Some of you are just plain RUDE



  • Katina3333
    Katina3333 Posts: 259 Member
    "I notice you left out police... because they are strangers and btw so are law officials and yet they tell us how to behave.

    And actually yes, I have gone up to a complete stranger and told them to stop screaming in a restaurant and ruining everybodies meal. The childs parents were pointing out how the childs behavior had everybody staring at him and yet they did nothing about it. They wanted to embarrass him into behaving properly and when that didn't work, I went over there and told him to knock it off, that it was rude... and you know what, people actually applauded! lol"


    "We listen to the police because they have the guns, and also because we've consented to certain laws and regulations as a condition of living in a particular society.

    And walking up to a complete stranger and correcting their behavior is rude. You may have gotten applause but you were completely rude.

    You can keep arguing that it's not. You'll continue to be wrong. It is unforgivably wrong to correct the behavior of another person who you are either not (a) the parent or caregiver of, (b) a person in a position of authority to such person, such as a member of the clergy, a teacher, a coach, a scout leader, etc., or (c) a public official enforcing laws and regulations.

    And if you'd spoken to my child in a restaurant about her behavior, I would have told you to step away from my child. Who do you think you are?

    And yes, I'm being rude by telling you you're being rude. It's not ironic. It's intentional."

    ^^^ Agree wholeheartedly.
    I can't IMAGINE disciplining another person's child, if the parents are present. In no way is that anyone's business, unless they are abusing the child in some way. The people in the restaurant applauded? What type of establishment WAS this? I can't imagine... And, in all honesty, what you did was probably extremely embarrassing for those parents, when they were already probably horrified at how their child was behaving in public. :frown:

    Gosh you know what... if they were horrified by their childs behavior they have nobody to blame but themselves and if they're not going to parent their kid and make it a nuisance for everybody else, then yes I will say something, obviously they wanted the reaction of the other patrons or they wouldn't have been pointing it out to their child. Why did people applaud, cause it was the right thing to do. What the parents were doing is child neglect, just as bad as child abuse!
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    one friday while bored at work i posted something of the same nature....18 pages later of people telling me off.....oy.....people are crazy....some of the forum posts here are like train wrecks....some are motivational, informative, others just sad.....
    if people are being mean for fun, yikes....what kind of miserable pathetic lives do you think they have?

    well crap I am at 8 pages now. HOWEVER, I have received 15 new friend requests and 6 personal messages thanking me. So guess its a pretty darn good day.

    Happy Friday, everyone!

    I'm happy for you. A little sad there are so many like minded whiners...but happy for you.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    It is baffling that people suppose that all persons on the internet should follow the offended one's own personal ettiquette on speaking to others. Not everyone thinks the same, has the same ideas or information, or even knows that what they are saying can be considered rude instead of helpful. It's so simple, you don't like it then ignore it and move on just like you do offline in the real world. If you are interested and want to add your two cents go for it but be prepared to meet others with differing opinions and a possible debate... and also be prepared to receive opinions whether you asked for it or not. You may get an opinion from someone but it is up to you how you use it if you use it at all.
  • crista_b
    crista_b Posts: 1,192 Member
    well crap I am at 8 pages now. HOWEVER, I have received 15 new friend requests and 6 personal messages thanking me. So guess its a pretty darn good day.

    Happy Friday, everyone!
    Good for you. Go enjoy your new "friends" while you all congratulate each other for everything. The "rude" (read: honest) people on the forums will still be here working hard and offering real advice if anyone needs something a little more helpful than a pat on the back.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    one friday while bored at work i posted something of the same nature....18 pages later of people telling me off.....oy.....people are crazy....some of the forum posts here are like train wrecks....some are motivational, informative, others just sad.....
    if people are being mean for fun, yikes....what kind of miserable pathetic lives do you think they have?

    well crap I am at 8 pages now. HOWEVER, I have received 15 new friend requests and 6 personal messages thanking me. So guess its a pretty darn good day.

    Happy Friday, everyone!

    I'm happy for you. A little sad there are so many like minded whiners...but happy for you.

