
  • Oh my goodness... LOTs of newbies! Welcome ladies, you will love it here. I do!

    Not much time to post... should be in bed :tongue: but wanted to touch base with my MFP buddies.

    I see my ticker still has not caught up with me :grumble:

    Busy day. Out in the yard, in the iris bed weeding, big time and cleaning out old growth and only made if half way before DH and I had to run errands. It was too hot to be out anyhoo. Was in the 90's by then. We got our errands done, visited Ralph, a dear friend that just had surgery and then had an early dinner, and got ready for the intarsia class that Jim teaches at the Gem and Mineral club. I am taking the class and having a ball. My first piece is really taking shape :love: , when it is finished will go over to Marie's and her and I will work on a new type of Russian filigree to finish it off.

    Found out just how out of shape I am. Got on my mini trampoline for some rebounding. Lasted 1 minute before I was very winded. :noway: Manage to do 4 sets of one minutes :laugh: . Goal this month is 15-30 mins straight. I think I have my work cut out for me.

    Took on the squat challenge this month too. Last day is 250 :ohwell: We will get it done!

    Joyce: Awsome you are now in onederland forever! :heart:

    Gail: Sorry for your lawnmower problem, so frustrating when you want to get something done.:flowerforyou:

    Sunshine: Isn't a good walk outside good therapy sometimes? I love it too!

    Vickie: So sorry about your fur baby... we lost our dog just before Christmas she was 15.

    Well dear ones, I am bushed and I have so many of you to catch up with still! We are a chatty bunch this month. Catch you tomorrow. Sweet dreams!
    :heart: Connie (Colograndma) in very warm Colorado.
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi from a lovely sunny morning here in York UK

    :ohwell: Can't believe I am so far behind with the posts already, so sorry not to mention any personal issues. I will try to catch up.

    :flowerforyou: Yesterday was also sunny and quite hot :glasses: :glasses: It took a bit of getting used to, I still wanted to take my coat into town with me - just in case, but was persuaded to leave it in the car whilst me and mum were shopping :bigsmile: so glad I did it was really hot! Had a lovely day in town, didn't buy anything interesting, only a few bits and pieces from the £1 shop.

    :flowerforyou: In the afternoon I had to go to the vets to pick up some new tablets for our old cat. They have reduced his medication after having a blood test last week - I hope he doesn't have any after effects, but reducing it surely shouldn't cause any problems.

    :embarassed: I had to go back this morning to add some "empty calories" on my food log for yesterday. I was doing quite well, but for some reason mindless snacking took over after our late dog walk. I really MUST get out of the habit of grabbing a biscuit when I make a cup of tea or coffee .:grumble:

    :huh: Look at the time! I need to get ready for work, I'm going to make myself a ham salad to take for lunch today, and I need to get in half an hours exercise, I've found a good routine on line that makes it seem like 5 mins it's fun and time always goes quicker when you are having fun :bigsmile:

    Have a fab day everyone :heart: :heart:

    Viv York UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    got on the scale this morning:angry: and that macaroni salad adds up:sad: I am up 2 lbs, wont change my ticker but will be diligent about eating now....
    did not get to the gym this morning,my left foot hurts,not just heel but side of the foot too:grumble:
    I dont know what is going on lately but have been getting migraines a couple of times a week. I don't get the blinding headaches ,but get the aura around the eyes, and sometimes my eyes cross.. drives me batty:noway:
    I am being truthful and logging everything,yesterday was good until I got home.. will be alot more careful. wanting that scale to move downward,not the other way around
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    I'm back at work today. Dad has now agreed to go into sheltered accommodation, so I am trying to get that sorted as quickly as I can. Super stressed and finding it extremely difficult to cope with uncaring siblings. This is having a bad effect on my eating. I can barely manage to get through an apple, let alone a meal!

    Anyway, at least the weather is better and the sky in London is actually blue! Remarkable!

    I hope you are all doing well and will forgive me for not keeping up with the posts just at the moment, with a little luck normal service will be resumed before too long.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: ! Come in often and chat!

    I feel like I need to check in 2 or 3 times a day to keep up with all you beauties....I do enjoy reading about your day! However by the time I`ve finished reading I have no time left to post:sad: .

    Amanda:smile: Hope things go well with your dad:flowerforyou: ! I understand about the uncaring siblings, I was the caretaker and I have two older brothers:grumble: , it was very hard for me, especially after my hubby died and they still looked to me to handle everything, it was stress upon stress...not a good time in my life to say the least. I`m wishing you well my friend!

    Have a fantastic day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in cloudy but hopefully soon to be sunny NC
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!!! It’s a beautiful day here in Norway again! I did my 4.25 miles in 1 hour 2 minutes so I cut 6 minutes off my time. WOO HOO! Can anyone give me any pointers on how to add a picture? I kept playing around with it yesterday but no luck. :mad:

    GaJavaGirl – Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Lebbiediddle - Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Heather – the cauliflower sounds wonderful! I’m going to have to try that!

    Wessecg – June is a new month. I’m sure you’ll be able to knock out those 4 lbs once you get back on track.

    Lizzie – Welcome Back! And as far as I’m concerned, you can HAVE the hot and humid! We’re supposed to be around 60 degrees here in Norway and it’s perfect as far as I’m concerned!

    Kathy – WAY TO GO! Only one more pound! You CAN do it!

    Vickil57 – I’m so sorry to hear about Sassy. Dogs are so much a part of the family unit. Hugs. :brokenheart:

    maryespin1 – WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    katla – it would taste wonderful in oatmeal too. I put in ¼ cup of Libby’s pumpkin puree for 1 cup of oatmeal. It has 20 calories, 5 carbs, 0 fat, 1 protein, 3 sodium and 2 sugar. YUMMY! Have fun with your granddaughter! I :heart: it when I get to babysit ... which isn’t very often since we live so far away.

    Brooke – :heart: the article! Thanks for sharing it!

    Katb1027 – WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    Annabubba – WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    Lucy – Maybe you should start selling pedometers with separate clips! It could make you a millionaire! And I :heart: funnel cakes! YUM!!!

    Rita – WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    Jean - WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    Laurie - WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    Bev - WELCOME! :flowerforyou: I am also doing the Fast Metabolism Diet and I :heart: it!

    Joyce – CONGRATS!!!!! :heart:

    MoJoPoe – WELCOME! :flowerforyou: I’m with you on the red wine. I :heart: it!

    Jeri – where in western IL are you from? Home for us is Erie. It’s right outside of Moline.

    Jodios – and I see you are from Northern IL! Are you anywhere near South Beloit, IL? That is where my DIL’s parents live.

    Tigress – congrats on the great blood sugar numbers!

    Meg – seafood lasagna sound yummy! I’ll have to check out the lite recipe. Thanks! I don’t have a pedometer. I have the endomondo app on my phone. I put in my weight and age and it’s works off a GPS signal. It measures hills, time, and speed and then it will even post it to my facebook page so I can compete with my son!

    Sue – I’m hoping that with planning we can do much better on this cruise that I have on past cruises. This one is going to be an Arctic Circle cruise. We live in Norway and this way we can hit all of the highlights of the beautiful western coast.

    Dianemduvall – WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    Jodi – WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    NewLuna – today is a NEW day! Don’t let yesterday’s bumps ruin today. :flowerforyou:

    Colleen – Welcome back! :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie – thankfully it wasn’t a fire, it was the tires. I must have done a typo. :embarassed: I’m not sure I would EVER get on a plane again if there was a fire on one that I was on!!

    Runningcats – thanks for the advice! On today’s walk I would walk between light post to light post and then run between the next two until I just got too tired to do it anymore. I cut 6 minutes off of my fastest walk time and I’ll just keep getting better from here on out. I was having horrible hot flashes, horrible night sweats (I would have to wash the sheets each morning) and I was miserable. My doctor did not want to put me on hormone replacement because I fly so much and she didn’t want the possibility of blood clots. She said that quite a few of her patients had really good luck with Effexor. It’s actually an antidepressant but she said one of her patients just had to smell the bottle when she was having a hot flash to go away. It doesn’t work that way for me, but after 2 weeks on the lowest dosage possible, I haven’t had one hot flash since then!! HOORAY! You might want to ask your doctor if it would work for you.

    Phoo513 – WELCOME! :flowerforyou:

    Connie – do you have pictures of your jewelry? I would love to see some!

