A Frustrated Girl who Runs and Lifts



  • jpinge
    jpinge Posts: 71 Member
    Long distance running is absolutely awful for body compositions. Especially THAT long.

    Diet, lift, and SPRINT. You will be incredibly lean in no time.

  • JeffseekingV
    JeffseekingV Posts: 3,165 Member
    I think the more interesting fact in this thread is the OP said she benched 185lbs.
  • YogaNikki
    YogaNikki Posts: 284 Member

    Lmao. My thoughts EXACTLY.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Well this thread certainly took a turn since the last time I looked at it a few hours ago.

    FYI to the OP, you may want to listen to Sarauk2sf. The reason she has so many posts is because she is very knowledgable, especially about body recomposition and lifting and spends a lot of time and effort helping others. You'd be wise to listen to her. And I agree about the body shaming. Not okay. Stop it.

    ^this. Sara helps a lot of people. Not only does the body shaming on here appall me, but the attacks on Sara just blow my mind. and OP, you bring up some thing on her profile and don't even know why. Just doing it to cause a stir. Best of luck on your goals. Too bad for you that you'll miss out getting to really know one of the most supportive, helpful, and knowledgable people around.

    I can't believe anyone would actually bash or even DOUBT what Sara has to say!!! She is probably THE most knowlegable and helpful person on this WHOLE site- especially when it comes to lifting and body composition.
  • agdyl
    agdyl Posts: 246 Member
    How much do you eat? With all that cardio and weight training, you should eat a LOT! You need to fuel those workouts.

    Yeah I agree. That was probably my problem...along with the wrong types of food. Its easy to convince yourself that a slice of pizza wont matter because of what you just got done doing.... I was only eating about 2000 calories a day....and I was burning on average 3600. This information was from my bodymedia device.

    I wonder if it's not now much you're eating but rather reactions to WHAT you're eating that caused the weight gain. You could theoretically have food sensitivities to gluten or cheese or preservatives in pepperoni or something like that that are causing you to retain water and feel bloated (and 10lbs isn't unimaginable). If you're not eating pizza (or other things) when you aren't doing the distance running, maybe that is the problem rather than the actual running? What happens if you just eat more of what you'd normally eat when you're lifting while you're doing the distance running?

    I'd also agree that if you love the distance running? Do it. Maybe it's just me, but I think the enjoyment of a sport that you love is more important than having perfect abs.
  • norrisski
    norrisski Posts: 1,217 Member
    " Muscle is heavier than fat, but, of course, it is much more compact. " A pound of fat and a pound of muscle weigh the same. How they look on your body is what makes the difference.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    Strong first impression OP

    Slow clapping
  • oohmercyme
    oohmercyme Posts: 279 Member
    In the past month I've increased my running to 30+ miles a week, including 1 long run of at least 16 miles. I've gained 5 pounds. BUT my clothes are getting looser every day. I may have gained a few pounds, but my body overall is smaller and more toned. I eat more now than I did before, but then I eat to train, not eat to lose weight. A three hour run is easily 1800 cals burned.

    I'm so much more than the number on the scale.

    (Oh and this cracks me up:
    "It's a widely accepted scientific fact that sprinters look better than marathon runners!!!! " On what scale of evidence is science measuring good looks?)
  • dontgobacktosleep
    dontgobacktosleep Posts: 144 Member
    Where are you at with managing inflammation and hormones?
  • IronAngel26pt2
    IronAngel26pt2 Posts: 129 Member
    You are doing everything right. Don't worry about the weight, it is most certainly muscle gain from the weights. I went to a sports nutritionist presentation. She explained how the body uses stored energy; carbohydrates you consume for the upcoming exercise first then stored fat. The eye opener was that you have to train the body to move over to the fat consumption and it has to do with time. This is more of your puzzle because of the amount of running and the time. I suspect because you now have more muscle your body can store more energy and use it while running before it has to move on the stored fat.
    I encourage you to talked with a sport nutritionist not just because you are clearly into the exercise and have a specific goal but also you can learn quite a bit about how the body functions while training hard. You can then tailor your nutrition to the goals, both event and weight control.
    I am training to cycle 200 miles in a day and would like to lose 20 pounds. I could have listened to the nutritionist for hours!
    Just my two cents worth.

    Thank you. This is great advice.
  • IronAngel26pt2
    IronAngel26pt2 Posts: 129 Member
    4) She wants a healthy blend between her lifting and her running and a sub-16% body fat percent. Running less is the way she's going to get there, unless she suddenly doubles her running speed, in which case she's also going to lose a lot of strength and muscle mass when she leans out She can't have the development she wants and keep up the marathon without changing her body composition. She has to choose what she wants more.

    Yeah, I think this is what it boils down to.

    Yes. Thank you.
  • IronAngel26pt2
    IronAngel26pt2 Posts: 129 Member
    I have cut down on my miles significantly and now only running 3-6 miles on the days I run. I do more weights and see much better results. I am sure you have thought of this, but what are you are eating on your long runs? Gels, jelly beans, ect. Those hold a lot of calories. I have trained with other runners for marathons and half marathon and they had the same issue as you, but after the run they would be starving and make bad eating decisions. During the run they would take way too many Gels!

    Thanks this is exactly what I will be doing. Also you are right i made bad choices while training. ...but I was starving lol
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Lol what I meant was its a fact that sprinters have better body composition. If someone prefers looking at a walking stick, that's fine! To each his own. If you're arguing that the average marathoner is as attractive as the average sprinter, then you're just in denial. Sprinters look like fitness models lol

    And also by the way, THE OP DOES LOOK GREAT. I agree. She's awesome!!!

    Was just conveying the physiology of it. Sprinting promotes positive effects and hormonal effects that maintain muscle mass and even build it, promote fat loss and leanness more than any other form of exercise. Long distance steady-state cardio does the opposite. Like it or not, that's fact. And honestly, like it or not, a person of the opposite sex will be more physically attracted to said sprinter type physique 9 times out of 10 lol. Sorry if it isn't politically correct enough for you.

    Aesthetically, there is no "better body composition". Why? Because it is entirely in the eye of the beholder. Stop acting as if your personal preference applies to everyone. Your opinion applies only to you so just stop making wild overgeneralizations and stating it as FACT. It isn't a fact and will never be a fact, it's personal preference (your very narrow personal preference).

    That is all.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member


    LOL not even close.

    I am so glad you've finally put your finger on that elusive universally attractive body type.

    Me, I actually prefer my guys skinny. I also like them without traumatic football-induced brain injuries and with a modicum of taste and tact.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member

    LOL not even close.
    Come on guy. How can you be this clueless? There are many different people with different goals and desires. For you to come here and say that a specific body type is 'gross' is beyond insulting. There are marathon runners here who have that body. And are happy with that body. You don't decide whats attractive to everyone. Just to you. I think guys who wear glasses look stupid. I can't say that all women would agree with me. Its just my opinion. By the way..I don't actually think that. But to insult a whole group of people sharing this same support site with you is pretty douchy. Even you have to see that.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    I find the female body type on the right extremely attractive. The one on the left I honestly wouldnt touch with a ten foot pole lol. I don't know of any male or female that would disagree. Not fact, but pretty widely accepted and agreed upon!



    LOL not even close.

    Wow, my mind is honestly blown by how rude and judgmental people can be.

    Yes, many people find the bodies of sprinters more attractive. Yes, the OP does not want the body of a marathoner. This has been established. FOR 7 PAGES. And you're STILL posting things shaming the bodies of marathoners?

    Serious marathoners don't do it for the body. They do it because it's what they love and they want to be the best at their sport. I'm sorry, is there something so wrong with that?

    I mean, how disrespectful can you get? Come on.
  • aFootballLife25
    aFootballLife25 Posts: 63 Member

    LOL not even close.
    Come on guy. How can you be this clueless? There are many different people with different goals and desires. For you to come here and say that a specific body type is 'gross' is beyond insulting. There are marathon runners here who have that body. And are happy with that body. You don't decide whats attractive to everyone. Just to you. I think guys who wear glasses look stupid. I can't say that all women would agree with me. Its just my opinion. By the way..I don't actually think that. But to insult a whole group of people sharing this same support site with you is pretty douchy. Even you have to see that.

    Admittedly, you're right I totally shouldn't have worded it as rude as I did. Wasn't expecting to offend anyone personally. Was just giving my opinion.
  • FunkyTobias
    FunkyTobias Posts: 1,776 Member
    Was just conveying the physiology of it. Sprinting promotes positive effects and hormonal effects that maintain muscle mass and even build it, promote fat loss and leanness more than any other form of exercise. Long distance steady-state cardio does the opposite.

    "There isn’t a single elite 400m program that doesn’t use at least 3 days of low intensity, high volume tempo work (some even opt for things like a 20minute run on grass). Their volumes are higher than [100m] sprinters, but generally similar intensities for the majority of the time.


    A large proportion (3 or more days per week and a majority of the total weekly volume) of a 400m runner’s training is done at low aerobic level intensities.


    at it was the high volume of low intensity tempo work that kept his sprinters lean. Not the short sprint work they were doing (which was short sprints with massive rest) but the high-volume, low-intensity work that kept them lean.

    Now, you might counter, but 400m guys are muscular. Yes, because of the time they spend in the weight room. It has nothing to do with the sprint work they’re doing.


    If 400m runners are lean due to anything, it’s genetics combined with the overall training load which, I’d note again, is predominantly made up of low-intensity work with fairly low volumes of (non-interval) speed work tacked on.

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Seriously? The reason why marathoners are thin is because each pound of extra body fat adds about 2.4 minutes to their total time. It's a choice that they make and work hard at to be elite.

    If you are training simply to finish a marathon and eat at a sufficient amount, it's not going to happen to you.

    It's one more thing to add to the MFP list of things not to worry about accidentally doing.
  • _chiaroscuro
    _chiaroscuro Posts: 1,340 Member

    LOL not even close.
    Come on guy. How can you be this clueless? There are many different people with different goals and desires. For you to come here and say that a specific body type is 'gross' is beyond insulting. There are marathon runners here who have that body. And are happy with that body. You don't decide whats attractive to everyone. Just to you. I think guys who wear glasses look stupid. I can't say that all women would agree with me. Its just my opinion. By the way..I don't actually think that. But to insult a whole group of people sharing this same support site with you is pretty douchy. Even you have to see that.

    Admittedly, you're right I totally shouldn't have worded it as rude as I did. Wasn't expecting to offend anyone personally. Was just giving my opinion.
    Is there anything we can do to get you to stop? This is after all a support site.