Fit For Future Families



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    "BRING BACK MY CAKE" and everyone went silent.

    LOL!! Super funny!

    Is is ever!!! LOL

    Mellie - Sorry to hear you got your visit. It's always worse when it hides for a while (both physically and emotionally).
  • Oh my goodness! There is so much to reply to, I hope I remember everything.

    First of all - tahmed - your cake story made me laugh out loud.

    Fitterpam - I LOVED the story about no wedding ceremony music and your friends humming. What a great story to laugh about and what awesome friends!!

    Mellie - I'm so sorry you're having a bad day. I hope you feel better soon.

    Jalara - I hope I don't sound ridiculous, but what/where is PEI? I've been trying to figure that one out...

    Everyone who shared funny wedding stories made me laugh. You girls are all great. :laugh:
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    I love all the wedding stories! I luckily didn’t have anything go wrong the day of the wedding, but I think that’s because everything went wrong the week leading to my wedding. I too had an outdoor wedding & reception but we decided to try and risk an end of September wedding (thankfully the weather was great)! The day before the big day our tent was delivered, and well… it wasn’t all white, instead it was canary yellow and white stripes! It looked like a hot dog stand! We luckily were able to drape cloth on the inside to make it look ok, and I just avoided taking pictures of the outside. The tent wasn’t as stressful as having my dress not yet delivered until a 5 days before the wedding!

    So best of luck to you Jalara, hope your day either runs smoothly or the unexpected surprises are welcomed ones!

    tahmed – I loved the cake story! Made me laugh!

    Hopeful – Prince Edward Island (PEI) is in Canada, beautiful place to go for a honeymoon, I wish I had done that.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,599 Member
    Thanks for all the stories girls!

    Hopeful - PEI is Preince Edward Island - it's just off Nova Scotia (Eastern Canada). If you've ever heard of Anne of Green Gables, that's from PEI.

    Tahmed - That's too funny! How awesome of a story is that!

    So far, things aren't too bad. I'm done workat lunch today, which is great, then off for my final dress fitting, and to get my veil steamed. Problems so far: one BM is annoying me badly, and the other ddn't order the dress sh said she did, and ordered the one my MOH is wearing...whatever. I'm getting married!
  • LHuffman24
    LHuffman24 Posts: 175 Member
    Jalara- Have a wonderful time this week and weekend!! I love weddings, and can't wait to see photos of the beautiful bride! Congrats to you and your (soon-to-be) husband!
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    todays my weigh day and I was nervous since Im fighting a head cold so I havent worked out as much and when Im congested I tend to wanna eat alot.


    SW 200
    LW 165
    CW 163!

    so 2 lbs down. Super excited. I gotta update my signature so 37 lbs gone to date woohoooo. Im sooo close to 40. Im hoping maybe just maybe next week Ill hit the 40 mark. Thouh I still feel absolutely huge. My monthly picture (decided on monthly) will be taken next weigh in.
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    You're doing GREAT CudyBug! I would love to be in the 160s again!
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Jalara - 4 more days!!! Enjoy every minute of it from here on out. How is your ulser doing???

    Cudy Bug - Congrats on the weight loss.

    I am seriously thinking about writing a letter to God, the President, and everyone else in the world who may have control over the two week wait (2WW). I think it is the wost thing I have ever dealt with. It is so tormenting. My brain is spinning! Do you think maybe they (God, the President, Mother Nature, Whoever) could maybe make it a 1 week wait instead??:ohwell:

    AF just needs to come, or be gone for the next 9 months...the waiting is driving me bonkers:cry:
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    pmaria- Yea Im just amazed. I havent been in the 160s since before I got pregnant the first time. So uhh 6 years ago almost. Im still trying to get the fat girl blinders off. Everyone says how great I look and all but all i see is a fat girl still. I know IM not thin or even close yet since Im only 4 foot 11 inches BUT Im wearing clothes I havent worn in 6 years. Everything is too big instead of too small. Not when I hit 40 lbs down I may just hit the ceiling with excitement. I still have alot to go but Im more confident then ever.

    Oh and Im still finding it strange to be called an inspiration whenver I post on wieght loss boards. It makes me smile every single time. But im still going and calling others inspiring. it just hasnt really hit me yet that I have made so much progress , i guess. Anyways I am pretty excited to see whats to come and I can not wiat untill next year when TTC and being one of those moms with the little baby bump that I was envious of before.

    As for weddings. I really didnt plan my wedding. We wantd to get married of course but whenit came to doing it we just kinda wung it. And it was last minute since we needed to get married before my husband left for bootcamp. We were just going to have his step dad marry us since it was cheaper then paying at the court house but then his mom invited everyone and made a big deal outa it and then my mom insisted I get a new dres (ended up being a prom dress clearanced to 20 bucks but was gorgeous) I can say although at the time I thought it was silly to make such a big deal out it (seeing as we were living together anyways and felt married) I am glad both parents pushed us to make a semi big deal outof it because we have very lovely pictures on the wall even if they were taken with regular digital cameras. I shoudl actually scan and post it. I was the smallest I have ever been then and though at the time I felt chuibby, I look back and WOW did I look great.
  • Hello! I would like to join this group.My husband and I haven't started trying yet but would like to In about 4 or 5 months. I want to try and lose as much weight as I possibly can by that time. I recently had blood work done and had a fasting blood sugar of 105 so my Dr. put me on Metformin. She said that this would help straighten me out and also that it helps increase ovulation.Has anyone had any positive experiences with metformin? All of my other blood work was great and so is my blood pressure.I have never been diagnosed with any kind of fertility issues but I won't know until we actually start TTC. All of this makes me really nervous but I am doing my best to stay positive and am just trying to lose weight and be healthy.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    I tried it about 8 years ago and it did nothing for me. I started again in June on a much higher dose and immediately saw a difference in my cycles. Since then that effect has pretty much worn off....but it has made weight loss a little easier
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Has anyone ever used ovulation predictor kits? Do you have any recommendations, or suggustions? I am thinking of trying them next month.
  • I have only been on it for a few weeks and so far I can't tell much difference. I had fairly regular cycles before I started taking it although they would vary within 3-4 day or so sometimes of when I would have them. I guess I will find out! Thanks for the input :smile:
  • Good morning all. Has anybody had an IUD and got it removed yet? I got mine removed almost two weeks ago and have been expecting AF which I got for like 1/2 a day. What should I be expecting? How long did your doctor tell you to wait before ttc?

    jalara - PEI sounds wonderful. I'm so excited for you. EEEKKKK!!!!

    brannyree - welcome. You will love our thread here.

    tahmed - my best friend used the predictor strips and said they were great. She thought it would take her awhile to get pregnant and didn't want to stress over it because of PCOS and things, but she got pregnant super fast and actually delivered her little baby girl last night. :flowerforyou: :drinker: I was thinking about using them next month too. She said she went to a pharmacy or drug store and bought the ones you do daily. She said they were a little pricey, but worth it.
  • tahmed
    tahmed Posts: 409 Member
    Good morning all. Has anybody had an IUD and got it removed yet? I got mine removed almost two weeks ago and have been expecting AF which I got for like 1/2 a day. What should I be expecting? How long did your doctor tell you to wait before ttc?

    jalara - PEI sounds wonderful. I'm so excited for you. EEEKKKK!!!!

    brannyree - welcome. You will love our thread here.

    tahmed - my best friend used the predictor strips and said they were great. She thought it would take her awhile to get pregnant and didn't want to stress over it because of PCOS and things, but she got pregnant super fast and actually delivered her little baby girl last night. :flowerforyou: :drinker: I was thinking about using them next month too. She said she went to a pharmacy or drug store and bought the ones you do daily. She said they were a little pricey, but worth it.

    Let me know if you decide to use them, and what kind you end up using. Maybe we can compare notes.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Has anyone ever used ovulation predictor kits? Do you have any recommendations, or suggustions? I am thinking of trying them next month.

    Nope - there's always a warning on them that they don't work accurately for women with PCOS (because the hormones aren't "normal")
  • Hi I just found this post. I have been TTC for over 10 years now. I must lose this weight first I do believe. Also, I am on Metformin now as well. I take 2000 mg a day. I like this medicine, personally.
  • CudyBug
    CudyBug Posts: 742 Member
    I took metformin in feb of 2007. It was around the 10th or so that I ended up choking on water in the middle of the night and fainted and scared the crap outa my husband so he called an ambulance. They did say my blood sugar was high alittle but that I just had a vaga vassle which is normal for me. I faint easily. Anyways I went to this idiot dr a few days later who put me on metformin wihtout even checking my fasting sugar or even my sugar in the office. I had diabetes while pregnant wtih my daughter in 2005 and the fmaily history she said was enogh. Anyways she gave me metformin and said it would help me lose weight as well. I figured whatever Ill taake it . Now we are not sure if I was pregnant before taking it or after but according to my periods (which were like clockwork regular) i concieved early febuary. So either I got pregnant taking the metformin or I was pregnant before taking it which would account for fainting the one night. Of course even though I told all the drs I do not take birth control but I didnt think I was pregnant, no one did any blood work for pregnancy. I did end up having my son naturally 3 weeks early and he was almost 8 lbs. I laugh and say honestly I dont even remember having sex in february anyways lol.

    I too was wondering about the IUD. I have one rihgt now and Im wondering when I should get it removed if I want to TTC in april. I have confidence that with charting my periods I can prevent getting pregnant before then. Thats what I did after my first was born and the one month I didnt look at my online calander I got pregnant lol.
  • chelleim
    chelleim Posts: 78
    I have been on and off of metformin since I was about 19. When I took it regularly for an extended period of time I lost a lot of weight. I cannot say whether it helped regulate my cycles because I was also on BCP. However, after I stopped BCP my cycles were still regular. I stopped taking metformin and I gained a ton of weight back which is the weight I am trying to lose now. I am on metformin again and I have started to lose regularly. I am still waiting for my cycles to regulate. The last 3 I have had to take Provera. I find it extremely difficult since I have PCOS to lose weight without metformin and regular exercise. The side effects of the drug for me tend to lessen over time and are only then bad if I eat terribly.

    As for ovulation predictors, I too, like fitterpam have PCOS so they do not help at all. I tried them once but my readings were never correct. It is also very difficult to chart my cycles with CM due to hormones I think I can have fertile CM several times per cycle but it doesnt really matter because I don't ovulate.
  • paldal
    paldal Posts: 154
    Has anyone ever used ovulation predictor kits? Do you have any recommendations, or suggustions? I am thinking of trying them next month.

    I thought you were still waiting for AF or a BFP. Are you planning ahead just in case?
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