    It's easier to collect friends and whine then it is to do the work necessary to achieve goals.
  • shalysewrightbethea
    shalysewrightbethea Posts: 48 Member
    I was actually really surprised when I looked at the forums for the first time last night and ran into so many people treating other like they were stupid for asking questions, but then I remembered that we are on the internet and everyone inflicts their opinions on others.
    I said to my fiance I glad I'm not on here for wight-lost otherwise even i would probably hate myself reading some of these.
    I think so people forget how it feels to be in the position of not knowing what to do and being at an utter lost.
    I just try to remember how I would feel if someone said what I was going to say, even when I see a hand in face comment.
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    one friday while bored at work i posted something of the same nature....18 pages later of people telling me off.....oy.....people are crazy....some of the forum posts here are like train wrecks....some are motivational, informative, others just sad.....
    if people are being mean for fun, yikes....what kind of miserable pathetic lives do you think they have?

    well crap I am at 8 pages now. HOWEVER, I have received 15 new friend requests and 6 personal messages thanking me. So guess its a pretty darn good day.

    Happy Friday, everyone!

    I'm happy for you. A little sad there are so many like minded whiners...but happy for you.

    It's easier to collect friends and whine then it is to do the work necessary to achieve goals.

    I knew I liked you! :flowerforyou:
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    Peoplez is b^tches.

    i am not

    i never understood why people cant just ignore people on the internet.

    its pretty easy and actually burns more calories than a 1200 cal daily diet

    I will not ignore someone who is promoting unsafe or dangerous behavior on the forums. For every post, there are hundreds of lurkers who read that crap and don't post anything that will take what they read on the forums. They will emulate the bahavior. If it were as easy as just telling the OP "You're doing it wrong." and they ignore you, and do what they want, I would be willing to let that go as , "OK. You're an idiot, and will get what you deserve." I just worry about the people who are taking it all in as a smart thing to do. If the post is left unopposed, or uncorrected, you will have a bunch of people doing dangerous things.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    When somebody explains that they are having difficulty eating 1200 calories, they get called stupid or are talked down to. I've found that providing a list of healthy, higher calorie food options is more effective. I have it saved so I can copy and paste it instead of typing it out thousands of times.
  • Quilled
    Quilled Posts: 69 Member
    These kind of threads happen all the time on other boards, people asking the same questions a million times over happen on other boards, people getting annoyed with noobs happens on other boards. Welcome to the life cycle of the internet.

    You see forums are this giant melting pot of everything from broccoli to shoes with pen ink added for extra flavor. Its not going to taste pretty but its definitely going to be interesting.

    Its not always that people are meaner on the internet than they are in real life, its just that we can easily pick and choose who to interact with in real life and we don't have hundreds of strangers dropping in on our conversations in real life either.

    Some people do hide behind their keyboards, but I doubt all the people who like to throw their weight around or be blunt are going to be super sugary sweet in real life. I know they aren't because i have met plenty of people who are exactly that way with or without a keyboard in front of them. But, no one is paid to be here, its not a job, they aren't required to be nice, and to expect them to be honored to be helping isn't the best stance to take....not on the internet anyway and probably not in real life either

    We are a mix of every personality out there all interacting in one place at one time and there are going to be rubs and conflicts. But thats just part of what makes the internet so dynamic. We have people on opposite ends of the spectrum in every post, we have those who love to throw their weight around and act like they know everything, and we have people who can't take a piece of advice unless you serve it with a heavy dose of sucrose and pie on the side. Its not ever going to change, only thing you can do is decide what you are going to do and how you are going to behave.
  • Mistyfied_MD
    Mistyfied_MD Posts: 62 Member
    I agree, some people seem to come to the forums in order to make themselves feel smarter and more knowledgeable at the expense of others. Try not to let it bother you. There are still lots of people here who do give honest feedback and constructive criticism =)
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    The truth of the matter is when most people post a question on the forums, it is rare that they do it with an open mind and not a pre-conceived notion they are trying to get "validated".

    It takes time to learn your body, learn how to modify your diet/fitness in a healthy way. Most are simply hunting for quick fixes, or a single solitary correction that will put them back on track. The truth is, it is rarely exactly that simple.

    This gets further entwined in crap because people simply lack patience with their weightloss and fitness. People don't give their bodies enough time to adjust to changes they make, because they don't get instant gratification in what they just tried. So they end up making either alot of changes...or no changes...and thus don't make the progress they should, and then cry that nothing works for them in a follow-on post.

    You have to really READ what is being written, not dismiss a sarcastic statement as just rude, especially if there is a message in that statement. You aren't here to judge what a response is, just as we (community) really shouldn't judge the original post (that is sometimes hard to do when it is easy to see the intention within the post).

    I've seen plenty of "this doesn't work for me" posts, yet the person isn't willing to open their diary for people to review. Call it what you want, but when someone does that, they aren't asking for help..since they are hiding what they are doing from those they are asking questions to.

    I was in a pretty heated debate a while back with a girl that was certain that her diet was in line, but she hadn't recorded anything in two weeks, wasn't weighing/measuring her food, was relatively new to weight loss, and skirted around the questions I had. I finally had to get a little "direct" with her.

    Sometimes, that's just the way it goes! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • mkepunk
    mkepunk Posts: 1
    As someone said, 'that's the internet for you." They take they're life frustrations out on strangers because they're wearing a mask and flexing the keyboard muscles. Ignore it and pay them no attention. Good for you for taking steps to being more healthy. Good luck!!!
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Good for you. Go enjoy your new "friends" while you all congratulate each other for everything. The "rude" (read: honest) people on the forums will still be here working hard and offering real advice if anyone needs something a little more helpful than a pat on the back.
    Most of the people who congratulate themselves for their "honesty" just really never learned to distinguish between honesty and cruel frankness. Stopping ugly people on the street to tell them they are ugly is cruel frankness. Calling yourself out for your own shortcomings is honesty.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    That's life for ya, honey. There's always those people that think they know everything about fitness and nutrition, especially giving someone they've never met advice on how to eat and workout. It's funny to me. But I choose to ignore it. I just roll my eyes, shrug and move on. Nothing you can do about it. Complaining isn't going to get you anywhere because they don't see that what they're doing is just useless, even if they have good intentions. But again, that's life, not just the forums.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    one friday while bored at work i posted something of the same nature....18 pages later of people telling me off.....oy.....people are crazy....some of the forum posts here are like train wrecks....some are motivational, informative, others just sad.....
    if people are being mean for fun, yikes....what kind of miserable pathetic lives do you think they have?

    well crap I am at 8 pages now. HOWEVER, I have received 15 new friend requests and 6 personal messages thanking me. So guess its a pretty darn good day.

    Happy Friday, everyone!

    Yeah, you probably need some new friends. I noticed that 15 of your 38 friends haven't logged in for months now.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member

    I don't know what's going on here but I am so glad that this gif has come into my life.

    me too!! I'm attracted and repulsed at the same time...what does that mean???
    It means you have a fetish.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    The truth of the matter is when most people post a question on the forums, it is rare that they do it with an open mind and not a pre-conceived notion they are trying to get "validated".

    It takes time to learn your body, learn how to modify your diet/fitness in a healthy way. Most are simply hunting for quick fixes, or a single solitary correction that will put them back on track. The truth is, it is rarely exactly that simple.

    This gets further entwined in crap because people simply lack patience with their weightloss and fitness. People don't give their bodies enough time to adjust to changes they make, because they don't get instant gratification in what they just tried. So they end up making either alot of changes...or no changes...and thus don't make the progress they should, and then cry that nothing works for them in a follow-on post.

    You have to really READ what is being written, not dismiss a sarcastic statement as just rude, especially if there is a message in that statement. You aren't here to judge what a response is, just as we (community) really shouldn't judge the original post (that is sometimes hard to do when it is easy to see the intention within the post).

    I've seen plenty of "this doesn't work for me" posts, yet the person isn't willing to open their diary for people to review. Call it what you want, but when someone does that, they aren't asking for help..since they are hiding what they are doing from those they are asking questions to.

    I was in a pretty heated debate a while back with a girl that was certain that her diet was in line, but she hadn't recorded anything in two weeks, wasn't weighing/measuring her food, was relatively new to weight loss, and skirted around the questions I had. I finally had to get a little "direct" with her.

    Sometimes, that's just the way it goes! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • Katina3333
    Katina3333 Posts: 259 Member
    Most of the people who congratulate themselves for their "honesty" just really never learned to distinguish between honesty and cruel frankness. Stopping ugly people on the street to tell them they are ugly is cruel frankness. Calling yourself out for your own shortcomings is honesty.

    ^ this
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