Girls wear certain clothes when they are looking



  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member

    I feel so saddened by certain people's opinions, especially young womens' opinions, on here using hateful words like '*kitten*' to describe women. Can you not see what you are encouraging?
  • JustAboutDelicious_wechanged
    Wow, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You aren't going to change anyone's mind over the internet. And if I want to show my tits, then I can show my tits and it's nobody else's business. And if they want to judge me for it that is their business and I don't give a flying F@CK either.

    Let's all get drunk and give hugs now.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    When I'm looking to get laid, I wear my STICK IT IN t-shirt.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member

    There is nothing disgusting or wrong about the human body. It's natural. Nudity is natural. You are the one who needs to mature. And while I'm at it, sexuality is natural, it's not disgusting either.

    It's amazing, and there is a time and place.

    Peeing is natural, that doesn't mean I will do it on the street.

    I love how all these women are going on about how we should have the right to do what we want, and yet the same time, one woman disagrees and she is the devil.

    I feel sad for people if this is how sensitive society is.

    People will not agree with you all the time, get over it.

    Not everyone wants their lady-parts hanging out for everyone to see. Surely it's my choice to think that?
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    I WILL get crap for this, but I don't go to a bad area carrying a sack of diamonds and money and flashing it around.

    Just saying - If you don't want to be called a *kitten*, dress modestly. It really isn't that hard. It isn't against your 'freedom' as a woman, it's just respect for yourself, and a lot of time, respect for other peoples eyes. Just like the women of facebook, who has bikini pics etc, then give out when men comment and like.

    Doing it for yourself or not, the need to flash parts of yourself all the time is just immature, and it won't get you the right partner anyway, and you will be left wondering why.

    Women cannot go out dressed like a hooker, then come home and complain that 'perverts' were looking at her, and all men are sexist pigs. You all know it happens, and some of you probably do it, so say what you want, but you know it's true.

    Women are for the most part hypocrites, because most women of today treat men like pieces of meat, and complain when it is done to them.

    I'm so glad that you have deep insight and intimate knowledge of the psyches of 3.5 billion women. Or "most women" "for the most part".

    No. Just... No.

    Me too. The truth hurts. Most generally implies not all. Which is why I said it. Whether we like it or not, it is true.

    But anyway, I guess it is easier to sit behind a keyboard and call me ignorant just because I think women should have more respect for themselves, and not WANT to dress like *kitten*.

    And I'm the sexist one?
    Honestly ask yourself where you got the idea that a woman's level of self-respect was directly related to the way she dressed or how much of her body she shows. That way of thinking just perpetuates the idea that a woman is only worth her virginity and that our worth as individuals is somehow tied to our sexual activity. Does that really make sense to you?

    I thought it was common sense to realise you don't have to show your tits off to the world to get respect from them. It's hilarious you're arguing with that statement, yet trying to paint me as the misogynistic one.

    At what point did someone say that boobs were required for respect? Who is to say that a woman is wearing something for ANYONE else or for ANY gain other than personal satisfaction? You've just delved into the world of fallible reasoning at this point.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    Wow, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You aren't going to change anyone's mind over the internet. And if I want to show my tits, then I can show my tits and it's nobody else's business. And if they want to judge me for it that is their business and I don't give a flying F@CK either.

    Let's all get drunk and give hugs now.

    So true. Which ponders the question, how come everyone gets their say, apart from the person that disagrees?

    I'm glad that all of you are so hellbent of woman having equality, as long as it is on your terms.

    You need a reality check.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    Wow, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You aren't going to change anyone's mind over the internet. And if I want to show my tits, then I can show my tits and it's nobody else's business. And if they want to judge me for it that is their business and I don't give a flying F@CK either.

    Let's all get drunk and give hugs now.
  • hauntao
    hauntao Posts: 130 Member
    Wow, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You aren't going to change anyone's mind over the internet. And if I want to show my tits, then I can show my tits and it's nobody else's business. And if they want to judge me for it that is their business and I don't give a flying F@CK either.

    Let's all get drunk and give hugs now.

    I've had my mind changed from other people on the internet and vice versa. There are people behind these screens, you know, real ones.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    I said dress how you like, however, understand that if you dress and look sexy males are going to react to that.

    We are a visual species first and foremost, we gravitate initially to what attracts us...and simply that is attractive. So yes, don't get all "up in arms" if you are approached when you are dressed in a way that appears to solicit it. A simply "no thanks" is all that is needed.

    With respect, the HUGE problem is that a simple "no thanks" is honestly NOT all it takes.

    Please consider the following:


    How Often Does Rape Happen to Women?

