Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    MowMow and Kah - here's kittens and anyone who likes gifs - check this funny thread out - its so funny! just entertainment only!

    lots of laughs!

    these are sooooooo funny. i love the cat putting the man's hand back down on the desk. hilarious.

    That thread is great, I've been staring at it for almost two days now. Makes me want to leave work early to go home and hug my boys.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Well, I must have read the May goal wrong--- I'm up 4 pounds! I messed it up and that's all I can say. Back to the drawing board. Although I am getting a visit from TOM so I hope :frown: that's part of the problem.

    Friday Fitness plan. I will be shopping tonight and will have something planned each night. I've gotten out of that groove and my diet can tell. Eating -- goal - 7 days of under goal.

    Friday - Carnival with my kids (will be there about 4-5 hours so should be plenty of walking for me)
    Saturday - swimming with the kids (& weights??)
    Sunday - rest
    Monday - Water Fit
    Tuesday - Cardio and Weights
    Wednesday - Aqua Power
    Thursday - Zumba
    Friday - Cardio and Weights

    @skinnyjeans -- Glad you had a fun time at your retirement party. Great job of knowing those are part of life and that you can make it up later.
    @kah -- hope you feel better soon
    @lauriek -- ugh car trouble...I hope it's under your extended warranty.
    @TOPSmarca -- nice loss!

    Heading into a great weekend -- we actually have no plans and I WILL do better!!
  • lorarock
    lorarock Posts: 29
    I logged all that I ate yesterday and basically had enough calories for 2 days. Today is a new day and I've planned it out completely and am coming in under goal. I am forcing myself to wait at least 3 hours between meals or snacks. I have either weighed or measured everything I've consumed today. Have pinto bean soup in the crock pot for dinner, and it is smelling spicy good! I replaced the batteries in my wii today and did a 36 minute workout to get me moving. (it is storming outside, so I chose to stay dry) I've actually planned 2 afternoon snacks since we eat dinner so late, so maybe that will help with the random stuffing.
    Hope all have a wonderful day and weekend!:smile:
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    UGH!!! I hate sleepy days... and add to that, eating out all day and I am SO sick of grilled chicken salad. This one of my first really bad calorie days in a long while.... over cals BEFORE supper:grumble: .... so I am going to stick to 1 piece of grilled white fish and roasted asparagus for supper to minimize the damage and get back on the wagon. I thought about adding exercise but, the way I am feeling right now with the dizziness, it would be like shooting myself in the foot!!! I am preparing some yummy healthy foods to take to a family reunion tomorrow..... roasted chicken, fresh melon, and a healthy, gluten free version of cheese cake!!!! I am counting on others for my veggies!!! So, here is to restarting before the engine gets cold!!! LOL!!!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    MowMow and Kah - here's kittens and anyone who likes gifs - check this funny thread out - its so funny! just entertainment only!

    lots of laughs!

    these are sooooooo funny. i love the cat putting the man's hand back down on the desk. hilarious.

    That thread is great, I've been staring at it for almost two days now. Makes me want to leave work early to go home and hug my boys.

    I couldn't believe how many people on there didn't recognize marlon brando though. crazy
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    MowMow and Kah - here's kittens and anyone who likes gifs - check this funny thread out - its so funny! just entertainment only!

    lots of laughs!

    these are sooooooo funny. i love the cat putting the man's hand back down on the desk. hilarious.

    That thread is great, I've been staring at it for almost two days now. Makes me want to leave work early to go home and hug my boys.

    I couldn't believe how many people on there didn't recognize marlon brando though. crazy

    I know and were drooling all over him like he was new meat! :laugh:
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Workout plans for this week
    Sunday- Bike or swim DONE 14 Miles bike
    Monday- walk or rest DONE-9 Mile Bike
    Tuesday- gym Rest
    Wednesday- Trainer DONE
    Thursday- Rest DONE
    Friday-Rock DONE
    Saturday- Gym ????

    I will write the goals for next week tomorrow.

    What will the June Challenges be?

    Fitness- Rock wall tonight and this time I made it over the wall with the double overhang. It took awhile but I figured it out. I did not do the other wall with the overhang tonight just because I did not want to push it to much.

    Enjoyed an after work picnic by the water so I ate way to many chips and dips but the best thing was that I left the bag of chips and cheese dip at the party. That was my plan all along- I got to enjoy a few then share the rest.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Yes found my way back:flowerforyou: new start.

    Liz from Idaho
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody!

    Kelley- Hope your back gets better!

    RobinsEgg here is the picture you wanted posted I could not get it any clearer.
    Here is the link for anyone that wants to cut and paste it:


    Quote of the day: - “Don’t dig your grave with your own knife and fork.” ~English Proverb

  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Good morning everybody!

    Kelley- Hope your back gets better!