    Grandmallie – I bet you’re back down tomorrow! I watched Doctor Oz and he did a show about different headaches and what helps best with the different ones. He said the ones behind the eyes are cluster headaches …. Which is what I get all the time. You might want to check it out online. If you have the same kind, he recommends just a nose spray for them!

    Amanda – I hope everything goes great with your dad!

    Joy (An American living the good life in Stavanger, Norway)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    Hi there:heart:
    So happy to be back at yoga today. I love the women there - almost as awesome as you lot! I find I can now do things I could not do even six months ago, largely because my wrists are carrying less weight, but also they must be getting stronger. So Face Down Dog and Face Up Dog it is! !!!:laugh:
    I have to go and pick up a prescription for blood pressure meds today as I have run out. Seems a bit daft as I have a phone consult with my doctor on Friday to discuss lowering the dose. Don't like waste, so maybe I will be able to cut them in half or take them every other day. ????? At least in the UK over 60s don't have to pay for meds.
    Going to have a chick pea salad today with radishes and salad from the garden. DH likes a sandwich for lunch, but I get a bored with that, so I will make my own and leave him to it.
    My lovely DBIL is in Europe at the moment on a river cruise. I don't know if you have had the news of the awful floods and the raging rivers. Just his luck. He put a phrase on Facebook, which is typically English, altho he now lives in Australia -
    "Musn't grumble! " Then later when the devastation got worse and Prague was threatened, "Still musn't grumble! "
    Can't take the English out of the Aussi! :laugh:
    I have ordered my new 7 1/2 kg dumb bells. :noway: Might be a step too far - we shall see! :ohwell:
    Also ordered some shiritaki noodles, which are very low calorie. I like my Asian soups and stir fries so they might be good. You have to try these things once at least.:bigsmile:
    The sun is STILL shining here while Europe has been miserable. Makes a change.:drinker:
    Love to all.
    "Who are you pretending not to be?"
    Heather, in warm and sunny Hampshire, UK
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning, everyone!! Light breeze and no humidity yet here; my birds are in and out the feeder like mad..........just beautiful!

    Down a pound this am! I did behave on the eating when gone for those three days; not being able to weigh every am for this daily person is torture. I am now at my lowest point since June, 2007 and 3 1/2lbs from goal! Only lost four lbs. last month but I'll take it and be positively thrilled!!!!

    Cityjane: on your b.p. meds.......maybe you can get a partial refill if you don't want waste.......don't know about England but they will do that here

    Joy: you probably wrote tire and I was so exhausted last night that I read fire, most likely, my bad

    Well.........off to find some trouble to get in to............or, housework, most likely.....
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Bump, for later:smile:
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Good Morning all you lovely Ladies;

    Bev in Colorado...you mentioned trying the Fast Metabolism Diet to kick the metabolism going..mine is dying (metabolism)...whatever goes in stays on my body...can you get it online??:huh:

    Joyce in Indiana..I thought also that losing weight wasn't going to be this hard :grumble: ..silly me :ohwell: ..I have found it very hard and some tell me the older we get the harder it is to get the weight off..boy that was true for me :blushing:

    MoJoPoe...good for you to go out jogging..it is something I have wished I could do because it looks so freeing..like you could run your problems away..but I have Chronic Fatigue & Fibro..just walking is my pace

    I haven't done any exercising this week yet...my body is hurting all over so I will wait till the pain gives me a break..then do my video exercising....it is raining spits then drizzles here so no outside trips today..My fibro is in high gear today ...so I will wish everybody a great day..and be back another day....

    Liz fr Halifax,Nova Scotia

  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Lucy – I really enjoy going to our “farm team” games as well, the Colorado Springs Sky Sox are the AAA club for the Colorado Rockies. It’s weird, I think our team is the only one that has their farm team in the same state as the major league team?!?