    ~One in Four college women report surviving rape (15 percent) or attempted rape (12 percent) since their fourteenth birthday. (1)
    ~In a study by the U.S. Centers for Disease control of 5,000 college students at over 100 colleges, 20% of women answered "yes" to the question "In your lifetime have you been forced to submit to sexual intercourse against your will?" Thus, one in five college women has been raped at some point in her lifetime. (2)
    ~In a typical academic year, 3% of college women report surviving rape or attempted rape. This does not include the summer, when many more rapes occur. (3)
    ~In the year 2000, 246,000 women survived rape and sexual assault. This computes to 28 women every hour. (4)
    ~A survey of high school students found that one in five had experienced forced sex (rape). Half of these girls told no one about the incident. (5)
    ~Rape is common worldwide, with relatively similar rates of incidence across countries, with 19%-28% of college women reporting rape or attempted rape in several countries. In many countries, survivors are treated far worse than in the U.S. (6)


    Circumstances of Rape

    ~57% of rapes happen on dates. (1)
    ~75% of the men and 55% of the women involved in acquaintance rapes were drinking or taking drugs just before the attack. (1)
    ~About 70% of sexual assault survivors reported that they took some form of self-protective action during the crime. The most common technique was to resist by struggling or chase and try to hold the attacker. Of those survivors who took protective action, over half believed it helped the situation, about 1/5 believed that it made the situation worse or simultaneously worse and better. (7)
    ~84% of rape survivors tried unsuccessfully to reason with the man who raped her. (1)
    ~55% of gang rapes on college campuses are committed by fraternities, 40% by sports teams, and 5% by others. (15)
    ~Approximately 40% of sexual assaults take place in the survivor's home. About 20% occur in the home of a friend, neighbor, or relative. 10% occur outside, away from home. About 8% take place in parking garages. (7)
    ~More than half of all rape and sexual assault incidents occurred within one mile of the survivor's home or in her home. (7)


    And we're supposed to believe that women DRESSING DIFFERENTLY will make a difference??
  • JustAboutDelicious_wechanged
    Wow, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You aren't going to change anyone's mind over the internet. And if I want to show my tits, then I can show my tits and it's nobody else's business. And if they want to judge me for it that is their business and I don't give a flying F@CK either.

    Let's all get drunk and give hugs now.

    So true. Which ponders the question, how come everyone gets their say, apart from the person that disagrees?

    I didn't say you couldn't say your part...continue on your rant, I really don't care. Doesn't bother me either way, but life is too short to take other people's opinions so seriously. Move on.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I WILL get crap for this, but I don't go to a bad area carrying a sack of diamonds and money and flashing it around.

    Just saying - If you don't want to be called a *kitten*, dress modestly. It really isn't that hard. It isn't against your 'freedom' as a woman, it's just respect for yourself, and a lot of time, respect for other peoples eyes. Just like the women of facebook, who has bikini pics etc, then give out when men comment and like.

    Doing it for yourself or not, the need to flash parts of yourself all the time is just immature, and it won't get you the right partner anyway, and you will be left wondering why.

    Women cannot go out dressed like a hooker, then come home and complain that 'perverts' were looking at her, and all men are sexist pigs. You all know it happens, and some of you probably do it, so say what you want, but you know it's true.

    Women are for the most part hypocrites, because most women of today treat men like pieces of meat, and complain when it is done to them.

    I'm so glad that you have deep insight and intimate knowledge of the psyches of 3.5 billion women. Or "most women" "for the most part".

    No. Just... No.

    Me too. The truth hurts. Most generally implies not all. Which is why I said it. Whether we like it or not, it is true.

    But anyway, I guess it is easier to sit behind a keyboard and call me ignorant just because I think women should have more respect for themselves, and not WANT to dress like *kitten*.

    And I'm the sexist one?
    Honestly ask yourself where you got the idea that a woman's level of self-respect was directly related to the way she dressed or how much of her body she shows. That way of thinking just perpetuates the idea that a woman is only worth her virginity and that our worth as individuals is somehow tied to our sexual activity. Does that really make sense to you?

    I thought it was common sense to realise you don't have to show your tits off to the world to get respect from them. It's hilarious you're arguing with that statement, yet trying to paint me as the misogynistic one.
    It's really frustrating to have a conversation with someone who is completely unwilling to actually examine their thoughts and possibly reconsider their way of thinking. I'm not saying that you have to think I'm right, but you're completely unwilling to actually consider anything but the viewpoint that you came into this argument with.

    I was like you before, as a teenager, and it's a sad way to live. You don't realize it, but we're taught to hate our bodies, our sexuality, and each other. Judging a woman for the clothes she wears or for having sex is not okay, it does no one any favors.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member
    Wow, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You aren't going to change anyone's mind over the internet. And if I want to show my tits, then I can show my tits and it's nobody else's business. And if they want to judge me for it that is their business and I don't give a flying F@CK either.

    Let's all get drunk and give hugs now.

    So true. Which ponders the question, how come everyone gets their say, apart from the person that disagrees?

