

  • terrimag
    terrimag Posts: 103 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Friday was my weigh-in day; I’ve lost 5 pounds in 3 weeks, which is encouraging! My first goal was 5 pounds and to celebrate I bought plants; that I planted today. There are two large pots of flowers as I enter the kitchen door and three small house plants on a table in the living room to remind me “5 pounds down”. :)

    Hope you all have something positive happen today…I look forward to reading everyone’s post.

    Terri (from Oregon, overcast with mild showers)
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Going out later.......taking my opportunity to write now...........

    Good afternoon, everyone,

    Barbie........I adore cats (and Bernie IS especially handsome!!!).........DH NEVER told me he is allergic until AFTER we were married; might have been a deal breaker---LOL

    To all of you posting your animals: Thank you
    I love seeing them, hearing about them, and I truly envy each and every one of you. I've had 2 dogs in 31 yrs. of marriage (both basenjis---closest dog to a cat I could come up with); the male (Sam--named after a friend's German Shepherd) lived to 14 and the female (Betsy--came to us at age five with the name) lived to 18. She's gone a little over a year and not a day goes by that I don't think of her; well, actually, both of them.

    Michele.........Kris sounds like a keeper!!!

    Pat.........hope you feel better

    Rori.........nice to hear from you; I've had good chiro experences too, and my dad swore by his doc.

    Amanda.........best of luck with your cyst issue

    Dee Dee............enjoy your book; what are you reading???

    Heather......large groups can be frustrating, I completely agree, esp. if so unplanned on activities......but, you looked amazing, felt fabulous, and LOVED both evenings......sounds like a success story to me! Have a safe trip back home.

    Later, ladies!
    yanniejannie....... east coast, mid-Atlantic
    where it's hotter and more humid, storms later...yuk!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy sun.
    another hot day near 90.Did manage to walk to church,not too humid yet.
    Laundry day.
    Have a good one.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, I always thought the answer to the mid afternoon sleepies was to go for a walk or do something active. This sore muscle turned out to be a blessing for me since I decided that I’d treat it with frequent times of lying down on an ice pack…….lying down on the ice pack and reading my book helped me fall asleep and so for the last few days I’ve gotten extra sleep and it seems to have made a huge difference.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, it is good to hear from you. What a bunch of stuff you have to deal with. It sounds like your siblings aren’t much help. In my mother’s last years she often said that she was sorry that I didn’t have siblings to help with all the care and chores she required but I was silently pleased because I knew that there was no one to find fault with what I did or for me to resent for their lack of assistance. Jake was always a wonderful help.

    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie, even if you don’t lose the pounds by your birthday, you’ll be happy with yourself if you can keep your commitment to go to the gym

    :flowerforyou: Katla, you are wise to cut the trip into smaller portions…..one of my favorite parts of travelling by myself is having a motel room alone

    :flowerforyou: Tigress, lucky you to have fresh tomatoes from the garden.

    :flowerforyou: Jb, that was a fantastic “back to basics” pitch you gave to Debbie……good info for all of us

    :flowerforyou: Heather, I’m not good at group adventures, either. Jake and I like doing things just the two of us or spending short periods of time with others, but I would have done exactly what you did….good for you for taking care of yourself and not being dragged down or trying to please others.

    :flowerforyou: Terri, buying plants is a great way to reward yourself.

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie, I don’t know what I would have done if Jake had been allergic to cats…..we have dogs and I adore them, but cats are so snuggly and enchanting.

    :flowerforyou: Jane, good that you got your walk before it got too hot.

    :bigsmile: This is our Isagenix cleanse day which is sort of a rest day because we don’t consume enough calories, proteins, or carbs for the energy to do much. I walked the dogs in the morning and will walk them again later……this is laundry day and simple computer task day but otherwise we’ll relax and watch stuff we’ve recorded on the DVR. We spent 20 minutes outside deadheading the big rhododendron on the side of the house….it’s a drizzly day so it’s easy to stay inside and relax.

    :heart: Barbie from rainy NW Washington

    June Resolutions (with week three updates)
    *dig out the rest of the back yard flower bed that’s full of rocks and terrible dirt (Jake started it, but I’ve done nothing partly because of all the time spent dancing and partly because of the sore muscle in my butt)
    *be agreeable---say “OK” (excellent, so far)
    *strength training once a week (nothing yet---blame that on the dancing and sore muscle)
    *act the way I want to feel (excellent, so far)


    "The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed."
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member

    Here is my entire pet family---Sasha, the red poodle, Brandy, the black poodle, and Bernie, the Maine Coon Cat
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    HAPPY Sunday everyone. DH and I just got back from 45 minutes of bike riding. OMG I have never done that before! That was actual ride time. When I got off the bike I nearly fell down LOL my legs were like rubber! We went to church earlier, napped as usual, and now DD#2 is cooking a delicious dinner of ribs, mac/veg salad, melon, tomatoes, green beans in some kind of beer sauce….yum. I am glad I have some extra calories because it sounds pretty high calorie! It’s humid here…we had about ½’ of rain last night, but not too hot, it’s cloudy and breezy, so a good day for riding.

    So last night we went to the Bonefish Grill. We shared the Bang bang shrimp and I had HUGE lovely scallops on a “thing” of corn, gouda cheese, and jalapenos. OMG it was fabulous. Two watermelon martinis and a glass of wine, salad….mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Then for dessert we went to Red Mango and brought frozen yogurt home. Oh so yummy but today it’s back to being on track!

    Jdlyng; welcome to the group. Just keep showing up and posting!

    Debbie welcome to you too. You will find we all have our ups and downs. Everyone approaches this journey in a different way. I
    ’ve been here over a year and only lost 21 pounds, but I am happy because it’s21 pounds I’ll never see again. Make small goals that you can succeed at and keep coming back. I am amazed at how much difference even the smallest change makes over time.

    Grandmallie: have you contacted the fitbit support people?

    Joyce: so glad MILs party went well except for the prodigal daughter. I am so excited to try the rhubarb. I found a great recipe for rhubarb crunch I can lighten up and we’ll have the rhubarb ginger pancakes next Saturday

    Crittersue: sorry you still aren’t feeling well. My pooch Benny beagle sends you his best wishes; he had his gallbladder out in April…can you imagine?

    Eileen: YAY for the capris that are too big!!!!

    Patceoh: you joined by posting, so welcome. Keep coming back so we can get to know you!

    Tigress: well done at the restaurant!

    Robin: your dinner sounds almost as good as mine does! I’ll be over tomorrow for leftovers!

    Yanniejannie: your days sounds productive and fun too

    Barbie: you always have such good advice. Hope the ice helps your sore muscles!

    Michele: Kris sounds like a keeper!

    Pat: good wishes for you to feel better soon!

    Rori: are you in the way of the fires? Glad your trip went well!

    Amanda: wow you have been dealing with a ton of things over there! Know that you are missed and appreciated and I am sending you well wishes and good thoughts. Your dad is so lucky to have you.

    Heather: crab risotto? OH my yum yum yum. I’m with you about meals though. I hate having really late lunches then what do you do about dinner? IF I skip it I wake up starved in the middle of the night but if we eat I’m too full for bed!

    DeeDee: I vote for both

    Katla: have fun at the Renaissance Fair!

    Tigress: our tomatoes are not yet ready but we bought some lovely yellow ones at the farmer’s market yesterday that I will eat t

    Jb: good news about mariah’s quiet time. Those steroids play havoc with me. My family runs away when they hear I’m taking them.

    Terri :great news on the weight loss

    Well ladies, my time here is done because dinner is done! Take care!

    Meg from Omaha, home of the college world series!
    June goals:
    90 ounces of water
    6500 steps
    <1800 calories/day
    Exercise 5x/week
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Once again I’m way, way, way behind on all these posts. :noway:

    We ended up having a great time at the Cubs game despite a 3 hour rain delay. We took a family friend and his 8 year old son – it was his first time at a major league game. Watching the game through the eyes of a 2nd grader really makes it so much more exciting. He got a ball from one of the Houston players who later signed it for him. The Cubs won. All and all a great, but long day.:smile:

    Today I taught back to back yoga classes. Then headed out for Indian food with my DH. Now I’m just pooped. :yawn: Our DD is going out with friends for dinner. I think I’ll make something very light for DH and I as lunch was a bit heavy.

    I’m getting into the green smoothie thing. This morning I made a Kale, pineapple and banana smoothie to help me last both classes. It was so yummy. If any of you have any good green smoothie recipes out there please let me know…fyi I only have a regular blender so can’t make anything that requires a juicer or high power blender like the Vitamix or Ninja. Here is the recipe I made:
    1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 1 cup chopped fresh pineapple (frozen works too), 1 frozen banana cut into chunks, a big handful of chopped Kale (stems removed). Mix up in the blender and enjoy! Calories 273.

    Kathy – the Jessica Smith DVD I did is called Total Body Balance. I also have her 10 lbs down DVD’s but those are high impact. Happy anniversary!:heart:

    Meg – one of our pups had cushings – hope Benny is okay. My DH mentioned to me yesterday that I need to get my hair colored. He said I have a big grey streak down the back of my head just like Morticia has in the front (at least he didn’t say I looked like a skunk!). Guess I need to make a hair appointment. I love bonefish grill – sounds like you had a great meal!:drinker:

    Katia – so glad your DD signed up for MFP. I also hope her DH joins her. It has helped so much that my DH partnered with me. Our DD is back from school and signed up as well. She fell victim to the “freshman 15”. To date she has taken off 5 lbs with MFP…I’m so proud of her. My sister joined a while ago and is closing in on 25lbs lost. I am so thankful for this site and all my VitF pals.:flowerforyou:

    Tigress – I’m so jealous. I’m going to have to see if there are any massage schools in our area:bigsmile:

    Jb – Sending prayers

    Yanniejannie – thanks for the kind words and congrats on your NSV “miss” and all your great deals:drinker:

    Debbie and jdlyng and patceoh– welcome. Jdlyng (and patceoh) – what is your name. Now that you have posted you are part of this wonderful community. Come back often and post. We are here to help each other in this journey. You’ll find lots of advice and suggestions.:wink:

    Lucy – sounds like you had a great day shopping. I hate shopping for bathing suits but it is so awesome when you find one that you feel great in. I’ve got to shop for one next month – I hope I’m as successful as you!:happy:

    Brooke – so sorry to hear the news on your DFIL. Sending prayers your way:brokenheart:

    Pat – hope your are feeling better:sick:

    Deb A – hope you are also feeling better. Enjoy your trip and rest up!:glasses:

    Michele – glad the beer can chicken was yummy. It has become a staple in our house (baked in the oven or on the grill). I’ve got something like 7 different rubs we use.:smile:

    Heather – sounds like your trip is a blast. So nice that people are complimenting you on the weight loss – always nice to get positive feedback! Hope the hangover is over:sick:

    Liz – hang in there. I know it’s tough. I spent the last several years feeling like so many I loved were hit with cancer. Sending hugs to you.:smooched:

    Sandy – congrats on the weight loss. Picturing you exercising in the office:laugh:

    Critter Sue – hoping your tests go okay. Keep us posted

    Eileen – congrats on your too big pants!:drinker:

    Amanda – sending hugs and support to you. I’m so sorry your sibs are not helping – you have a lot on your plate and they should be pitching in. I hope you are feeling better as well. Sounds like the treatment for one aliment is causing others to act up. Hang in there..we are supporting you:flowerforyou:

    Terri – congrats on the weight loss:drinker:

    Barbie – love the pic of the furbabies:love:

    Have a great day, Jodios in soon to be stormy N. IL
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Pat,feel better.
    Barbie,tx for sharing your family.
    Jodios,where do u live?We are cubs fans too.Right now,more Black Hawks.
    Going to Violet`s tonite,so will catch up in the am.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    All the talk of beer can chicken and DH brought a chicken home yesterday, so that is what we are having tonight! Also made up salads and have potatos baking with the chicken. Last night I made cucumber, tomatos and onions in a little pickling solution. It was so good -- summer in a bowl!

    After church I did a grocery run, then changed and went to Walmart and Dollar Tree, then on the Y for weights and cardio. Last night I walked for an hour after the sun was down, too.

    Shredding documents -- our OfficeMax stores have a secure shredding service. You pay so much per pound and there is a truck with some kind of on-board giant shredder that shreds the documents right outside the door. That is what I do....I keep running through shredders so it just suits me more to let them do it. We have a stack to go as well.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • KadeeTra
    KadeeTra Posts: 7 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    I am a newbie and trying to understand My Fitness Pal. How do you know how to stay within your calorie range? I have an allotted 1,200 calories / day but aren't sure how to eat to stay within that. Is there a suggested meal plan someplace or something?
    I'm 58 years old - just about 59. I want and really need to stop the gradual weight climb I have been on for the last 20 years. It's accumulated in an extra 30 pounds I carry around. I will look forward to your posts - thanks in advance for having me!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    I am a newbie and trying to understand My Fitness Pal. How do you know how to stay within your calorie range? I have an allotted 1,200 calories / day but aren't sure how to eat to stay within that. Is there a suggested meal plan someplace or something?
    I'm 58 years old - just about 59. I want and really need to stop the gradual weight climb I have been on for the last 20 years. It's accumulated in an extra 30 pounds I carry around. I will look forward to your posts - thanks in advance for having me!

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to our supportive community of women. Keep coming back and you'll find your answers. The answers come slowly.....progress by baby steps.....the best way to start is to log your normal meals for a day or two and take a good look at your food diary to see where the high calorie offenders are. Look at other people's food diaries or open yours and ask for suggestions.......

    :flowerforyou: for starters, look to eliminating processed, packaged foods and substitute real food
    lean meat, eggs, fresh or frozen vegetables and fruit.....little by little make changes in what you eat and you'll find a plan that works.

    :flowerforyou: add exercise to your day----start with walking if you haven't been a regular exerciser.....the more you exercise, the more you can eat.

    :bigsmile: keep coming back to this thread and read what everyone writes.

    :heart: Barbie from drizzly NW Washington
  • dimples62us
    dimples62us Posts: 8 Member
    Hope you enjoy your fitbit flex as much as I like my fitbit one. It's such a wonderful piece that makes me want to go the extra mile, a great incentive. When you get it please let me know if it's everything that you thought it would be. It motivates me daily.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    I am a newbie and trying to understand My Fitness Pal. How do you know how to stay within your calorie range? I have an allotted 1,200 calories / day but aren't sure how to eat to stay within that. Is there a suggested meal plan someplace or something?
    I'm 58 years old - just about 59. I want and really need to stop the gradual weight climb I have been on for the last 20 years. It's accumulated in an extra 30 pounds I carry around. I will look forward to your posts - thanks in advance for having me!

    Welcome! MFP doesn't have a suggested menu, but if you need one, a quick Google search of "1200 calorie meal plans" will yield several for you.

    My suggestion, however is just to eat normally for a week while you log everything just to see how the calories add up. That way, you can see whether the issue is too big of portions, too many sweets, etc. Then you can target the high caloric choices and see if you can substitute out some lower calorie options. That way you can make it work better for you long term with foods that you like. You can make your diary open if you'd like and we can look at it and give your pointers as well.

    The thing I love about MFP is that it will track whatever nutrients you are interested in tracking. If sodium is an issue, track it! I like to track fiber since I need to work on that. I gave up on tracking sugar because I would go over my daily limit with a cup of yogurt and berries for breakfast! I'm not diabetic, so I figured I'd worry about something different.

    Welcome, again. This is a great bunch of supportive women in this thread.

    Edited to add: Just read Barbie's response to you. Apparently we think alike!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Finally checking in. It's been a busy week. I'm sitting here now getting caught up on my message board reading and drinking a margarita (flavored Crystal Light - 5 calories, but still pretty good). The workshop was good. It was always fun to hang out with my math peeps, but it is good to be home.

    This marks day 3 of being under my calorie goal. I am determined to bust through this plateau, which really isn't a plateau but more of a maintenance because I've been going over my calories. I didn't hit Onederland for Christmas, Valentine's Day or the end of the school year. Maybe the 4th of July will be the magic holiday!

    The hospital where my DH retired 5 years ago has asked him to come back to work on a 3-month temporary basis to clean up the warehouse data base. Am I a horrible wife for being happy that he is going to start tomorrow on the first day of a two-week strip of time where I don't have to be anywhere? It's actually working out pretty well since he usually does the housework, cooking, laundry, grocery shopping, etc. when I am working. Now that he is going back, I will be home for a bit so I can pick up the slack and keep the home fires burning for him instead.

    Maybe I'll actually have a little time to respond to some posts next week. Take care!
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    I'm Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes it's me, the long lost, sometimes missed, easily forgotten me. I'm still smoke free in 5 or 6 seeks (I'll have to check) it will be one year smoke free even. Wow !! This school year was a massive pain and a whirlwind of activity that really knocked me for some major loops mentally and emotionally. On top of that is my ongoing battle with my thyroid. At last posting I was just a few weeks post Radioactive Iodine treatment and feeling okay.

    Well, I've gone from okay to majorly ill and back again. The weight has risen and fallen and risen again. I'm back where I started over a year ago. Weight high but everything else health wise good. So I'm starting over, picking myself up and dusting off the scale, measuring cups, and the good cookbooks.

    Instead of the the winter of my discontent, I am embarking on the summer of my encouragement and growth. :)

    Glad to be back,

  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Jan...so nice you are back. And congratulations on that smoke-free anniversary coming up!!

    Eileen near San Diego
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good Evening,

    This has been a crazy busy day! First off, DH and I had a great night out and anniversary dinner at TGI Friday's. Unfortunately they ended the 2 for $20 specials a week ago but we had a nice dinner and I even splurged with a Barefoot Chardonnay. I very rarely drink and never wine so was a little tipsy with 1 glass. :laugh: Talked and laughed and bonded. :happy: Today besides grocery shopping we had to go to the auto junkyard and get a latch for DH's drivers door on his truck because his door would not shut after work yesterday. :noway: He had to drive home with one hand on the steering wheel and one holding the door closed! I found out that I did better than expected on school placement testing! Got all the questions right on the reading and 31 out of 35 on the writing. Math I got 20 out of 35 which was still way better than expected! Will have to take a lower level math class to start but I'm fine with that!

    Meg - My dog would do exactly what the dog at the farmers market did!!:laugh: He's acting so bad lately!

    Barbie -Our city had a limit on pets which my DH is probably happy about! Otherwise I'd have a lot more! I always feel sorry for the abandoned animals and even tamed our feral stray enough to get him to come inside overnight most of the time. He just stays in the basement and goes back out after getting fed. Lovely pic of the fam!!

    Amanda- We think of you too and understand how busy you are. Hope you had a great time with the grandtwins!

    Terri- What a lovely way to reward yourself for the 5 lbs down and congrats!

    Jodios- Thanks for the name of the DVD. I'm going to check and see if I can find a short clip on youtube to check it out first.

    Time's up, have a great night!

    Kathy in humid IL:drinker:
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    I am a newbie and trying to understand My Fitness Pal. How do you know how to stay within your calorie range? I have an allotted 1,200 calories / day but aren't sure how to eat to stay within that. Is there a suggested meal plan someplace or something?
    I'm 58 years old - just about 59. I want and really need to stop the gradual weight climb I have been on for the last 20 years. It's accumulated in an extra 30 pounds I carry around. I will look forward to your posts - thanks in advance for having me!
    You've already gotten some great advice here but I thought I'd pile on a couple more thoughts.
    :smile: Make sure you measure. I think one big shock everyone has when they start watching their calories is how big (or actually small) a portion size really is. So get out those measuring cups and spoons. Consider buying a kitchen scale. they are relatively inexpensive and the most accurate way to measure how much you truly are eating
    :smile: Recognize that this will involve a lot of experimentation. What works for one person might not for another. Search on line, check books out of the library and try the advice you get on this thread (and others on MFP). There are a lot of great resources for lower calorie recipes and eating plans. I personally like Cooking Light and Skinny Taste, but I'm sure you'll get lots of other suggestions. Cooking Light also recently published a book about adopting Healthy Habits - one new habit a month. check it and/or others like it out of the library and see what makes the most sense for you (no cost!)
    :smile: burn calories (as Barbie suggests). Walk, swim, dance, lift weights, do yoga....whatever you enjoy so you stick with it. 1200 isn't a lot of calories so it's nice to have some additional ones from exercise
    :smile: commit to small changes. add more fruits and veggies. cut out the processed junk. cook your own healthier meals vs. eating out, etc. Just pick one and start, then try another, and another. Over time you'll find you are much healthier and trimmer.
    :smile: cut yourself some slack. it's okay if you blow it one day, just get back on track the next day. Give yourself rewards (of a non-food nature) for hitting mini milestones (e.g. I've rewarded myself with purple eyeliner, new exercise DVD's and skinny jeans over the course of my weight loss journey).
    :smile: Barbie can tell you more about this, but determine what are your trigger foods - those foods that send you off the rails and abstain from those. I can't eat potato chips or my eating will just go crazy. Also, determine which foods you can have a little of and still be in control. those can be the foods you moderate as an occasional (note the word occasional) treat so you don't feel deprived.

    Well, that's all for now, I'm sure others will pile on even more advice. You can do this! Jodios from N. Il
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Math I got 20 out of 35 which was still way better than expected! Will have to take a lower level math class to start but I'm fine with that!
    Kathy in humid IL:drinker:

    Kathy, feel free to message me any math questions you may have. I'm always glad to help.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Home from the concert, just peeked in
    Barbie: loved the pic of your animals; how do you get them to pose together like that and have them all look so sweet?

    Long day
    off to bed.....somehow managed to be WAY under on calories, having some fruit and milk. G'nite, all!
    yanniejannie, mid-Atlantic