Join me...100 pounds to lose!



  • Count me in, I joined a week ago but really have not been logging in as I should but now that I have a support group, I will log in everyday. Let's get started!!!
  • LissaP26
    LissaP26 Posts: 20 Member
    Ok guys- weighed today and no change. :( Although I'm a little disappointed, it's ok. Tomorrow is my official 2 week weigh in, and I only need 1/2 pound to actually hit 10 (even though my badge already says 10). I'm keeping my fingers crossed. It's these slow weighs that start to drag you down and just makes you want to dive into the cookie bowl. I just have to keep going. Sooner or later it's got to start coming off again- right??
  • eve180
    eve180 Posts: 51 Member
    I'm in!!! I have began working out again. I am walking 4-5 days a week (3 to 5 miles depending on the day). This week was my first week walking 4 days (16 miles so far this week).:bigsmile: I am exhausted!!! I am preparing for a 5k and 10k next month. This will be a great help. Count me in and add as a friend!!!!!!!!!


    SW 232
    CW 223
    GW 180

    mini goal #1: 215 (9/15/10)
    mini goal #2: 203 (10/15/10) co-worker's baby shower
    mini goal #3: 193 (11/15/10)
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Hey ladies! How is everyone doing????? It's Friday...YAY!!! I'm glad to see everyone posting their weights today, and so happy to see the support this group has been giving each other!

    My weigh in this morning was -2 pounds! WOOT WOOT!!

    Ok, so Chellein, I wouldn't even count that .4...POINT 4? NO, if my scale says I weigh 219.8, then it's 219. :bigsmile:

    Filterpam, you can celebrate that 1.2, at least it wasn't 3.2, and what's with the .2?? LOL Just keep moving and drinking that water!

    Lilladykaite, thank you for that comment, and yes we are all beautiful!

    Jenna, 3.8?????? That's AWESOME!!! You are a force to be reckoned with!

    Shaqueta, 3 pounds for you too in a week! Great work!!

    Chellum, up .4? again, that point 4, I wouldn't even count it. Just keep moving, and you'll see next week's weigh in will pay off!

    CGerman, 5.4, WOW!! I think you get the trophy for the most weight lost for this first week! Way to go!!!!!!!

    LissaP26, just think of it like change = no gain! Still something to be proud of!

    Esmith777, that is awesome that you have signed up for a 5k and a 10k! WOW, maybe someday I will muster up the courage to try to tackle something like that.

    In the meantime ladies, today is day 2 of our 7 day NEW YOU boot camp! So here is the link! It's only 6 minutes, so we can do this!!!!! :heart:

    Enjoy, and HAPPY FRIDAY!!! WELCOME ALL THE NEW LADIES!!! Your imput is welcome and needed! We can do this together! :heart:
  • I have lost 1.5 lbs. this week, that brings me to 3.5 since I joined this site and 10lbs. this year so far......yeah I am hoping to pick up the pace the rest of the year:-)
  • CGerman
    CGerman Posts: 539
    Nice job ladies - we're off to a pretty impressive start!!!
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Yes we are, and this is GREAT!!!!!!
  • I wanna Join....I wanna join :smile:

    Starting my new life today

    Weighting in at 224 pound, height 5'3" so not sure how much I need to lose to be my ideal weight but has to be 100 or more.

    Well done to all of you that have already started on your plans and lost weight already, should be's not easy but you are on the right road and hopefully I will be posting here next week with some weight loss too :wink:
  • clobbyn
    clobbyn Posts: 1
    i'm in!! have more than 100 to lose but a start is a start!!
    i hasd a baby a year ago and can no longer hide under the blanket of "i've just had a baby"
  • Hi Clobbyn...just saying hi because I just joined....maybe we could start together :smile:
  • Levahna
    Levahna Posts: 132
    Weighed this morning and no change since I weighed last Sunday. It wasn't up!! I would have liked to have lost a pound or two but I'm ok with it because I do my biggest workouts on the weekend.
  • kidakiwi04
    kidakiwi04 Posts: 238
    Is it too late to join? I definately have 100lbs to lose as of today I am at 252.5. The week kind of sucked but I am definately looking forward to next week. Also I like the idea of daily challeneges.
  • chelleim
    chelleim Posts: 78
    Chillrose - the .4 lbs doesn't mean too much to me when I gain but let me tell you it means a bunch when I lose!!
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    Chelleim, you're right, I might start counting those points too when I really start losing!!!!:tongue:

    GOOD POINT!!!!!!!
  • ricep
    ricep Posts: 1
    Hello everyone, I'm new to this great site and would like to join this group. Thanks for the tips and motivation. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's successes!
  • chillrose
    chillrose Posts: 290 Member
    So Ladies, tell me what you think of DAY 2 of the NEW YOU bootcamp workout! Love it :heart: Hate it :mad: or wanna smack me?:ohwell:
    Let me know!

    And for those of you who missed it, here are the links to day one and day two.

    Day 1:

    Day 2:

    :heart: all of you ladies!!!!!
  • LightnFree
    LightnFree Posts: 7 Member
    Chillrose, thx so much for starting this group. You have gotten a really good response! Count me in too! My goal is -103. I just joined on Tue and since it's Fri I am sharing my wt loss of 3.5 lbs so far. For me it's: Day Four Let's Lose Some More!
  • kidakiwi04
    kidakiwi04 Posts: 238
    Should I feel bad that that I just sat and watched the videos. I just did the eliptical for 20 minutes and right now I have some serious jelly legs.. LoL I will definately try to do both videos later tonight. From the loks of it i think I'm going to have trouble getting through the first one though.

    Btw hw would you log the calories. I don't have a HRM yet as I don't have that kind of money right now. Trying to lose weight on a budget FUN:grumble: <---my new favorite smiley :laugh:
  • iDreamNEON
    iDreamNEON Posts: 112
    Hey Guys!! Won't Keep You In Suspense. I Weighed In At 279 Today. I Know It Has To Be A Decimal Point After It But We Have Like The Sliding Scale At Our Gym So I Don't Know The Exact Decimal Place. If I Had To Guess I'd Say 279.2

    BTW For Those Who Don't Know My Last Weight Was 284 About A Week And A Half Ago.
  • I'm in! I have 124 pounds to lose! Can't wait to look and feel fabulous! Been walking 3 - 6 miles every day and counting calories. I love this site!
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