30 Day Shred starting August 1, 2010



  • reesegirl521
    I wanted to wish everyone luck finishing up their 30 Day Shred!! I have the opportunity to do P90x at the gym I go to but only for the next 3 months so I need to jump on it. I know that I love the 30DS so I'll definitely return to it after I give this new routine a go. Best of luck!! And I'll stop by in to keep wishing you good workouts and to say 'hit the floor!'
  • JessikaJ
    JessikaJ Posts: 43
    Today will be day 29 for me.. im hoping i can get it done tonight... its my middle sons 5th birthday and we are staying at a hotel with 3 of his friends... bringing weights, dvd, and dvd player tho so HOPEFULLY ill find time to do it while hanging out with 5 kids and a newborn.. wish me luck! haha
  • courtneysmith3212
    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I am dripping sweat as we speak!! Level 2 is DONE!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it!!! I really really pushed myself really hard today.. I tried my best to do all of Natalie's moves... wow!! I wanted to feel it again.. I feel like I am going to be up on the scale instead of down this week... very discouraging.. I gotta keep watching what I eat.. I can't wait to do level 3!! My goal is just to push myself and try and just do my best (as I have not done level 3 yet so I don't know what to expect.. so now I just want to push myself to mow the lawn and I will be good..! Thanks for all your support guys!!
  • courtneysmith3212
    Today will be day 29 for me.. im hoping i can get it done tonight... its my middle sons 5th birthday and we are staying at a hotel with 3 of his friends... bringing weights, dvd, and dvd player tho so HOPEFULLY ill find time to do it while hanging out with 5 kids and a newborn.. wish me luck! haha

    Wow.. I sure wanna be you today.. day 29!!! I have 10 more days left!! Just keep it up.. I know you can do it!!
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    Done with L3D5. I can't believe I only have five days left! I managed to take no breaks tonight, though I did kind of half-*kitten* those jumping lunges. At least I didn't stop! I still need to work on doing the ab exercises better. I'm having a hard time keeping my stomach in the ground, or, as Jillian says, my belly button in my spine. I used to have this problem in Pilates too, I couldn't hold my stomach in while doing the exercises and breathing at the same time. I'll keep trying though!
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
    level 3 day 2 check:) was hard today ...
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    I took yesterday off, so I just finished L3D6. Almost done! As crazy as it sounds, I think I'm really going to miss Jillian! I might come back to the DVD every once in a while, when I want a quick workout without having to go to the gym.
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    Finished L3D7. I might go to the gym later too. I hope everyone else's Shredding is going well!
  • courtneysmith3212
    OH MY GOSH!! I am so dead.. I think I will be so sore tomorrow!! Level 3 day 1 COMPLETE!! I can't believe how much she stepped it up.. I watched it the other day, but seriously its freakin' hard! wow.. I can't wait to hurt tomorrow and do it all over again... hopefully I will keep losing!
  • courtneysmith3212
    What happened to everyone??? Are you guys still going?? I did my L3D2 today and it was crazy! I seriously feel like I cannot finish it! I feel like it is very hard.. but I am going to try and stick with it..
  • nautiluver
    nautiluver Posts: 23 Member
    Last night was Level 1 Day 3 - - - -I'm getting stronger. I AM going to last the next 27 days for sure! :smile:
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    L3D8 Done!! Only two days left! I'm really looking forward to weighing and measuring myself on Friday!
  • courtneysmith3212
    Did my shred again today.. Level 3 day 3.. and I am proud to say that I actually got it done today, I had to wake up way early to get it done cause my day is FULL but I did it! I was just going to skip it today and do it on Saturday, but I am so glad I didn't.. I can't wait for it to be next week.. I feel we have lost almost everyone on here.. no one even posts that much anymore... what happened guys??
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    Finished L3D9! AH one more day!!

    Courtney, I'm still here! A lot of people have dropped out of the thread I started too. I guess people have gotten busy with life and haven't been able to keep up with the Shred. That said, Kudos to you for waking up early just to work out - if it were me, I'm sure I would have just gone back to sleep! You've only got a week left - Keep it up!! :D
  • courtneysmith3212
    Ya, I guess life can take over and get busy.. I just HAVE to work out.. it is so weird to see how I have changed with my motivation since working out.. its great! Congrats on making it this far! Only one more day I am so proud of you.. I can't wait to be where your at!! I want to know how much you lost and your inches you lost too so post them when you figure them out..
  • courtneysmith3212
    I was so lacking motivation and energy to do this today..but I did it.. and I am hating Jillian right now.. I am so ready for a break from this... hopefully I can do it tomorrow and then take my 2 days off and be recooperated by monday!
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    I'll do measurements sometime today and post them up here. Don't quit, everyone, the feeling of accomplishment that comes with finishing the Shred is fantastic!! You can do it!
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    What happened to everyone??? Are you guys still going?? I did my L3D2 today and it was crazy! I seriously feel like I cannot finish it! I feel like it is very hard.. but I am going to try and stick with it..

    Bought the DVD (was renting from Netlix), just got it a few days ago. Starting over on L1D1 tonight, hopefully :)
  • courtneysmith3212
    Level 3 Day 5 Complete!! Oh gosh I only have 5 days left.. am I going to be able to do it?? I wish there were still more of us working together.. it doesn't matter if you fell off.. lets continue to pick back up where we left off.. Level 3 is still killer for me..but I am still losing weight.. so that, I fell grat! Congrats for finishing the shred! I am looking forward to see your success!
  • MFT2010
    MFT2010 Posts: 122
    UGH lacking motivation after shooting pains in my right side lower back/hip/knee.... I haven't worked out in a few days... cuz I am in so much pain ..WOOF!

    I have 5 more days left.... I have a massage today...so maybe that will help!