INSANE chicks!!!

gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I just wanted to start a new thread for all of us ladies who are in-love with the pain, sweat and hard work from INSANITY. This is for you to post your success and struggles with the program and give new comers (I'm one of them) your best tips and what you've learned from your journey. I hope this thread grows and we can get a big group encouraging each other during their INSANITY program no matter how many times you've done it, if you are just starting or what part of it you currently are doing.
Have a FANSTASTIC day!!!


  • kblu0816
    kblu0816 Posts: 1,627 Member
    I'm a soon to be P90X Grad (Only two more weeks!) and i was thinking about doing the insanity shortly after I'm done with P90X (maybe wait a month and try and stay in shape on my own before starting right into INSANITY). any tips?
  • raymj61
    raymj61 Posts: 142
    "TOPIC: INSANE chicks!!! "

    Disregard this post. I thought this was a thread about my current dating pool. Sorry, carry on.
  • kejurek
    kejurek Posts: 28 Member
    I'm so glad I found this thread! I just finished week two of Insanity and it is by far the best workout I have ever done. It's amazing how far I've come in just two weeks. The feeling of accomplishment after you finish each workout is amazingggg! haha
  • MLgarcia3
    MLgarcia3 Posts: 503
    "TOPIC: INSANE chicks!!! "

    Disregard this post. I thought this was a thread about my current dating pool. Sorry, carry on.

  • Ok, I'm not a lady....but a fan and user of INSANITY myself between marathon training programs. I saw a post earlier about exercise recording for DVD workouts (ie. Beach Body products). How does your group add these workouts to your daily updates?

    I'm curious as well since I'll be back on INSANITY probably about November.

    THX and stay with it!
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I'm so in!!! =)

    Almost done with my first round!! Woo Hoo!!!

    I started out at 175 and my current weight is 163 w/ 22 inches lost so far!!

    This is like the best workout ever cause you get the results & you get a great workout even on recovery days! LOL I'm a SAHM and my husband would like to hit the gym so that leaves me no time for the gym since my kids aren't school aged yet.

    This week I started to drink a pre trainer performance drink. You drink it 45 to 30 mins before you workout and it works. Usually I feel dead tired after Insanity especially when I have to do it at 6am. But this drink gives you so much energy! 25 cals per scoop.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    Oh I want to point out - in women it's common to not see a weight loss in the first month. I searched it up and asked other women about it. They didn't see a weight drop until the second month.

    Week 4 I lost 2lbs
    Recovery week I dropped 5lbs
    Week 5 I didn't gain nor lose
    Week 6 I lost 3lbs

    You will see those inches move though! I measure myself'll be amazed!!
  • kejurek
    kejurek Posts: 28 Member
    Oh I want to point out - in women it's come to not see a weight loss in the first month. I searched it up and asked other women about it. They didn't see a weight drop until the second month.

    Week 4 I lost 2lbs
    Recovery week I dropped 5lbs
    Week 5 I didn't gain nor lose
    Week 6 I lost 3lbs

    You will see those inches move though! I measure myself'll be amazed!!

    Thanks for sharing!! I expected the weight to melt off and it wasn't so I was a little frustrated but that makes sense now. The inches lost is what kept me going. It's such a great workout I'm definitely going to stick with it and see what happens in the next month
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    This is day 60 of Insanity for me. We did Core Cardio & Balance this morning. It's technically a 63 day program....whatever. My husband is more of a fan of Insanity. We did one and a half rounds of P90X before starting Insanity. I can say that I haven't lost any weight on Insanity and lost 24 lbs on P90X. Needless to say, I can't wait till we get back to P90X.

    We're starting a hybrid of the two programs August 30th. I started this thread on the Beachbody web-site if you care to come by and visit:
    Here's the link:

  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Oh! I shouldn't leave with all doom and gloom. My lower abs have gotten flatter during the program. That's saying a lot for a 40 year old with kids.
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    I am almost done with week 4 and am loving it!!! I have only missed 2 days so far and felt guilty when I had to miss those two days!!! I have lost about 5 pounds, but have lost 2 inches in my abs, 1.5 in my hips and 1 in my butt!!! I am feeling so much stronger now than the first week! i LOVE IT!
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I also remind myself that I'm building endurance =)

    Now when I go for walks on the way home I have urges to run! I never had the urge to run not even when I was in the Army!! lol
    Although at the moment I can no longer run 3 miles w/o stopping but I do some sprint runs home lol

    Most importantly I didn't start the program expecting to have a rock hard body at the end of 2 months.
    I do have some body fat to melt away, so I just give it the best that I can!

    I love how Shaun T tells you to Dig Deep but also listen to your body and do what you can do. I also like how the program seems REAL to me. You see other people in the video needing to take their own personal mini breaks or see everyone going at different speeds.

    I was starting a Jillian Micheals workout series (shape up) but I just broke down and started crying and just started to hate my body. I don't get that feeling from Shaun T. Don't get my wrong I like Jillian but Shaun T is a better motivator for me =)
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I also remind myself that I'm building endurance =)

    Now when I go for walks on the way home I have urges to run! I never had the urge to run not even when I was in the Army!! lol
    Although at the moment I can no longer run 3 miles w/o stopping but I do some sprint runs home lol

    My endurance has improved as well, but I'm in the same position. I have yet to run for three miles straight. I went to the gym this past Saturday and still can't do it.
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Ok, I'm not a lady....but a fan and user of INSANITY myself between marathon training programs. I saw a post earlier about exercise recording for DVD workouts (ie. Beach Body products). How does your group add these workouts to your daily updates?

    I'm curious as well since I'll be back on INSANITY probably about November.

    THX and stay with it!

    I have a HRM so I use that to calculate my calories burned each workout and be able to enter as a new excersice each time.
    Sorry I hope that helps.
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    I"m so happy to see so many "chicks" hehe replying to the post. I starting week two (I kept starting and restarting so ended up doing week one like 3 x) oh well.
    I dove Shaun T and I love INSANITY. I've always liked lifting weight and doing yoga. But cardio has been my down fall you can't get me on a treadmill for more than 30 mins and I'm def not a runner. But I'm loving insanity because each time it pushes me to limits I thought I could not get to. My endurance is increasing and muscle definition is getting good, specially on my shoulders and arms which is great b/c I've always had strong legs and needed the upper body help.
  • mandypooh2103
    mandypooh2103 Posts: 289 Member
    Just started insanity and having a difficult time with the strength part and now I am thinking I am insane for buying the DVD I really don't want to give up but get extremely tired after the work out and I have 2 little girls to tend to at home. Do I need to purchase some type of "recovery formula" cause I don't want to feel so drained after the workouts!
  • kangababy
    kangababy Posts: 187 Member
    "TOPIC: INSANE chicks!!! "

    Disregard this post. I thought this was a thread about my current dating pool. Sorry, carry on.

    It works both ways!!! or maybe you could say INSANE chicks because we are trying to date those guy left out there!!

    anyways..I have done Insanity or tried to a few times but all teh jumping bothers my legs. I try to switch up Insanity with TurboFire and other DVD just because I get bored easily!
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    Just started insanity and having a difficult time with the strength part and now I am thinking I am insane for buying the DVD I really don't want to give up but get extremely tired after the work out and I have 2 little girls to tend to at home. Do I need to purchase some type of "recovery formula" cause I don't want to feel so drained after the workouts!

    Try N-Xplode. My husband got me to use it starting this past Sunday and WOW the energy difference. I have two little girls also and when there are time when I need to workout at 6am and after Insanity my energy is drained. Not no more!! After I rest for about 30 mins, I'm ready to go about my day.

    Now berry flavored mix I don't like to much. I'm going to try punch next. So it you do have to get use to the taste. After a few days it's not so bad lol
  • raymj61
    raymj61 Posts: 142
    "TOPIC: INSANE chicks!!! "

    Disregard this post. I thought this was a thread about my current dating pool. Sorry, carry on.

    It works both ways!!! or maybe you could say INSANE chicks because we are trying to date those guy left out there!!

    Yeah? That would narrow it down to married women or other guys. LOL. Maybe I'll stick with the crazy ones for now.
  • jrsmithne
    jrsmithne Posts: 124
    I am an Insane chick...I get up and do Insanity every morning @ 6:00am. I just started my 2nd round. I was never a cardio kind of gal, I hate (can't) run, :grumble: can't breathe when I run, and breathing is important. I know it is just a mental thing, I just find running so boring, lol I keep trying to do it, but FAIL!!

    This morning was my recovery day. I did MAX recovery, let me tell you, Shaun T's idea of recovery and my idea of recovery are sooooo totally different!! :laugh: My legs were shaking when he was doing the quad exercises and lifting the heel. It was a tough workout.

    Tomorrow I am going to do Plyometric Cardio Circuit. Of all the first month DVD's i find that one to be the toughest. So I will be loving life at work tomorrow!! :sad:
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