Bad things that have happened since I starting losing weight



  • kbornman21
    kbornman21 Posts: 26 Member
    Oh my god, me too. I'm so happy to read that I'm not the only one. Not to mention as it is TMI but it no longer hurts my back to be on top!
    :heart: :heart: this! People not recognizing me and a higher libido are to of the "bad" things from weight loss lol

    I thought I was the only one to experience the higher libido. I thought I was just weird. haha
  • cheyennekl
    cheyennekl Posts: 90 Member
    1. I no longer have a stomach shelf to use to rest things on--like boxes of cool things while I'm digging through them at estate sales.
    2. Due to not having as much padding on my rear, it hurts to sit on hard benches.
    3. and the worst--(tongue very firmly planted in cheek) I have to buy all new shoes, because I've dropped a shoe size. Darn! lol

    Oh god, if I drop a shoe size, I will die! I own 100 pairs of heels, and I can't live without them!
  • BernardPumpkin
    get clothes at a thirft shop :bigsmile:
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member

    While getting in shape is great, it's not without it's downside. With tongue planted firmly in cheek, I present my list of the top "bad" things that have happened since I began getting fit:

    1. I need to buy a new wardrobe - my clothes are too big!
    2. I'm an introvert, and am embarrassed by the compliments I receive regarding how my appearance has changed.
    3. Exercise has made my "bum knee" stronger so I can't use it to get out of heavy labor any more.
    4. My stamina has increased, so when my daughter wants to play, I can't use the "daddy's too tired" excuse any more.
    5. I am no longer too heavy for my household ladder's rating, so I have to get to all those high up chores now.
    6. I have more energy, so I don't get to sleep in as much (I wake up early and full of energy...)
    7. I'm hurting the economy because I use less soap when I shower.
    8. #7 again, but this time because I no longer need BP meds.
    9. I need to get my wedding ring re-sized so it won't fall off my finger.
    10. When I catch my reflection out of the corner of my eye, I have no idea who it is.

    What are some of the "bad" things that you've noticed?

    #6 drives my wife nuts. I can't just sit around in my lazy-boy watching Netflix all weekend anymore. I end up making up to 3 trips to the Y on many Saturdays.
    #1. Ditto. Tossed a bunch of never again clothes. Luckily a bunch of my son's clothes fit. But even those are getting big now :)
    Haven't had to get my wedding ring resized yet though.
    #10? I like the reflection now and I still have more to lose. That is progress for my self image.
  • secretiive
    secretiive Posts: 121 Member
    I love this post.
  • louiselebeau
    louiselebeau Posts: 220 Member
    Its raining men... no literally, I lost some weight and it is raining men.
  • niightwindz
    niightwindz Posts: 64 Member
    I hope some of these "bad" things start happening to me sooner or later. :wink:
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    1. I no longer have a stomach shelf to use to rest things on--like boxes of cool things while I'm digging through them at estate sales.
    2. Due to not having as much padding on my rear, it hurts to sit on hard benches.
    3. and the worst--(tongue very firmly planted in cheek) I have to buy all new shoes, because I've dropped a shoe size. Darn! lol

    Oh god, if I drop a shoe size, I will die! I own 100 pairs of heels, and I can't live without them!

    I've dropped 1.5 sizes (15 to a 13.5) and I'm only about 80% of the way to my goal weight. It will be nice to be able to shop in normal stores again.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
  • Soul1975
    Soul1975 Posts: 2
    The cost of a new wardrobe, and the compliments. And the question "How did you do it?"

    While getting in shape is great, it's not without it's downside. With tongue planted firmly in cheek, I present my list of the top "bad" things that have happened since I began getting fit:

    1. I need to buy a new wardrobe - my clothes are too big!
    2. I'm an introvert, and am embarrassed by the compliments I receive regarding how my appearance has changed.
    3. Exercise has made my "bum knee" stronger so I can't use it to get out of heavy labor any more.
    4. My stamina has increased, so when my daughter wants to play, I can't use the "daddy's too tired" excuse any more.
    5. I am no longer too heavy for my household ladder's rating, so I have to get to all those high up chores now.
    6. I have more energy, so I don't get to sleep in as much (I wake up early and full of energy...)
    7. I'm hurting the economy because I use less soap when I shower.
    8. #7 again, but this time because I no longer need BP meds.
    9. I need to get my wedding ring re-sized so it won't fall off my finger.
    10. When I catch my reflection out of the corner of my eye, I have no idea who it is.

    What are some of the "bad" things that you've noticed?
  • brianafaye2
    brianafaye2 Posts: 166 Member
    I love this! Congrats on your new life! :)
  • rhea420
    rhea420 Posts: 68
    You are hilarious! and YOU ARE AWESOME!! Great Job!
  • Verohh
    Verohh Posts: 24
    I love this thread.......... I've just started (again) on my weight loss journey, but already I hate how I have so much more time on my hands since I'm not constantly using them to feed my face! Oh what to do with myself ;)
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i agree!!! HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE things have happen to me, as well!
  • AmberleyAngel
    AmberleyAngel Posts: 160 Member
    1. I'm cold, ALL the time
    2. My tailbone gets sooo sore with less padding to shield it.
    3. I have an extra place to keep 2 pairs of socks - just to fill out my bra.
    4. All my "fat clothes" are too big, masking all my hard work; all my "not-so-fat clothes" are still a bit tight.
  • jenniejengin
    jenniejengin Posts: 785 Member
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
  • sewingdiscontent
    Well, I <had> a fabulous relationship with a guy with Antisocial Personality Disorder. We were so close!

    But then, because of my weight loss, and the new feelings of being able to succeed at goals, which spurred other positive changes, I was forced to leave his loving, sociopathic arms.

    And now it's summer. And I am hot. And single.

  • SAGR2
    SAGR2 Posts: 43 Member
    I have developed a terrible ebay clothes habit, because I need new clothes and a standard size fits, and I just can't resist! It's awful how parcels of new clothes keep arriving and fitting me!
  • shmatichka
    shmatichka Posts: 93
    Thank you for that!
    My morning is a lot brighter now, considering how cloudy it is outside :)
    You made me laugh so hard, a was tearing up a bit. Keep up the good work!
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