    Bev in Colorado – Welcome! Where are you in our lovely state? I love your goals of pampering yourself over the course of the month

    Jodi – Thank you!!!!!!!! Really don’t know why I haven’t thought to borrow exercise videos from the library, I’m there every week! (meno-brain??????) :wink:

    Meg – OMG yes, couldn’t agree a more about “downward dog” AND chasing the cat LMAOF :laugh:

    Suebedew – No, not me re: selling house, it was (probably) another Colorado Gal Laura80111
    (okay, embarrassed, but what does RAKs mean????) :blushing:

    Michele – I roast the beets for 45 minutes at 375

    Amanda – So sorry to hear that you’re dealing with such stress, it’s hard to be the “responsible sibling” I know. Be sure to take moments of self-care as you’re dealing with all this. Virtual hugs and prayers out to you!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Heather – Absolutely love “musn’t grumble” I am now adopting that as my very own catch phrase :bigsmile:

    Brooke from Colorado

    “The only people you should get even with are those who have helped you.”
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good morning my lovelies! :flowerforyou:

    I've only been up for a hour and a half and am ready to go back to sleep. :yawn: :yawn: I don't know what's wrong with me lately. I have no energy whatsoever. After losing 50 lbs. you'd think it would be the complete opposite! :grumble: Part of is my sleep patterns I know that. No matter what time I hit the sack, I seem to wake up a lot, toss and turn and never feel rested enough when I awake. Once in awhile I take Tylenol PM but lately even that doesn't help. May go to the doc just to be on the safe side since it's more of a feeling of fatigue then just a little tired and adding my vitamins again. Will at least try to get a walk in with the boys and maybe that'll perk me up.

    Vickil57 - I'm so sorry about Sassy! Making that decision to do what's best for your pet is never easy! Hugs! :brokenheart:

    Laura80111- Just read about Peanut. Our pets become such an important part of our family. I feel your pain, been there myself!

    Annabubba- I too was married just under 25 yrs. when my now ex decided that the grass was greener on the other side and left. Excellent goals you set for yourself! Just focus on you for a bit and life will start to look better! My DH and I will be celebrating our 12 yr. anniversary this month. :smile: I so agree with the quote that Brooke shared with you! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!

    Lucy-I hear you! It is still so hard for me not to slip into old eating habits and unfortunately stress has led me astray lately. Find myself just going to the fridge and grabbing. Luckily the contents of my fridge are healthier now so haven't done to much damage yet. Believe me, I am not a big exercise fan by any means just fortunate to have found exercise I really enjoy-my Water Zumba classes are so much fun. Maybe just try to find something that you'd enjoy doing that wouldn't seem so much like exercise? Glad you're here with us! Always enjoy reading your posts! :flowerforyou:

    Alice in IL- I'm in IL too! :happy:

    Tigress-Congrats on the good blood sugar numbers!

    Meg-OMG laughing so hard about naked cat story :laugh: :laugh:

    Sue in Tx- I do love my Water Zumba and Water Aerobic classed even though I can't swim. The pool at the gym only is a little over 4 ft at it's deepest, which is why I love it. Don't have to worry abt drowning. :laugh:

    Connie(Colograndma)-Kudos to you on the mini trampoline!!! If I was to try that, I'd promptly fall off and either land on my head or break on ankle! :laugh:

    Amanda-So sorry that you are dealing with all this basically on your own and that your siblings are being so selfish! Try to carve out some time for yourself to recharge! :heart:

    Joy-I did shed that last lb to make 50, my ticker just didn't change for some reason. Still have a bit to go but pushing on!

    Finally caught up but no more time to reply but want to give a very warm welcome to all the new posters!! :flowerforyou:

    Best wishes to all!

    Kathy in IL:drinker:
  • Liz_Mfp
    Liz_Mfp Posts: 172 Member
    Kathyszoo - Sorry to hear you are not feeling rested. Are you over-exercising? I don't know anything about sleep but that would be the first thing I asked myself :-) Doc sounds like a good idea.

    LizPlus - hope your fibro eases up on you soon

    YannieJannie - congrats! on being your lowest weight and so close to goal.

    CityJane - I'm glad you are doing well at Yoga. I won't even "go" to yoga yet because I can barely move and have no muscle tone. It's on my list for "later"

    Sunshine - great 4+ miles and fun cut from your time

    DeeDee- that's what I do...come here and read, get dizzy, can't remember anything, and then I disappear like a stalker. My June goal is to keep coming back and post here

    tiarapants - sorry to hear about the family stress, that's a toughie

    grandmallie - potato salad, yum, unfortunately it does the same to me. I find I have to be really wise in food choices or my scale doesn't go down (not to be the master of the obvious here...) I'm still half wishing we can eat fun stuff and still lose weight. That's why I'm here, to get that paradigm shift

    wizzywig - glad you found an online workout for yourself. I'm the same way with mindless snacking. I'm getting better but I have room for improvement!

    colograndma - good going on the trampoline - be careful :-) - I wouldn't last seconds jumping :-)

    Hello to everyone else. I will try to read a bit and post a bit.
    Take care, keep up your good goals and efforts!
  • lynnyweb
    lynnyweb Posts: 4 Member
    Good Morning all...Lynny from Oklahoma here;

    Going to want to keep up with you gals so I am posting my June goal...yes only one for now.
    I just learned what a BURPEE is, and after many you-tube video watching sessions, I believe I have it down. What a great all around exercise. So my goal is to become a BURPEE expert by June's end.

