21 day Challenge - JOIN IN



  • jezy_jass
    jezy_jass Posts: 328 Member
    Ok so I've been really bad about logging things (but have been doing them) so I am just going to start today as my day 1 for this round!

    Day 1 (6/4) - Bocce (60 minutes) & going to try to get some squats, push ups & ab moves too!
  • bjune5
    bjune5 Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome:happy:
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Round 3 - Day 12 - 04 June 2013

    GPS watch data (walk) = 3.35 miles / 5.39 km *** 51.43 minutes ***374 calories *** 3.8 pace

    plus a few min stretching and 45 crunches!!

    Keeping it moving!!

  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    @ etaylor

    Great work on your R2 / D5 great mix of training / walking and gardening!
    R2 Day 6 - 2 mile walk is nothing to sneeze at... and I agree with the PMS stuff ... dang it!! lol
    impressive addition of strength training and closet cleaning!! :)

    @ kcaffee1

    Great work on Round 3 Day 1 - great gardening work ...I LOVE gardening!
    R3 / D2 - walking, weights and pool!!! Awesome work!

    @ tmccarter11

    **** Great work on your Day 5 - running, walking and leg work - great variety... take time to heal... :smile:
    Day 6 - walking / squats / house cleaning and cooking! Wow! Great fit day!

    @ bjune5

    ***** Look at you go! Glad you joined us to record your fitness!! It certainly helps motivate!!
    Great work on Days 1 - 6!

    @ Jezy_jass

    Day 1 - tell me about Bocce (do you mean the back yard game?) ... great training with that too!

    You all impress me so much!! Thanks so much for being part of this challenge!!

  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    Welcome back Jezy_jass! You have accomplished a ton between check ins, way to keep moving!

    @ etaylor - Better lady than I am! (Over did it yesterday, and haven't been able to MOVE today!)

    @ tazmac - congrats on getting through your final days and still managing to get your walking/movement in!

    Round 3, day 3 - stretching - 20 minutes (had to break it up into 5 minute segments because I hurt so bad!)
    HRM pedometer reports a grand total of 21 mins walking - total distance .73 miles

    You ladies rock! Keep it up!
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    Round 2 Day 7 -- C25K for 31 min. legs hurt like hell from yesterday. 12 min walking to get back to my car. Goodnight.
  • jezy_jass
    jezy_jass Posts: 328 Member
    Round 2 - day 2 = hoping to get a nice outdoor run or bike ride in after work!! Just as long as the rain stays away long enough! And perhaps some hula hooping in during commercials (I only have 1 show that I regularly watch but still feel I need to do something active during it)
  • bjune5
    bjune5 Posts: 70 Member
    Day 6 (6/3): Went as planned to gym after work and did the Butts and Guts class.
    Day 7(6/4): Step class; Great burn! My legs are on fire!

    Everyone make a plan and do the plan.
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Round 3 - Day 13 - 05 June 2013

    25 - 30 min of walking today - to and from places.....not a "dedicated walk"

    Keeping it moving!!

  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor - great run! Lots of water, some mild stretching, and likely an NSAID will help with the muscle screams. (At least that was what my trainer recommended for me, minus the NSAIDs when I over did it. ::grins:: )

    @ jezy_jas - Hope you got a dry ride in. And, that hooping sounds like a fun way to make the commercials actually worth something!

    @bjune - Congrats on your success so far! Keep up the great work. I know classes can be the right push for some folks, and it looks like you've found a fun way to keep things going.

    @ tazmac - You moved, that counts! Doesn't have to be dedicated in my book. Great job today!

    Round 3, day ??
    POOL TIME!!! Wasn't sure how long I was going to last in the water though. Hit the pool hungry to start with, and feeling a mite light headed. (::Holds out the 2X4 for whom ever wishes to whap me upside the head for that one.::) I know, not smart, but I didn't realize how hungry I was until I GOT there, and it was a half hour home, so decided to go ahead and just make it a short swim. Yeah, guess again smarty pants!
    1 hr 40 minutes later, I crawled out of the pool after finishing 1200 m total! New personal best! (Sorry, can't help bragging on that one!)
    400 m butter fly
    800 m each breast stroke, free style, and back stroke
    Don't ask me how I managed to pull off THIS accomplishment, but I'll definitely take it!
    Oh, and toss in 32 mins of random walking as reported by the HRM pedometer.
  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    2 Day 8 -- took it outside again today. Back to the green belt for a 2.43 mile walk.
  • Lilloise
    Lilloise Posts: 25 Member
    Is it too late to join in???

    If not I'll start from Tuesday

    DAY 1: 2 x 40 min gym sessions (rowing, elliptical, cycling, ab work, walking)

    DAY 2: Nike Training "Cardio Surge" 45 mins

    DAY 3: Personal Training session 45 mins (lots of upper body work and boxing - my arms will hate me tomorrow!!)
  • stucookney
    my girlfriend is obsessed with these 30 day challenges, and has got me in to them too!

    i found this website - www.30dayfitnesschallenges.com and it has loads of them on there!

    for june i am doing the squat and arm challenges! as they are quick and easy to do!

    hopefully they will help :)
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ etaylor - You are doing awesome! Great long (ish) walk!

    @ Lilloise - It's never too late with us. Welcome to the challenge. We have a few who are on their 2nd,3rd, or 4th round, we have a few who are just starting (like yourself), and we have a few who are well into their 21 days. We try to give encouragement and support, and I know that I am personally looking forward to seeing your check ins! (As for sore muscles - my trainer said that mild stretching after and/or the next morning, and lots of water will help keep that soreness down. I tend to toss in some type of pain reliever as well when I seriously over do it.)
  • bjune5
    bjune5 Posts: 70 Member
    Day 8 (6/5): Group Bootcamp class.
    Supposed to be a group of about 8 of us girls. However, I was the only one that showed up! :noway: So it was a personal session!

    Husband suggested I take a rest day today. I have haven't taken one since LAST Tuesday.
  • bjune5
    bjune5 Posts: 70 Member
    kcaffee1: Swimming! I wish I knew more than the basic stroke. I love the water.

    stucookney: Thanks for the website on challenges. Having a challenge lately has really made me stay focused.
  • tmccarter11
    Day 7-did a 2 mile walk this morning. i havent worked out in two days because i have been so tired. like, worse than i ever felt. today is my 3rd day without caffeine and i am kind of starting to wake up today, but its a slow process. I decided to quit drinking caffeine becuase i was drinking too many energy drinks throughout the day. i hope this lethargy passes soon.
  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    @ bjune - Don't you love the unexpected bonus days like today? Great work, and I hope you had a blast!

    For the swimming - try checking with your local Y or community centers. I'm seeing a general trend (locally, at least) for some adult swim classes cropping up on a more regular basis. Knowing how to swim can be a life saver, especially if you love hitting the "beach" with youngsters.

    @ tmccarter - congrats on your day 7.

    I've been caffeine free for a little over 6 months now, and I remember when I first stepped off the stuff - loggy/groggy all day too. If you haven't tried it, something that really helps me get my eyes cracked open first thing in the morning now is the Walmart brand drink mix powder "Blueberry Acia Energy". No caffeine, just a bunch of B vitamins. Most days it helps. (Unless I'm actually short on sleep, then NOTHING helps me. ::Grins::)

    Round 3, Day....

    Weight room - 60 mins picking up and putting down the heavy stuff - including myself. I've managed to graduate past the body weight work on most lifts, but I still can't do a pull up/ chin up to save my soul.
  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    Round 3 - Day 14 - 06 June 2013

    A great variety today!!!

    walking about / 20 min (to / from lunch ... to / from afternoon meeting)

    GPS Watch data = 3.7 pace *** 2.84 miles / 4.57 km ***311 calories *** 44.47 minutes

    stretching & 45 crunches

    mowing the lawn / 30 min

    weeding garden / 10 min

    Calls for rain (end of a tropical storm - Andrea) for the next couple of days.... so really went at it today!

  • Trishajac
    Trishajac Posts: 482 Member
    @ etaylor === Round 2 Day 7 -- great work on your C25K and your extra walk // Round 2 Day 8 -- Great walk @ the greenbelt 2.43 miles!! good going!

    @ Jesse === Congrats on completing your 1st Round of 21 days!!! (I think I missed that!!) Great work!! // Round 2 - day 2 = hope you got in your run or bike ride!!

    @ bjune5 === Great work on your Day 6 (Butts & Guts) and your Day 7 Step class... I've not done Step classes for years!
    Wonderful Day 8 with your Bootcamp class

    @ kcaffee1=== For keeping track - It may help to put your date with your day in your Round.... or scroll back thru (if it matters for you) :happy: Great work @ the pool!! and your extra walk! - Great work on your next day with the weight room work!! excellent!

    @ Lilloise === Welcome Lilloise!! We love to have new people join in with us! Kcaffee once again has given you the lowdown (Thanks K!) ... we are all at different "days"... but all working together.... if that makes sense! We look forward to your posts! // Great work on your Days 1, 2 & 3!! making great use of the gym! good going!

    @ stucookney - - Thanks for your contribution!!

    @ tmcarter == Good for you on your Day 7. Don't worry if you miss a day or two... have to wait for the energy (less the drink) to kick in :happy: ...

    Yay TEAM!!!!
