Could not believe what my sister did...



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Open it and put something revolting in it that isn't visable to her, you'll know its contaminated, but she won't. If she eats it, serves her right!

    Thinking maybe to mix it with a bit of fish oil or something. Knowing its in there will make it a no go for you.

    If she doesn't like it and has no intention of eating it she won't ever know what you've done.

    Love sibling rivalry, I used to clean toilet with my older sister's toothbrush when she was mean to me.

    wait...what? are you my little sister?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    1) Over eating is wasting the food just the same as throwing it away. If you have to throw it away to prevent yourself from over eating then do it. It is the better of the two choices.

    2) You know your sister better than anyone else here. Trust your gut. You know if she was being insensitive or sabotaging you. Take time to think about her actions before you react and when you do react do so in a respectful way. She is your sister and you love her but that doesn't mean that you can't stand up for yourself.

    3) Your reaction to trigger foods is a valid one. Not everyone has this reaction and some people are just to narrow minded to understand that someone is different than them. Don't listen to the people that say "So what don't eat it. No big deal." It is a big deal for you and that is what counts. Your feelings and needs are valid even if they are not understood or validated by everyone around you.

    Hm? Can I change my answer to this?
  • freemystery
    freemystery Posts: 184 Member
    Superglue the lid on but continue to grouch about how it's making your life really difficult while she's around. But when she's not around LAUGH LIKE A SUPERVILLAIN
  • kimberly2122
    kimberly2122 Posts: 15 Member
    What a *****...
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,619 Member
    Best gag with it...................................peanut butter under the car door handles.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • PheonixRizing
    PheonixRizing Posts: 131 Member
    I live with my fiance and his son (on the weekends) and they are both the kind of guys who can eat whatever whenever and it doesn't phase their weight. In fact, my fiance actually wants to gain weight so creating healthy meals that can meet both of our needs can be challenging. I don't ask them to keep things out of the house that i may not be able to eat because that isn't fair to them. I exert self control because let's face it... The world out there is filled with junk that I wouldn't dream of eating but that doesn't mean that other people have to make that choice or should be forced to. Just reach down inside you and grip up your self control.

    Could be that it is a spite thing as some suggest, since you just had that conversation with her. If that is the case, you should address that with her. The argument over should the peanut butter stay or should it go is a moot point if the cause is an underlying issue of jealousy or something else between you two.

    Or you could rise above the peanut butter and not let it have control over your goals.

    Best of luck
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    Hmmm... I'm guessing you are the older sister because that does totally sound like something I might have done once upon a time to my older and oh so perfect sister.

    Move the peanut butter to a cabinet where you do not stash most of your food. But before you close the door, reach in super fast, screw off the lid and spit a loogie into the jar then screw the lid back on tightly. The jar is now off limits to you and hopefully not tempting! :)
  • tenajh
    tenajh Posts: 208 Member
    Lock it up in a lunch bag and give her the key
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    Diaper, Decoy, Donate, DanceDance, D!ck Move:

    Diaper: Once I went to a baby shower where candy bars were mushed into diapers and you had to guess what kind it was. You were allowed to taste but to me that was gross and cheating. Smear peanut butter on a diaper ONE TIME and I guarantee it will be less appealing. If you don't have diapers or babies in the house, smear it on your sisters panties. Diaper-Baby-Shower-Game.jpg

    Decoy: Spoon out all but a thin layer of the peanut butter so it looks full. Then superglue the lid back on and coat it with coconut oil. If she ever wants to actually eat something she claimed to "hate" good luck getting past the oil, then the superglue, then by the time she reaches the empty jar she'll be postal. images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSL2n4cN6XtRNgt62Nhe22cpNHqntA6hliiKUeshFPKXb6IFUWC

    Donate: I was gonna say throw it away but I like Nikilis and don't want to give him an eye twitch, so when you spoon out all the peanut butter, make sandwiches. Use it all up. Then go to a local food shelter, or church and donate all the sandwiches. I once saw a kid on "secret millionaire" prepare and hand out peanut butter sandwiches at his local park where all the homeless people hung out. I worried for his safety but his mom and the camera crew were with him, but I see no reason why you couldn't take them to a food donating serving place. (uh, oh you can tell I'm not familiar with this kind of charitable thing, lingo's all wrong). Anyway, it will be fun will probably only cost you ONE time of accidentally eating peanut butter while making the sandwiches and then the jar sitting in the back of the cabinet appearing full will probably be ignored by her if she actually "hates" it. (the whole process might help you get out of your problems a little bit too.)images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSHkr60NtePN8nXXUB4__7XTlWwj_BH4h01RSxkxj1C6_j6ytELRwimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcQppRySd7kSJVoEc6NAYH-e1pixgrTVWl7wCTfZo2CCVnSsDvXNJw

    DanceDance: Invite your friends, cousins, neighbors, team, classmates, or even HER friends over for a dance party and these are the appetizers and party favors. Chocolate-Peanut-Butter-Hot-Chocolate-Spoons-1046.jpgimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ9iZ98V-_Db1uMdsfD4RM6vaAAgIeq6mwjpGUz7Wtp2H4tLuDn

    D!ck Move: Fit it into your macros. Like a serving spoon sized amount everyday! Not the tablespoon, the big spoon! And make sure to eat it when she's home.

    Skippy® - Creamy Peanut Butter, 3 Tbsp Calories 285 Fat 24 Protein 11 Carbs 11 Iron 6
    Even if you ate at the lowest suggested MFP levels which for your height and age should probably be quite a bit more, this would leave you with around 900 calories for the other 2 meals of the day. Just call it breakfast, or lunch, or whatever time you ate it. And everytime she finds you on the couch all "thanks sis!" l_101171984.jpg day after day after day, she'll be seething. (just make sure you measure what size your big spoon actually fits so you know how many cals you're actually getting. But yeah the big spoon for dramatic effect. And when you are still hitting your weight loss/maintenance/fitness goals it will crush her.)

    p.s. I had a jealous sister too, and one time came home from shopping with the whole family in the car to see my training bra hanging in the big picture window of our living room where the christmas tree usually gets displayed. she nearly wet her pants laughing in the back seat while I nearly wet my shirt crying in the front. sisterness can be brutal. we are grown ups now and are friends. barely. for the sake of our kids mostly, who are of course cousins and LOVE each other. most recently she posted the fattest picture of me she could find on facebook at the end of a long swimming day with my hair a mess and overly tanned/burnt eating/making s'mores with the kids. when she could have just as easily posted a pretty face shot from a wedding we'd recently attended with full hair and make up and a flattering low neckline dress. *smh*.


    You're evil...but creative...I :heart: that.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Why are people getting so angry over the idea of wasting food? Eating it when you don't need it is JUST as much of a waste. I grew up in a "clean your plate" family. But what's the difference whether the extra food goes in the trash or is carried around on your body?

    Yeah, because I'm sure there is no other possible solution. You have to eat it or throw it away, not give it away to a food bank so a family that can't afford food can benefit from it. Nope, no other solution.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Why are people getting so angry over the idea of wasting food? Eating it when you don't need it is JUST as much of a waste. I grew up in a "clean your plate" family. But what's the difference whether the extra food goes in the trash or is carried around on your body?

    Yeah, because I'm sure there is no other possible solution. You have to eat it or throw it away, not give it away to a food bank so a family that can't afford food can benefit from it. Nope, no other solution.

    I would agree with this... IF it were the OP's peanut butter. But it's not... it's her sisters. Doing anything with it is crossing a boundary. Granted, the sister wants her to cross that boundary, but if she does it will lead to an argument and her sister will win the power struggle. The best thing to do is just let it sit there.
  • gypy
    gypy Posts: 83 Member
    133 post on peanut butter in a cupboard...
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Throw it away and every time she buys another one, throw it away too. See if she likes wasting money.

    This. She said she hates it. Toss it or give it to a food bank.
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member
    Pour tons of salt in it to make it taste nasty so she cant eat it and u wont want to eat it. Cant do much about her jealousy tho. But since she is sabotaging u then sabotage her food. Lol
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    133 post on peanut butter in a cupboard...

    In, to simply post a picture of chocolate peanut butter bacon pie (which is a really good option on a long list of "things to do with peanutbutter other than eat off a spoon")

  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I really just need to get this off of my chest...

    About a week ago, I realized how much of a trigger food peanut butter is for me. I can't eat it in moderation, and it was causing me to eat wayyy more than I should have been. So, knowing that I'm the only one in my household who even likes peanut butter, I decided it was my choice whether or not it would be kept in the house.

    So I told my sister about how I was going to give it up, and she agreed. She even mentioned that it was gross that I ate it by the spoonful, and proceeded to state that she "HATES peanut butter".

    And here's what troubles me....approximately 4 days of being peanut butter free, I opened a cabinet to find a brand spanking new jar of it. When I questioned everyone why there was peanut butter in the house, my sister told me that "I don't control what everyone else eats" and that she really likes peanut butter and "I can't take it away".

    I can't believe she would intentionally stock the house with my ONE and ONLY trigger food. I mean...really? She's never been supportive of my lifestyle, and it just feels like she really wants me to fail:frown:

    Throw it away every time you see it. If she wants to keep spending the money to buy a new jar, let her.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Best gag with it...................................peanut butter under the car door handles.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I had a teacher in college who did this with the remains that his neighbors dogs were constantly leaving on his lawn despite his asking multiple times for said neighbors to control them.

    Husband was a lawyer. He took great joy in watching him instinctively wipe the dog**** all over his suit to get it off his hands.

    He took greater joy in relating the story. The lesson: The only thing better than revenge is telling others how you got revenge.
  • SusanB148
    SusanB148 Posts: 72 Member
    Tell your sister to keep the peanut butter in her room.
  • terlyn20
    terlyn20 Posts: 142 Member
    Throw it away and every time she buys another one, throw it away too. See if she likes wasting money.

    this.... is exactly what i would do (knowing that she doenst like it and just has it to tempt me ). I am just as evil.