Suicide Warning

2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
So today I picked up a prescription for a sleep aid the doctor called in for me at the pharmacy and stapled to it was a suicide warning note. Ok weird...

I proceed to read more about the medication (still unsure about whether I'm going to take it) and I find out the doc has called in an anti depressant /anxiety med to help me with sleep. Totally confused at this point. I read further and apparently this drug helps with the treatment of insomnia is one of the "other" uses.

The doctor must have lost her mind if she thinks I'm taking this medication with no history/signs of depression/anxiety. I think I'll just be content with my lack of sleep. Thankfully I have good insurance and didn't pay much for it but it makes me wonder what kind of kick back she's getting from the drug manufacturer. :ohwell:


  • TheWinman
    TheWinman Posts: 700 Member
    great catch! I agree with you!
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Do u have a sleep disorder?
  • hungrypotato
    hungrypotato Posts: 1,642 Member
    I used to not be able to sleep, try to do as many pushups and jumping jacks or whatever until you can't anymore. Usually knocks me out.
  • Peanutbutterx
    Peanutbutterx Posts: 332
    mostly EVERY medicine is like that... you end up with something so much worse than what you originally needed it for.. good thing you read it first, doctors are stupid sometimes...
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I take an antidepressant for what used to be an off-label use but is now an approved (or whatever) use. It's not necessarily kickbacks, it could be because that particular medication treats what you need without side effects that others might have. You could ask your doctor why that particular medication was prescribed vs whatever other medication you thought should be prescribed.
  • obeseandsassy
    obeseandsassy Posts: 118
    So today I picked up a prescription for a sleep aid the doctor called in for me at the pharmacy and stapled to it was a suicide warning note. Ok weird...

    I proceed to read more about the medication (still unsure about whether I'm going to take it) and I find out the doc has called in an anti depressant /anxiety med to help me with sleep. Totally confused at this point. I read further and apparently this drug helps with the treatment of insomnia is one of the "other" uses.

    The doctor must have lost her mind if she thinks I'm taking this medication with no history/signs of depression/anxiety. I think I'll just be content with my lack of sleep. Thankfully I have good insurance and didn't pay much for it but it makes me wonder what kind of kick back she's getting from the drug manufacturer. :ohwell:

    what medication is it? (you don't have to answer, but i work at a psych hospital so i'm curious)

    lots of medicines have multiple uses. example, many medicines for sleep are also used for anxiety disorders. I don't think your doc is insinuating that you're depressed or suicidal, it's simply that the same meds can be used to treat different things! try not to read too much into it.
  • LMT2012
    LMT2012 Posts: 697 Member
    Anti depressants are used to treat ailments/discomforts of all sorts. And very safely and successfully. I know people who take it for chronic pain and stomach ailments, for example. However, you do have to commit to many months (though not permanent, necessarily) on the drug to get results. It is just to get you over the hump. I think people think of these things as a crutch, which is too bad. You don't get any points for suffering as far as I know.
    Having said that, I would probably not bother with it for simple insomnia. I did have a friend whose THREE year bought with insomnia was fixed immediately by starting hormone replacement therapy.
    sigh. Good luck!!
  • MsBobLoblaw
    MsBobLoblaw Posts: 171 Member
    Can you call your doctor and express your concerns? Perhaps there's a reasonable explanation that you're not aware of???
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I have had sleep aids, anti-depressants and such prescribed for me several times and I never do them. Having depression, anxiety, and sleep issues is enough. I don't need it compounded by side effects. Especially more serious thoughts of suicide!
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    Doctor called in a prescription without telling u what it was first?
    Something doesn't add up here.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,301 Member
    uh oh, shady at best...
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    Usually any medication that works on neurotransmitters in the brain can cause adverse effects like suicidality. It doesn't mean that you'll become depressed, but it's a possibility. All meds are a risk/benefit ratio and you have to decide what's best for you and just be on guard for any changes.

    But usually, it's with long term usage as well, not just after a few times..
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    Not that I'm aware of.

    I've been having trouble sleeping lately and called inquiring about whether the dosage for my thyroid could be off, causing me to wake after a few hours of sleep. I spoke with the nurse, who in turn spoke with the doctor, and she thought a sleep aid might help. So I figured I'd try it or at least have it for weeks where I just can't sleep. I'm definitely not taking it now.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    this is what Dr.'s do. They prescribe these sorts of meds for ppl w/sleep disturbances, its very common.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    So today I picked up a prescription for a sleep aid the doctor called in for me at the pharmacy and stapled to it was a suicide warning note. Ok weird...

    I proceed to read more about the medication (still unsure about whether I'm going to take it) and I find out the doc has called in an anti depressant /anxiety med to help me with sleep. Totally confused at this point. I read further and apparently this drug helps with the treatment of insomnia is one of the "other" uses.

    The doctor must have lost her mind if she thinks I'm taking this medication with no history/signs of depression/anxiety. I think I'll just be content with my lack of sleep. Thankfully I have good insurance and didn't pay much for it but it makes me wonder what kind of kick back she's getting from the drug manufacturer. :ohwell:

    It's called 'off-label use'. It's common to use meds that are anti-depressants or anti-anxiety for other ailments, as they have some benefits outside of their expected uses. That being said, if your doctor didn't tell you what the med was, you need a new doctor - and if you didn't ask about it, you might want to in the future.
  • FootballGamer58
    FootballGamer58 Posts: 1,310 Member
    most antidepressents have a warning which states that suicide is a very rare but obviously serious side effect. They also almost have to do this with antidepressents because if someone kills them self whether the medicine did it or not. People could say, well your medicine did this look one person offed themself while on this drug. The 1 person was probably someone the medicine did not work for and they killed themself.

    if that makes sense
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    google melatonin, it is used as a sleep aid and is natural, maybe it is an alternative for you.
  • FootballGamer58
    FootballGamer58 Posts: 1,310 Member
    google melatonin, it is used as a sleep aid and is natural, maybe it is an alternative for you.

    if a doctor doesnt mention melatonin first hes an idiot
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    So today I picked up a prescription for a sleep aid the doctor called in for me at the pharmacy and stapled to it was a suicide warning note. Ok weird...

    I proceed to read more about the medication (still unsure about whether I'm going to take it) and I find out the doc has called in an anti depressant /anxiety med to help me with sleep. Totally confused at this point. I read further and apparently this drug helps with the treatment of insomnia is one of the "other" uses.

    The doctor must have lost her mind if she thinks I'm taking this medication with no history/signs of depression/anxiety. I think I'll just be content with my lack of sleep. Thankfully I have good insurance and didn't pay much for it but it makes me wonder what kind of kick back she's getting from the drug manufacturer. :ohwell:

    Wow! These money pigs have no shame. They are willing to have customers/patients risk their lives for the sake of increasing profit margins. Sickening.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    What did they prescribe? In the past I have taken Trazadone as a sleep aid. It was initially developed as a psych drug but its very effective as a sleep aid. It caused far fewer side effects and is far less addictive than medications like ambien that were designed and tested for sleep disorders.