming us for the fact that their "product" doesn't work. But I personally applaud you for making the effort to be more mindful and present in your body, and make better choices about food and movement.

    Feel free to add me. I also happen to be something of a nerd (video games, science fiction and fantasy, costuming etc.). I do talk on my wall about my weight and my workout activities, however, so if that might be a trigger issue for you, I understand.

    Gods bless and be well - whatever that looks like for you.

  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    I believe it is possible to be fit at different weights; we don't all have to be thin, and I don't believe that it's possible for every person to be thin.

    But if you're not feeling well, then looking at what you eat seems a good place to start. I expect you've been eating intuitively up until now; it may be worthwhile to talk to a nutritionist or a naturopath to get a little direction. Hopefully you can find one who won't focus on your weight and will follow your direction that you want to feel better.

    I had been feeling lousy for a few months, and a naturopath suggested I eat clean for two weeks to see what happened - no wheat, dairy, soy, peanuts, alcohol, sugar, caffeine, aspartame. I thought I would die from cravings for the first five days, but I've seen a remarkable difference in my energy levels and the cravings have eased dramatically. Add a half hour daily walk to new eating habits, and you'll be feeling better.

    I wish you all the best, add me if you like.
  • obeseandsassy
    obeseandsassy Posts: 118
    I follow the girl whose picture that is on Tumblr religiously and this REALLY doesn't sound like something she'd post.

    I sense shenanigans.

    Which part doesn't sound like something I'd post? if you followed my tumblr you'd know i quit tumblr two months ago. Just because I used a different username on this site doesn't make it any less me! Although you're more than welcome to message me privately if you need more proof!

    Oh god I was just in the middle of editing my comment to say I'd read more posts and kind-of retracted.

    Hi. ;u;

    haha don't worry about it doll, you can never be too careful on the big wide internet! :) i figured it was only a matter of time before tumblr people found me on here!
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    Its not about being comfortable being fat...Its more about trying to stay alive and not die from diabetes or heart disease. You can feel good about yourself but saying your comfortable being obese and fine with it is frankly a fall back on being lazy.

    Trolling or not this site is about motivation and losing or maintaining your fitness goals. Dropping by with "I'm fat and proud" is not something any of us care about. Find a site about being fat, exchange some recipes and sit back and wait to die prematurely. That is the site you're looking for.

    I feel like you didn't actually even read my post. Weight loss and better fitness are actually not interchangeable terms, but that's not a can of worms I intend to open in this thread. But more importantly, frankly I'm offended that you think I'm trolling just because I'm happy being fat. As you said, this site is about motivation. And that's what I'm looking for. Motivation to help me feel better physically. If you don't intend to help with that, there probably wasn't a point in replying.

    If you want to feel better physically you need to lose some weight. You don't have to aim to be skinny but at least aim for the Overweight category rather than the obise. I have a friend who always were a size 24 and she lost weight and now she is a size 18. She is happy and don't want to lose any more.
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    This whole thread is stupid. Utterly ridiculous.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    If your comfortable in your own skin, then why change???

    Because in this case it could and probably will lead to arthritis, diabetes, joint damage, heart disease, renal and liver failure vascular failure, hypertension, and chronic fatigue.

  • I can understand where you are coming from. One of the biggest reasons that I have been able to stick it out and make moderate life-style changes is because I have been happy and accepting of my body during this entire process and even before. I don't usually post on these boards because... well, clearly but I wanted to say I understand what you're saying. Keep being proud of your body and adopting healthier choices - reasonable changes will be a great way to honor your body! Hanne Blank has a new book that sounds like it could be great called, "Unapologetic Fat Girl's Guide to Exercise: An incendiary Act" your attitude suggests that you may have already read her though.

    I've found that since I've done this, my feet and back don't hurt anymore; I'm not uncomfortable on planes; I have much more energy; I sleep better! I was happy and accepting before, but now I feel like everything has come together.

    For everyone else... shame doesn't work.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    If your comfortable in your own skin, then why change???

    Um, she clearly said she was physically uncomfortable?
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    On a side not.

    I also am very close to a person who weighs over 300 pounds. His cholesterol is at a ideal level, almost too low, lipds low, no signs of diabetes and a blood pressure at 70/110. He has back problems though so he is trying to loose about a 100 pounds. Also because of potential future health problems. But my point is, not all obese people have health issues.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    If YOU are happy with your weight, then that is fine. However, just know that if you make certain changes in diet or activity you may lose the body shape you prefer. I think that when you make good changes to your lifestyle and you do feel a good difference in your health, that is truly the greatest reward. It is possible to be Fit and fat. I don't know if you have regular physicals or not, but I am sure your doctor will let you know if your blood sugar looks like it's going into a bad area, or your blood pressure, or cholesterol. I hope you acheieve what ever it is you set out to do here. May the force be with you.

    Thanks doll! The great thing about being so heavily into body acceptance is that no matter what my body looks like, I will ALWAYS adore it, because my body is a part of me and it deserves my love no matter what. I work in health, so I already know I have excellent blood sugar and blood pressure (which surprises many people, but what can you do?) I just want to work on my strength and my stamina and improve my energy level. Especially now that summer's coming! :)

    Thanks for the support, and for the Star Wars nod :)

    I am glad for you that you have excellent blood sugar and perfect BP. From your picture I assume that you are still young(er).
    How long do you think your blood sugar and BP will stay excellent ? Five more years, ten, twenty ? Looking at statistics that is probably not going to be the case.
    How long do you think it will take for you to possibly need knee replacement , from all the weight you carry around ? Or maybe it's even a wheel chair.....who knows. Just because you are healthy now, does not mean that you are going to stay healthy for the rest of your life.
    If you really don't want to get healthier and lose some weight ( because there are sooner or later consequences to being morbidly obese) and just stay fat by overeating on healthier food ( and yes that is possible ) maybe MFP is not the place for you, because I can't see anyone really giving you positive support, because we don't share your view.
    I congratulate on your positive body image, but that is not enough imo to get healthy and not lose weight at this stage of the game. I believe that when someone is as morbidly obese as you are ( and believe me I know what I am talking about, because I have to lose almost 100 pounds ) there is no improved health without losing weight. There is no way to consistently over-over eat and be healthy, no matter how you feel now.
    Good Luck to you !