Lose 5 Pounds a Month- July 2010 Challenge



    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I have a polar FT7 and I love it.

    By the way all, I posted pix. If you are interested. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/109550-progress-pics-so-far

    Looking Good!

    I agree it is much harder to lose as we age!

  • dmgaloha
    dmgaloha Posts: 467 Member
    I did it!!! (sort of)

    I weighed in this am, and was 154.75 (after I stripped down to bra/panties, and removed my watch, bracelet, etc - I kept taking more and more things off until I reached the weight I needed to reach - I felt like I was playing 'strip-weigh-in')... :blushing:

    Oh well, it makes me feel good to say I reached the goal, and it also sets the bar for next month's 5 pound goal.

    BMK update: I didn't really do any "new" exercises yet this week, but I did get 3 'extra' workouts in. So far, I've done three 45 min walks on top of my regular C25k and pilates/yoga. So, I'd say it's a partial success. I've had 1 meat free day; I'll see what the weekend brings...

    Have a great weekend everyone! It's a long weekend here, so I'm sure I'll have some struggles, but will keep all of you cheering me on in mind ...
  • fivefatcats
    fivefatcats Posts: 368
    dmg - I have played that game - watch off, earrings off, pee shave . . . to get that last fraction of a pound off - :bigsmile:

    arailling - I have 4 little girls (5,3, and 12month old twins) I feed 'em, turn on a cartoon and lock 'em in the living room so I can get my 45minutes on the treadmill 3 times a week. Sometimes I get interrupted, sometimes not. As mothers of little ones - we take what we can get. I would love to go to the gym, but membership fees and daycare costs :noway: make it impossible. I have a membership at a gym for $10/month - but I only use it once a week for weight training that I wouldn't/couldn't do at home. I do my regular cardio on the treadmill at home.

    My sis is visiting tonight and bringing with her new TRX!! Anybody seen/heard of them! Uses your body weight as resistance, is totally portable and can be used almost anywhere! I can't way to 'play' with her new toy!

    My July:
    July1 - 168.4
    July9 - 165
    July 15 - 161.8
    July 26 - 161.2
    July 30 - 158.6

    I had an exceptional month! I am back to my running (5k - 3x week) and loving it! I am training for a half marathon on Sept 19th and am a little less intimidated by it after each run!

    I just wanted to thank Terri and all my friends on this thread without whose support and encouragement this would be so much more difficult!!!

    See you in August!!!
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    Congratulations to susiespin, dmgaloha, fivefatcats on your SUCCESS! :drinker:
    Very inspiring!!!

    Decided I better figure out my Goal Weight for each month so I could hold myself accountable.:wink:
    August 31 - 205
    Sept 30 - 200
    Oct 31 – 195
    Nov 30 -190
    Dec 31 - 185
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Keep it up all!! :flowerforyou: You are doing fabulous!! I'm on my phone so I can't do personal 'woot woots' so :drinker: Group WOOT WOOT :drinker: I will be home later today but I'll be weighing in tomorrow. I know I've already lost a tremendous amount this month, so I'm not really worried about a loss or gain tomorrow. I am inching closer and closer to my 2nd mini goal of 208. That means I get my first ever pedicure! And hubby volunteered to go with! My 25th birthday is this coming Wednesday (8/4/85) and naturally my hubby, Nick, is getting laid off today. Which usually happens around my birthday EVERY year, go figure! LOL! I decided I want to head to the Lake of the Ozarks on the 21st of August so that way a few friends could join us then. Ok, enough rambling, lol, I'll be back tomorrow morning. *hugs* and much :heart: Bru
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Will you be having an August 2010 5lb challenge? I would love to join it, just started this site a week ago so wouldn't have been able to participate this month.
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello All, Well here we are at the end of another month and I have done it and met my target for July:happy: :happy: :happy: now I will try to get to get to 119 pounds and keep at 119 for the next month.

    starting Weight with MFP on 1/12/10.........164.5
    Weight on 5/1/10............................................138
    Weight on 5/7/10............................................136
    Weight on 5/14/10..........................................134
    Weight on 5/21/10..........................................132
    Weight on 5/28/10..........................................131
    Weight on 6/4/10............................................129
    Weight on 6/11/10..........................................128
    Weight on 6/18/10..........................................127.5
    Weight on 6/25/10..........................................126 i'VE DONE IT ..... REACHED MY FINAL GOAL WEIGHT
    Final Goal Weight..........................................126
    New Goal Weight end of July......................121 GOING TO TRY AND LOSE A FEW MORE POUNDS TO BE ON THE SAFE SIDE
    Weight on 7/2/10............................................125
    weight on 7/9/10.............................................124.5 LOST 40 POUNDS IN SIX MONTHS WITH MFP !!!!!!
    weight on 7/16/10...........................................123
    weight on 7/23/10...........................................123
    weight on 7/30/10...........................................121
    New Goal Weight end of August..................119

    Good Luck to you all All,
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    I weighed in this am, and was 154.75 (after I stripped down to bra/panties, and removed my watch, bracelet, etc - I kept taking more and more things off until I reached the weight I needed to reach - I felt like I was playing 'strip-weigh-in')... :blushing:

    I hear ya! I weigh in wearing nothing but my birthday suit every time. I will even take my hair out of a ponytail before I weigh! :laugh:

    Congratulations to everyone losing. So many are doing such a wonderful job! What inspiration you guys are! I am still at 160, and I cannot say I am surprised. I know exactly what I am doing wrong and have been doing wrong. I need to be much more consistent if I want to continue to lose weight! I feel like I am on the right path but all the celebrations last weekend and this week messed me up a bit.

    I am leaving for Mexico on Sunday. I cannot wait! My vacations are usually a "free for all" when it comes to food and drinks but I plan to make good decisions this time around. I will be at a 5 star resort so I know they will have healthy options and a nice gym. I will also be diving, swimming A LOT, taking many walks around town and on the beach, etc. I don't expect to gain much if any on this trip.
  • Shannonk507
    Shannonk507 Posts: 252 Member
    I have a few boards I am on and do not remember weigh-in day. Anyways, I am 233.8. Thanks!
  • OnMyWeigh
    OnMyWeigh Posts: 252 Member
    Tomorrow will be my final weigh-in for the month of July. I know I have already pass the 5 lb mark but I want to maximize the loss potential!! I will check back in tomorrow morning! Have a beautufl Friday everyone!!
  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member

    I agree it is much harder to lose as we age!

    That should be good news for me as I'm only 16 :wink: but I'm doubting that it will make any difference lol trust my body to be so stubborn :laugh:

    Only one day left everyone I hope everyone is working hard and is ready for August's challenges!!! :smile:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I almost forgot the quote of the day.....this one is just for fun!

    "If you want to look young and thin, hang around old fat people.":laugh: :happy:

    Have a great rest of the day!


    I plan to weigh in tomorrow because its the end of the month!
  • Ashykins
    Ashykins Posts: 233
    Starting Weight in July 282.0

    Current weight Weekending 7/31 - 275.8

    Weight Loss: 6.2 lbs lost, GOAL MET!!!! Great Challenge hopefully I can do this again in August!!!
  • LTLB
    LTLB Posts: 9
    I would like to join in this challenge July 1 weight 194
    July 30 weight 188:drinker:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    well ladies, had my 2 meatless days in already..so today I tackled #2 of new exercise....well not really new but I haven't done it in a couple - 3months.....anyway the stair stepper busted me today.......only lasted 10 minutes.....my legs are like jelly......anyway talk to you all tomorrow!!
  • tralalara
    tralalara Posts: 149
    Month end check in time. I think I did pretty good this month! I injured my back and my hip has been really bothering me. No exercising other than work. I think it's my sciatic nerve. Anyway, here's my figures:

    July 1 210
    July 5 208
    July 13 207
    July 19 205.5
    July 26 203.5

    July 31 202.5
    July 31st goal was 205.....I beat it by 2.5 lbs.
    Total lost in July 7.5 lbs!
    Now to just kick those last 2.5 to hit Onederland!
    I can't wait!
    Have a great day everyone!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    This was not a losing month for me. I have changed up my exercise and slipped a little on my eating. I know for August I will need to concentrate on eating better. Vacation always messes me up and then it takes me a little time to get back on track

    January 1 weight 185.6

    Starting weight July 1 is 177.8 pounds!

    July 31 179.2

    Gained 1.4 pounds :grumble: :grumble:

    :drinker: Here's to everyone who met their goal this month:drinker:
    :drinker: Here's to everyone who exceeded their goal this month:drinker:
    :drinker: Here's to everyone who missed their goal this month but continue on the journey to be healthy!:drinker:

    Quote of the day!

    "Effort is the one strictly undervalued and original contribution we make to this world."

    William James, philosopher

    Have a healthy and safe Saturday!

  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Well, I drank 12oz of water and realized I never weighed in this morning :blushing: so I will just weigh in tomorrow for the Aug thread instead.. but here are my July stats, just like my last post..
    July 1: 222.6
    July 5: 221.4
    July 12: 218.8
    July 19: 217.8 --TOM--
    July 26: 214.2
    July 31: forgot to weigh in, weigh in tomorrow…

    total of 8.4lbs gone, not lost, because lost things sometimes find their way back :wink: See ya all tomorrow!
    :heart: Bru
  • krinio
    krinio Posts: 138 Member
    I didn't make it :mad: Weighed this morning and I had GAINED 0.8lbs!:noway: Was totally gutted. I worked so hard this week. I was swimming every morning and then in the gym in the afternoon 'cause I was on 4.2 lost for the month and I wanted to make it 5lbs. I ate healthy meals every day, never exceeded my limit, in fact I think I was a good bit under with all the exercise. Maybe that was it? I don't know. I was drinking at least 10glasses of water every day:sad: My body just seems really stubborn. Ah well, not to worry, there's always August! Maybe I can make it 5.8lbs in August to make up the difference! lol

    Congrats to everyone who reached or exceeded their GW! And to everyone who didn't, if that's not just me:grumble: keep working and we'll try to make it next month! We can do this!
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