While we're at it... STOP hating on Pop Tarts



  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member


    OMG, I LOVE this!
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    this is the only flavor I liked, and I can never find them anymore...


    OMG these are AMAZING. Smothered in butter too...
  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member
    They're icky :cry:
  • Greatest thing EVER...


    Artificially flavoured.
    It's always better to be eating something a bit more natural.
    Why SHOULD you eat them?
  • Wizard87
    Wizard87 Posts: 21 Member
    Greatest thing EVER...

    OMG, I didn't know they made those. If I did, I think I would have twice as much weight to lose now.
    I have no idea why I like Pop Tarts so much. All I know is I dont buy them because I will eat the whole box.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Greatest thing EVER...


    Artificially flavoured.
    It's always better to be eating something a bit more natural.
    Why SHOULD you eat them?

    Because they're absolutely delicious. That flavor in particular.
  • TheBaileyHunter
    TheBaileyHunter Posts: 641 Member
    To follow my ice cream hating topic: Why all the hate for Pop Tarts? I'd love to hear why I shouldn't be eating two a day. My diary's open.


    No reason other than they are disgusting stale, wanna-be pastry look-a-likes. Nasty business. if your'e going to eat pastry, do it right!!!
  • operation_cute
    operation_cute Posts: 588 Member
    Or you could make your own :) substitute what ever ingredients you want (ex wheat flour for white flour)
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    To follow my ice cream hating topic: Why all the hate for Pop Tarts? I'd love to hear why I shouldn't be eating two a day. My diary's open.


    No reason other than they are disgusting stale, wanna-be pastry look-a-likes. Nasty business. if your'e going to eat pastry, do it right!!!

    I seem to hear that a lot from people outside the US. When I open the package they're soft, moist, fresh and delicious without even heating them. Perhaps it's an exporting issue.
  • Kevinh219
    Kevinh219 Posts: 4
    honestly the confetti cupcake ones would be the death of me lol
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    I seem to hear that a lot from people outside the US. When I open the package they're soft, moist, fresh and delicious without even heating them. Perhaps it's an exporting issue.

  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    honestly the confetti cupcake ones would be the death of me lol

    Those are super delicious. I go in spells too. I'm on the chocolate chip cookie dough ones right now. nom nom nom
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I just plain hate 'em. Toaster strudel, all that sort of overly sweet disgusting excuse for breakfast food. Haven't eaten them since I was a kid.
  • ShreddedTweet
    ShreddedTweet Posts: 1,326 Member
    I'm outside the US, I find them cardboardy and dry. But then I don't like American sweets or chocolate so maybe they use the same sweetener or something?!
    Give me a proper cake or fresh pastry instead any day of the week!
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    well they are full of sugar
    they are empty caleries
    they are pure JUNK

    Is this even in English?! These things have over 50 different ingredients and I am pretty sure nothing in them is of nutritional value to our bodies. (That is a red flag right there—if there are more ingredients in your product than you can even pronounce, chances are it is not good for you! )

    Kellogg’s claims they are “a good source of 7 essential vitamins and minerals”. That just makes me laugh out loud! Where are these hidden? Underneath the high fructose corn syrup, sugar, and vegetable oil? Please do not believe that you are getting anything other than a sugar rush from this product.

    Here is the nutritional breakdown of one Pop-Tart. (not one pouch, but one tart!)

    Nutrition Facts

    Calories: 200.0 | Calories from fat: 45.0







    Saturated fat












    Dietary fiber






    So again, all I see is sugar and sodium with a sprinkling of protein. Not exactly the breakfast of champions, is it?

    Mine are already in the trash….how about yours?
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    To follow my ice cream hating topic: Why all the hate for Pop Tarts? I'd love to hear why I shouldn't be eating two a day. My diary's open.


    Meh, I don't care what you eat.

    IMHO, if someone has achieved all of their nutrient goals and want to indulge in a dessert, what difference does it make if it's a pop tart or apple pie or a slice of decadent sasher cake? I do think it's a bad idea to SUBSTITUTE poptarts for an actual meal though.... I know people who give their kids poptarts for breakfast as though it's a MEAL and it makes me cringe but I hold my tongue.

    Eat what you want.. just don't shove it down my throat and we'll all get along famously. I've had people give my the unsolicited advice that I should be using skim milk in my coffee instead of half and half.. Why the heck does ANYONE care what I put in my coffee? it's not like I'm running around spiking other people's coffee with actual dairy cream.. I'm just choosing it for myself.
  • StepOfFaith
    StepOfFaith Posts: 17
    Three words, since you asked... High Frucose Corn Syrup. Derived from GMO corn. HFC is one of the biggest offenders causing Obesity, Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome.
  • StepOfFaith
    StepOfFaith Posts: 17
    Three words, since you asked... High Frucose Corn Syrup. Derived from GMO corn. HFC is one of the biggest offenders causing Obesity, Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome. :indifferent:
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    well they are full of sugar
    they are empty caleries
    they are pure JUNK

    Is this even in English?! These things have over 50 different ingredients and I am pretty sure nothing in them is of nutritional value to our bodies. (That is a red flag right there—if there are more ingredients in your product than you can even pronounce, chances are it is not good for you! )

    Kellogg’s claims they are “a good source of 7 essential vitamins and minerals”. That just makes me laugh out loud! Where are these hidden? Underneath the high fructose corn syrup, sugar, and vegetable oil? Please do not believe that you are getting anything other than a sugar rush from this product.

    Here is the nutritional breakdown of one Pop-Tart. (not one pouch, but one tart!)

    Nutrition Facts

    Calories: 200.0 | Calories from fat: 45.0







    Saturated fat












    Dietary fiber






    So again, all I see is sugar and sodium with a sprinkling of protein. Not exactly the breakfast of champions, is it?

    Mine are already in the trash….how about yours?

    200 calories, 14g's of sugar and 220 mg of sodium is hardly a lot or "loaded". I don't eat them for breakfast. There's nothing wrong with sugar or vegetable oil. What was your point again?

    Anything over 5% per serving is considered a "good source" by the FDA so they're allowed to put that on the box. Nutrients are listed right there:

    Mine are most certainly not in the trash:


  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    It begs to be brought up again....
