Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    kah-Your vacation sounds great. Hope your back heals quickly.
    Marypoppins - hope the sick toddler is on the mend. That's hard.
    Nothing much to report here. The scale finally moved down a tiny bit, .3. I am just going to have to be happy to maintain until I can get more active again.
    Not many posts yet today. I hope that means that everyone is having a great weekend.
  • nellenelli
    nellenelli Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I am new. My name is Janelle and I have a bit over 100 lbs to loose. I have lost weight in the past but always seem to regain it. I am always looking for tips and new low cal recipes that are good! Thanks for the ear, look forward to talking with everyone!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Thanks, Tom, for posting that picture, don't know the percentage of fat loss that was that got those results, must have been a dramatic loss, but an effective example never the less.

    Karen - a funny picture having a cow mow the lawn!

    Kaye - I found that even 2 days a week over my calorie allotment would throw me into maintenance weight. I was at a plateau forever by eating dinner out on the weekends. I've given that up, and now I'm losing weight again. I guess its about consistency, and really zig-zagging those calories and making up for the overages. I think you're idea of maintaining until surgery is sensible. Post surgery it would be great to visit intently with the nutritionist for a muscle-building diet to see how much of a protein balance you should be eating, and plug that info into MFP.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    MaryPoppins - sorry to hear about your sick "tiny toaster" (you can turn a phrase well :happy: )hope you're all getting more sleep these days!

    tih - spring cleaning burns some awesome calories - well done!

    laurie -another rock wall accomplishment -way to go. And a preemie Happy BIrthday to you. I'll getcha again on June 7th, your real Birthday, did I add right? :laugh:

    mackbeth - oog, how dreadful to be allergic to chlorine :grumble: you poor baby! Damn allergies! Well, I'm doubly impressed with your open water swimming and glad Mr. Swan has back down on his territorial demands. I bet you see all kinds of wildlife, I would like that. I think your biking counts as new, most definitely!

    Kah - so sorry your back went out and you were in such pain, I'm glad your coming out of it. Its nice to have a portable heating pad like Zoe around, isn't it? I did laugh when you said she pounced on you like that one gif, OMG, then I knew you were in for many a sleepless night :laugh:
    well done meeting the May goals!

    Everyone did great in MAY!

    nellinelli - welcome. you've come to a great place!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


    On the agenda will be to LOSE 4 LBS.

    Embrace a fun new outside activity.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    so my goal will be to lose 4 pounds in june. Dont think i will be able to embrace a new activity outdoors as i will be recovering from my knee replacement.....unless drinking scotch on my deck will count as a new activity :laugh:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @robin--love the 4# challenge again for June. In May I lost about 6 lbs of the 10 I had gained from quitting smoking, so 4 more will put me back to my lowest weight. Not sure about the new outdoor activity. I already walk and run outside and don't own a bicycle, so I'll have to think about that one. You're so right about how just a couple of days "splurging" each week will keep us at maintenance--I've had the same experience.

    @janelle--welcome! :flowerforyou:

    @kelley--glad the back pain is easing. Your CO trip sounds wonderful--I'm jealous of your white water rafting. It's something I've always wanted to try (though perhaps maybe in slightly warmer water :laugh: ).

    @beth--good luck with the c25k. I bet if you take it slowly, your knee will hold up--the key is to listen to your body and not do too much too quickly. I ran all last spring on a torn meniscus and was only able to do so b/c I didn't try to push it too much. Sorry you are out so late in June, but the 19th will be here sooner than you think! Not sure when you go back, but we return mid August which is why we get out so early in June.

    @laurie--great job getting over that wall! Once again, we are in "doppelganger" mode. I'm also around my college weight, but in a smaller size and fitter than I was then. I'm also struggling with moving down below 185-ish; now that school will be over, I will try to change up my fitness routine to move into the 170's--my major goal pre-Zurich. I know you will also get past this "bump" in the weight loss road, just keep working hard. :flowerforyou:

    @laura--sorry about your sick baby--hope he gets better soon so you can get some sleep. Great choice with the almonds--you were thinking healthy even on just a few hours of sleep--I'd say that's an NSV! :wink:

    @karenleona--we are also struggling to get the lawn mowed between rainshowers. I'm not a scotch fan, but I like the way you think about new activities! :laugh:

    @tom--loved the English proverb!

    @kaye--I agree with others that you did well at Red Lobster--those cheddar bay biscuits are hard to resist!

    @liz--Hi there--glad you made it back!

    @marca--hope the reunion went well!

    @lora--sounds like you are approaching this the right way--just keep measuring and logging and pretty soon it will fall into place. The planning of two snacks is a great idea--if that doesn't work try something else--it's all about trying again and again until you find what works for you. :flowerforyou:

    @tracy--sometimes the scale doesn't cooperate, but your goal of 7 days on target will surely help get it moving in the right direction again.

    AFM--Sorry I've been MIA the past couple of days. Between end of school year stuff and Relay for Life this weekend, I neglected MFP. :ohwell:

    Friday Fitness:
    Haven't done anything formal since Tuesday. Just walking gunner; however, last night I did a LOT of walking at Relay for Life. So much so, that my legs are sore today. Will make a plan to get back on track this week.

    Saturday Success:
    I wore my new red capri pants to the retirement party on Thursday and got lots and lots of compliments on how great I looked. :blushing:

    Sunday Share:
    I'm completely done with my grading--I just have 2 finals to give on Monday and they are completely multiple choice, so just need to run them through a scanner to grade. Tuesday we go in for a couple of hours in the morning to 'check out' with our department chairs and then I'm off for 10 weeks. :noway:

    This will be another food and booze filled week, so I will need to work hard to offset it with exercise. Monday the English dept is going for drinks and dinner to celebrate the end of the school year. Tuesday a bunch of teachers from various departments will go out for drinks and lunch after school. Wed. I should have time for a really good workout at the gym. Thursday I also need to work out, but have a hair and pedicure appt in the afternoon. Finally, Friday is our annual faculty Cubs trip which is another food and booze bonanza. Pretty sure I will spend Saturday on my couch nursing a hangover. :blushing:

    Exercise Goals:
    Tues--walk gunner
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin- My actual birthday is June 6 so you were not to far off.
    lmacbeth-my last day of school is June 17
    kah- hope your back is better soon
    Karen L and Kaye-Good luck with your pending surgery
    Karen- I am planning on switching up my meals. I have learned this week that if I eat the egg casserole with broccoli and carrots in the morning I feel fuller longer and it was very tasty. I will most likely make it again this week. Next step is to eat a small dinner namely salad, I just need to bring myself to eat salad and soup every night. I have succeeded in lowering my protein amounts so that might make a difference. I will also be adding more interval training to my cardio routine. Have a time in Zurich, it sounds like it will be a wonderful trip. Enjoy your few days of school.

    Today, I went 16 miles on my bike and it felt good but my bottom is sore. I will keep working on building up the miles on the bike. I did well keeping up with my friend on the way back but I did fall off a little bit. On the way out I was in the lead so I set the pace a little high. Now I just need to learn to pace myself on the ride. I am glad that we added the extra two miles today. I think I will be adding swimming this month and making myself go to the pool at least once a week.

    Today, I brought my first dress in a very long time and it was a smaller size 14W. I also brought 2 pairs of capri's that were also 14W. This was a huge victory for me since I have not dropped a size in a while. I had picked up a larger size earlier in the day and had to return everything to Dress Barn. I was not sure about the sizes so I went larger. It felt great to have the smaller size fit. The funny thing was that I tried on a pair of 16 capri but they did not look right. Go figure, it is amazing how different brands are cut differently than other.

    Have a great week.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Hello my friends!!! I've missed you guys a bunch. It's been a super crazy month with work and home stuff. For work, I had 4 days in Philly and Delaware. I then had 6 days in Chicago and Iowa. Plus, I've been trying to buy a house and the Vegas market has gone completely crazy. Unless you have cash up front, you're an investor or have an inside track, it's tough right now. I'm afraid if I don't buy something now I'll never afford one. Schools are pretty bad out here so I'm pretty limited on the areas and houses available. I will not settle on a mediocre school for my son. If it means I'm renting and paying a fortune, so be it.

    The past few months I've completely been stressed out. The new job is going great (3 months in), but between the new job, business travel, house renting/buying stress, plus stuff for Cyrus I've gained 25 lbs overnight it seems. It just kept creeping on.

    Now with that said I did receive my 300 days of logging so I'm super proud of that. Now there were many, many days I was over my calories so gaining this weight shouldn't be a big surprise. Plus, except for an occasional walk I've not exercised either. Again, no surprise on the weight gain.