    Goal: Daily increase of 5 BURPEES = end of month should be doing 150 per day...wow that seems like a lot, wish me luck :wink:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Jodios: I’m happy to see you post again. You have been missed.:flowerforyou:

    Tigress: Happy to see that you’re taking good care of yourself. Congratulations on good blood sugar numbers. :flowerforyou:

    Meg: Cheese is good food if you don’t over do it on a daily basis, but I wish you luck in finding a less fatty recipe. We had pork ribs, which were yummy but a real fat festival. I’m thinking it is okay for a rare treat.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Thanks for the link. I looked at a few pages and discovered there are a LOT of choices.:flowerforyou:

    Viv in York, UK: It is good to see you again. Thinking about biscuits, which I think we call cookies… I haven’t had them since October when I started this adventure. I have found that 5 raw almonds are 35 calories and make a good snack. My other goto snack is 72% dark chocolate squares, which are 50 calories each. I find I can have just one. Good luck finding the treats you can enjoy without going overboard.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda: I’m sorry you’re having such challenges with your dad’s health. It appears that for this issue, you are an “only child.” I really am an only child and can’t be grateful enough for the support my husband gave me when my parents were failing. I have no idea what to say about dealing with your siblings other than try to avoid bitterness. Perhaps you can relieve frustration by tacking their pictures on a dartboard . . .:devil: :flowerforyou:

    Joy: Thanks for the pumpkin recipe. I’ve written on a card and saved it so I’ll be able to find it whenever I want.:bigsmile:

    Liz: I’m sorry you’re finding taking the weight off so difficult. I’m experiencing this process so much differently. I haven’t given up a single thing I like, but I count calories ruthlessly and focus on portion control. The weight loss isn’t speedy but it isn’t unpleasant, either. Exercise plays a big role for me. DH can’t exercise due to health problems, so his progress is slower than mine, but he is also taking weight off and improving his health.:flowerforyou:

    Brooke: I love today’s quote. “The only people you should get even with are those who have helped you.” :flowerforyou:

    Yoga today! Yay! I look forward to this class. It is a morning class and the other students are women in our age group. I like that we all seem comfortable at similar difficulty levels. I do need to get going. We have a long to-do list for the day and DH isn’t even up yet.

    Have a great day!:flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
    June goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Hey! I want to join! My goals for June are:

    1) Walk at least 1 mile and do 30 crunches each day 6 days per week;
    2) drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water each day; and
    3) loose 10 pounds.
  • nanmal
    nanmal Posts: 1 Member
    New to this blog. Need to lose over 40lbs. Good idea to have short term goals.
    drink more water
    no eating after 7pm
    do some activity every day
  • lvsglass
    lvsglass Posts: 90 Member
    Hello and thank you for the invite! I'm Jolene and 55. I am at a 104 pound weightloss and plan to be on this journey for the rest of my life so I am delighted to find this group!

    Goals for June:
    Enjoy my vacation, including eating, but still be thoughtful about my food choices.
    Strength train 3 times a week
    Walk 3 times a week
    Yoga 3 times a week
    Enjoy some new clothes

    Jolene. Beautiful Northern CA
  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Testing .... this is a picture of me kayaking on Sunday (if it works)

    Still doing it wrong :grumble:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    Liz Mfp. - like Katla my yoga group is nearly all older women. I think the oldest is 77. We all have something that doesn't work properly. The teacher is marvellous with us, so I think it is just a matter of finding the right group. When I started there were loads of things I could not do and I have bad knees and weak wrists. Last year I injured my knee very badly and attended the class anyway as I enjoy the company. I did most of it sitting on a chair! :laugh: It's all fine.:flowerforyou: