Things that suck about losing weight...



  • suemcmurry
    suemcmurry Posts: 188 Member
  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    ProgressNotPerfection32 Posts: 1,155 Member
    The seats in waiting rooms are even harder these days, now I don't bring my own 'cushioning' :laugh:

    ^^^^ ROTFLMAO!!! :drinker: love it and so can relate!!
  • T_X_L
    T_X_L Posts: 140 Member
    Me and the missus are both working out, eating right and losing weight, and needed to replace our reasonably new mattress because it was now too hard, now that we're less padded. Not complaining though, as we now have more "options"..if ya know what I mean! :bigsmile:
  • adenium11
    adenium11 Posts: 173 Member

    *By unwanted advice, I mean things of this nature: "you are looking great! How much have you lost?" "About 55 pounds." "That's awesome! Hey, have you tried South Beach/Aitkins/cabbage soup/diet pill/etc? I hear you can lose crazy amounts of weight without trying!" And all I can think is, you just said I look great, I've lost 50+ pounds, so why on earth would I want to try something else that may be unhealthy at best and dangerous at worst?

    THIS! This is my exact issue.. I lost 18 lbs and inspired a friend to start watching what she ate ( the woman eats burgers and fries daily) and now she is the biggest critic.. It drives me nuts that she's only worked out for 1.5 months, lost 8 inches and 3 lbs and is the queen of fitness/health.. Just one of my pet peaves..

    Anyways..I hate spending the money on new clothes.. but I WOULDN'T change any of it! ( weight loss that is .. not critics!)
  • Soloflyergirl2
    Soloflyergirl2 Posts: 127 Member
    With all due respect... When you are between sizes... go to thrift stores., Sal Army or Good Will. The clothes are clean, respectable, and much less expensive. Save your money for the finale.
    Put your big bras in the drawer for a memory.... and focus on the fact you have two , healthy breasts, which will be easier to read on a mammogram in your future.
    Congratulate yourself for losing 45 pounds, staying in the game, and for the many myfitnesspals who admire you and are inspired by you.
    How's that? :flowerforyou:
  • pheona76
    pheona76 Posts: 37
    okay. I used to be in great shape and then I hit a stressful patch and lost control of my wieght. So, now I am getting back in shape and I find myself actaully dredding the way people treat me when I am an appropriate weight.

    For some reason it is not okay to comment on being overweight but then why is it on loosing weight. Comments on being sick or comments on you are loosing to much, or eating disorder comments, or comments on your lunch, or even name calling. In my office coworkers (who were clearly jealous because they were always concerned about loosing their own wieght) felt it was okay to call me boney as a nickname.

    And I know maybe this is rude, but I am kinda a private person. I don't feel comfortable talking about anything personal and people keep asking "how much have you lost?" And they will not take no for an answer.

    Also all of a sudden it is okay for strangers to be rude to me. I was checking my make up in a restaurant bathroom and a woman came in and made some kind of comment about how I look great stop primping, but the way she said it and the tone were not nice. And I have noticed that people in public are generally ruder and make faces.

    Even freinds would make comments. They said I had a fat mirror in my house that always made me look fat no matter what I weighed. They still tell people that today and laugh.

    And may I add I have never been under weight at all. The smallest I was when referred to as boney was 120 lb and I am 5' 4".

    Why is okay to treat thin people anyway you want?
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    The only thing that bothers me is having to buy a cork to fit into my now bigger shoes. Since my shoe sizes remains big so its not much of a big deal.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    okay. I used to be in great shape and then I hit a stressful patch and lost control of my wieght. So, now I am getting back in shape and I find myself actaully dredding the way people treat me when I am an appropriate weight.

    For some reason it is not okay to comment on being overweight but then why is it on loosing weight. Comments on being sick or comments on you are loosing to much, or eating disorder comments, or comments on your lunch, or even name calling. In my office coworkers (who were clearly jealous because they were always concerned about loosing their own wieght) felt it was okay to call me boney as a nickname.