    I didn't say you couldn't say your part...continue on your rant, I really don't care. Doesn't bother me either way, but life is too short to take other people's opinions so seriously. Move on.

    As could be said for anyone. This is a discussion board. Everyone gets their say. Including people you don't like. Too bad. If you don't care, truly, you wouldn't have took the time to type that.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    I have been told I am sexy when I am trying the least to be sexy.

    Sometimes I wonder why I even bother trying, if all it takes are yoga pants and a ponytail.

    or just a t-shirt:wink:
    some people are just irresistible all the time.
  • JustAboutDelicious_wechanged
    Wow, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You aren't going to change anyone's mind over the internet. And if I want to show my tits, then I can show my tits and it's nobody else's business. And if they want to judge me for it that is their business and I don't give a flying F@CK either.

    Let's all get drunk and give hugs now.

    So true. Which ponders the question, how come everyone gets their say, apart from the person that disagrees?

    I didn't say you couldn't say your part...continue on your rant, I really don't care. Doesn't bother me either way, but life is too short to take other people's opinions so seriously. Move on.

    As could be said for anyone. This is a discussion board. Everyone gets their say. Including people you don't like. Too bad. If you don't care, truly, you wouldn't have took the time to type that.

    Exactly, you know me so well. Keep telling me what you know about me please.
  • emmalouc93
    emmalouc93 Posts: 328 Member

    I was like you before, as a teenager, and it's a sad way to live. You don't realize it, but we're taught to hate our bodies, our sexuality, and each other. Judging a woman for the clothes she wears or for having sex is not okay, it does no one any favors.

    I should change the way I think because you don't like it? Wow, you're all for equal say, aren't you?

    I am not saying we should hate it, I'm saying there's a time and place. It's not so hard to figure that out.
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Wow, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You aren't going to change anyone's mind over the internet. And if I want to show my tits, then I can show my tits and it's nobody else's business. And if they want to judge me for it that is their business and I don't give a flying F@CK either.

    Let's all get drunk and give hugs now.
    That's not true. I've learned a lot by reading what other people have to say online, especially about social issues, and it's opened up my mind a lot. You won't change everyone's mind, but discussions online really can make a difference, we're still actual people even though we can't literally talk to each other.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    Wow, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You aren't going to change anyone's mind over the internet. And if I want to show my tits, then I can show my tits and it's nobody else's business. And if they want to judge me for it that is their business and I don't give a flying F@CK either.

    Let's all get drunk and give hugs now.

    So true. Which ponders the question, how come everyone gets their say, apart from the person that disagrees?

    I'm glad that all of you are so hellbent of woman having equality, as long as it is on your terms.

    You need a reality check.

    So women deserve equality, but only conditionally- IF they can follow the rules that YOU deem necessary? Reallllly? REALLLLLLY??!?!?!

    My word.

    And you think calling any woman a "*kitten*" or saying she "dresses like a *kitten*" is not misogyny?

  • hauntao
    hauntao Posts: 130 Member
    Wow, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You aren't going to change anyone's mind over the internet. And if I want to show my tits, then I can show my tits and it's nobody else's business. And if they want to judge me for it that is their business and I don't give a flying F@CK either.

    Let's all get drunk and give hugs now.

    So true. Which ponders the question, how come everyone gets their say, apart from the person that disagrees?

    I didn't say you couldn't say your part...continue on your rant, I really don't care. Doesn't bother me either way, but life is too short to take other people's opinions so seriously. Move on.

    The world would be a different place (and uh, why have conversations in the first place?) if no one listened to each other and tried to understand and/or teach.

    I mean, why are you even on a forum?
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member

    There is nothing disgusting or wrong about the human body. It's natural. Nudity is natural. You are the one who needs to mature. And while I'm at it, sexuality is natural, it's not disgusting either.

    It's amazing, and there is a time and place.

    Peeing is natural, that doesn't mean I will do it on the street.

    I love how all these women are going on about how we should have the right to do what we want, and yet the same time, one woman disagrees and she is the devil.

    I feel sad for people if this is how sensitive society is.

    People will not agree with you all the time, get over it.

    Not everyone wants their lady-parts hanging out for everyone to see. Surely it's my choice to think that?
    You're just not getting it. It's not about one person's opinion, it's about how women are treated on a societal level. I don't care how you dress, because it's your body and your choice. I don't actually even care about your opinion at all, but I do care that there are so many people that think like you do because it's dangerous.
  • shalysewrightbethea
    shalysewrightbethea Posts: 48 Member
    i wear what makes me feel good, which often consist of cocktail dresses and mini skirts. if you want to look, look. Just because I am wearing something that is generally considered fashionable doesn't mean I dressed up to be looked at or because I was looking. I haven't really been looking for like 3 years, I just love clothes.