    RobinsEgg here is the picture you wanted posted I could not get it any clearer.
    Here is the link for anyone that wants to cut and paste it:


    Quote of the day: - “Don’t dig your grave with your own knife and fork.” ~English Proverb


    Thanks for posting that! It's a real wakeup call!
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good Morning, I've been lurking, but not posting this week. Busy all the time with the little ones. I'm kind of stuck at 68# off. Haven't lost for a couple of weeks. I'm sure hoping that will move soon.
    DH and I went out yesterday afternoon. We had a good afternoon and had dinner last night at Red Lobster. I went over my 1200 by 228, but that Coconut Shrimp was sure good. It was probably the extra biscuit that pushed me over. Today is a new day.
    Have a good weekend. Kaye
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    This thread seems to be moving right along without me. Glad to see you guys are still providing great support. I found a link to MFP in my surfing and here I am again. Hope to post more later and get back to logging. Fell off the waggon and just laid there for a long time.

    get right back on the wagon with the rest of us and hang on!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    kaye- that is not too bad for eating out

    kah68- hoping you are feeling a lot better today

    tom- love the quotes and the pics you post!! Certainly a great motivator to learn all the actual benefits of losing weight with the last chart

    apparently here in northern alberta this is prime thunderstorm and lightning time......but at least no tornados here. Got the gardens weeded amidst swarms of mosquitos last night in anticipation of cutting the lawn today but of course it poured last night. may have to go borrow a cow from one of the farmers.
    might go for a bike ride while waiting for the lawn to dry
    have a great saturday!
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    Sorry I've bugged out for a few days, guys... Got a sick toddler on my hands. What I thought was teething issues is more likely allergies combined with a bug. He's back to running a fever, and starting yesterday afternoon he's so congested he has a hard time nursing or lying down to sleep. He was rousing every few minutes all night because every time he started to drift into deep sleep the breathing issue woke him up again. He woke up around 4, exhausted but not willing to lie down anymore, so I was walking my 23 pound toddler up & down the halls well before the sun even though about rising. Nobody got any sleep here. He'd got to the point where he was refusing to nurse because he needed his mouth open in order to breathe. Waited for the CVS to open, got him some meds & got him breathing better & settled in to the awesomely fun task of keeping the exhausted toddler awake and entertained. By quarter past 10 he was literally falling asleep standing up, so we tried for nap. He went down like a rock, but as soon as I left the room, 10 minutes later he was awake again, so instead of shaping the bread I had rising, I went in and laid down with him. Fell asleep myself. 2pm, we're awake. Got him to eat some cereal, dosed him again, and while he's still clearly miserable with the congestion, he's not wobbly or trying to sleep standing between my knees with his head on my lap. I've got the headache from Hades, and I could really use about another 5 hours of sleep, preferably without a tiny toaster oven attached to my chest, but I'm not dead on my feet anymore.

    Still eating as reasonably as is manageable... my "me" purchases while at the CVS were a book I've never read and a bag of whole natural almonds, because yeah... cooking ain't happening today.

    Where's my husband, you ask? Asleep in the bedroom because he "worked all night! You got to sleep!!" *growls*
  • lorarock
    lorarock Posts: 29
    Happy Saturday to all. has anyone ever done carb addicts diet?
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Just a quick stop before heading to bed. I did good!! :smile: Met my calorie goal with even having steak, potatoe and strawberries and angel food cake for supper tonight. We didn't get to swimming, but did spend the day doing some spring cleaning. Didn't get the apartment done, but my bathroom is AWESOME!!!:love: New rugs and bath curtain and my 11 YO son thinks it looks nice.

    Day one down...six more to go! Have a great night!!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Saturday success was making it over the double overhand this week on the rock wall. Today, I am going for a bike ride.

    Workout goals-
    Saturday- Gym for core DONE
    Sunday-Bike Ride
    Monday- Gym
    Tuesday- Rest
    Wednesday-Gym with Trainer and maybe rock wall
    Thursday- REST Birthday celebration
    Friday- Rock Wall

    In 5 days I will be 43. It was around this time 3 years ago that I decided to take my weight in hand and start working on making a positive change in my life. I did not start going to the gym until about the 20th of June that year since that was when school was out. I spent the summer walking and just getting into exercise, I lost some weight that summer but gained most of it back once the year started. Then in January, I actually committed to losing weight and started working with a trainer and changing my eating habits. I joined this site and the rest is history. I lost most of my weight during the first year and I have still been trying to lose more weight. My body has decided it is happy with this weight, however I do want to be lower. The weight I am now is most likely the weight I was at during college but I look better and feel better in addition to being more active.

    I will chat more later but right now I need to prepare for a bike ride.
  • cfriend71
    cfriend71 Posts: 207 Member
    I lost 23 lbs since April 24th (23 lbs in less than 35 days) eating healthy foods and with walking 30 minutes per day and a few days per week I lift light weights. If you want to know how I did it, please feel free to add me/email me here on mfp.
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    @laura - I love swimming in the great outdoors! Everytime I see water, I just want to dive into it! I would pool swim too, especially since I live in Connecticut, so outdoor swimming is really time-limited, but sadly, I am allergic to chlorine. I could deal with the rash and red eyes, but the not being able to breathe is a deal breaker. Like so many others, I am also impressed by / envious of your garden. My place is wetlands and forest, so not enough sun for growing veggies. But perhaps I will try some container gardening on my front porch this year - you inspire me! Hope your baby feels better soon!!
    @karenleona & kaye - almost time for your new knees, eh? I remember how quickly (at least from my perspective) you both recovered last time and hope it goes as well (or better) this time so you will be biking and walking, pain free, in no time! :flowerforyou:
    @tracy - good thing you have a sense of humor, with all the challenges on your trip. I hope the open house went well and that you get a quick sale -- two mortgages must be very challenging.
    @robin - great job on the squats, scale movement, and just generally being more active and in control of you eating! :drinker: perhaps it will be time to (this time proudly) display the ticker again soon?
    @karen & laurie - get that grading done so you can enjoy your upcoming breaks! I am a bit envious, as we're not out until the 19th, sigh.
    @kelley- hope you're on the mend? :flowerforyou:
    @helena - hang in there! :flowerforyou:
    @vicki- so nice to finally "see" you! Such a wonderful transformaton!! :drinker:
    @ushkii - welcome back!!! hop back on the wagon, it's right here waiting for you!
    @des - great job getting back on track so quickly! two pound gain after three trips is not much at all. you'll lose it in no time, I'm sure!
    @kris- hope your legs are feeling better? such struggles you've had lately! :flowerforyou: How's the vegetarian cooking going? Many of my friends are vegetarians, and make wonderfully tasty meals. I think the key is using lots of spices.
    @tammy- if memory serves me correctly, your hubby should be home soon? enjoy (and put him to work outdoors :laugh: )!!

    Well, I lost my 4 pounds in May and accomplished a new look (short summer haircut and bright capris). For June, I am eager to lose another 4 (or hopefully more) and to try something new outdoors. I haven't decided what the new activity will be. I started biking in April, but haven't done it consistently or well (I have a really hard time getting up all the hills around here), so may focus on improving that (I think it still counts as "new" because prior to April, I hadn't biked in over a decade). I also may try C25K (I've been thinking/talking about that for months). Finally think my knee might have recovered enough and would love to get to the point where I can jog the 5K portion of my first triathalon this fall. In other news, Mr. Swan and I have come to an understanding, where I get to swim freely as long as I don't cross a certain line, and the weather has been nice enough to get out there most days! Still kayaking and hiking too, and preparing for some backpacking the first week of July. :smile: Life is good.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Happy Sunday Everyone.

    I've just been down and out with my back the last few days, meds just make me sleep a lot - sure think Zoe enjoys that, she's been curled up in my lap sleeping for the last several days. :happy: The good news is that I am doing MUCH better today, the range of motion has improved and I can actually stand up straight now. Hopefully it has improved enough that I can return to work tomorrow.

    @Laurie~Great job conquering that wall, have a great bike ride today!
    @tlh0407~strawberries and angel food cake - my fave! Great job for the day!
    @MaryPoppinsIAint~Oh, toddlers and sleepless nights. Hope he is feeling better and you're able to get some rest now.
    @Beth~Great job meeting your May goals! Thought of you when I was in Colorado, I was watching several kayakers on the Animas River. I'm so glad to hear that you and the swan have come to an understanding! :laugh:

    I had a terrific time in Colorado visiting my sister and her family, my nephews definitely kept me active. I forgot about the altitude there, so had a headache for the first day or so - luckily it was short-lived. The weather was perfect - sunny and in the 70s every day. My older nephew (6yo) is an early riser and every morning climbed in bed with me - most of the time he wanted me up to play but one day he just climbed in with his pillows and blanket and went back to sleep. The younger one was never far behind - my favorite thing is snuggling with those two, that stage doesn't last long so as an aunt I put up with a 6:30 wake up call. :wink: I spent a lot of time outdoors playing basketball or badminton with them (or hunting for grasshoppers) - plus lots of walking, and some white water rafting. All in all it was a very relaxing vacation (okay, except for white water rafting in 40 degree water) - nothing like enjoying the weather on the back patio with a mountain on the horizon (my new profile pic), so peaceful.

    For the month of May, I did lose 4# and changed my look a bit buying some different clothes. As for June, I plan to lose another 4# - not sure about a new activity though, I have a pretty good variety. I don't participate in group fitness at my gym, but maybe I'll take a Zumba or yoga class. Not sure what my week will bring activity wise, had to skip session with trainer today - hopefully I can get back in the gym towards the end of the week.

    Everyone have a great day!