Why do people hide their food diaries on here?



  • ezziepug
    ezziepug Posts: 57
    I ask that same question when I first joined MFP. And, I received some of the same answers. My diary has always been open and public since day 1. I have nothing to hide. How can the MFP community support you when you hide your diaries?
    So very true, I agree 100%!

    Not everyone is on the site for community support. Some people are using it as a tool to keep track of their intake, not for everyone else to keep track of it as well.

    That's me as well. If I wanted feedback on what I am eating from the forums, I would likely open my food diary up, though. For now MFP mostly serves as a place to track my food and exercise for me alone.
  • emmamaelee888
    emmamaelee888 Posts: 18 Member
    I share mine, and would love to friend others who also share theirs as I find it very helpful to get ideas of what others eat to give me new ideas and stay on track without getting bored of the same ol' things add me if you want to share diaries :-)
  • obwize
    obwize Posts: 102
    Because I don't want other peoples opinions on what I eat. One will say too much carb, another will say too much fat... and I have done my own research and am doing my own thing. Others opinions are neither wanted nor appreciated.

    Also, I don't always put everything in. I know calorie content for most of the things I eat, but not all. So at the moment I don't log everything. I use it to check on things. So people would think I'm starving myself. But as it turns out, it is quite possible to eat more than I log...
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    I have an autistic child to care for, so my time is limited...so you can quit directing the attitude at me now...Thanks.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I don't log calories anymore, but when I did my diary was closed. I have had experience with disordered eating and don't find it remotely helpful to have my food choices scrutinized.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Mine is closed because cocaine has calories.
    it does?? no *kitten*.....no wonder I am not losing...
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    Because it's none of your business what I eat.

    My friends.....I don't care if they see.

    The problem is I don't care what you eat...I was just wondering...I have an autistic child to care for, so my time is limited...so you can quit directing the attitude at me now...Thanks.

    Unfortunately, a lot of animosity seems to be coming from you. Many are simply responding to your question-you seem to take someone disagreeing with you as a personal attack towards you.
  • ggxx100
    ggxx100 Posts: 520 Member
    Mine is closed because cocaine has calories.
    it does?? no *kitten*.....no wonder I am not losing...

    Puh-lease...everyone in the know has discovered that coke is the best diet ever-especially when combined with a daily pack of Marlboro menthols.
  • chubaway
    chubaway Posts: 1,645 Member
    Why do you keep your age a secret? Why do you keep your location a secret?
  • Sublimely_Self_Righteous
  • LassoOfTruth
    LassoOfTruth Posts: 735 Member
    Mine is closed cuz i know colonel sanders recipe, and its listed in my notes;)

    That's fine, as long as you don't have the Busch's Baked Beans recipes then I don't care. ;)
  • vet272
    vet272 Posts: 183
    This is the whole reason most of us signed up for MFP - our own, private, personal eating and self-accountability wasn't working.
    i know this wasn't/isn't true for me and i don't know that it'll be true for most.

    the tool itself is a HUGE draw for me. i imagine it is for others too.
    you just tap in your meals and *CLICK* you instantly know how much protein you're eating, whether you get enough fibre or (in my case), with the 'reports' function, what impact hormones have on appetite during the month.

    the message boards are full of all manner of interesting things, problems, pictures, funnies.

    i think you're making a leap too far there.

  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I see this question pop up every now and then and it just cracks me up that people get so offended and put out if someone else has their food diary closed. I just don't get it. Mine is closed because 1. what I'm doing is working for me and I'm not looking for any advice, 2. I only quick add calories so it's of no help to anyone to look at it anyway. I can understand someone struggling asking people to look for help, or someone doing awesome showing off their recipes for inspiration, but some of us are not looking to be a role model or looking for your opinion, so really, what does it matter?
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    Your time is limited, yet you have enough bandwidth to wonder about others' diaries?
  • faely
    faely Posts: 144 Member
    I ask that same question when I first joined MFP. And, I received some of the same answers. My diary has always been open and public since day 1. I have nothing to hide. How can the MFP community support you when you hide your diaries?
    So very true, I agree 100%!

    Unfortunately, you're assuming that the entire MFP community is supportive. In my short time here I've seen a lot of support but equally as many trolls and vindictive, rude people that could care less about other members and are only here for their own entertainment. Even if people "have nothing to hide", most of us are here because we have issues when it comes to food and/or exercise. We don't need the trolls to counteract the changes we're trying to make.
  • Sandy3313
    Sandy3313 Posts: 140 Member
    When I started on here I had no clue about an open diary until someone said something to me...then I changed it. so maybe they don't even know it's closed.... I personally think it should be open it helps other people who need help to lose the weight see what the people are eating that are doing well.....but either way it doesn't bother me!
  • wwwdotcr
    wwwdotcr Posts: 128 Member
    Noticed all the pot smokers are always so skinny too... even though they eat a ton.

    If only alcohol had no calories :(
    Mine is closed because cocaine has calories.
    it does?? no *kitten*.....no wonder I am not losing...

    Puh-lease...everyone in the know has discovered that coke is the best diet ever-especially when combined with a daily pack of Marlboro menthols.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Because if you aren't on my friends list, why are you checking my diary? Mine is open if you are a friend, otherwise, it's closed.

  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Because it's my business and I want to. I don't need anyone criticizing my choices or telling me I shouldn't eat things based on their opinions. The only person I would be hurting by not being honest is me. It's my responsibility to myself. I have had friends that would put things in that weren't true just to impress other people and that was ridiculous. I finally closed mine after getting tired of people telling me: "Oh you really shouldn't eat that."
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    Cos it's none of your beeswax? Why do you care what peeps is eating, unless they specifically ask "what's wrong with my diet?"
