Join me...100 pounds to lose!



  • I am in. Yay a place where I don't feel alone.
  • sal05
    sal05 Posts: 11
    sounds like a in!!!!!!!!
  • Add me too, I have 106 lbs to lose and I have all the tools but no supporters that know what I am going through. I am surrounded by skinny people:-)
  • Count me in......I want to lose 67lbs.
  • My food journal is open too.....feel free to look. My #1 goal right now is getting my BMI below 40, so I am no longer considered morbidly obese. I am on the edge.
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Hey ladies! Just wanted to let you know I did the challenge yesterday, and yes I did sweat!! :ohwell:
    Today I did the chair workout, and it was actually harder than I thought! But it felt good to get it done.
    The day 1 boot camp challenge will have to wait till I get home from work. :happy:

    So Shaqueta, sweating is a good thing!

    Keri, I hope you are able to start soon on the challenges. Once you get them knocked out, you'll feel so much mission accomplished! :flowerforyou:

    Vackso7, Yay on the elliptical time, and on doing the 10 minute workout! I love those short ones that get your blood going!

    Justmeinindy, No you are NOT ALONE. Thank God, because before I started this, I felt alone, and miserable, and all you guys made it all better ! :heart:

    Hotpinkmomma, This is the reason for creating this group, so we would be in a group of people who understand what it's like to have major weight to lose...not just those last 10 pounds so I can fit into that size 2 again....I hear people say things like that and I want to scream!! But it's good for them I suppose, just not good for my self esteem. So I get you 100%

    So for the record this group has grown to 71 STRONG dedicated women! We are going to do this together!

    If you haven't already, check out the daily challenge, and the day 1 boot camp workout.

    Also just a reminder, weigh in is tomorrow, and every Friday, so let's see everyone post their triumphs! And remember even if you don't lose, or even gain a little, it's still a triumph because you stuck it out another week!

    We will just keep this thread going, so all of you chime in!!!

    I believe I have added all of you on my friend's list, but if I have missed you, please add me!
    I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! :heart: KEEP MOVING, and DRINK DRINK DRINK that water!

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

    Yep 0 lost...but I just started 2 days ago, so I hope it moves a tad bit tomorrow! :smile:
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Just checking in. checked out both the youtube videos posted as challenges. Need to clear a bit of floor space before attempting :) So I won't get started on them until tomorrow, but will try and catch up over the weekend.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    I'm up 1.2 lbs since Monday - that is substantially better than I was expecting since I've been gaining steadily all week. No clue 1.2 makes me happy and I do relate it to the little bit extra exercise I'm getting with the daily challenges.....they do add up
  • Oh ladies!!! We're beautiful! We can do this!!

    We are Women!!! Hear us Roar!! :o)
  • tiaro
    tiaro Posts: 3
    Count me in. I cannot have enough support! This is such a long journey, nice to have company on the way!
  • I've lost 3.8 lbs this week!!!! I had a really crappy day yesterday and this was the only thing that lifted my mood & stopped me from eating a bucket of cookies. I had a goal to lose 5 lbs by the middle of September and now it looks like I might need to come up with a new goal! LOL!!!
  • roxie_belle
    roxie_belle Posts: 45 Member
    Hi Girls! Can i join you? Havnt quite got 100lbs to lose but close and i could definately do with the support!!!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    I've lost 3.8 lbs this week!!!! I had a really crappy day yesterday and this was the only thing that lifted my mood & stopped me from eating a bucket of cookies. I had a goal to lose 5 lbs by the middle of September and now it looks like I might need to come up with a new goal! LOL!!!

  • TyreeAJ
    TyreeAJ Posts: 3
  • TyreeAJ
    TyreeAJ Posts: 3
    Hello everyone! I'm new to MFP. I joined about a week ago. I was calorie counting 2-3 weeks before this which was suggested by my nutritionist. I lost seven pounds in that time and about three in the week I started here. I would love to join you guys. I think it will not only be support for me but motivation. I look at how much weight some of you have lost and I want it too. It makes me feel like, finally, I can do this! In the process I hope that I can think of you guys as my friends, not just my lifesavers.
  • Shaqueta
    Shaqueta Posts: 75
    Good Morning everyone. Tuesday I weighed in @ 261 this morning straight out the pool I now weigh 258 !!!!!!!!! I'm so happy

    Hope your day's going good. Chat with you all when I get to work. Have a Wonderful Day

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • chelleim
    chelleim Posts: 78
    I am currently up .4 lbs. I usually weigh in on Mondays so I am hoping that it comes off by then. I did change my goal from 1.5 to 2 lbs to lose this week so maybe my body freaked out since I wasn't eating as much. Oh well. I am hoping to more than make up for it next week. I am increasing my walking workouts.

    I am a little worried though because after next week I have to go back to work (Im a teacher). So, I am hoping that I can keep up the workouts. I am not too worried about the eating as I pack my lunch (it is just finding time to eat so I am not hungry at the end of the day).

    Great job to all of you with weight loss! Keep up the good work!
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    238.4 this morning, which is down 5.4 pounds from last Friday. My "official" weigh in day is Sunday so I'm excited to see how much I'm down then.
  • Hello everyone! Hope you will let me join your board. I'm from Upstate NY. I have 2 children middle school age and I am single. I have three goals.

    1 - 20 lbs by Halloween
    2 - 50 lbs by 3/29 my birthday
    3 - 80 lbs by daughter's 8th grade graduation next June

    If I lost that much weight I don't think my own mother would recognize me! I'm 198lbs and 4' 11" so the weight is there it's all there! No room for hiding! If I got down to damn near 110lbs like my doctor would like, I don't think I would have much trouble anymore practicing volleyball with my daughter, or soccer with my son....and more importantly I might not be alone anymore!

    Let's see!

    Good Luck
    Having support on here would be sooooo beneficial as I live in the country and don't know that many people where I live yet!

  • trickyfoxster710
    trickyfoxster710 Posts: 151 Member
    I am in!
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