Join me...100 pounds to lose!



  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Wow, look at how our group has grown! If you guys get a chance, go take a look at some of this group's members. Some awesome success stories here! I am so excited to have all of you here. SO 2 CHALLENGES TODAY!!!!!!:flowerforyou:

    OK, so for all of you (like me) who are stuck at a desk all day, I have a challenge for the day::ohwell:
    Chair aerobics...gotta love it!! LET ME KNOW how it goes for you.

    Also, I would like to challenge everyone begin a 7 day fitness bootcamp starting today! :wink:

    Here is Day one video, called New You Bootcamp, Day 1 Cardio Workout!

    LET'S KEEP MOVING GIRLS!! Oh, and don't forget weigh in is TOMORROW. Post your progress!!
  • JustKat
    JustKat Posts: 16
    I just joined this site and my goal is to lose 100 pounds and so far I have lost 43 pounds. But it is getting harder and I am finding myself in need of support. My family have been great with this but it is hard to be supportive when you struggle with weight issues like so many in my family do. So I hope that I can find the support that I am looking for on here. Thanks
  • Shaqueta
    Shaqueta Posts: 75
    Hi all,

    I was in the gym this morning and for the first time ever when I walked pass the mirror near the end of my workout this morning I saw that I actually had the sweat spots in my shirt. You know the one's that the guys that are already in shape get because they sweat alot. I had sweat spots in the front an back of my shirt. I'm not a sweating person at all, it takes alot for me to sweat. So This I'm considering a milestone for me. I've been pushing myself in the gym this week and the sweat proves that I'm doing something right! I'm excited

    Just wanted to share that
    Have a great day everyone
  • ksizzle84
    I would love to be a part of this, I need all the help I can get
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,276 Member
    Great challenges! If I don't start today with the boot camp I will soon.
  • chelleim
    chelleim Posts: 78
    I wish I weren't a sweating person. I sweat with little exertion. Great job on breaking a sweat though! It is always great to feel accomplished after a workout and evidence of your hard work just helps!
  • budgetqueen79
    budgetqueen79 Posts: 310 Member
    Add me friend me I'm in!
  • nanny60
    nanny60 Posts: 2
    This is great. Just started today. I was in the emergency room yesterday all day because my blood pressure was 220/120. Very scary. I weigh 240 and I know that is the main reason my blood pressure is up so high. Blood pressure is very weight sensitive. It's time for me to make a change.
  • qbec99
    qbec99 Posts: 8
    I could use all the help I could get for this journey!! Sign me up!
  • JennaGermain
    Add me, too. I'm trying to lose at least 110 lbs, but according to Wii Fit, to be in the ideal range, I'd actually need to lose 131 lbs so, we'll see...
  • janicelarab
    janicelarab Posts: 7 Member
    Sign me up too.
  • ChristyDPierce
    ChristyDPierce Posts: 36 Member
    Wow, YES! Add me! I have 140LBS to lose....i really need encouragement/help! Recipe/food ideas also....Right now I weigh 309.4.....I am 5'11"...I should weigh 175... I HAVE NEVER SEEN THOSE NUMBERS!!!!! The smallest that I have ever been as far as I can remember is like 250LBS and that was before my daughter....born in 2006. I know i can do this...this website keeps me pumped and I know the support group will help out also!
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Hi all,

    I was in the gym this morning and for the first time ever when I walked pass the mirror near the end of my workout this morning I saw that I actually had the sweat spots in my shirt. You know the one's that the guys that are already in shape get because they sweat alot. I had sweat spots in the front an back of my shirt. I'm not a sweating person at all, it takes alot for me to sweat. So This I'm considering a milestone for me. I've been pushing myself in the gym this week and the sweat proves that I'm doing something right! I'm excited

    Just wanted to share that
    Have a great day everyone

    Isn't it funny when you start gettin gexcited about sweat stains :laugh: Good job!
  • Levahna
    Levahna Posts: 132
    Just say this today (the 19th) . Would love to join!!! Will there be a new thread each day or will this one keep continuing on? I don't wanna miss anything :smile:
  • Daniellenoreen
    I would love to join in on this blog too. Anyone feel free to add me as a friend and we can help keep each other motivated.
  • carll001
    Count me in! :smile:
  • joyce185
    joyce185 Posts: 19
    Please add me I have about 130 to 140 to lose 20 down so far :):flowerforyou:
  • iDreamNEON
    iDreamNEON Posts: 112
    Hey girls!! Checking In I Just Finished The Day One Challenge. I Also Went To The Gym Today And Did 30 On The Elliptical. If Anyone Hasn't Added Me You're More Than Welcome Too!

    BTW Those 10 Minutes Actually Got Me Sweating A Little. I Think I'm A Sweat Monster D=
  • sonipalm
    me too add me!:wink:
  • sonipalm
    me too add me!:wink: