
  • maryespin1
    maryespin1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Ladies! I would like to join this group. I'm a newbie and I'm just reading past posts to try to learn how this all works. Having a hard time trying to think about a goal. Today is the sixth day on being on a very strict medical (anti-inflammitory) diet. First couple of days were horrible with headaches and hunger, but now I'm doing OK. I've already lost 5 lbs. but my doctor said the immediate weight loss is not fat, it's inflammation. I don't care, I feel much better and my pain has subsided somewhat. I have bad knees and I will be having a knee replacement within a couple of months. Anyway, thanks for being here, and I'll try to get used to coming in on a daily basis.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Meg: Wow, I call that a successful garage sale! :flowerforyou:

    Renny: Love Duckmato! I’m sorry your back hurts. Rest is best.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: It is great to be well loved, isn’t it? I’m glad your family gave you such a nice welcome and hope the dance workshop was wonderful. It looks like we had the same idea about signatures, but you had it a LONG time before I did. Do you actually have the moving graphics as a part of this, too? Is it an easy import, or does it take special steps?:wink::flowerforyou:

    Kathy: Congratulations on your loss! I hope they get the tickers fixed soon! It never occurred to me to add the “sort and toss” category into my goals. I need to think about that one because we have WAY too much stuff sitting around. :grumble: :flowerforyou:

    Cheryl: 2 ½ kilograms is 5.5 pounds. I am no math whiz but I have an app. In fact, the apps I already had prompted me to wonder whether there was an app to lose weight back in October, and here I am.:bigsmile:

    Joy: The steel cut wheat didn’t interest me at all until you started adding pumpkin puree and pumpkin pie spice. I’ll bet that would be good in oatmeal, too. I wonder how many calories it adds. Details, please!:flowerforyou:

    Patsy in Tampa: It sounds like you may need a new scale. How old is yours? I needed one, and found something I like on Amazon. Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    Cheryl: Sorry your scales moved the wrong way. I seem to have losing weight down pretty well, but I think maintaining is a bigger challenge. I’ve lost weight before, but it didn’t stay gone.:angry: This time I want to figure out how to keep a healthy lifestyle and maintain a healthy weight. I wish you luck with this, too. :flowerforyou:

    JB in Portland: Thanks for the cauliflower recipe!:flowerforyou:

    Newbies: Welcome to a great group of women. We get to know you as you post, and I hope you’ll post often. I like knowing where people are from, and ask that you include your location with your signature.:heart: We have people here from all over the globe.:flowerforyou:

    I talked to my daughter last night and enjoyed the conversation. I’ll be going to visit her and babysit DGD later this month while DD takes a work related class over a weekend. I’m going by myself this time, a first. DH will be visiting his sister. She lives along the route to CO, so I’ll drop him off, have a good night’s sleep, and keep heading east. DH likes this plan and so does his sister. I like the idea of the adventure and love the opportunity to spend time with DD and DGD. I’ll take my laptop along on this trip and if they have internet service, I’ll be able to keep posting. Departure day is a couple of weeks down the road.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    June goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    :heart: This opening paragraph got my attention, thought I’d share this article (link is below) with all of you:heart:

    “When most people think of "fitness," they think of big muscles, speed and agility, or ideal body weight. But our definition of fitness needs a makeover. True fitness needs to include emotional and spiritual well-being, which provide the foundation for attaining a fit body.”


    Katla – Your DH certainly sounds like a keeper! When I was dating (all those years ago) I’d screen out immediately anyone who didn’t like animals:tongue: Also, where in Colorado will you be visiting?

    Renny – Good for you for looking ahead to a new fitness goal. So glad to hear you had positive distraction from your discomfort. I can so relate to you, I’ve dealt with back pain for years due to an auto accident :grumble:

    Alice in IL – Welcome! You have set some very healthy and attainable goals. You’ll find lots of positivity and support here

    Roselover58 – Happy birthday and welcome! This site is a wonderful gift :flowerforyou:

    Michele – I roast the beets wrapped individually in foil (skin on) for 45 minutes. When they’re cool enough to handle or with a towel I unwrap them and use the foil to “scrub” the skins right off :smile:

    Vicki in NE – So very sorry to hear about Sassy, it is such a hard time when that decision has to be made. Know you are doing the loving and responsible thing if she is in pain. Virtual hugs to you at this difficult time :sad:

    JB – thanks for sharing the cauliflower recipe, just got some yesterday and will be trying this - - sounds YUM! :happy:

    Cindi from IL – Welcome back to your health journey, you’ve done well so far and know what you need to do for yourself. Today is a brand new day!

    Brooke from Colorado

    “No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it.” – Albert Einstein
  • KatProf27
    KatProf27 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there!
    I'm new to this group but have been an on again off again MFP member...I am finally out of excuses and ready to get myself back to where I want to be.
    I didn't really have May goals, I guess just getting through the semester was enough.
    1. workout 4X per week
    2. track daily on MFP
    3. read Gulp and Cooked
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    I do enjoy this thread, and reading about all of you. Granny I also put in my weight this morning and the ticker did not change. Alot of the time the last couple days I have trouble getting my food in. But I just kept trying until it went.
    We are having beautiful weather here in Nebraska and I have tomorrow off work so planning to work in the yard and my rock garden.It has been a stressful couple days. Our dog, Sassy, who we have had for 14 years is not doing well. We talked to the vet last week and we will be putting her down tomorrow. I think this one is harder for me then the two others we had as we got Sassy shortly after our son died. Also my roof leaked and had to call in the insurance company. That was a surprise as they came out and they are going to pay to have the house and garage reroofed and siding replaced on most the house and garage. So not have to find someone to do that. Good thing is when I weighed this morning I am done 1.9 pounds for last week. Thanks for all your support and hope you all have a good start to the new week.

    So sorry to hear about Sassy. Our dog Peanut is in the same place. I will be going to the vet this week to consult. He has trouble going up and down the stairs and is in too much pain.

    {{hugs}} to you while you go through this:flowerforyou:

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • annabubba
    annabubba Posts: 9
    I used MFP 2 yrs ago and lost 27 lbs. Then my husband of 25 yrs decided he didn't want to be married any longer. I have since gained back all the weight I lost plus some :(

    My goal for June is too stay on track calorie wise, exercise 2x per week and get out of the house!!
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    I used MFP 2 yrs ago and lost 27 lbs. Then my husband of 25 yrs decided he didn't want to be married any longer. I have since gained back all the weight I lost plus some :(

    My goal for June is too stay on track calorie wise, exercise 2x per week and get out of the house!!

    annabubba - If you're on this board regularly you'll see that I collect and post quotes, here is one for you:

    “When someone walks out of your life, let them. They’re just making room for someone better to walk in.”

    Good for you for choosing to take care of yourself, you are on the road to improved health and happiness! :flowerforyou:

    Brooke from Colorado
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    Annabubba - my husband left me after 24 years of marriage, we divorced after 28. I was in the depths of despair. Then I met my DH and I can honestly say I am happier now than I have been in my whole life. It WILL get better. Look after yourself. Your health and welfare is your major project now. Nuture yourself. That doesn't have to mean eating too much, just eating WELL.:flowerforyou: Exercise is the best cure for depression, especially when you don't feel like it. Find things you love to do. Tiny steps. Every small thing you do for yourself is a victory.
    Best of luck! :heart:
    Heather from Hampshire UK
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Happy June!:bigsmile:

    Stay away for a weekend and find 7 pages of posts! And SO MANY newcomers!!! Welcome to all! The more the merrier!

    Last week I posted that my pedometer came off in the street and got run over. The pedometer part works fine, but the clip is completely useless. I went online to find a replacement and was shocked to find out they don’t make them! The best I could find was to use the clip that works for baby pacifiers. I will try this, but wish someone would tell the makers of pedometers to sell the clips separately.

    I have been struggling with maintenance. I find my strong resolve is getting weaker. I have to force myself to exercise. I hear so many of you who love to exercise and wish that could be me, but it hasn’t happened yet, and I don’t think it ever will. Summer means vacations, outings and BBQ’s, and resisting temptation has been hard. So far I’ve been doing OK, but I am worried that I’ll slip back into old behaviors, so I appreciate all the support from those who are struggling like me and continue to work through it.

    :smile: Katla – The Wilmington Blue Rocks are a farm team for the KC Royals.

    :laugh: Joy – LOL at the cotton candy reference, but fortunately, I don’t like it enough to worry about resisting it. On the other hand, funnel cake……I tried kayaking once on vacation with my husband. I just am not coordinated or something, as we just kept going around in circles! He finally told me to just stop and let him do all the work so we could at least get somewhere!

    :flowerforyou: Connie – Thanks for the advice on garlic. Now that we’ve given up on eggplants (tried twice and something keeps eating them!), we’re going to put garlic in.

    :heart: Brooke – Welcome back! There is no pressure to share here. Just jump in whenever you feel like it. I always love your posts.

    :happy: DeeDee – LOVE your goals! I find humor is very important to my quality of life & enjoy life more when I can find the humor in things.

    :grumble: drkatiebug – I feel your pain. My DH is naturally slim and loves his snacks, so there is always cake, candy and ice cream around. I have a sweet tooth myself, but try and limit my snacks to 100 cal Klondikes, a small water ice, or two dark chocolates at night. Good luck in finding what works for you.

    :happy: Joyce- I am dancing with you as you enter Onderland!!