    And I know maybe this is rude, but I am kinda a private person. I don't feel comfortable talking about anything personal and people keep asking "how much have you lost?" And they will not take no for an answer.

    Also all of a sudden it is okay for strangers to be rude to me. I was checking my make up in a restaurant bathroom and a woman came in and made some kind of comment about how I look great stop primping, but the way she said it and the tone were not nice. And I have noticed that people in public are generally ruder and make faces.

    Even freinds would make comments. They said I had a fat mirror in my house that always made me look fat no matter what I weighed. They still tell people that today and laugh.

    And may I add I have never been under weight at all. The smallest I was when referred to as boney was 120 lb and I am 5' 4".

    Why is okay to treat thin people anyway you want?
    Not to sound rude here but it looks like you're taking things too negatively that are otherwise not a big deal. Unless people especially strangers give you outright rude comments like calling you names, you will never know exactly if they are really meant to be rude to you. Tone of voice and "wordings" alone aren't enough to make us think people aren't being nice. We really never know what's on their minds unless we directly ask them.

    As for people you know like your friends & co-workers, tell them straight that their comments aren't helping you. If they listen then great but if not then just leave it and think of it as their own issues to deal with.
  • charlenequinn94
    Here's mine- people telling me that I "don't need to lose any more weight."

    I get this all the time and it drives me crazy.

    I had two ladies at work tell me I needed to stop because it was making my legs hurt.
  • bawalker11
    bawalker11 Posts: 78

    Also I hate the guilt. I can't eat a damn cookie with out knowing just how bad it is for me... I want the damn cookie... I crave the damn cookie but the moment I put it in my mouth i feel guilty... Then I have to talk myself through the guilt saying its ok to eat a cookie once in a while... cookies are a part of real life... i need to stop living in diet land and learn to maintain in real life... its ok to eat a 100 calorie effing cookie... i'm not going to baloon back up instantainiously... ugh... all that drama over a cookie...

    Rant over..

    This, I swear I have to seriously talk myself down sometimes, like I am contemplating robbing a bank... I have to remind myself it is just a cookie!
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    My boobs. I don't even care that they are smaller. But the right one hasn't caught up to the left one. It's not really noticeable unless I'm in a bathing's bathing suit season :-(
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    Here's mine- people telling me that I "don't need to lose any more weight."

    I get this all the time and it drives me crazy.

    I had two ladies at work tell me I needed to stop because it was making my legs hurt.

    It drives me crazy too. And if one more person asks me if I've been ill (because clearly I don't look like someone who has the self-control to take charge of their eating habits and lose weight, apparently),or have an eating disorder, etc., I'm gonna scream. I also hate it when people see my size now, assume I've always been this size and say I don't understand the difficulties of losing/maintaining weight because I'm thin.

    The other one that's started to frustrate me is "how'd you lose the weight", implying I took a magic pill or got shots or whatever else they're imagining (as opposed to those showing a genuine interest in how I did it, which I'll reference below). My response has become more snippy as time has gone on. These days usually goes something like this. "I finally accepted the reality that I was either going to have to eat less, move more, or both. And so I did. Both."

    Now, there are people who are sincere in asking how I did it, and of course they don't get the smart aleck answer. I'm sincere and explain food pairing because of my reactive hypoglycemia, calorie reduction, BMR, TDEE, etc.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    ~~> I cant' afford new clothes..
    ~~> when I do breakdown and purchase new clothes they are baggy quickly.. I'm back down to 2 pairs of trouser and have to hold up my gym pants during my classes..
    ~~> My new diet costs more then my old diet did
    ~~> People who say.. "how can you possibly lose weight when you eat like that??" Yes i know my meals are large.. but they are half the calories as yours.. and when tell them that, they don't believe me
    ~~>People who say "oh did you lose it from when you were sick?" (um yea.. I was sick in November.. i've lost 45 pounds since then.. if that's due to illness may I never get better.. LMAO)
    ~~>"You don't need to lose weight"
    ~~> Paying for the gym
    ~~> Constantly underestimating how much food i need to bring to work (like today.. i'm out of snacks and i'm hungry!!)
    ~~> I was told 3 times by 3 differnet people, that they would "bring me shopping to help me find proper clothes" They don't like that my clothes dont' fit properly and are constantly trying to tell me I don't know how to dress.. I have much better style then they do.. LOL I just won't buy it until i'm done losing weight!
    ~~> "what diet are you following" repsonse no diet, just eating healthy and exercise *disbelieving look on their face* then.. oh you'll never keep it off without a diet.. (um hello??!!?!?!?)
    ~~> After eating a brownie at a party thing.. How does that fit into your diet??? (not on a diet!!!)
  • elkahallick
    elkahallick Posts: 1,138 Member
    Not having Jalopeano poppers wrapped in bacon
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    1. finding ways to afford new clothes
    2. avoiding weird comments from weird co-workers
    3. the feeling of being "in between"...not quite lost the weight...still working on it...

    This! I have lost about 32lbs and I am still working on it feeling like it will never happen
  • Lalasharni
    Lalasharni Posts: 353 Member
    I concur with the expense of a new wardrobe, but I use charity shops, freecycle ads and trade with my friends.
    My biggest problem is that I have the biggest wardrobe of shoes ever (40+ pairs) and my damn feet have shrunk!!
    I put heel grips in the ones that I absolutely cant live without and trade the others on Ebay.
  • JayMri
    JayMri Posts: 241 Member
    I'm with everyone on the clothes issue! I don't want to buy anything new 'cause my goal is to get down two more sizes. I knew my pants wouldn't fit but now I need shirts and undergarments too!! I did have three pair of pants taken in, cost be $40 but worth it. And I had saved a few items of the next size down years ago (like 10 years), most were out of style but I was able to salvage a skirt, and one each pair of pants and shorts. Last week I had to retire my favorite pair of dress pants.

    But on a plus note the fact that I don't want to buy new till I get down to a 10 helps me to stay motivated!!!

    The other one that gets me - people who say "you look great, you don't need to loose weight". Hello, what blinders do they have on? I'm 40 lbs overweight and just inside the obese guidelines. And it's as much about being healthy as losing the weight. Maybe it's jealousy?
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    Things flap now.
    Arms flap. Thigh meat flaps. Stomach flap flaps.

    I do Jillian's 30 day shred and it sounds like I have an audience clapping for me. loudly. :blushing:

    Some clothes don't fit, others do. Some things are waaaaaay too big and fall off me, others fit weird, buy new clothes and they fit weird...Not sure of my size, just dont want to find out...somewhere between 18-20 (19.5, maybe?)

    People ask me "oh, youre trying to lose weight? why?" hello, you dont see this 282lb im carrying around? it aint for fashion!

    People see I'm losing and say: "oh, what pill are you on?" this new one called "diet and exercise" man, its working like a charm!

    Fellow fat people see me working out or eating right and they say: "oh, I cant do that. Im just gonna cut back and ill lose" while biting burger or inhaling fries. Yeah. Let me know how that works out.

    People who make stupid comments about my goal. i tell them that I want to be 165, or a size 6-8, whichever one comes first (I was a solid 10 at 185) and they say "oh thats too small, you will be good at about a 14" yeah, thats still overweight and unhealthy. thats not what I want.

    I just want to wear a tshirt that says: "yes, im losing weight. No, you cant comment. Have a great day!"

    I need that shirt!
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    I like shopping for clothes, so that doesn't suck. But the lighter wallet does suck. ;)

    Getting sick. I've had more colds this year than normal. I think losing weight might be stressing my body out a little.

    I agree. I love hitting up the thrift stores for the hunt of new clothes, but I hate spending money on them. At least it's cheaper than paying full retail.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Getting used to your new body;adjusting to your new image in the mirror. It does scare me sometimes and I have to take a step or two back.
    Comments from others-- some are good, some are bad (ie. But you didn't have to lose weight!)
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