    The good news is I'm down 12 lbs and really focusing on the next 13 to get me back to my lowest weight and then keep going down from there. Also, I finally joined a gym after losing my other gym with the job change. I've got my eating back under control and now I'm focusing on exercise.

    I went to page 1 and read through the 9 pages to get caught up. I missed Robin's birthday so "Happy Belated." Glad to see the school year is winding down for our teachers, Laurie and Skinny. Loved to see the new folks joining our thread - welcome! I've kept up with Kelley and her vacation, but didn't know about the back. Yuck! You just got yourself better from the last injury and now this? Don't get discouraged! Glad you're feeling better and keep healing! MowMow - vegetarian? This would be tough for me that's for sure. Loved that the kiddos even thought it was yuck. LOL! Loved seeing Tom's quotes and pictures, which always make me smile, Karen and Kaye - Thinking of you guys with your pending surgeries. Also, Karen, I think a few exercise calories are burned by lifting the scotch to mouth. Enjoy!

    June challenge sounds good to me too, but my goal is to double that number and aim for 8. Plus, I love Robin's squats too and want to challenge myself to add those too. I also need to get back to this thread EVERY day. It helps me so much plus I miss my friends on Robin's Thread!!!
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Hello new people!
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    This weekend my allergies have been really acting up. So that has been challenging but even with that I have been working on some serious deep Spring cleaning. I Have always considered my self a decent homemaker our little house is just a 1000 sq
    does not have a dishwasher except my two hands yet growing up my mom never had a dishwasher and our home was always clean. Yet saying all that really saw how I had let certain areas of my home get rough around the edges. After this weekend one of my goals is to get serious about this get a check list together.

    @Susan your stressed is completely understandable Yay on reaching post 300 and being down

    @Laurie that is amazing 16 miles on your bike.

    @Robin I like that new goal.

    @Karen Thank you for the nice welcome back. You are doing great.
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    Good morning. Today I am back and ready to really do this. I took every measure I could to make sure I stay on track now. I made my breakfast smoothies for today and tomorrow last night. I weighed, cooked, cut, and packaged my chicken for my salads this week last night. I even chopped and weighed my veggies, minus lettuce and spinach, last night. I am ready to succeed this time. I know I will have my ups and downs but I will succeed.

    Check-in: This weekend was rough. My mom had her first round of chemo on Friday and the nausea really hit hard last night. My weekend was spent mostly at home making sure my mom was ok.

    I will catch up on the thread later. I am trying to turn over a new leaf and really work hard in all aspects of my life.

    Have a great day.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Susan - Welcome back. I have been thinking and thinking about you and wondering how you have been doing! So glad to hear you have joined a gym and have started losing weight - so happy for you! Cyrus must be over the moon to have you back from travelling. Hope you don't have to do much more for a while. Keep up the good work you're doing.

    Liz - where have you been??? I MISSED YOU!!! Glad to see you posting again! :flowerforyou: Doing spring cleaning is an ambitious goal - good for you - take it in baby steps or you'll burn yourself out! Its also a great workout so you'll burn a lot of calories, plus you'll have a beautiful, clean, house when your done!

    Helena - you have an indominable spirit - :drinker: :heart: I'm so impressed with your weighing and measuring your food out for the upcoming week. I know you will succeed too!

    I had a great weekend. Went to the movies and saw FAST and FURIOUS 6 - lots of fun. Then rented THE DA VINCI CODE - hadn't read the book - and it was great! Now I want to read the book!
    I did my squats last night and for some reason they were so hard - I was fatigued and sweated so hard, I stopped early at 21 squats due to being totally muscle fatigued. Don't know why but had to listen to my body.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning.

    I am going to try harder this week. Amy is taking the Girl Scouts camping so I’m on my own. I will have lots of choices to make. Stay home and cook healthy food:drinker: or go out and eat good healthy stuff:drinker: or go out and eat bad stuff.:noway: We will see how that goes.:laugh:

    Quote of the day: - Marvin Phillips: The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph!

    Let’s all have a healthy week!

  • jolt28
    jolt28 Posts: 218 Member
    Hello everyone; are you accepting new members to this thread? My name is Jo and I started WW in Oct of 2012 then switched to MFP in March of 2013. I have a lot to lose and it's a slow-go (been stalled for a month now) so could always use extra people to keep me motivated! Would love to contribute to this thread:)
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tom--good luck on your own this week. I know I'm a lot less tempted when I just cook for myself.

    @robin--Maybe you were using those muscles for some other activity throughout the day and didn't even realize it, or sometimes your muscles just need a rest. Either way, you were smart to listen to your body.

    @helena--so sorry your mom was ill, but glad her treatments have started so she can get on the road to recovery. :flowerforyou:

    @liz--I also need to do some serious spring cleaning! I also have a small house, so I'm thinking of doing something called the 60-day Power Purge that a few others have posted about on here. If you google it, you can find a series of youtube videos that take you through the program day by day.

    @susan--glad to see you back! Hope you at least had decent weather while here in Chicago. It's been so up and down with the temps--one day it's 90 and the next it's 60!

    @laurie--congrats on the smaller sizes!! It's hard to get used to choosing that smaller size. When I was shopping for my new capri pants, I also took a larger size at first. Had to go back to the rack for the smaller ones--hooray! :drinker:

    Monday Check-in:
    I'm at 450 miles on the Virtual TransAmerica Trail! Would like to be at 500 by the end of June--I'm sure I can make it now that I'm off school.

    Exercise Goals:
    Tues--walk gunner
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner
    Sun--walk gunner + gym
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Hello everyone; are you accepting new members to this thread? My name is Jo and I started WW in Oct of 2012 then switched to MFP in March of 2013. I have a lot to lose and it's a slow-go (been stalled for a month now) so could always use extra people to keep me motivated! Would love to contribute to this thread:)

    Welcome Jolt - yes we're taking new members all the time. Sorry to hear you're stalled at the moment. How much have you lost so far? When I've been at a stand-still, I have to adjust my calories rather dramatically, or my exercise. Can you tell us what calorie level you've been at?
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    UGH!!! I think PMS is kicking my butt.... going to try to get 2 full miles in today, even if I have to take the dizzy chick meds to get it done and hopefully that helps!!! I am a sunny person and when there is literally no sun for DAYS and then get hit with PMS, I hate it!!! So, here is a :bigsmile: to get me started!!! And the sun is finally peeping out!!! God is good!!!
  • jolt28
    jolt28 Posts: 218 Member
    Hello everyone; are you accepting new members to this thread? My name is Jo and I started WW in Oct of 2012 then switched to MFP in March of 2013. I have a lot to lose and it's a slow-go (been stalled for a month now) so could always use extra people to keep me motivated! Would love to contribute to this thread:)

    Welcome Jolt - yes we're taking new members all the time. Sorry to hear you're stalled at the moment. How much have you lost so far? When I've been at a stand-still, I have to adjust my calories rather dramatically, or my exercise. Can you tell us what calorie level you've been at?

    I am given 2040 by MFP and I usually eat right around that - some days couple hundred under and every now and then a little bit over. I'm sure my main problem is exercise - I really don't do any still. I just bought a DVD that I'm hoping to do and stick with it! Thanks for the welcome:)
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning and happy monday all. I hope you are all having a great start to your week.
    Liz I am totally with you on the small house and how parts of it still seem to get away from you. I have to start hubby coming home cleaning today. I have been focused on the yard so much that the house has fallen by the wayside:laugh:
    Congrats Laurie on the smaller size. That is one of my favorite feelings
    Helena I am so proud ofyou for working to stay on track with everything with your mom right now. It just proves that you will be successful on this journey.
    Susan welcome back. It sounds like a very stressful month but now it s over so time to just forget and move forward. You are going to do great.
    Alright I know I am forgetting some of the things I wanted to say so as usual know you all have my admiration and support and I think you are all wonderful.
    As for me I weighed i n for the day and I am down a couple more pounds so happy day:bigsmile: So yesterday was an even better day for two reasons. First I weighed myself in the morning and for the first time in seven years I was in what I kept calling single digits. this means the last two numbers in my weight were under ten. This caused a happy who hoo dance that thoroughly embarrassed my daughter. The second thing was at the gym. Yesterday was strength day and I realized as I was doing the bicep curl I could actually see the muscle. That is the first time ever I have seen a defined muscle on this frame. Oh yeah more woo hoo happy dancing. :bigsmile:
    Well time to get ready for Zumba. Have a great day peeps and make sure to :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: