Early Risers here??



  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Good morning everyone. Hope you all are doing great this morning. I blasted my legs this morning and am feeling the effects of it now.

    Jwhited71-Wow great job, you get a lot done before most people even think about opening there eyes. Welcome aboard.

    Celtbelle-Happy 3 years, tht is great. See everyone we can do this. Keep it up.

    BflSaberfan-Hey as long as you get up that is great. Doing Insanity is tough but outside as well. Keep it up. You might inspire neighbors to do something as well. At least you kept the birds entertained. Lol. Have a great day.

    nicoledfinn-Welcome, That is cool that you and your hubby are doing Insanity. How are you both liking it and how far along are you both with it? My wife tried it without having much exercise experience except way back in Taebo came out. She did a little bit then switched to 10 minute trainer for now. I like that you are getting all your sleep in. I really want to try to get to be early but its tough to do that and then if I do get to bed early I find myself extra tired. It isnt easy but do keep it up. If you need an extra push, feel free to come back here and post.

  • _Tara_R
    _Tara_R Posts: 688 Member
    Good morning everyone!! Feeling so good today!! Work-out was good. I hope everyone is having a great day!! :)
  • Hey everyone!

    I have been getting up early and walking but just for 15 minutes really ... then I do some breathing exercises. Energy is low,low,low!! I have split my 30 minutes walk into 2 sessions -morn and eve. Something is better than nothing right! :tongue:
  • ksuetorres
    ksuetorres Posts: 139 Member
    I (yawn) get up at 4:45, brush my teeth and get into my workout clothes. By 5AM I'm doing a Jackie Warner DVD (Mon-Wed-Fri) or walking (Tu-Thu) or treadmilling if the weather is bad. I have to be done by 6, and ready to leave for work by 6:45. (yawn) Some days it's sure tempting to roll over and go back to sleep, but even when I let myself blow off the workout I can't go back to sleep. So I usually just get up and hit it. Then I'm so glad I did!
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    Morning workout-er here! I am up by 5:20 a.m.-5:45 a.m., depending on the length of the workout. I finished up Les Mills Combat right after Mother's Day and right now I am alternating between Tapout XT and LMC in the morning, and then adding some Stronglifts 5x5 at my company's on-campus gym on days where the morning workout does not include a strength component. This morning was Cross Core Combat (Tapout XT).

    The morning time is MY time--the house is quiet, and it's just me and my DVDs in our basement. I put out all of my workout gear the night before, and usually I'm pretty good about not hitting snooze. This week is a little more lax because while my 12 year old son is doing a half-day summer camp, he doesn't have to be there until 9 (whereas during the school year school started at 7:25 a.m.).
  • evelynfarmer
    evelynfarmer Posts: 135 Member
    Me, Me, Me.... I love how I feel after a morning workout, and then sometimes try an afternoon/evening workout too.
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    Up at 4am... WOD starts at 5am sharp. Dead by 6-6:30 am.
  • I've tried for years to be a morning person....it's never going to happen. I'm lucky I wake up for work!
  • jessykab74
    jessykab74 Posts: 167 Member
    I get up at 4:30am, in the gym by 5am ......after one okay sometimes two cups of coffee. Add me if you would like, always looking for motivators :)
  • gparks
    gparks Posts: 56 Member
    Early riser here, I start at 4:30 a.m. I have lost some mometum and is now trying to get back in the grove of working out. Please feel free to add me.
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    I'm up at 4:30 am, in the gym by 5-5:15 am.

    M,W, F - I do strength training and heavy lifting.
    T, Th, Sat - I am doing the C25K program.
    Sundays - rest day.

    I get up, get dressed, wash face, brush teeth, pull hair back, eat a banana, fill my water bottle, and go.
    Get my workout in, then get home, protein shake, shower, make coffee, and head to work.

    Yeah, that's right. I DON'T have coffee before workout. hahaha
  • SylentZee
    SylentZee Posts: 262
    Lift at 6am before work.

    Cardio 8pm after dinner.

    It's rough sometimes :-/
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    I'm up at 4:30 am, in the gym by 5-5:15 am.

    M,W, F - I do strength training and heavy lifting.
    T, Th, Sat - I am doing the C25K program.
    Sundays - rest day.

    I get up, get dressed, wash face, brush teeth, pull hair back, eat a banana, fill my water bottle, and go.
    Get my workout in, then get home, protein shake, shower, make coffee, and head to work.

    Yeah, that's right. I DON'T have coffee before workout. hahaha

    I can not drink pre-workout coffee at that time either. But I do drink a protein shake... and try to remember to brush my teeth. But at that time of the morning the other 6 people in the gym do not seem to care either
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    I'm up at 4:30 am, in the gym by 5-5:15 am.

    M,W, F - I do strength training and heavy lifting.
    T, Th, Sat - I am doing the C25K program.
    Sundays - rest day.

    I get up, get dressed, wash face, brush teeth, pull hair back, eat a banana, fill my water bottle, and go.
    Get my workout in, then get home, protein shake, shower, make coffee, and head to work.

    Yeah, that's right. I DON'T have coffee before workout. hahaha

    I can not drink pre-workout coffee at that time either. But I do drink a protein shake... and try to remember to brush my teeth. But at that time of the morning the other 6 people in the gym do not seem to care either

    No one really cares about my breath but me. Brushing my teeth and washing my face help me wake up in the morning. Otherwise I go right back to bed... haha
  • Mlkmaid
    Mlkmaid Posts: 356 Member
    I'm an early riser - have been since I had kids - and so is my husband. He gets up at 4:30 every morning and works out for two hours before he goes to work. I get up about 5:15 and start swilling coffee because it takes me a while to wake up and I enjoy the quiet. In the summer I run really early to avoid the heat - I like the mist on the lake at the park near my house right after sunrise. It's so peaceful to run there. My earliest yoga class is 9 a.m. and that's once or twice a week. In the winter I run whenever but usually in late afternoon.
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Good afternoon EARLY RISERS! I have been MIA and not posted cause I was away for a long weekend but I'm back on track and routine as of this AM. Since I got home Sunday night late I did not get up for workout in the AM on Monday. Went hiking with the kids in the PM but it was pure torture cause my oldest cried and wined the whole way down.:sad: :sad: :sad: Great reminder of why I need to get up in the morning and do it while the kids are still asleep and I don't have to take them.:bigsmile: That's exactly why I made sure to get up this morning, hahaha:laugh: Well tomorrow I do Chalean Extreme (lifting) so hope to get up by 5:00.

    Have a good night everyone!
  • nicoledfinn
    nicoledfinn Posts: 40 Member

    My other half is doing really well, his guns are returning, lol. I am not doing insanity, can see why you may have thought that reading my post back. I am currently doing slim in 6, not brave enough for insanity yet! I moved to level 2 quite quickly, but find it very repetitive. I have to stick with it though, hoping to move onto 30ds after, then I will think about insanity. Myself and exercise do not have a good relationship, we are working through our issues. Considering c25k, but not sure i could do it yet. I live really close to the beach so would be ideal during the summer months!

    My relationship with sleep is a relationship that does not need work, I could sleep for England! Lol
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    HI All you Early Risers -

    I have been typically getting up at 4:45 and try to run/walk on M/W/F and on T/TH I use the ellipcial. My goal is to start the day w/at least 10k steps. I need to start getting up at 4:30 as I want to re-start my Insanity Program. I completed one full cycle at the beginning of the year and like it for the push ups and other upper body moves.

    Like a lot of you, its easier to get out of bed in the summer months. Looking forward to getting to know all of you.
  • jojoboxing
    jojoboxing Posts: 118 Member
    I just seriously started my journey to health mid May 2013. I'm trying to be an early riser since when I work days I need to leave home 6am and don't get home until 8-9pm. I prefer AM workouts because I start losing my motivation to workout as the day progresses. For now I am walking, doing kettlebells and calisthenics. I may rejoin a gym as I continue to lose weight because that is something I have always enjoyed since I was 15. Seeing this thread is inspiring me to try to wake up even earlier than my 530AM I have been shooting for.
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Hello People!!!
    Today was a well deserved off day although I had a hard time staying in bed at 4 am. Alarm did not go off but body was saying "Get up, Get up!!" Lol. Ever get that feeling? Yesterday was Beast Cardio but I knocked it out later in the day. I was up early but got caught up answering e-mails and responding to people's questions about wanting me to help coach them. It's awesome to see that people really want to take control of there life and lose weight and make me there Coach. I referred them to this thread as all of them told me that they would like to workout in the AM. So look for more AM warriors in the coming weeks.

    Soontobemomma-glad you are still walking. I agree it is better than doing nothing. Hope to get more updates from you.

    Ksuetorres-Welcome, Yep I agree if i skip a workout I feel like my day is not complete and feel glad that I worked out even if it is before I go to bed. Jackie Warner is that the lady with short blonde hair? I think she had a tv show as well about her gym.

    emjaycazz-Welcome, you AM warrior. I was considering LMC after I finish BodyBeast but I wanted to get some info on how it compares with say Insanity. I know they are two different animals but having come from Insanity and how intense that workout is I would hate to try LMC and feel like it is too easy. Since you are doing Tapout are they about the same or is one more intense as the other. LMC does not have an informercial out like tapout.

    Yep AM's are my time and I am like you I get the dvd's all my weights ready for whatever routine I am doing. Beast Up Baby!!! Welcome aboard.

    Evelynfarmer-I've done that too and it does feel good to change it up but I am mainly an AM riser.

    Williams67-How long are the WODs themselves? Do you go to a gym to do them or do you do them at home?

    Lydia-dont say that lol. Welcome.

    Jessiekab74-welcome aboard What workout routine are you following. Wish I can get a cup of coffee down but that would mean a 3:30 wake up time. Sorry but will not happen. Lol.

    Gparks-Welcome I am always glad to get more and more people coming in here. What are you currently doing for a workout?

    Tinak33-Wow you get a lot done and all planned out.. Love it...

    SylentZee-2 workouts in a day. That is great. Must be seeing some awesome results... Yes it must be rough...

    Gorilla-Yea Im considering the coffee but it may take some time to kick in and plus the warm coffee would probably make me want to crawl in bed but... If I brew it the night before an throw it in the fridge... hmmm...

    Mikmaid-Welcome tell your husband to chime in here. a 2 hour workout is awesome. I am jealous of you for being able to run along a lake. The closest thing to a lake is a canal that is about a mile out. Not really fun, but what you described as far as sunrise seems like that would be a great site to see.

    Insanity2bSan-Welcome back, Atleast you got something in. So is it Chalean Extreme that youa are doing or are you alternating with something else?

    Nicoledfinn-Insanity is no joke of a workout. When I transitioned from P90X to Insanity I thought I was in great shape but I was wrong. The warmup even killed me. I tried to get my wife involved with Insanity but she is having trouble with it and and switched to 10 minute trainer. I may pick up slim6 for her. How is slim6? What you like about it? I want to see if it is a good fit for her.

    Suzy-Welcome aboard. You will definitely get some steps in with all the moving from Insanity. Bring it on!!

    Jojoboxing-Welcome aboard man. Got your friend request. You joined a great thread. Are you following a routine for the kettlebells and calisthenics? We are here for ya.