Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    So this morning I made myself bacon, eggs and toast to start my day off. Even started cooking some for my husband to surprise him when he gets home from work. Of course, today is the day he decides to go grocery shopping and is making pizza. :huh: He still ate the bacon. :smile:

    Friday Fitness:

    Friday - 30DS
    Saturday - Zumba & 30DS
    Sunday - rest (suppose to be gorgeous out so maybe some basketball at the park with the kids)
    Monday - Aqua Fit & Weights & 30DS
    Tuesday - 30DS
    Wednesday - Aqua Power & Weights (30DS rest day -- I know I can't do Aqua Power and that on the same day)
    Thursday - 30DS
    Friday - gym & Weights & 30DS

    Have a great day!!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Tina~Great job with the 30DS. Funny story, I was looking through my DVD cabinet the other day for a Wii game and found that DVD - I had no idea I even had that, it’s never been opened! :laugh: Enjoy and have fun at the reunion.
    @Karen~Enjoy the Cubs game!
    @tlh0407~Awesome workouts yesterday!
    @Laura~What an awesome purge, it feels so good to get projects like that done. Hope all goes well with the yard sale.

    Friday Fitness~Well, as we all know I was benched from any kind of exercise this week. :sad: My back is not 100% but is feeling better so plan to go to the gym tomorrow for a light workout and then spend some time in either the sauna or hot tub. I do have a session with my trainer scheduled for Sunday – he knows about the injury so hopefully he’ll find some stuff so as to not exacerbate anything. He used to be a physical therapist so I'm sure he'll come up with something. Not much planned for the weekend, meeting my mom for lunch tomorrow – otherwise probably low-key.

    Have a great day!
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Who knew that Carmello was a universal addiction... I shouldn't be surprised they really are quite amazing....

    Grapefruit is new, I don't think I'd EVER eaten one (I'd tried some of my moms once when I was young and thought it was GROSS). Now I"m learning that if they are ripe and juicy they are pretty darn tasty!

    Friday Fitness - I have no idea. I'd LIKE to take MowMow for a walk on Sunday (it's supposed to be a nice day). It depends how tired i am. I haven't hurt like this since I worked retail during the Christmas rush...15 years ago. I went home last night and crashed at 7:30..and slept straight through until my alarm went off @ 6:30 this morning. I'm trying to cover ALL of the other electrical tech's duties and do my own work so I can show that even though he's not here, I can handle it! The final count on my runkeeper last night (I've been tracking all my running around at the office) was 19.75 miles in 3 days. Coming off all my illnesses where I was pretty sedentary that was a hell of a way to get back into the swing of things. There was a staff meeting yesterday (which I'm not invited to since I'm a contract employee and they might discuss TOP SECRET stuff :tongue:) A co worker came back and said that the group suggested to our manager that I get an award (usually a gift certificate to a local store) for my hard work this week covering for Jeff. That gave me a warm fuzzy, my hard work didn't go unnoticed. My contract is coming to an end so I REALLY want to pick it up a little and show that they NEED me. :happy: so they'll bring me back after my 100 days hiatus. The idea of unemployment is scary but if I know I'm coming back... a 3 month unpaid vacation might not be bad.....

    Susan - I really hope you get that housing situation settled. I can understand the frustration in paying rent that is higher than a payment that would lead to you actually OWNING the real estate. I do agree that renting was MUCH easier and there were other things that were MUCH cheaper. Lower electric bills, no water bill, no garbage bill, and cable included in my rent (before they stopped that) was nice. I managed to resist calling in and spending the day eating junk food but I DID wind up swinging my the grocery store and picking up take out chinese (which was AWFUL), TWO apple fritters, and some Good and Plentys. A ridiculous trip since I don't LIKE good and plentys (threw all but 1 serving of them out), and I FORGOT the damn eggplant that I went in there for..... /sigh

    Jolt - I don't do Zumba exactly but I do have a Latin Rythym dance DvD that I quite like. I haven't tried it in a while, when I got it was still a bit above me.... there was no way I could force all my bulk to move the way that chick was wiggling.... I should try it again now. Maybe this weekend...

    Tina, Tracy, and Skinny - 30DS ROCKS. I did that a while back and it was really amazing. A great calorie burn in such a short amount of time. Not to mention it's a full body workout (according to the incredible pain I was in). I love that you can find it on youtube for free!

    GrandmaKaye - Drive safe and enjoy your time with your Grandkiddies!

    MaryPoppins - Wow, what a busy cleaning binge! That's great, our complex is talking about a site wide yard sale and I'm going to dig through the joint this weekend and see if there is anything that can go. I purge as I go so... I'm not sure I'll find much to make me coin..

    For all our teachers, I found this and thought about you all!
    Teachers by KrisMowBook, on Flickr
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    For all our teachers, I found this and thought about you all!
    Teachers by KrisMowBook, on Flickr

  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Fitness Friday- WOW!!! I just realized WHY it seemed so odd that everyone has their fitness planned for the week..... not everyone wakes up in a different world each morning!!! I do have goals.... crunch/squats 3x a week and cardio 3x a week. But when they happen are up to the vertigo.

    tlh0407 - Bacon is a favorite here too!!! Though raising our own eggs allows us to enjoy eggs even without bacon!!! LOL!!!

    MaryP- all that cleaning sounds GREAT!!! And next comes that awesome feeling of having a pretty, airy, functional, pleasant home!!! ENJOY!!!

    Kah and Jolt- Both Texas gals!!! Hope your back gets better soon, Kah....

    Skinnyjeanz- Have fun and my trick when drinking is to make myself have one glass of water after every drink.... I will also drink soda or tea if I wish but the water is non-negotiable. Then I can enjoy the party all day/night and not over do!!!!

    mummoid- Here's hoping your dizziness is simply a by product of the sinusitis and all will be resolved quickly!!! Get well!

    Tina- Enjoy your weekend!!! I love family reunions (we have 3 this summer!)!!! My DIL is finishing pharmacy school soon!!!

    To all doing the 30DS... YOU are my HEROES!!!! I am cheering you on from the sidelines!!!!

    I also am happy to report that I lost 2.75 lbs. this week, was the weeks best loser, and am only .5 lbs. from officially entering a new decade, though my scale put me there this AM!!! I was FLABBERGASTED!!! I have never been so consistent with calories and exercise and weight loss except when I did Nutri-System... never on my own plan!!! Thank you all for being inspiration and support!!!!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Friday fitness:

    Well, this week has been a mess.

    Saturday: parkrun and badminton DONE
    Sunday: badminton DONE and swimming too.
    Monday: morris dancing DONE
    Tuesday: circuits? A run? NOPE
    Wednesday: maybe badminton at the club Nope, but run & strength training in the park DONE
    Thursday: run NOPE but did strength
    Friday: badminton NOPE just some walking and pottering. Probably strength later.

    I've spent most of this week decluttering and that's gone pretty well (my desk is clear, with room for everything I need on it and space by the side for papers and things I'm currently working on), but the flip side is that I've eaten loads of junk, got really grumpy with my family, and taken almost no exercise though I've managed some strength routines.

    Next week:

    Saturday: parkrun
    Sunday: maybe another run
    Monday: morris dancing & strength in the park
    Tuesday: swimming if the weather is nice
    Wednesday: run
    Thursday: cycle
    Friday: badminton
    ...and at least three strength...

    @Tracy -- our outdoor gym is the one mentioned in this article: . When I went on Wednesday the trainer was there and I got to ask about designing sets, get advice on using the assisted pull-up machine, and have her look at the way I was doing lunges. So it's great, sort of like having a personal trainer except without the $$. She's talking about doing mini-boot camps in the morning so I'm going to try to go along on Monday. And I've been doing a ton of decluttering in our bedroom, and it's so much nicer and more restful now! I do still have one shelf unit to clear out though (and we *also* have a spare room, and a cellar, and a shed, and a garage, all of which have loads of junk in them, so I'm not going to be done for a while). That arm workout is fantastic! I just did it right now (you know, only 10 minutes) and it's really perked me up. I'm going to look at all their other routines now.
    @Caramel -- I bet you will *rock* that bikini!
    @Kelley -- I think outdoor gyms work in the UK because it's reasonably temperate all year round -- it doesn't get so cold in winter that the equipment would be damaged, and it's not so hot in summer especially at the beginning and end of the day.
    @Jolt28 -- I've done Zumba a couple of times -- I have the Wii game which is a laugh but rather hard, and there's a fantastic Zumba teacher round the corner from us. I think it's brilliant as long as you don't get fretful about not doing the right moves or not being as skinny as the teenagers!
    @Tina -- good luck with 30DS!
    @Laurie -- happy birthday a bit late...

    So, big change today -- I have switched my tracker to show 'pounds to go' instead of 'pounds lost', now that it's 50. I always had a sort of plan to do this, so I'm very excited and I'm hoping it will give me the stimulation to get back on the wagon as far as weight loss goes because it's still very very stable at the moment.

    Have a fantastic weekend, everyone!

    -- Alison
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    tlh - of course he did! Who turns down bacon?!? I am constantly in awe of your fitness goals... really really want to get the zumba dvds so I can do it at home.

    kah - It's okay to take a week off now and then, it's not going to derail you, promise.Take it easy and don't re-injure yourself

    Mowmow - um... yes. Caramello bars are my pitfall. Every single time. Grapefruit are pretty awesome if you're craving citrus. :) It's always great to know people noticed all your hard work. :)

    Marca - Go, you!!! That's an awesome loss!

    To those commenting on the purge.... you have No. Idea. I've been with my husband for ten years. That ENTIRE TIME I have been trying to have a yard sale that never happens. During that decade, between his family and mine dying off, we've inherited probably 3-4 extra households worth of stuff. One of the aunts that died was seriously a hoarder in her own right, so a lot of it was hers. Our garage, our spare room, and our full length full height basement = floor to ceiling STUFF, including furniture. There are seriously boxes the contents of which have not seen daylight in twenty years. We are able to use our bedrooms, the living room, and the kitchen is barely functional. I've compacted the insanity somewhat by periodically reorganizing the usable areas and insisting that this or that piece of flotsam find another home, but it's been slow going. I finally had the great grand-daddy of all conniption fits last week and demanded that we rent a uhaul and start loading. Three straight days we spend sorting and reorganizing what was left. We're nowhere near done. It's going to take at least one more truck load that size to finish with the garage & spare room, and we haven't even started on the basement. Which, so help me God, WILL be done before the real heat of summer hits in July, so that when the AC gets cranky and doesn't want to work, we can sleep downstairs. I am going to be the Wicked B-tch of the Midwest every spare minute until it is DONE. I refuse to live like this through another winter.

    Friday Fitness

    Like some I don't tend to plan specific days for specific activities, because my schedule is so up in the air, but today was declared the day off, and I'm taking my son down to the park, as it's barely 70 degrees out and SUNNY. Tomorrow is a baking day, plus I have worship rehearsal in the morning. Sunday's always a wash. Monday is small group night, so I'll get some zumba in, there are a few die hards in the group. I can't plan further out than that, I never know what's going to happen. XD

    The garden is coming along nicely... the strawberries are producing, and as the plants figure out that they're not in pots anymore, the berry size is improving. My hot peppers are starting to set fruit, and the tomato plants are growing. There is salad and spinach coming up everywhere it was seeded, the herbs and other veggies are doing well, and the bush beans and sugar snaps are appearing already. My short-season corn is going in either today or tomorrow, along with radishes & carrots. My husband has resigned himself to being picked on for the rest of this season because he didn't listen to me and I am forced daily to pull grass and baby dandelions out of the garden from the sod being tilled under instead of removed. (*wicked grin*)
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Today, Maryland and states along the East coast have been hit with tropical storm Andrea. The rain has been extremely heavy at times and we could have flooded streets tonight. Consequently, it is safer for me to stay home instead of rock climbing tonight. :grumble: The last thing I want to do tonight is drive home in torrential rains and that is what we are expecting. I will be climbing tomorrow. This will work well since I wanted to rest anyway. :bigsmile:

    The school I work at lost power today but sadly the did not send us home. Something about lunch being served qualifies us for a full day. It went off about 10:20 and did not come back on until 1:30. We had the 8th graders on a field trip so we left shortly after the power went out. Luckily for us they did not lose power at the high school. The students were able to visit the hight the majority will be attending next year. It was nice but long day.

    We have a birds nest built on top of our rain gutter under the eve of the house. I guess the robin wanted to find a safe and dryer area to lay her egg. We know she is sitting on eggs but not sure if they have hatched yet. It will be fun to watch them.

    Hope everyone has fun doing the 30 DS. Good luck with it. I am not a fan of working out at home so that is not the program for me. I think I will be sticking with a higher intensity cardio and core routine and see how that goes for the next month.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I love the pictures of the owls for the before and after the school year ends. LOL:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Workout goals-
    Saturday- Gym for core DONE
    Sunday-Bike Ride DONE- 16 miles
    Monday- Gym REST
    Tuesday- Rest GYM DONE
    Wednesday-Gym with Trainer and maybe rock wall BOTH DONE
    Thursday- REST Birthday celebration DONE
    Friday- Rock Wall NOT DONE Storm and rains:sad:

    Goals for this week 6/8 to 6/14
    Saturday-Rock climbing or gym
    Sunday- REST several fun things planned
    Monday- Gym with trainer
    Tuesday- GYM-
    Wednesday- Rest
    Thursday- gym
    Friday- rock climbing
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Bump :smile:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    We had a great drive today. The Columbia River was beautiful, the deepest shade of aqua I have ever seen, covered with white caps and wind surfers. We could see Mount Hood ahead of us for good part of the day. The clouds were really beautiful, too, and very unusual.
    The board has been busy today. It looks like everyone is having a great week. Marypoppins, I'm not sure how you can burn very more calories than that kind of cleaning! Its really intense. Good luck.
    Have a great weekend. I plan to.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Sitting on my patio is nice and cool. I wish the inside of our home was but I am enjoying sitting outside. It is helping a lot. Today has been stressful and receive some news from my family that is very disturbing do it just added to my stress level. Right through the roof. So grateful for this time. Now I am hoping to just turn my mind off.

    @Kaye sounds like a really nice drive along the Columbia River.

    Wishing everyone a good evening will be back later.

    Being open let stress get me and I ate a candy bar on the drive home.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @liz--so sorry to hear about your stress levels--I hope the family issues resolve themselves quickly. And don't beat yourself up too much--candy bars happen. :ohwell:

    @kaye--sounds like a lovely drive!

    @laurie--I'm glad Andrea didn't turn into a full-fledged hurricane for you guys on the East coast. I'm also not a fan of working out at home, but I'm going to try to push myself to do so with the 30DS. Planning to start today so we'll see how it goes.

    @laura--good luck with the continued purge. We've been in our house for 12 years now and have one bedroom that's turned into a catch-all. One of my goals last summer was to clean it out, but it never got done. :grumble: Needless to say, it's at the top of my lists for this year.

    @alison--I've thought about doing the same with my ticker, but I'm not sure how much I really have to go. As a consequence, I've just left it as pounds lost.

    @marca--yes, I try to do the same when drinking--water in-between does wonders to slow down the alcohol intake and also keeps you hydrated to alleviate that hangover. I did really well yesterday--had fun but managed to not drink too much. :drinker:

    @kris--loved the owls and yes that is a pretty accurate picture. :laugh: And, yes, I plan to use the free version on youtube--in fact, that's what helped me choose it over insanity since I had trouble finding that one. Glad to hear your co-workers are showing some appreciation for all of the hard work you've been doing!

    @kelley--hope the workout goes well tomorrow.

    Saturday Success:
    Well, I was up at 8 this morning feeling great (= no hangover) so I'd say that's one success. Been putzing around the house, but need to get out for my walk with gunner and then will do day one of 30DS. I also really need to clean that fish tank before all of the fish die so that's my other big goal for the day.

    Trying to decide what to do for the Hawks game tonight--not sure if I want to go out...

    To do:
    1. Vacuum area rugs
    2. Scrub bathroom floor
    3. Clear clutter on dining table
    4. Deal with potted plants
    5. Clean fish tank

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--core NOT DONE but walked gunner instead
    Tues--walk gunner DONE (2 walks actually)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym RAN OUTSIDE INSTEAD
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE
    Fri--rest (faculty cubs trip so lots of walking)
    Sat--walk gunner + 30 DS
    Sun--walk gunner + gym
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Well, the busy week caught up to's 11:31 and she's still sleeping!!!! :noway: Jacob was at a sleepover and I need to run and pick him up soon, so very quiet morning at my house. I didn't do any cleaning because I want Emma to sleep as long as her body tells her to.

    Got the 30DS in yesterday, but not until really late as I didn't even get home until 11:30. We sang at the Ordination Service for the Dakota Methodist Conference. I've never been to one and it was very moving. During the last part, they ask for people who have been touched by God to lead, teach etc to come forward and pray. Some young adults were very moved and it was wonderful to see and very moving. Wow!!

    Friday - 30DS DONE
    Saturday - Zumba & 30DS
    Sunday - rest (suppose to be gorgeous out so maybe some basketball at the park with the kids)
    Monday - Aqua Fit & Weights & 30DS
    Tuesday - 30DS
    Wednesday - Aqua Power & Weights (30DS rest day -- I know I can't do Aqua Power and that on the same day)
    Thursday - 30DS
    Friday - gym & Weights & 30DS

    @kah - hope your lunch is enjoyable and that your workout is gentle enough to not cause you pain and hard enough to make it worth it

    @MyMOwMOw -- my kids won't let me eat a grapefruit by myself. They come up and we take turns with sections -- one for me, one for Emma, one for Jacob and its been that way since they were old enough to walk. :flowerforyou:

    @Marca -- Awesome loss!
    @Alison -- hope you enjoy that gym...sounds great (but as someone mentioned, the humidity in my part of the country during the summer would leave it very empty)

    @MaryPoppins - that type of mess/clutter would drive me insane. Glad you are getting it taken care of so you can enjoy your "whole" house again. And yes, that's going to be an amazing workout as you do it.

    @lauriek - hope you made it through the storm ok

    @grandmakay -- pretty jealous that you are travelling in such a pretty section of our country. Enjoy your vacation!

    @Liz - hope all works out with your family. You are in my thoughts.

    Its raining here so that should help keep me in my house doing laundry -- I have PILES! Enjoy your Saturday!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone! I went to take gunner for his walk and it was so nice out that I decided to turn it into a run. Did 3 miles than came in and did my first day of 30DS. I think running RIGHT before doing it is a bad idea :laugh: --man was it hard! I forgot to wear my HRM so I just logged it as circuit training. Will try to remember to wear it next time.

    @tina and tracy--I found a thread on here called 30 day shred friends. It's for people just starting 30 DS. :flowerforyou:

    Now I'm going to clean my fish tank before showering. Yuck.

    To do:
    1. Vacuum area rugs
    2. Scrub bathroom floor
    3. Clear clutter on dining table
    4. Deal with potted plants
    5. Clean fish tank

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--core NOT DONE but walked gunner instead
    Tues--walk gunner DONE (2 walks actually)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym RAN OUTSIDE INSTEAD
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE
    Fri--rest (faculty cubs trip so lots of walking)
    Sat--walk gunner RAN w/him instead + 30 DS DONE
    Sun--walk gunner + gym
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    a little jealous of all this talk of clouds and rain. we're at ONE percent humidity and my plants are dying INSIDE the house. people are really not meant to live in the desert lol
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Wowzer--I am such a moron! I clean the fish tank using a hose that attaches to the slop sink in my laundry room. The water pressure acts as a siphon, and then I can also use the hose to fill the tank. Anyways, I always move the washing machine drain hose out of the way while cleaning the tank, so I don't get yucky fish water all over it and the lint trap. Of course, some of you have already guessed that I forgot to move it back and did a load of laundry. :noway: Completely flooded my laundry room and part of my kitchen before I noticed! The worst part is, I've done that same thing in the past--you'd think I'd learn! :blushing:

    So even though I didn't plan it, my laundry room and kitchen floor got a very thorough cleaning today. As I was cleaning I could also see/hear the water pouring through the trap door into the crawl space. It's a pea gravel crawl, so it should drain and dry itself--I just hope DH didn't leave any tools or other belongings down there.

    After that fun adventure, I decided I was in desperate need of a starbucks, so gunner and I went for a ride through the drive-thru. We also stopped for gas and a car wash, so even my break was productive today. :smile: Now I'm going to tackle my potted plants. I have a few that have died from neglect, so I need to re-pot some of the still living, and empty the dirt out of the ones that no longer contain living plants.

    To do:
    1. Vacuum area rugs
    2. Scrub bathroom floor
    3. Clear clutter on dining table
    4. Deal with potted plants
    5. Clean fish tank DONE

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--core NOT DONE but walked gunner instead
    Tues--walk gunner DONE (2 walks actually)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym RAN OUTSIDE INSTEAD
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE
    Fri--rest (faculty cubs trip so lots of walking)
    Sat--walk gunner RAN w/him instead + 30 DS DONE
    Sun--walk gunner + gym
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    Saturday Success - A complete 5 piece bedroom set has been removed from the property. *happydance* A couple we ran into at Goodwill last week saw us unloading furniture and asked if we had any more, since once it's inside the GW doors it's GW's property and I couldn't give it to them. Well, an actually nicer quality set then the one they saw was the one we swapped out of my mother-in-law's room this past week. Called & emailed and they finally made it over here today for it. That's a full height dresser, a chest of drawers, the attaching vanity mirror (it's huge), the night stand, and the bed-frame w/ attached head and foot boards. GONE. *happydance*

    They also smelled the bread I'd just taken out and I sold two loaves. :happy:

    Tonight I need to bake some cookies after the munchkin goes to bed. I skipped two of my usual sale days this week because of The Purge (as y'all have so aptly christened the ongoing activity), so if I show up to church tomorrow with anything less than serious yummies, I'm going to have some very disappointed customers.

    I'm eating hearty at dinner so I'll be less tempted to sample the dough. :blushing:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Late check-in, it turned out to be a busy day. I made it to the gym this morning, I didn't want to go in whole hogged, so did a light workout on the arc trainer. After that I met my mom for lunch and got the grocery shopping done, then roasted about 5# of chicken breast for salads - which I still need to shred.

    @Karen~Yikes! I can't imagine what a mess that must have been to clean up, the positive spin is that the floors are clean now! You definitely deserved that run to Starbucks.

    ETA: I forgot to do Saturday Success. No weight change for me this week, considering no exercise I'm not surprised. I'm just glad I didn't gain anything. But my success comes from my mom, when she walked up to me she said I can't believe how skinny you look - that felt amazing so I'll take that over what the scale says any day. :bigsmile:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kelley--I know, I'm trying to look on the "bright side" that the floors are clean. Still doing laundry from the clean up. :ohwell: What a great NSV--and from your mom! I think that's a double compliment b/c moms love us no matter what and tend to not see our flaws, meaning they sometimes take longer to see our elimination of those flaws as well.

    @laura--sounds like a very productive day!

    AFM--I updated all of my measurements and took "before" pics for 30 DS. Kind of mad that my measurements were up a smidge from when I last took them in December. :grumble: However, I wanted to have a "true" gauge for my progress with the program.

    To do:
    1. Vacuum area rugs
    2. Scrub bathroom floor
    3. Clear clutter on dining table (did some)
    4. Deal with potted plants DONE
    5. Clean fish tank DONE

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--core NOT DONE but walked gunner instead
    Tues--walk gunner DONE (2 walks actually)
    Wed--walk gunner + gym RAN OUTSIDE INSTEAD
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE
    Fri--rest (faculty cubs trip so lots of walking)
    Sat--walk gunner RAN w/him instead + 30 DS DONE
    Sun--walk gunner + gym