    :heart: Peachstategal – You are in my thoughts as you try to find a solution for your mother.

    :wink: Robin – Wish my company offered heath incentives!

    :tongue: Alison – Summer is the perfect time for grilling vegetables. You can grill almost any vegetable and they all taste great!

    :heart: Mary – So sorry to hear of your situation. I don’t have any advice, but will pray for a positive outcome.

    :laugh: Meg – Amazing garage sale total! My garage sales usually net about $30.00!

    :wink: Luna – I think taking those pics was a very brave thing to do. I never took before pics, and now I’m sorry I didn’t.

    :noway: Gail – One of my May goals was to drink more water & I have been successful at doing that, but it’s funny you should mention leg cramps as I had a bad one last night that woke me out of a sound sleep. I sure hope the water isn’t responsible!

    :laugh: Jo – Quite the adventure on that walk of yours! Sounds like you had fun and came back with a story to tell!

    :flowerforyou: Jb – Thanks for sharing the pic of those gorgeous flowers!

    :drinker: Patti – Hang in there. You are doing a great job! 60 pounds lost is a wonderful accomplishment!

    :laugh: Michele – You crack me up with all that you do! If I baked as many yummy treats as you do, I’d weigh 500 pounds!

    :wink: Heather – I’m hoping to increase my weights from 3 pounds to 5 pounds for June. So far, there hasn’t been much improvement on my “bat wings”, but your success has encouraged me to keep trying.

    :heart: Cheryl – Beautiful pics of your daughters!

    :glasses: Lizzie – I’m with you on the weather! Summer is my favorite time of year. I HATE the cold!

    :smile: Kathy – Congrats on your huge accomplishment!

    :heart: Vicki – {{{hugs}}}

    Hang in there ladies….we are all in this together!!!

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Hi Ladies, just a quick fly by. I just caught up on the posts.

    The weather is gorgeous up here and I hate the fact that I have to sit inside the factory all day.

    Katla, I do 10 pushups. It may not sound like a lot but I do them very very slowly. Really paying attention to form and not using momentum at all. just slowly lowering down and slowly pushing back up. Back perfectly straight. Slowly with weight training and no momentum make better use of the muscles. If I feel up to it I will change the placement of my hands as well. closer together or farther apart. Also since you are starting on the wall for the pushup part I suggest you add planks to the plan. That is where you get on the floor in full push up position and just hold it as long as you can. It is great for your core and it is also getting your arms used to pushups.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,192 Member
    Hi All!
    I've been a member of MFP for a while and this is the first time I see this thread! It is a great idea and I want to try it. I am 57 and working to change my life style to be the one of someone fit and healthy. Here are my goals for June:

    :tongue: Average 7,000 steps a day
    :tongue: Work in my yard 15 - 60 min a day, even if it is very hot and humid outside!
    :tongue: Continue and finish squat challenge - restarting when finished
    :tongue: Arm weights (dumbbells) 1 - 3 times a week
    :tongue: Average 45 minutes of cardio activity each week every day.

    I think that is enough for now.

    Rita - Cookeville, TN
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    UGH! I'm trying to show you a picture and I don't know how to add it. :mad:
  • pastamomma
    pastamomma Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Folks,
    I've not posted to this group, but here goes. No goals for May - a reflection of "those who fail to plan, plan to fail"? I hope not. I've had a little success but I'm hoping to increase that. So, here goes.

    June Goals:

    *Continue to walk 6-7 days/week while increasing distance and speed
    *Include 3 days of Pilates in my exercise routine
    *Read more professional books (I love to read - just not the stuff that is going to help me in my job!) - at least 2 this month
    *Stay within my calorie allotment!
    *Schedule some "me" time with friends.

    Thanks for being here. Seeing others accomplish so much is hugely encouraging!

    Northern Indiana
  • Hi All! I'm joining your group.

    June Goals for me:

    *Walk 30 minutes 4x a week
    *Log my foods EVERY day, not just m-f
    *Be patient
    *Be kind
    *Plant the rest of my perennials in the landscaping
    *Paint Sam's room (10 yr old son).

    Have a GREAT day! :flowerforyou:
    Laurie from Ohio
  • Bejede
    Bejede Posts: 191 Member
    Just found this group! Definitely over 50--getting back on track today! Starting the Fast Metabolism Diet with the hope of speeding up my metabolism!!
    Hoping to follow the plan exactly and see if it makes a difference. The author says lose "up to" 20 pounds in 28 days. My goal is 10 pounds in 28 days. That is as much as I have lost so far this year. I will be back to tracking my food and exercise and water. Also hope to pamper my body all month--hair, face, feet, etc.
    Thanks for a place to check in and get extra motivation!!
    Bev in Colorado
  • marmalade628
    marmalade628 Posts: 35 Member
    Got my exercise in today :happy: and am watching the food amount. Boy is it amazing how fast the calories can build. I am trying to not let my calories to add up with the amount that they say I can have. What goes in can stay if I don't let the exercise get rid of the pounds. Now to get the rest of my water intact.:bigsmile:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lucy I don't like the clip on my pedometer. I have psoriasis around my waist line, at lest I think it's a waist line It's been a long time since I have seen it. Anyway, the clip bothers it. So i just put it in my jeans pocket. Now for the Y I wear a pair of work out pants that don't have a pocket so I am forced to put in on the waist band.

    Speaking of the Y, it was a bad day. I usually ride 6 miles and I could only do 3 miles today. I was able to get the arm strength exercises in. I don't know if it will ever be easy to get the eagle incline ones done. I can do the first set of 10 fine, am slowing down for the second set and the 3rd set is almost impossible. I look like the men in there trying to lift 50 pounds or so, their heads lifted and a big grimace on their face just trying to push out that last bit of energy. But I am only doing 5 pounds!!!! That's me doing the last 5. But I get them in.

    After I got in the car and driving home I thought that I might have been able to go up on the walking track. When I got home my husband was trimming the bushes in front of the house!!!!:heart: We live in a bi-level and they ere getting close to the top of the house! Years ago when we had dreams and ambition about the landscaping in front of the house we had these small bushes, landscape cloth underneath, whatever the stuff is you put over the landscape cloth....my MS is getting to me now...pavers on the way to the driveway. Now you can't even see the pavers anymore, grass is overgrown on it and the bushes are way over them. Also the bushes are a prime place for burglars to hide behind. So he skipped walking and is spending his afternoon outside. I would love to go out there and clean up, that would burn some calories I didn't spend at the Y but my body isn't letting me.

    I love it that there are new people coming in and liking what they are seeing and wanting to be a part of it.

    Today the scale teetered between 202.2 and 199.8 but finally settled on 199.8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So on Wednesday, my official weigh in day I will record it. I almost took a picture of the scales. My husband guessed what my big announcement was. I was afraid he would really cut me down about how I let my body be that fat but he didn't. His main comment was that he now weighs more than I do! I checked the BMI site and I only have about 10 pounds to go before I am in the overweight category. So that is my next goal. It's interesting, before I started this life style change I said I was going to set 30 pound goals, Then I changed it to 20 pound goals when I saw how difficult it was to even get 10 pounds. Now that has changed to things like below 200, now getting into the overweight category. Life changes.

    Joyce, tired in Indiana. But I can now see out the living room window!
  • MoJoPoe
    MoJoPoe Posts: 139 Member
    By age 52, now a crone, I hit 200 lbs. and my blood pressure went way up for the first time in my life. I have started jogging (while my knees hold out) and biking. I love my red wine far too much. :drinker:
  • luckyinlove2
    luckyinlove2 Posts: 66 Member
    Oh my goodness ! I can’t possibly remember all these people I’ve read about today—and it’s only June 2nd! This group is wonderful, absolutely wonderful. After I read all the posts, I decided to use the word document to type my post.
    To nonnicee-prayers for clarity of thought and less stress for both you and your husband.
    To CandyGirl03b-you are doing just what you should with your diet. Keep foods simple and don’t introduce more than one new food every couple days. Then you can try combining foods that work well for you into new combinations. Good luck as you progress through this learning phase.
    Goals for May:
    Exercise for 1/2 hour minimum at least 4 days per week -got in at least 25 minutes 4 days per week and some days were 45 min to an hour.
    Stay at or below my "allowed" MFP calories--includes eating back exercise calories-Went over my calorie allotment twice this past month. The rest of the time, I planned ahead and did more activity to cover increased food intake.
    Prepare at least one new lower cal meal or revision of old favorites that are low calorie weekly-loving all the online apps for recipes. I’ve tried 5 new ones this month and have a big list of more to try in the future.
    Goals for June:
    Add tricep dips and pushups at least twice weekly (big TY for posting about modifying these)
    Get weight below 200 by mid month
    Exercise daily for at least 20 minutes

    Jeri in sunny western Illinois
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    good evening my friends, and welcome to all the newcomers.. you will just love this group of ladies..
    I was doing good up until about 20 minutes ago when the last bit of macaroni salad with tuna called me out, ate way to much and now I am over:angry:
    Well sh--!!! I will not beat myself up, stuff happens I will get my sorry butt up and to the gym in the morning, and forgive myself for my transgression.
    And I wont be making that anymore in the near future....
    I feel so bad about your dear sweet furbaby.. we had to put our Yukon down a year ago this past friday..they love you unconditionally and never judge or yell at you, all they want to do is please you.and this is how there life ends..
    I am Happy knowing that someday we will see all our furbabies again..and I will truly be in Heaven:bigsmile: