Breastfeeding in Public....



  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    no its disgusting. i dont wanna see some chicks breast in public. I get the kid needs to eat and all that but go to the car or the bathroom or do it at home before and after. I mean that is a personal thing and the whole world doesn't wanna share that intimate moment with you and your kid. lol but that's just my opinion.

    Oh, you don't want to see it? Easy solution: look away.

    or join a species that isn't mammalian, fer pete's sakes.

    The avian way of feeding its young is so much more disgusting, regurgitating food in to the young's mouth.

    I heard that Alicia Silverstone does both.
  • BenchPressingCats
    BenchPressingCats Posts: 1,826 Member
    no its disgusting. i dont wanna see some chicks breast in public. I get the kid needs to eat and all that but go to the car or the bathroom or do it at home before and after. I mean that is a personal thing and the whole world doesn't wanna share that intimate moment with you and your kid. lol but that's just my opinion.

    Oh, you don't want to see it? Easy solution: look away.

    or join a species that isn't mammalian, fer pete's sakes.
    The avian way of feeding its young is so much more disgusting, regurgitating food in to the young's mouth.

    If and when I have children, that will be the way I feed them. Wouldn't want to offend anybody by whipping out my boobs, now would I?
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    i think it is fine as long as they are discreet about it
  • chadraeder3
    chadraeder3 Posts: 279 Member
    no its disgusting. i dont wanna see some chicks breast in public. I get the kid needs to eat and all that but go to the car or the bathroom or do it at home before and after. I mean that is a personal thing and the whole world doesn't wanna share that intimate moment with you and your kid. lol but that's just my opinion.

    Oh, you don't want to see it? Easy solution: look away.

    or join a species that isn't mammalian, fer pete's sakes.
    The avian way of feeding its young is so much more disgusting, regurgitating food in to the young's mouth.

    If and when I have children, that will be the way I feed them. Wouldn't want to offend anybody by whipping out my boobs, now would I?

    I might want to see that once just for the novelty factor.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I fed my kids wherever we happened to be eating. I eat dinner at a dinner table, and so did my children. Covers were completely useless because my kids both hated their heads covered while they ate. I wore a tank top under my blouse, lifted the blouse while keeping the tank in place, and the only part that was even visible for a millisecond was the part the baby was using to eat.

    Just because you breast feed a baby doesn't mean your boob is flying all around in public. There's usually a giant baby head blocking everything worth seeing. Frankly, it's almost impossible to get a peep show.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Is it just me or is all this milk talk making you hungry!?

    Guess it is just me.

    haha. It's cool, TrueRay.
    And the word milk makes me go straight to coffee.

    because for me, everything revolves around coffee..
    and yes, I did put my breastmilk in my coffee :)
  • hungryhobbit1
    hungryhobbit1 Posts: 259 Member
    Just in case there are young people here lurking who are genuinely open to understanding how this works, let's talk seriously about it for a minute:

    Breasts produce milk based upon how much a child suckles. If a mother feeds a baby formula, her breasts will produce less milk in the future based upon the lack of demand, leading to a need to supplement with more formula. This doesn't mean the occasional bottle when a mom is out on a rare date night is going to mean that breastfeeding is over forever, but it's not a good idea as a general policy, unless you are trying to ween.

    With very young babies, bottles can sometimes cause "nipple confusion," the baby adjusts to the easier flow of a synthetic nipple and has a difficult time latching on and nursing properly. When babies are first born they need to learn to latch onto a nipple and nurse, this can be a more complicated process than you might imagine.

    Pumping is a great option for breastfeeding women who work outside of the house, if it works for them. Pumping does not work for all women, however (did not work for me, at all), the equipment is expensive, the same concerns about nipple confusion apply, and you are still missing nursing sessions which throws the milk production schedule out of whack.

    Also, babies who are exclusively or almost exclusively breastfed may freak mightily when unexpectedly offered a bottle in public, which is a lot more disturbing than a quiet nurse.

    For all of the above reasons, "just give the baby a bottle" is not a great option for a breastfeeding mom when she is out in public, when the simplest, most economical and healthiest solution is really obvious and only requires that the rest of the world mind its own business.
  • thefitcompanion
    thefitcompanion Posts: 15 Member
    no its disgusting. i dont wanna see some chicks breast in public. I get the kid needs to eat and all that but go to the car or the bathroom or do it at home before and after. I mean that is a personal thing and the whole world doesn't wanna share that intimate moment with you and your kid. lol Plus you can breastfeed at home and just give the child baby formula in public or you can do the breast pump at home and bring that with for later and warm it under the sink at the store or restaurant or where ever. Cuz it's very distracting and people are going to stare whether you cover or not. but that's just my opinion.

    So what you are saying is that you eat your own food in your car and bathroom, and you enjoy the sounds of upset, hungry infants crying? What an annoying, unsanitary hassle laced with female body loathing. "lol"
  • chadraeder3
    chadraeder3 Posts: 279 Member
    I fed my kids wherever we happened to be eating. I eat dinner at a dinner table, and so did my children. Covers were completely useless because my kids both hated their heads covered while they ate. I wore a tank top under my blouse, lifted the blouse while keeping the tank in place, and the only part that was even visible for a millisecond was the part the baby was using to eat.

    Just because you breast feed a baby doesn't mean your boob is flying all around in public. There's usually a giant baby head blocking everything worth seeing. Frankly, it's almost impossible to get a peep show.

    That's the problem we want the peep show!!!!!
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    Is it just me or is all this milk talk making you hungry!?

    Guess it is just me.

    haha. It's cool, TrueRay.
    And the word milk makes me go straight to coffee.

    because for me, everything revolves around coffee..
    and yes, I did put my breastmilk in my coffee :)

    Speaking of coffee, I heard breast milk taste like puke. I definitely need to sample it for myself with my future wife ahaha. Purely for scientific purposes only.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    I have to be honest. I gave zero f!@$s when my kid was hungry. I should really explain to a 6 month old baby that he has to eat under a hot blanket because other adult humans may be uncomfortable with him continuing to have food to live?
    I shouldn't go to the grocery store or the doctor or anyplace else because there is a chance my kid might get hungry?
    Screw anyone that thinks that. They aren't worth me doing anything for their comfort.
    You know what I don't like? Watching fat people eat. Or handicapped people. That's gross.

    Now of course I don't actually think that but why is it anymore acceptable to criticize a woman for feeding her kid.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Is it just me or is all this milk talk making you hungry!?

    Guess it is just me.

    haha. It's cool, TrueRay.
    And the word milk makes me go straight to coffee.

    because for me, everything revolves around coffee..
    and yes, I did put my breastmilk in my coffee :)

    Speaking of coffee, I heard breast milk taste like puke. I definitely need to sample it for myself with my future wife ahaha. Purely for scientific purposes only.

    Well, ok. I will get technical here.
    When it first comes out, it is more watery and full of antibodies and stuff. Later it becomes more creamy.

    I only ever tasted the watery stuff and it didn't taste too good. I also think, rather ironically, that I had a food allergy to it because it made my throat scratchy.

    ETA: I could tell you some other fun stuff about it. For example, I could squirt it about 5 feet.
  • dconnolly818
    dconnolly818 Posts: 43 Member
    I say yay, with an asterisk. It is wonderful as long as you are discrete about it. I once saw a woman breastfeeding in the food court at the mall with absolutely no concern for her modesty, absolutely everything was out there. Which is whatever I guess, except that this woman then made a HUGE scene because she caught a boy(11- 13 or so yrs old) eating with his parents glancing at her. It was shameful, she embarrassed this kid and his parents to death. I twas terrible, and I cant help but think if she was so concerned about that she should perhaps cover up a bit.
  • chadraeder3
    chadraeder3 Posts: 279 Member

    ETA: I could tell you some other fun stuff about it. For example, I could squirt it about 5 feet.

    Now that would be a sight to see.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I don't mind. I've done it. But I will laugh if a woman just whips it out without a cover-up. As we respect a woman's need to feed her child she should also be aware and respectful of her surroundings. I just think it should be done with finesse (and most women do). If ever possible, use a nursing room. I did just because they're so peaceful and relaxing.
  • Trueray
    Trueray Posts: 1,189 Member
    Is it just me or is all this milk talk making you hungry!?

    Guess it is just me.

    haha. It's cool, TrueRay.
    And the word milk makes me go straight to coffee.

    because for me, everything revolves around coffee..
    and yes, I did put my breastmilk in my coffee :)

    Speaking of coffee, I heard breast milk taste like puke. I definitely need to sample it for myself with my future wife ahaha. Purely for scientific purposes only.

    Well, ok. I will get technical here.
    When it first comes out, it is more watery and full of antibodies and stuff. Later it becomes more creamy.

    I only ever tasted the watery stuff and it didn't taste too good. I also think, rather ironically, that I had a food allergy to it because it made my throat scratchy.

    ETA: I could tell you some other fun stuff about it. For example, I could squirt it about 5 feet.

    Okay, thank you for this but some odd reason I don't feel like sampling it anymore ahaha but watching you squirt it 5 feet especially in a bowl or something would be interesting ahaha.
  • fightthefatyankeefan
    Just in case there are young people here lurking who are genuinely open to understanding how this works, let's talk seriously about it for a minute:

    Breasts produce milk based upon how much a child suckles. If a mother feeds a baby formula, her breasts will produce less milk in the future based upon the lack of demand, leading to a need to supplement with more formula. This doesn't mean the occasional bottle when a mom is out on a rare date night is going to mean that breastfeeding is over forever, but it's not a good idea as a general policy, unless you are trying to ween.

    With very young babies, bottles can sometimes cause "nipple confusion," the baby adjusts to the easier flow of a synthetic nipple and has a difficult time latching on and nursing properly. When babies are first born they need to learn to latch onto a nipple and nurse, this can be a more complicated process than you might imagine.

    Pumping is a great option for breastfeeding women who work outside of the house, if it works for them. Pumping does not work for all women, however (did not work for me, at all), the equipment is expensive, the same concerns about nipple confusion apply, and you are still missing nursing sessions which throws the milk production schedule out of whack.

    Also, babies who are exclusively or almost exclusively breastfed may freak mightily when unexpectedly offered a bottle in public, which is a lot more disturbing than a quiet nurse.

    For all of the above reasons, "just give the baby a bottle" is not a great option for a breastfeeding mom when she is out in public, when the simplest, most economical and healthiest solution is really obvious and only requires that the rest of the world mind its own business.

    WELL SAID! Another point about pumping is that it's not as easy as it sounds when it comes to the amount of milk. My daughter will draw more from the breast than the pump and if I try to pump a bottle she needs 4 oz, which is not easy to get. It's hard enough to keep up with a supply while I'm at work, never mind pumping just to make others comfortable. I also have to say to the ignorant people that say to feed the baby in the bathroom - why don't you take your dinner to the bathroom? That is disgusting and rude to suggest.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Is it just me or is all this milk talk making you hungry!?

    Guess it is just me.

    haha. It's cool, TrueRay.
    And the word milk makes me go straight to coffee.

    because for me, everything revolves around coffee..
    and yes, I did put my breastmilk in my coffee :)

    Speaking of coffee, I heard breast milk taste like puke. I definitely need to sample it for myself with my future wife ahaha. Purely for scientific purposes only.

    Well, ok. I will get technical here.
    When it first comes out, it is more watery and full of antibodies and stuff. Later it becomes more creamy.

    I only ever tasted the watery stuff and it didn't taste too good. I also think, rather ironically, that I had a food allergy to it because it made my throat scratchy.

    ETA: I could tell you some other fun stuff about it. For example, I could squirt it about 5 feet.

    Okay, thank you for this but some odd reason I don't feel like sampling it anymore ahaha but watching you squirt it 5 feet especially in a bowl or something would be interesting ahaha.

    when it's your wife, you should try just to try.

    also, I could squirt 5 feet, but the aim is a little weird. It comes out more like a five way spray hose than like a water gun.
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    Breastfeeding is natural and has been around since the beginning of time , what s unnatural is the reaction to it, as in oh my look a breast excuse me but women have breasts so what, I have seen more naked breasts on tv than in public, I breastfeed both my daughters but was not able for long but I do support it . Get over it its not going anywhere , breastfeeding isn't sexual its food for a baby and would you want someone telling you , you can only eat a in a bathroom ? than don't expect a woman breastfeeding too. end of argument.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    If you have to feed your kid you have to feed your kid. But is it really that hard to throw your kids blanket over you?
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